Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post02 Jul 2013

I am lost for words.
Mr Green wrote:
People, my advice is leave Gyan and get a life ... get married, for example.

Excellent words Mr Green, I totally agree.
Minesh wrote:@Ex-I

Anyway, so who are these BK couples that stay in the organisation and breach celibacy etc but are doing it themselves?

Should they be exposed for their hypocrisy? There were a couple of senior Sisters in GCC that I thought has a 'wondering eye' but I did not really make much of it then.

Interesting to read this ... I remember that there were some BK surrendered Sisters with a very wandering eye.

I was too young at the time, however, it is interesting to see they still have a wandering eye, and Baba says in the Murli that criminal eye is wrong and pure vision is essential. Yet these are senior ranking Sisters who follow a pure diet and Shrimat, so why the wandering eye?

My experience is that many surrenders Sisters have a naughty vision, but whether they have made anything of it, remains to be seen.
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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post02 Jul 2013

I had to laugh when it went ... Brahma Kumaris sex fuc watch porn ... Free Brahmakumaris **** porn, Watch Brahmakumaris **** sex ... Free Brahma Kumaris ******* Porn Watch ... **** brahmakumaris free sex ... and then ... "An Exclusive interview of Brahma Kumaris organisation face Shivani".

Good God, I hope BK Shivani is not becoming a sex fantasy for teenage Indian boys wishing they could awaken with her (in their bed) but what these search results infer is that there are a whole load of individuals doing "Brahma Kumari porn" searches in order for the sites to target them.

I have no idea who the problem in Mount Abu arose or was resolved ... but it does suggest that the Brahma Kumaris, in their LUST to expand are allowing the wrong sort of individuals to enter them time and time again ... and that they are largely a Sham. In this case, a Sham 69.

For the sake of our friends in BK IT team following this discussion, we are also having interesting discussion regarding food, sex and bonding ... and especially how it relates to low ranking males ... from the point of view of evolutionary psychology, here.
Mr Green wrote:Angels with dirty faces.

Sham 69 wrote:I am never sad but sometimes lonely
Doing things someones told me
We're the people you don't wanna know
We come from places you don't wanna go

Angels with dirty faces
Angels from nowhere places
Kids like me and you

I am a rebel stuck with a label
Trying to be someone in life
We're the people you don't wanna know
We come from places you don't wanna go

Angels from nowhere places
Kid's like me and you
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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post02 Jul 2013

I knew you'd get it ex-l, do you remember the Angelic Upstarts? A one hit wonder ... Jimmy Pursey though what a dude!
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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post15 Aug 2014

The Anonymous Coward hiding behind the name "Learningspirit" ... know to known as "LyingSpirit" ... aims an insinuation at me but as the BKs refuse to allow me to join their copycat "Open Forum", I will continue to answer here.

In the Murlis, the Brahma Kumaris used to claim that god said made derogatory statements not just about people with dark skin but also hunchbacks and cripples. Of course, according to the BK view, such afflictions were the victims own fault due to their own impurity and bad karma.

I believe the BKWSU have now mostly removed them from their politically correct, re-written, revised, whitewashed Murlis ... however, by doing so, they may have removed some important references their god spirit was making. The point which has been made before is that such comments by their god spirit were not literally, but spiritually metaphorical ... therefore to be crooked, crippled or hunchback does not refer to individuals' physical condition but their spiritual nature.

LyingSpirit repeats a knowing and deliberate slur initiated by the BK Simon Blandford, the BKWSU IT activist who supported the twice married Hansa Raval to start legal action against us here (Hansa secretly married and had a relationship with another BK having left her husband and infact child to join the BKs), and we discovered much later that, somewhat contradictory to BK principles, BK Simon had also married a Brahma Kumari, it is believed for the purpose of giving her a visa to remain in the UK.

This knowing and deliberate slur is that I, specifically, publish false versions of documents. A slur initiated by BK Simon Blandford when he was trying to win by cheating on the Wikipedia suggesting that an original poster which prove the BK god spirit predicted the End of the World in 1976 had been doctored.

He was, of course, lying; and the poster was, of course, accurately document here.

