My experience: Brahma Kumaris center in West Delhi

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My experience: Brahma Kumaris center in West Delhi

Post26 Mar 2013

I did the 7 days Raj Yoga course at Brahma Kumaris center in West Delhi. At that time I was in 10th class. During that 7 days course they told me that world is soon going to be destroyed and this cycle is repeated in every Kalpa. We meet same parents, friends and relatives in every Kaliyuga (Iron Age).

They told me that world will get destroyed in nuclear wars. Russia and United States will engage themselves in this war and billion of human beings will die like mosquitoes. India will not engage itself in any war and their will be a civil war among people. The river of blood, bone and debris will be seen all over in India. Mumbai, Madras and Kolkata will submerge in the sea water. Due to the nuclear war, their will be a sudden climate change and people in India won't be able to tolerate that sudden transition in the climatic conditions and they will leave their bodies like ants.

After that the whole geography of the Earth will change. There will be a quick shift in the tectonic plates of the Earth. The dead bodies killed in the wars will melt and they will move inside the Earth's crust. These dead bodies over the period of 5000 years will erode and they will become minerals or, say, coal, oil, iron which will be used in next Kaliyuga for the human use.

They told me that Ramayana and Mahabharta -- the great Indian epics are the fake mythological stories which never took place in past. They asked me to adopt celibacy and you have to think about Baba, about your soul house and refrain yourself from eating tamsic food (Junk food). But after a few months, my parents stopped me from going at BK center because they were told by many of their kins that these people make husband and wife -- Brothers and Sisters.

My parents had heard of the horror stories where husband and wife spoil their sex lives and consequently, end up in divorce. But during all those years I lived my life in fear that world is going to be destroyed and I kept on repeating these words in front of my parents. My parents told me that BKs are not bloody gods and you will notice that even after 12 Dec, 2012, world will remain same as it is today.

Sometimes I do listen to Sister shivani -- Awakening with Brahamkumaris -- but I don't follow her blindly. I am now a days associated with all world Gayitri Parivaar --
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Re: My experience: Brahma Kumaris center in West Delhi

Post27 Mar 2013

Pink Panther wrote:Hitesh's 'Gyan" is exactly the kind of thing that was taught. Not sure if it still taught that way.

Welcome Hitesh.

Yes, that is what the Brahma Kumaris have been teaching for decades and for decades young and old people have been throwing away their lives and handing over their money and property to the Brahma Kumaris under the fear belief of Destruction.

If you read over this forum, you will discover that they or their god has made numerous failed predictions of when it was meant to happy and they have changed their publication and messages to hide this from people. They lie about it too.

WWII, 1950, 1976, mid 1980s to mid-1990s, Year 2000 ... were all said and printed. The leaders keep saying, "imagine two to three years .." and there is a lot of chat amongst followers to encourage the belief.

Yes, it is also true that many, many good couples and families have been split up by them for similar reasons. I am glad to hear you got your life back.

Which year did you attend?

Thank you


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Re: My experience: Brahma Kumaris center in West Delhi

Post27 Mar 2013

It was in the year 2002 when I took that course. After that I never went there. I was surprised to see the research work done by you people in this website. Hats off to you guys. You are spreading so much information and awakening amongst people.

Why don't launch this site in Hindi version as well? The Indians who are following them blindly will be able to read them and they will know the truth. Do have any information about Sister Shivani? Who is she really?


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Re: My experience: Brahma Kumaris center in West Delhi

Post27 Mar 2013

Sr Shivani used to work in the IT & Communications Department with the National Coordinator of that department. She has a degree in IT and is seen by many as the head of the BK organization (which has upset many senior Sisters). However, the fact is, is that she has become a star in her own right. She did not start out as a speaker at all. It was purely by accident that she was invited one day to speak when the person supposed to wasn't available. She slipped into the role and has never looked back. Recently, in Gwalior India a program headed by Shivani satisfied a record 15,000 Indians in attendance!
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Re: My experience: Brahma Kumaris center in West Delhi

Post27 Mar 2013

Hitesh wrote:Why don't launch this site in Hindi version as well? The Indians who are following them blindly will be able to read them and they will know the truth. Do have any information about Sister Shivani? Who is she really?

I would love to see this site in Hindi if some Hindi speakers will come forward and help us translate key elements of it.

We have a lot more dirty on the Brahma Kumaris' corruption we have not publish yet. It would be great if some Indians were to do more research and reporting on what the Brahma Kumaris are doing in India. We have been hoping for that for a long time.

