Free of charge?

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Free of charge?

Post27 Feb 2013

Free of charge? He he he ... Start with free of charge and then capture lives of innocent and their properties!!!

BKs got one of my family member (MFM) and transformed his mind. Now MFM is out of his mind.

MFM did nothing to take any family responsibility. He was so madly into BK organization he would give a very little physical presence for family. And so much so that he neglected family safety and caused death of a family member.
Yet to their weird philosophy BKs praised MFM to keep him captivated. Now BKs are after our property through MFM.

But guess what!!!! We lost MFM to you. But you will get nothing else!!!!

I cannot describe enough how much my family has suffered by this BKs. BKs are just another cult organization like any other Baba's organization. They just make up stupid ideology and tricks to keep the fear in vulnerable people to attract and keep them. Unfortunately many people of seemingly intelligent fall pray to them.


The world does not need BKs. No society can progress harmoniously that fosters cult organizations like BKs.

Just be true to your self and contribute for the common good of your self, your family, your government and whole humanity.


In fact stay away from any religious and Baba organizations.

The way they will keep you trapped is by not letting you have your own time to think. If you are already in their capture, please do a favour yourself. Try giving a break for some time from them. Like couple of months OR a year. This break will give you opportunity to see things from out of the box and understand their cult.

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Re: Gulzar, "Ours is not a religious organisation".

Post28 Feb 2013

BK_Victim wrote:MFM did nothing to take any family responsibility. He was so madly into BK organization he would give a very little physical presence for family. And so much so that he neglected family safety and caused death of a family member. Yet to their weird philosophy BKs praised MFM to keep him captivated. Now BKs are after our property through MFM.

Welcome BK_Victim, I am sorry to hear of your problems. That sounds terrible.

Can you be specific about what happened and how he and they responded?
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Pink Panther

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Re: Gulzar, "Ours is not a religious organisation".

Post28 Feb 2013

Dear BK_Victim

Sorry to hear of how your family member has become so deeply enculted and caused so much distress to so many. You wrote:
They just make up stupid ideology and tricks to keep the fear in vulnerable people to attract and keep them. Unfortunately many people of seemingly intelligent fall pray to them.

Unfortunately, the reason they are so "captivating" is not because they are consciously such clever tricksters trying to fool people. The best trickster tricks even himself - that is, they really believe everything they come up with.

Misty recently in another topic (here) referred to George Orwell's novel "1984". Her excerpt was about how the populace had become so indoctrinated to believe anything Big Brother (= BB = Dada?) said that even when it is suddenly announced that their ally in the war is now the enemy, and the enemy is now their ally, they accept it immediately, enthusiastically. Without question or doubt.

Misty is right to recommend it as part of a cult "detox" process. It is usually regarded as a political satire, but is not really about human beings, their psychology, frailties, susceptibilities, a warning on many fronts?

The pukka BKs have little trouble in accepting changes in what has gone before in their history. Rather than question or call inconsistencies, changes or contradictions for what they are - they instead use BK "Newspeak" (a term Orwell coined in '1984') and call it 'refinement of knowledge".

Even that other great guru trickster, Bhagwan Rajneesh, said of the BKs
"They speak total nonsense, but they do it with complete sincerity".

It takes one to know one?


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Re: Free of charge?

Post15 Jun 2013

There is no such thing as free of charge for the BKs, no such thing. Everything has a price.
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Mr Green


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Re: Free of charge?

Post15 Jun 2013

Sorry to hear, you are right they are a cult and they should be stopped for the good of society!

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