LyingSpirit makes a similar slur on the book which the BKWSU leaders have attempted to keep covered up and hidden from their followers for decades, "OM MANDLI: A true authenticated story about its activities being a reply to "Is This Justice?" (1940) by Bhaibund Om Mandli Committee" has been falsely copied.

This is, of course, not true. We have an original copy of the book. It has been copied 100% accurately. In generally, BK.Info has a very, very high accuracy rate in all this reports and all that individual here have uncovered about the BKWSU, discoveries which have transform our view of the cult and exposed its inner working without any doubts.

The scale of our discoveries is so great, it is hard for the BKs to grasp but it is clear that at least they realise that they have been lied to and misled by their leaders for decades, and that their guru or claimed god spirit has been making false and erroneous predictions of the End of the World they call Destruction since WWII.

On Brahma Kumaris Info we encourage independent thought about the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University. If someone wants to ask, "Was the Om Mandli Lekhraj Kirpalani's own brothel?" We will consider it, look at the evidence, and discuss the question." That

I thought no, however, I do think it was somewhat like his own private harem in which he play out his Krishna fantasies and indulged in far more sensual pleasures than the BKWSU leaders admit or allow adherents to know.

From speaking to elderly Sindis, with no particularly axe to grind against the BKWSU, I am convinced that the nature of the Om Mandli was much different from how the BKWSU elite have portrayed it. And that they have lied and fabulated generation after generation about it. Those are facts.

Therefore ... if you are going to make a statement like "there is no sanctity of the material that is published by BK info",LyingSpirit, please be specific and show us your contradictory evidence.

If you doubt that our copies of Murlis, the original document that your cult members are now using to write their academic papers and review the official history are false ... then ask you leaders for original copies, compare the two and tell us where the errors are.

If you cannot, Lyingspirit, then I must ask you to withdraw you allegations and apologies.

Of course, I don't suppose LyingSpirit will ... Firstly, if they ask their leaders they won't get honest answers either. The BKWSU has not once contributed in an open, transparent and academic manner about their real history and provided answers or assistance. The leaders continue to manipulate and delude their donors.

Secondly, not only do I find the IT BKs to be uncomfortable individuals ... even other BKs do from what I hear. Baba's comments above could apply to them precisely. I spent many years interacting with their IT team members and have never had the misfortune to meet more twisted, dishonest and scheming individuals.

It ... and especially the unholy Secret Marriage/Visa Fraud Team of the BKWSU (Hansa was also involved in a number of fraudulent visa applications on behalf of the BKWSU) have not just negatively coloured my impression of the BKWSU ... but opened my eyes to show me the truth of its inner circles.

Neither their intentions, nor their actions, are pure at all. Their intentions have always been to falsely represent the BKWSU, lying in public and manipulating public records such as the Wikipedia page to do so. Even their discussion forum was started as a copy of this one to confuse and distract individuals from it.

None of such activity is pure or divine.
LyingSpirit wrote: Save Innocents on BKInfo wrote:
    This whole document posted by ex-l suggests that Om Mandli was more like a brothel & i think brahmakumaris developed from this mandli(???). ]
This comment was posted by someone claiming to save Innocents in response to the book "OM MANDLI: A true authenticated story about its activities being a reply to "Is This Justice?" (1940) by Bhaibund Om Mandli Committee"

As the subject of this thread goes; this is the typical impact of BKinfo propaganda...being able to manipulate people into believing allegations made during court proceedings in 1940 to be "true"!

Firstly there is no sanctity of the material that is published by BK info.

Secondly even if the material is true; these are allegations made and not verified by the court to be true anywhere; thirdly there is equal probability of the allegations themselves to be made by the girls in pressure of the families...However some one claiming to save Innocents from clutches of BKs is now trapped in the slander of ex-l..


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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post15 Aug 2014

ex-l wrote:We have an original copy of the book. It has been copied 100% accurately.

Yes, the book is true and the contents of the book are also true.

An original copy of the book exist.

The allegations listed in the book are same as the Magistrate Court (1938) and High Court (1939) criminal cases.

The book was published in 1940 - just after the court cases.