For me, Sister Shivani (Shivani Verma) is just the Brahma Kumaris' current 'Pretty Polly' parrot, parroting their propaganda. They allow her a degree of freedom, and some business on the side. I would have to ask whether her corporate consulting and "motivational courses" are done for her own financial benefit or as a charity for the BKs. Being married, she makes them look better and more "modern".

I, personally, know very little about her. As I understand, her parents were BKs and, originally, she did not show much interest. She went to university to study an engineering subject, got married and lives near the HQ.

It's confusing, in the past she said she "has been with the Brahma Kumaris for 15 years" but also that she "has been married for the last 15 years". She also lies for the BKs in public ... but we have come to expect that, e.g.
Sister Shivani wrote:Q: So are we ready for 2012?

A: The Brahma Kumaris are clear that the world order is going to change and a new world order means a new samskara. Everyone needs to work on themselves.

Q: What lies ahead?

A: We are going through a world transformation, not world destruction.

I thought they cancelled the "Awakening with Brahma Kumaris" TV advert because it cost too much to put on? It wasn't a real show, it was a staged advertisement. I think she comes across as a bit of a robot. There is a lot of control going on there.


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Re: My experience: Brahma Kumaris center in West Delhi

Post27 Mar 2013

Hitesh wrote:The dead bodies killed in the wars will melt and they will move inside the Earth's crust. These dead bodies over the period of 5000 years will erode and they will become minerals or, say, coal, oil, iron which will be used in next Kaliyuga for the human use.

It does not really require a scientist to tell the Brahma Kumaris that origin of minerals (there are over 6,000 types of them) are not human bodies.

They also take millions of years to materialise and formulate, and not 5000 years ..!!
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Pink Panther

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Re: My experience: Brahma Kumaris center in West Delhi

Post27 Mar 2013

Hitesh Ji,

Using Google Translate, one can get a good start in a Hindi translation, which then only requires some editing.

You can copy and paste a few hundred words at once at, e.g I just did this (below) in 30 seconds, so whatever edit time is needed for correcting grammar or syntax is all. The program also has some functionality for alternative words, so if you or people you know do it, it ain't hard :
Hitesh wrote:Why don't launch this site in Hindi version as well? The Indians who are following them blindly will be able to read them and they will know the truth ...

In 30 seconds copy and paste becomes:
हितेश ने लिखा है:
हितेश ने लिखा है:
हिंदी संस्करण में इस साइट के रूप में अच्छी तरह से क्यों शुरू नहीं करते हैं? भारतीयों को जो उनका पीछा कर रहे हैं आँख बंद करके उन्हें पढ़ने के लिए और वे सच्चाई का पता करने में सक्षम हो जाएगा. बहन शिवानी के बारे में कोई जानकारी है? वह वास्तव में कौन है?
मैं हिन्दी में इस साइट को देखने के लिए अगर कुछ हिन्दी बोलने वालों को आगे आने के लिए और मदद से हमें यह के प्रमुख तत्वों का अनुवाद प्यार होता.

हम एक बहुत अधिक ब्रह्मा Kumaris भ्रष्टाचार पर गंदा हम अभी तक प्रकाशित नहीं किया है. यह बहुत अच्छा होगा अगर कुछ भारतीयों को अधिक अनुसंधान और ब्रह्मा भारत में क्या कर रहे हैं पर रिपोर्टिंग कर रहे थे. हम एक लंबे समय के लिए किया गया है उस के लिए की उम्मीद है.

मेरे लिए, बहन शिवानी (शिवानी वर्मा) सिर्फ ब्रह्मा 'वर्तमान' सुंदर 'तोता है, उनके प्रचार parroting. वे उसे स्वतंत्रता की डिग्री, और पक्ष पर कुछ व्यापार की अनुमति देते हैं. मैं पूछने के लिए कि उसे कंपनी से सलाह और "प्रेरक पाठ्यक्रम" उसे अपने वित्तीय लाभ के लिए या बी.के. के लिए एक दान के रूप में किया जाता है. शादी की जा रही है, वह करता है उन्हें बेहतर और अधिक "आधुनिक" देखो.

व्यक्तिगत रूप से, मैं उसके बारे में थोड़ा बहुत पता है. जैसा कि मैं समझता हूँ, उसके माता पिता बी.के. थे और मूलतः, वह ज्यादा रुचि नहीं दिखा था. वह एक इंजीनियरिंग विषय का अध्ययन करने के लिए विश्वविद्यालय के पास गया, शादी और मुख्यालय के पास रहता है.

