BK Karuna Shetty Copies Brahma Kumaris Info (again)

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BK Karuna Shetty Copies Brahma Kumaris Info (again)

Post03 Oct 2012

BK Karuna Shetty's latest gaff is a yet another new website. Funnily enough, its name is
I wonder where I have heard that before?

I consider BKWSU PR Supremo BK Karuna Shetty to be one of the key BKWSU henchmen and his name has come up more than once when it comes to allegations of "bribing" police or media control, manipulating the BKWSU public persona. I must find out what exactly happened in Madhuban during the BK rape allegation, when 100s or 1,000s of Abu residents (according to various sources) protested outside the BKWSU. What I was told was that "pay offs were made".

When Dr Hansa Raval started her own personal legal action against this site ... without the support of Seniors in the West ... she used the BKWSO NPO as a front to do so. When we did not bow to her fear mongering and money violence ... she wanted to sue us personally because someone had copied and pasted a journalist who claimed other medical practitioners or scientists thought she was a "kook" ... it was BK Karuna Shetty who retrospectively gave her "official" support from his fiefdom the BK Media Wing, despite there being much conflict in the hierarchy against it we were told by Janki devotee BK Ray Bhatt.

Because of their actions, much else of Raval past came out, e.g. her secret marriage and relationship with Gyan to a Western BK Brother, the dodgy visa applications (in my opinion, I would call them *both* spiritual and legal frauds). Others even raised tax issues and the legal complications the secret marriage created etc ... and we were accused of "blackmail" by her lawyers for bringing it to the BKWSU leadership's attention and suggesting it was a good reason *not* to support her.

It did not ... and she lost. She was also assisted by various individuals in the BK IT team in London.
"Where there is purity, there is victory".

At one point, in response to this website, the BKs met and discussed how they could drown us off the internet by flooding it with other stories. Despite their huge PR budget and the best attempts or their unpaid slave labor, brahmakumaris.info and the independent bkwsuwatch.com still remained near the top of the search engines, exposing the Brahma Kumaris to the world for who they are, and what they have done.

Some BKs, including the same member/s of BK IT team, started their own discussion forum ... which we applaud ... and after a polite discussion they changed its title which was clearly copied from this forums and likely to confuse outsiders. It claimed to be an "independent forum about the BKWSU" just as we did whereas they tow the party line.

"BK Info" being is the commonly used abbreviation for this website. It is what we and many other individuals worldwide have called this website since it was started ... and, low and behold, the content of that website is nothing more than a feed of posts taken from the BK IT team's BrahmaKumarisForum.Net forum.

Funny coincidence really ... it's not enough they take and plagiarise our historical research without crediting it us, now they want to steal the our identity too.

They say imitation is the highest form of flattering but, personally, I just don't like it when really creepy come too close to me. Karunakara Shetty regularly calls himself "BK Karunaji" ... ji meaning "great", and being a term of high regard in India.

Karuna Shetty Rip Off
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Re: BK Karuna Shetty Copies Brahma Kumaris Info (again)

Post03 Oct 2012

Update: since I looked yesterday, they are now including stories from another website, http://om.niwas.pl.

The lead news story catches my eye ... "The Face of Honesty" featuring BK Mohini, leader of the BKWSO in whose name Hansa Raval made the bogus visa applications and started the legal action and within whose zone her centers are.
BK Mohini of the BKWSO wrote: If you are honest‚ any little difficulty only comes to make you more honest. In performing various day to day tasks‚ we should ask ourselves: “Am I really being honest?” Any difficulty is because of lack of honesty

The more honesty‚ the more feelings of lightness we have and the burdens are taken off us.

We need to make sure that there is no selfishness mixed in with our honesty and that we are not trying to manipulate a situation or person in the name of honesty. Whatever is true or real should not be mixed.

Honesty—with the self‚ in our words and in relationships—is very important.

Sister Mohini holds up a mirror which can provide us all with useful reflection ... she is the Director of Brahma Kumaris Centres in North and South America and the Caribbean.

The Face of Honesty


I suppose I should not be too critical. After all honest and integrity are not exactly the same thing.


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Re: BK Karuna Shetty Copies Brahma Kumaris Info (again)

Post04 Oct 2012

If stabbed in your back, it indicates you were ahead in front ...
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Re: BK Karuna Shetty Copies Brahma Kumaris Info (again)

Post04 Oct 2012

dany wrote:If stabbed in your back, it indicates you were ahead in front ...

Thank you, that is a nice truism ... I feel it is a good and necessary thing to document how persistently cheap and tawdry these people are, especially when we combine it with the contortions they are going through over the "official history", which they would have never bothered about if outsiders has not pushed them to do so.

BKs sell the myth that God is directing their business and behind it all ... but it is just not true. Time and time, if you observe closely, one discovers that the influence and directions came from outsiders, or ordinary human beings within their ranks (usually temporarily). For example, in the West, the influence of Brian Bacon (SML, now ex-), or Robert Shubow (Adi Dev, now ex-), even right back to the 1930s they were taking their cues from outsiders, not "God".