Save Innocents

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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post15 Aug 2014

LyingSpirit wrote:Save Innocents on BKInfo wrote:
    This whole document posted by ex-l suggests that Om Mandli was more like a brothel & i think brahmakumaris developed from this mandli(???).
This comment was posted by someone claiming to save Innocents in response to the book "OM MANDLI: A true authenticated story about its activities being a reply to "Is This Justice?" (1940) by Bhaibund Om Mandli Committee"

As the subject of this thread goes; this is the typical impact of BKinfo propaganda...being able to manipulate people into believing allegations made during court proceedings in 1940 to be "true"!

Secondly even if the material is true; these are allegations made and not verified by the court to be true anywhere; thirdly there is equal probability of the allegations themselves to be made by the girls in pressure of the families...However some one claiming to save Innocents from clutches of BKs is now trapped in the slander of ex-l.

To Learningspirit,
    Firstly, if this is not the original document, kindly provide the original one because you may have one with which you may have compared this one to tell which one is original or fake.

    Secondly, why are you scared of ex-l or this whole website, if you are right & know the truth. If you know the truth, then it will prevail finally.

    Thirdly, if the book is fake then certainly my comments which are directly based on it are baseless & thus must be ignored for now.

    Fourthly, why you are relying on courts when in first place you yourself don't believe in its justice.

    Lastly, I am not trapped under anyone. Kindly see the real incidents mentioned on this site, then you will understand the reality. All such activities are still happening in. And no one shares experiences, here, out of pressure from parents or others. What you will say about such people?
Kindly learn to decode human feelings, they are not fake, at least when they are in trouble created by ...

Thank you & wish you to learn the true spirit of ... from this forum.

I have got nothing to do with BKism or those who oppose it, just wanted to know the truth about it. Got to know more than enough here. Friends, I will leave this forum within few days, thanks for sharing your side of story.
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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post17 Aug 2014

The thing is, the BKs know they are lying but still do it anyway. How can that be evidence of divinity?

It is the opposite of divinity.

I think there's also a sort of twisted, conceited, narcissistic personality type that is attracted to BKism because it feeds their superiority complex. How else could anyone of any reasonable intelligence been sucked in by it? Clearly not all BKs are like that but I'd say there is a high proportion amongst the leaders and those who put themselves forward.

To lie for them is being divine. Try getting them to admit the truth and apologise. It's not what you say that matters, it's how you say it ... therefore it's OK if you lie, as long as you do so in a "royal or angelic manner"; and it does not matter if you are telling the truth if you say it in a straight forward "impure" worldly manner. If you do, you lose and are the bad one.

Some of them - and, indeed the cult on the whole - are also arch and well practised manipulators of individuals and events, e.g. the very story about the Om Mandli and how they have turned it upside down and back to front is a perfect example of this.

They offended and offend others. Their behaviour is objectively offensive, destructive or non-cooperative. And then when outsiders rightfully react against that, they will turn the situation around and use it to blame the outsiders.

We had it on the Wikipedia article over every simple fact, e.g. Lekhraj Kirpalani's real date of birth which is 1884. We had to fight for months and face all sorts of connivances to get them to accept it because "officially" they have re-written it to 1876 and circulated that falsehood.
    How can falsehoods be evidence of divinity?
    How can you build an Age of Truth on lies?
The date of birth issue is all contrived to hide the influence of another individual within the Om Mandli who was older than Lekhraj Kirpalani, who was truly 60 and entering retirement, and to coordinate it with all the rest of their propaganda.

They do so to suppress the truth so followers of blind faith do not start to see the cracks and start asking questions.

They know it, and yet they are still publish 1876 and revert to that date claiming he was 60 when God entered it. It's completely false. There was no God Shiva in their religion until after 1955 ... yet you will still not find one official website or document that admits that.

They lied and falsified.

The BKWSU leaders now has an army of indoctrinated automatons ... often both uneducated and unprincipled who would have been simple reactionary bigots in an other life ... pumping this stuff in order to uphold the illusion that holds the followers inline.

When they are confronted by the real truth, they experience a cognitive dissonance between how they have been indoctrinated by their leaders and the objective facts that makes them irrational, possibly even afraid deep within because they start to see the falsehood of their religion.