यह भ्रामक है, वह अतीत में कहा कि वह "ब्रह्मा के साथ 15 साल के लिए किया गया है", लेकिन यह भी कहा कि वह "पिछले 15 वर्षों के लिए शादी कर दिया गया". वह भी जनता में बी.के. के लिए झूठ ... लेकिन हम है कि उदाहरण के लिए, आने की उम्मीद है
बहन शिवानी ने लिखा है:
प्रश्न: तो हम 2012 के लिए तैयार हैं?

एक: ब्रह्मा स्पष्ट है कि विश्व व्यवस्था के लिए बदलने जा रहा है और एक नई विश्व व्यवस्था के लिए एक नया संस्कार का मतलब है. हर किसी को खुद पर काम करने की जरूरत है.

प्रश्न: क्या आगे झूठ?

एक: हम एक दुनिया है, दुनिया विनाश परिवर्तन के माध्यम से नहीं जा रहे हैं.
मैंने सोचा था कि वे टीवी advert "ब्रह्मा के साथ जागृति" रद्द कर दिया क्योंकि यह बहुत अधिक लागत पर डाल दिया? यह एक वास्तविक दिखाने के लिए नहीं था, यह एक विज्ञापन का मंचन किया था. मुझे लगता है कि वह एक रोबोट की एक बिट के रूप में सामने आता है. वहाँ नियंत्रण के एक बहुत वहाँ पर जा रही है.
पुन: मेरा अनुभव: पश्चिमी दिल्ली में ब्रह्मा केंद्र
 किम @ बो »27 मार्च 2013 के द्वारा

सीनियर शिवानी आईटी एवं संचार विभाग में काम करने के लिए प्रयोग किया जाता है कि विभाग के राष्ट्रीय समन्वयक के साथ. वह आईटी में एक डिग्री है और बीके संगठन (जो कई वरिष्ठ बहनों को परेशान किया गया है) के प्रमुख के रूप में कई द्वारा देखा जाता है. लेकिन तथ्य यह है, यह है कि वह उसे अपने अधिकार में एक सितारा बन गया है. वह सब पर एक वक्ता के रूप में शुरू नहीं किया. यह दुर्घटना से विशुद्ध रूप से किया गया था कि वह एक दिन करने के लिए आमंत्रित किया गया था बात जब करने के लिए माना व्यक्ति उपलब्ध नहीं था. वह भूमिका में फिसल गया और वापस कभी नहीं देखा. हाल ही में, ग्वालियर भारत में शिवानी की अध्यक्षता में एक कार्यक्रम की उपस्थिति में एक रिकार्ड 15,000 भारतीयों को संतुष्ट!
पुन: मेरा अनुभव: पश्चिमी दिल्ली में ब्रह्मा केंद्र
 हितेश »27 मार्च 2013 के द्वारा

यह वर्ष 2002 में था जब मुझे लगता है कि पाठ्यक्रम ले लिया है. उसके बाद मैं वहाँ कभी नहीं गया था. मैं अनुसंधान आप इस वेबसाइट में लोगों द्वारा किए गए काम को देख कर हैरान था. तुम लोगों के लिए सलाम. तुम इतना जानकारी और लोगों के बीच जागृति फैल रहे हैं.

हिंदी संस्करण में इस साइट के रूप में अच्छी तरह से क्यों शुरू नहीं करते हैं? भारतीयों को जो उनका पीछा कर रहे हैं आँख बंद करके उन्हें पढ़ने के लिए और वे सच्चाई का पता करने में सक्षम हो जाएगा. बहन शिवानी के बारे में कोई जानकारी है? वह वास्तव में कौन है?


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Re: My experience: Brahma Kumaris center in West Delhi

Post27 Mar 2013

I was also taught the same as hitesh quoted above in the year 1997.

At that time 2000 was the sure shot date of destruction. And according to our local center incharge Sister, i was the lucky selected soul who made up before the sign of TOO LATE goes up.

They even have the official release of their top speaker SURAJ Bhai's class, who have elaborated the detailed idea of Destruction going to happen in 2000.

Now go and ask her about the same ... She smile and say, it was just the incomplete soul's opinion and Baba never given date of Destruction ...
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Pink Panther

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Re: My experience: Brahma Kumaris center in West Delhi

Post28 Mar 2013

I remember that the human corpses (rivers of blood) were going to be the fertiliser for creating the lush vegetation of the Golden Age. You can buy "blood'n'bone" fertiliser at any gardening shop - (not human though)! Which raises another inconsistency - BKs (traditional strict ones) won't eat mushrooms because in India they grow in dung, yet deities eat food grown in the humus of humans?

and - parmeshwar, your post reminded me of another kind of shop.