And what we don't hear about are all the wastes, damage, and screw ups.

To be honest, I consider that anyone of any ethics, morality, or class would have to walk away and leave them. It is not just that they make mistakes or are amateur, that would be forgivable and understandable, it is that decade after decade they put energy into falsehood, manipulation, exaggeration and, most of all, chasing worldly status.

I do not think the average BK is a bad person. They are really just "audience" or consumers paying for the show to go on and somehow, in someway, the showbusiness of the BKWSU makes them more superior. Many are sensitive, vulnerable and damaged and go to the Brahma Kumaris seeking refuge and escape or protection from the world.

I think it would be useful to examine closely just who are the main actors within the BKWSU who are determining this manner and line of activity. Shetty is one, Janki is certainly another ... I don't know BK India well enough to know what is going on there.

I remember when the Western Order of the BKWSU announced Dadi Janki was *not* in fact the most stable mind in the world and that *no* scientist had ever stated that ... only after an outsider exposed it ... Shetty continued on claiming in public. That defines his character.

Can an Age of Truth (Sat Yuga) be created out of lies? No. It cannot.

Why do they allow liars, fabricators, manipulators to persist amongst their ranks and even award them high status?
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Re: BK Karuna Shetty Copies Brahma Kumaris Info (again)

Post10 Oct 2012

Karuna Shetty was forced to change the title under the threat of having site shut down by hosts. Sometimes it is worth asking nicely ... the site now re-named to "Brahma Kumaris HQ (BKINFO.IN)". BKINFO.IN (India) is another PR website he runs.
Oct 08 18:08


I have written to the publisher and asked them to change the title of their paper. If I do not hear back from the by Friday, we will suppress the paper on the newsstand.

Best regards,

Paper.li team----------------------------------------------

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Re: BK Karuna Shetty Copies Brahma Kumaris Info (again)

Post29 May 2013

Hello ex-l. This is very interesting.

BTW, did you notice that BKinfo.in logotype (left upper corner) is not about the "Brahma Kumaris (World Spiritual) University" but "Organization", even though it's a "HQ newspaper"?

Do you know something more about that? Were the organization forced at last by the Indian law to change that pathetic "University" name under some legal consequences?

Or this just happened because:
    1. BK Karuna had moved to the USA ;)
    2. The "bkinfo.in", although having the Indian domain, is hosted on servers in the USA, where the organization is not allowed to use the name "University" as we know.
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Re: BK Karuna Shetty Copies Brahma Kumaris Info (again)

Post29 May 2013

I heard that Karuna Shetty was demoted slightly within the BKWSU because of his activities.

Unfortunately, we are not given full details and the BKs tend not to confirm anything to us nor discuss such issue, so we can only speculate why. It has also been suggested that some of the manic social media that was done in his name was not done by him but by his unpaid BK servants (I call them spiritual slaves, any unpaid worker without rights is a slave and BK "sevadharis" have no rights ... they could be thrown out or sent off to some remote centre tomorrow).

It's has, however, been clearly stated that the BK IT team slaves were and are trying to bury our voice and push us off Google by publish more and more BK crap. Many remain upset at us using the name 'Brahma Kumaris Info'.

They see "Brahma Kumaris" as some kind of business trademark more than the name of a religion ... like someone trademarking "Christian" and "Christianity" then saying no one else can use the title Christian and there would be no 'free press' about Christianity! It proves what BKism is ... a business and way of making money for them (I mean the leaders of the cult, not the donors who support them) and that they are control freaks. They are so crass at times.

One Indian-American BK, BK Hansa Raval, even went out of her way to trademark the name as a way of trying to destroy us, as someone here copied an article which criticised her for being "kooky". She was supported by Karuna Shetty and others, so it is all connected. The funny thing is, because of it even more came out about her. It turned out she had gotten secretly married within the BKWSU (probably to cheat the US visa system which she also tried for other Brothers) but then had a relationship with the white BK Brother ... and yet the BK IT and PR teams still supported her, and she is still given a place on the stage next to BapDada.

As you may know, she left an infant child and husband behind to join the BKs and rise amongst its ranks ... ah, but she has good money, owns one or more BK centers in Texas and donated to the hospital project, so they won't chuck her out. Money more than morals or ethics talk in the BKWSU.

I looked at that page and it now says,
paper.li wrote:It seems this newspaper doesn't exist (or has been deleted) – check our newspaper stand for existing ones or create a new newspaper

But, never mind. I see there's a new one now ... Brahma Kumaris Info.

Do you want to become an editor? It would good if you put up a Polish blog on the BKs in order to start discussions.