And then they fight maliciously to sustain the falsehood, the illusion, because to question would wash away the foundations of their blind faith.


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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post17 Aug 2014

ex-l wrote: e.g. the very story about the Om Mandli and how they have turned it upside down and back to front is a perfect example of this.

Yeah, very true. So what they want from you ex-l? For you to close your site?

Or it's just more oil thrown on the fire due to lack of understanding and information available?

On basis of fragmented information one can go doolally and stand on defensive or attacking side. Especially if this story becomes the base of their lives and beliefs.

And if this story of the Om Mandli comes from the Divine, and that was the way it all happened, then by looking at the entire picture it does make sense. It takes time, energy to group all the facts, stories and evidence together. Not an easy task because of all the lies they told all of us.

And because the Unlimited element is involved the evidence has to be looked with a very broad mind.

Save Innocents

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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post17 Aug 2014

Excuse me, here is someone who desperately needs some reply:

learning spirit on

Save Innocents, If you see the book - it is typed by BK info. The proponent of BK info has himself claimed in the past and its a very well known fact that he exaggerates things to show BKs in a poor light which in my view is also driven by personal vengeance.

But i think you said that book contains cases from the girls who were under parental pressure. Right? That means you know that it is true & book is authentic. Whatever you may believe, kindly post the original book if you wish others to believe & know your view. Atleast ex-l had courage to post what he got.

Therefore I have no reason to believe that what ex-l claims can always be true. However given that others have mentioned the book to be true I can believe them. And in my original message I had already mentioned that even if the book is true how can one just believe that all allegations made by Girls in the court proceedings to be 100% true?

And what about current cases, most of which are given here. Do you call them fake also? Yes, you can because when it comes to you , it is belief that works but when it is about innocent people, then they must give some proof & their experience does not matter that much as it is all Maya.
You think that all cases reported here are fabricated by ex-l but i don't think so. Most of the time some BKs or ex-BK visit the site & after few years they rejoin it. Why would ex-l create fake BKs to promote something that he does not believe? And, ex-bks, they are very much different individuals, you may contact them separately by emails & can even sort out the differences & get to know about real problems that ex-BKs faced. [ I guess you know all already]

The logical way of seeing this is simple- yes there were allegations and counter allegations but atleast you and I don't know what the real truth was...

But BK teachers believe it & they take it as raaslila not as what we see. And they tell all these secrets to followers though you may believe that it does not get disclosed by teachers but they are doing it [ especially those who felt cheated, neglected & know the truth from its roots]. Again i would say, all cases mentioned here simply suggest that the document is not fake one. Some teachers also disclosed that it is because of current pressure of society that too much discipline is there in system otherwise earlier BK used to go to centers & when they are out they had good fight with lathi-danda with commoners, generally those who were exploited.

However this is where ex-l is a master of manipulation-> he has made many people believe these things just because there have been allegations because people hardly go into details or attempt to listen to story from other side. Let me give you an example.

The example is still not logical. He may manipulate but what about other users,....alright you think they are all fake one. Then question to discuss does not arise. You condemn everyone who is opposed to BKism or does not get easily in your system, just that is their fault. If same person comes at the center, sit beside you & talks nice things about your Baba, then you may give him blessings but if he talks about problems, he is tagged as an illusioned one or under influence of Maya or simply one having shuddra buddhi, right?

SI, do you know the forum's history? ex-l says we encourage independent thought- ask him how many BKs, BK supporters and even those sharing "independent thought " about BKs that was positive have been banned by ex-l on BK info forum?

If you are warding off evils from your house, why would you like another one to occupy it? Let me tell you one thing, the normal BK are better than those who are manning that site, they simply appear unethical, leave all talks of being spiritual aside.

And Save Innocents, there is nothing for me (a non-BK) or a BK to be scared about ex-l or BKinfo forum. Infact I would encourage all BKs to go to that web-site and research for themselves. A lot of them already do.

Well you are definitely a BK. do not lie. And if you are not BK, then there is no meaning in taking their side & praising them. And it is not that way, most BK teacher tell followers to stop visiting both sites (including yours) as it is full of Maya. Many left BKism after visiting your's and this site.

