How do I believe that God is speaking through Brahma Kumari?

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How do I believe that God is speaking through Brahma Kumari?

Post22 Nov 2012

I am wondering how a "decades old organisation/university" couldnot answer/prove that God is speaking.
People in Brahma Kumaris do not have one solid proof that God is speaking in all these years. someone replied that 'God is not a magician and it is not necessary to prove'. And some one else advised me to attend 7 days course. i have alrready told that I attended 7 days course twice. Even in the Brahma Kumaris center none has answered my question. I guess they were canvassed.

I have seen some videos of Sai Baba on Youtube where video is captured his cheating very clearly. Everyone treating him as god, but he was cheating and caught in the public. But more innocent people are still worshipping him. it is their foolishness. We have seen 'Nithyananda' too. I think you know what he did in private and what he do (still) in public.

As this is Kali-Yuga(?), we need to very careful before trusting anyone especially those are preaching vedas.

Even if God appears before us, we need to test him before trust him, since we live in such a world where 90% people were bad/cheaters.

Recently I learnt that the world will be destroyed in few years and only those who follow Brahma Kumaris can escape. Can anyone tell on which year the world will end (I remember this was said by God through Brahma Kumaris some months back)? Can anyone please attach the document with the date/year for future reference, so that I can forward that document to my friends and keep them aware?

Also how God choose - on whose body he will come and talk? Will he come in my Body? Also why he always chooses people from north and not from South, or why India and not any other country? Did Indian people alone following/doing Yoga or seeking Mukthi? I think good people are all around the world (but very few in numbers).
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Re: How do I believe that God is speaking through Brahma Kum

Post23 Nov 2012

You cannot force yourself to believe, although like many BKs you can fake that you believe and just go along with things. At that level, BKism is just like any other self-serving private club or religion. It gives people a sense of something to do with their lives and some kind of social environment to live in.
mail2sundareee wrote:Even if God appears before us, we need to test him before trust him, since we live in such a world where 90% people were bad/cheaters.

Recently I learnt that the world will be destroyed in few years and only those who follow Brahma Kumaris can escape. Can anyone tell on which year the world will end (I remember this was said by God through Brahma Kumaris some months back)?

The BKs have been teaching that "Destruction" is approximately "two to three years away" since the 1930s and made various specific predictions, e.g. WWII, 1950, 1976, mid-1980s, Year 2000 and so on. Some junior BKs are currently excited by the idea of 21 December 2012 but the leadership is shy of making specific predictions since their god spirit's numerous failures.

They are now re-marketing the death of 7 billion human beings and the destruction of human civilisation as "Transformation" to outsiders.

Amazingly, they have no problem with the idea that "God" can make false and failed predictions and just make excuses for him such as, "Baba was testing us" ... "Baba was encouraging us to make efforts".

Meanwhile the leadership is investing in numerous, expensive, freehold properties all around the world with their followers' money.

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