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Re: BK Karuna Shetty Copies Brahma Kumaris Info (again)

Post20 Jun 2013

ex-l wrote:One Indian-American BK, BK Hansa Raval, even went out of her way to trademark the name as a way of trying to destroy us, as someone here copied an article which criticised her for being "kooky". She was supported by Karuna Shetty and others, so it is all connected. The funny thing is, because of it even more came out about her. It turned out she had gotten secretly married within the BKWSU (probably to cheat the US visa system which she also tried for other Brothers) but then had a relationship with the white BK Brother ... and yet the BK IT and PR teams still supported her, and she is still given a place on the stage next to BapDada.

As you may know, she left an infant child and husband behind to join the BKs and rise amongst its ranks ... ah, but she has good money, owns one or more BK centers in Texas and donated to the hospital project, so they won't chuck her out. Money more than morals or ethics talk in the BKWSU.

I am sorry, I completely forgot about that topic (I did not notice that small icon in the upper right to "Subscribe the Forum").

Oh, well ... Good ol' BK/Mrs./MD/Col. Hansa Raval ...

Of course I heard of the great battle with the BK.info (I am glad you won it ... I mean we all won it ... sorry ... I still cannot get used to it I am a part of the BK.info community, since I have started to post here), and of that poor Asian journalist who dared to criticize her curing of cancer method with BK meditation, but actually he just quoted another journalist ...

She ought to visit some good, not a BK, professional, lokik/physical mental therapist or psychiatrist. It is not a behavior of some calm, concentrated, mentally and nervously-balanced Senior yogini. It is the sign of some serious mental or/and nervous problems and BK Raj Yoga just makes them more serious.

Infant child, broken marriage ... why in the BKs context I am not surprised at all ...

It's became like a draft: How to make a future Senior BK yogini - make sure you are intolerant, stubborn, authoritarian enough person, then get married, born a child, leave your family behind and finally become a part of a multimillion time better Brahmin family - the future rulers of the world ...

Excuse me my sarcastic comment ... This is just horrible and sick ... And it just happened in every country, on every continent.

If it did not really happen, I could think that this is some cheap thriller movie.
Do you want to become an editor? It would good if you put up a Polish blog on the BKs in order to start discussions

Thanks for your proposal ex-l, but I've got absolutely no experience in editing. I even haven't got my own blog. I need some more time and look around, but later ... why not?
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Re: BK Karuna Shetty Copies Brahma Kumaris Info (again)

Post23 Jun 2013

The spiritual corruption went much further than we first reported.

Hansa Raval "forgot" to file her divorce papers from her 'secret' visa/love marriage to another BK and even after the ex-BK finally escaped the BKWSU ... literally leaving everything behind him, all his work and his investment into building up her private property which is used as a center ... she and other core BKWSO leaders kept pulling on his strings like you reported in your case for years.

"The BKs are the most attached non-attached people" ... subtle tugging on strings to pull people back in even if it means destroying another child, woman's life or breaking another family.

When the ex-BK remarried ... a non-BK provided a safety net and saved him out of love and innocence (he was in that falling apart stage) ... it meant their marriages null and void because Raval made him, in essence, a bigamist. They went on to destroy or at least try and destroy his next marriage and family ... encouraging him to leave his wife and young daughter and come back to them.

It went on for years.

The BK leadership were informed of much of this ... and their response was to support Hansa Raval. They retrospectively authorised her legal attack on us. Her legal attack which was *using* the legally registered BKWSO 501(c) corporation *for her own personal benefit* to sue the website designer. She even accused us of trying to blackmail her for discussing our concerns about it from a BK point of view. What idiots! Even now they are still presenting as perfectly reasonable because "she felt attacked" by someone (not me) 'copy and pasting' an article they read which was all over the internet.

Did they go off and sue all the other sites? No. Let me cry, "bullsh**".

The whole thing was a fake as Hansa Raval's other dodgy visa applications ... in which she lied to the US government about Indian BKs working in highly paid IT jobs being like pastors working in the community as part of their "non-religion" religion ... and nasty. Twisted. Not "divine" at all.

It exposed how rotten the core of the Brahma Kumaris is, how they are willing to contradict any sense of moral codes, their own Shrimat for followers, manipulate the law and lie to governments, and ... when threatened ... circle round to protect each other.

It's not clear to us what actually happened. It seems she went above everyone heads and straight to Abu where she found a personal supporter in Karuna Shitty ... but how can we tell for sure? Perhaps they were all in together; BK Jayanti Kripalani, BK Janki Kirpalani and BK Mohini Panjabi (who knew, became involved and would have been her obvious chain of command).

Not *one* BK came forward with any moral backbone to say, "this is wrong" or "we cannot support someone who has broken the number one rule of purity, and broken the laws of the USA".

They supported her ... and I suspect did so opportunistically because even though BK Hansa Raval of Texas had broken laws and Shrimat there was still something in it for the BKWSU PBIVV is she was able to destroy us. And she has money.

Perhaps they thought we just would not defend ourselves?

It was a disgusting experience ... poisonous. A truly "Godly" operation could not have done it. It prove to me there is no chance in hell they are Godly at all.

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