I have done my own research and I know a lot about ex-l's misrepresentations....I am not against criticizing BKs and fully support reforms and you are infact welcome on this forum too for direct debates here..all the best and greetings on the Indian independence day!!

Belated greeting from my side too. (in case you are not an Indian) Get independence from all beliefs, that would be your real independence day. :-)
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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post17 Aug 2014

warrior wrote:On basis of fragmented information one can go doolally ...

Interesting ...

The word "doolally" comes from Deolali Transit Camp, a transit camp for British troops in India notorious for its unpleasant environment, boredom, and the psychological problems of soldiers that passed through it.

To "go doolally" means to 'lose one's mind'.

It must be a memorial of the Confluence Age and what happened to all the Westerners going to the BKs. Yes, a broad mind is required to understand the Unlimited or metaphorical matters of the Yugya but the BK leaders promote narrowmindedness, and conformity to it.

I have not read Lyingspirit latest personal attack and so I cannot respond to it. I just note that they have never actually approached me directly to ask me what I think, nor do they allow me to discuss or defend my position on their so called "Open Forum" which was originally set up as a copy this one, in order to distract people away from it.

Of course, Lyingspirit is an anonymous coward hiding behind a false name on an internet forum, so one cannot believe anything they say (... that is a joke because that is what they also accused me of).

For me, these people just don't like the light of truth. They have spent their spiritual lives confused in a world full of the shadows of half-truths and lies, and taught how to lie to others by their leaders.

The Om Mandli book is copied 99.9999999% accurately. The only things which are not identical is where in the original they, e.g. missed out a space between a comma and wrote "like,this".

Of course, the BKs could just go to their leaders and ask to see an original copy. Why don't they? And why have the leaders removed copies from public and destroy them and spend decades lying to generations of BKs about their past? And how can that be "spiritual" or enlightened? How can you build an Age of Truth on Lies?

I think for some BKs they are just wrapped up with caste like prejudices of "Purity".

As I am officially "the lowest of the low" according to their philosophy (those are the words they use), anything I touch is immediately made impure to them ... even if it is the absolute truth.

In comparison, they can absolutely lie, falsify and manipulate ... and that is still OK because they are pure and high caste.

I use one specific example to illustrate their level ... where BK Simon attempted to manipulate public opinion suggesting that an original poster had been edited to change the date of a false prediction of Destruction (1976). It had not. He had it in his power to go and check the facts with the BKWSU leaders. Perhaps he even knew it was true ... and yet he still argued in public a falsehood.

That is what they people are like.

The amount of time and energy they invest into creating and sustaining falsehoods in the name of creating Heaven on Earth amazing.

And BKWSU India is the worst at it.


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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post17 Aug 2014


I can say book as copied is true copy as I have copy from Pakistan library. Also weight of disinformation must be with BKWSU officials.

Adi Dev book sold in India and sent around to countries from BK printing house in UK has untruths about the descent of Shiv, Mama, court proceeding, and knife attack on sleeping Baba at least.

Then cover up goes on till date of God Shiva saying Destruction in 1976.


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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post18 Aug 2014

I can say this for myself that I wasn't invited or influenced by ex-I, or anyone else, to join this forum and express my 'personal' views about the Brahma Kumaris. In fact, I myself was looking for a platform where I could give feedback about my observations and experience with the BKs since the BKs themselves are not very receptive to any feedback (that reminds them of their flaws) & they take it as 'criticism' and then become foolishly defensive about it.

Here, people can at least disagree with others & freely express opinions unlike the BK org where they're programmed to always nod their heads in affirmation with their brain, eyes and mouth completely shut.

In my opinion, accusing ex-I or this site (of misrepresentation or misinformation due to personal vengeance) is completely ridiculous & certainly not 'divine'.
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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post19 Aug 2014

I'll show you how hypocritical the BKs are, and explain the point I was pulling their leg on ...

I wrote
The Anonymous Coward hiding behind the name "Learningspirit"

Their site Admin, BK Simon replied ...
BK Simon B wrote:bksimonb: Site Admin

This statement alone should sound alarm bells to anyone subscribed to his forum. If the Admin of a forum considers people to be "cowardly" just for using forum names, maybe he doesn't respect their privacy so much.