Here, Persian and Oriental carpets shops have become known for their perpetual, now clichéd beyond a joke "Closing Down Sale" - because they are forever "closing" down but never actually close! ... or if they do, they just move to a new location and put up the "closing down - all stock must go" sign again!
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Re: My experience: Brahma Kumaris center in West Delhi

Post28 Mar 2013

because.parmeshwar wrote:Now go and ask her about the same ... She smile and say, it was just the incomplete soul's opinion and Baba never given date of Destruction ...

Yes, that is the typical answer which they are trained to say. It's a white lie and an insult to followers' goodwill and sincerity.

It is true to say they have never give a specific date, e.g. 13/4/76 but it is not true if you mean to the year or event. The Murlis most certainly did give specific years or event ... except they have now removed them and changed what "God" said to match their deception. WWII, 1950, 1976, mid 1980s, mid 1980s to mid 1990s, and so on. In my time, the Murlis used to say, "50 years for Destruction, 50 years for Creation". Before that it was 40 years for Confluence Age. Before that 12 years ... all taken out and hidden.

1976 was the most specifically stated one. BapDada even mentioned it in the Murlis.

Yes, ordinary BKs used to have "visions" or dreams of Destruction happening, which never did, but they thrilled or frightened themselves with them. The first day I missed morning class I received a note telling me how I would "cry tears of blood" at the end.

How insouciant the Sisters are to smile at you for allowing them to trick you one way or another.


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Re: My experience: Brahma Kumaris center in West Delhi

Post28 Mar 2013

parmeshwar, your post reminded me of another kind of shop.

Yes, it is true. Literally, they have converted their centers into religious shops with many lucrative offers in the name of GOD. Recently, I have witnessed a responsible surrendered teacher saying, we are salesperson of Baba’s shop (and many times It appears in the Murlis as well). They don’t bother about the sincere and faithful followers who relied on their words, because they were Seniors and well tested by Baba. If anyone leaves them, then according to them he leaves because he was weak, and could not beat Maya, "Maya eat that soul".

How can they be like this? I still cannot believe this. I, personally, never claimed any date of Transformation or calling myself a deity soul but, yes, I liked this Gyan and the spirit of oneness, togetherness, soul consciousness, so I followed them but gradually learned that the ship is not the one I was supposed to sail on, or perhaps it has lost its course.

A terrible sense of guilt and unworthiness started to kill me from inside, the Seniors (Sisters in particular) were looking very horrible and fearful, instead of loveful and peaceful. I started questioning myself, are they giving peace or taking it from the soul. I stopped going to the centre and later on discovered this site which gave me relief that I am not alone, there are many like me and the true GOD lovers.
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Re: My experience: Brahma Kumaris center in West Delhi

Post29 Mar 2013

On the theme of "shops" - I used to sell health foods (muesli, nuts juices, etc) direct to shops. Some were successful and happy in their situation.

Others were not. It was astonishing how many shop owners seemed to feel trapped in their businesses. Many just trying to find their way out of a situation they had initially chosen to enter and worked hard at but it never became what they'd hoped, became further indebted or were living hand-to-mouth.

Some were reasonably successful, not so badly off financially but were "chained to their business" trying to protect their "asset" for their retirement or for their families, hoping a buyer might come along and make them a decent offer, but not having the courage to just sell for less, or just let go, and make a new start, preferring the melancholy of the known ...

Some, like my local, say, "I've been doing this so long, wouldn't know what else to do".

I wonder what number of BK shopkeepers are in similar positions?
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Re: My experience: Brahma Kumaris center in West Delhi

Post29 Mar 2013

Pink Panther wrote:... preferring the melancholy of the known ... Some, like my local, say, "I've been doing this so long, wouldn't know what else to do".

I wonder what number of BK shopkeepers are in similar positions?

Wow ... one of your more prosaic quotes. I wish I had written that ... "the melancholy of the known".

Yes, I have heard BKs, including quite high ranking Western BKs, quoted as stating exactly that, "what else would I do?".

At least with a healthfood/wholefood shop you are providing something practically good for society. Rather than just a shop, although the BKs increasingly use a 'new agey shop with a meditation center attached', BKism has this MLM (multi-level-marketing) or pyramid sales element where new members have to be recruited ("make your fortune ... create your servants/devotees").

Who I wonder about are the old timers who know about all the scams, the failed predictions, the revisions and re-writes and so on, and yet still keep the business running. It seems the BKWSU, as whole, depends on the enthusiasm of newcomers who are not told them to keep the business running and who can with all sincerity repeat what they believe to be true.

Therefore, when Dadi Janki says, "I have never lied", then perhaps (although I don't believe it) ... she has an army of new BKs to do so on her behalf.

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