Simon was the BK who collaborated with the Hansa Raval in her personal legal action against this website designed at outing whichever individuals where behind it. They did not know and she or they want to target them personally, using the BKWSO charity as a front for personal legal action.

So, listening to Simon write about "respecting anonymity" is farcical. He also has a short memory because when the BK were conspiring to shut down this website, he and the inner circle discussing the response to this forum, received this email ...
BK Vasanti wrote:Om Shanti,

Agree with Simon, but also one other major things is to do with talking to someone who is anonymous. In most places any complaints made by anonymous people are ignored - they have no real value and so we want to make thing real and work with real people.

But even putting this aside, our next response, if there is going to be one, has to make it clear that we are not interested in anything else except a personal meeting. As we can see on the forum they are having masses of discussion about this. They want us to continue with emails if not forum - but we cannot play ball with that one I don’t think.

Anyway, just some thoughts from me.

-----Original Message-----
From: Simon Blandford []

All this talk of "anonymity" they've copied from us ... because that was always our policy. See this topic, here; "Why masks?. Their policy was and continues to be to expose and target individuals by keeping reports on them and snitching on them.

We have not "banned half the members". What we did do some years ago - by popular demand - was split the forum creating one for BKs and PBKs who wished to continue discussion their philosophy, and prioritise this forum for ex-BK and those exiting the BKWSU. Ex- or exiting BKs did not want BKs pumping Gyan down their throat and we did not was sneaky BKs joining our forum preying on vulnerable individuals to encult them back into the BKWSU.

Initially, when the site was started it was hoped that we could accommodate everyone, and it was designed in that manner. Unfortunately, it became quickly clear that we could not, mainly because of endless and incredibly boring arguments of Indian BKs attacking PBKs. The PBKs, for the most part were very reasonable.

Yes, BKs are now only tolerated if they are willing to give something, rather than just take, but we don't actually ban them. We just make them have to agree to do so. Invariably they don't. They have no intention of giving. They only come here to disrupt things.

No BK, nor the BKWSU has ever given, donated or contributed anything to this website. No BK has every contributed any valuable facts, information or original materials ... but, on the other hand, they have taken our work and not credited us for it.

I'll explain, briefly, what happened in the Wikipedia.

I am a few others created a page which was highly informative, objectively accurate and well referenced about the BKWSU. The BKWSU did not like it because, a) it exposed far too much, and b) many of the facts contradicted claims they make, (e.g. they still claim Lekhraj Kirpalani was born in 1976, when his birth certificate states 1884 and keep reverts the truth back to a falsehood! Lekhraj Kirpalani was not 60 when their God entered him). In short, the article laid out all the hard facts of BKism without the usual New Agey, "We are the United Nations" whitewash and soft sell.

A group of BKs arrived and attempted to turn it into an advert for their religion. Countless hours were wasted going back and forward in stupid fights and so, eventually, I proposed taking the matter to Mediation. They had a clear conflict of interest and an agenda to keep things covered up, vague and inline with BKWSU propaganda version.

They, specifically including BK Simon B, refused.

So I then attempted to resolve the problems by taking the matter to the next step up which is official Arbitration. They could not refuse that but they still refused to actually discussion the issues.

The matter went to arbitration and one of the results was that the IP (internet address) I was editing from was banned for one year (I think) was because I had pointed out on one of the BKs' talk page that he was committing a federal crime in the USA by using a work computer at a college to promote their religion. Such things are against law in the USA because of the separation between religion and the State.

It was an unusual decision. I was not banned, just the IP address.

Since then, particularly Simon but now also other BKs have attempted to control the article and bring it inline with their PR by investing hours and hours documenting every edit I made in a database and contriving one snitch after an other snitch reporting any editors they believed to be me ... including some I know were not!!! ... in order to have me banned and excluded. Many of the snitches being highly contrived.

I know others here that got an "indefinite block" too ... but you should understand, an "indefinite block" is not the same as "banned". It just means a block, usually temporary, for indefinite reasons or time.

Again, I can dig out the exact quote from Simon that made it clear it had become very personal for him and he just did not want me editing on the Wikipedia at all. He has spent hours and hours contriving blocks and snitches.

Now, a group of BKs are keeping watch on the BKWSU topic, clearly conspiring together, clearly tutored in what to do and somewhat coordinated or inspired by their forum where the matter has a sub-forum of its own, generally sucking up to Wikipedia admins and using them in much the same was as they do in real life in India sucking up to policemen, judges and media people.

Just what this has to do with "spirituality", "divinity" and building a Golden Age of Truth ... you tell me.

When I first joined the ex-BK forum, I was like the rest of you. I just wanted somewhere where I could anonymously talk with other ex-BKs, and help each other get over what we went through. We have had many inspiring discussions and, of course, revolutionised people's understanding of the BKWSU ... even sincere and informed BKs.

A long time ago, a small group of us started this forum after the BKs, Hansa included I was told, shut down the previous ex-BK forum.

They tried to do the same to us but we fought back to defend ourselves and won. Hansa ... the BK center-in-charge who had left her infant child to join the BKs, married another BK to defraud the US immigration, had a bigamist relationship with him, attempt to defraud US immigration to bring other well paid Indian BK Brothers into the USA etc etc etc ... lost.

By exposing and targeting me personally, as they have done, they took my anonymity making it impossible for to discussion my ex-BKs issues and problems.

The BKs robbed me of, perhaps. 10 - 15 years with their lies, half-truths, false and failed predictions of the End of the World ... and then when an opportunity arose where I could discuss those feeling with others who had gone through them ... they robbed me of it again.

They are sick people suffering from some kind of psychopathic collective mental illness.

(A psychopath is not a sadist or an Hollywood "axe murderer". It is someone who lacks empathy for others and remorse; someone disinhibited or bold in their behaviour, disdain of close attachments; someone who is willing to use mental cruelty to gain empowerment and exploit others).

Of course, some BKs may have psychopathic tendencies before joining the BKWSU but, clearly, all the cult beliefs of the BKWSU, along with the narcissistic re-writes and revisions, are a type of 'folie a plusieurs' dating back to the Om Mandli era.

I hope this helps newcomers understand some of the dynamics. If any BK has evidence of me "attacking" individuals, please publish it. As usually, they make vague discrediting accusation without substance.

I cannot tell you how many lies, smites and personal attacks I have had from supposedly "divine" BKs.
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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post19 Aug 2014

And if BK Simon want to tell us more about his marriage to a BK Sister and whether it is now an official policy of the BKWSU equally permissible for all BK Sisters ... I'd be very interested to read about it.

I asked their leader Jayanti Kirpalani but she refused to answer.

In my opinion, it looks just like unconsummated visa fraud, and I find the coincidence of his connection with Hansa Raval remarkable because of that.

Our informants within Global Cooperation House say the Sister in question just did not want to go back to her home country and that it is a "marriage of convenience". If anyone can confirm otherwise, I'd be pleased to change my mind.

No BK, not even their leaders, appear to be bothered about either the morals, legalities, or ethics in the matter.

I'd be very happy if all BK Kumaris were allowed to partner up and marry. I think true spirituality must be equal opportunities for all. But I cannot imagine it ever happening.

Would it have allowed at your centre?
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Pink Panther

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Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

Post19 Aug 2014

At the heart of this issue, there’s one problem, one cause of the peacelessness exhibited by BK media watchers (along with many other BKs) and it is this:

When truth is in opposition to loyalty, then ego & super ego are severely challenged.

For BKs the latter are more important.

(Super ego is a Freudian term meaning that which is beyond oneself that one's identity is psychologically dependant on and integral to one's self-identity - a family, clan, team, political party, religion, nation etc).

BK teaching effectively insists that ego and super ego are prime - that one must always consider ”I am a Brahmin, Lekhraj Kirpalani is Brahma is Baba is God/God’s Chariot, there is no truth other than is (today) sanctioned as true by the ”yugya”.

The same mentality as "my country, right or wrong” and justifies anything to the ”loyal”.

When truth is denied to maintain loyalty or ego, cognitive dissonance appears - which this modern world seems to be full of and has found ways to work around, but what’s more dangerous is the potential for harm to others or to self (psychological damage).

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