Dadi Prakashmani's soul to enter into Dadi Gulzar

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Mr Green


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Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul to enter into Dadi Gulzar

Post31 Oct 2012

She doesn't hypnotise herself, she has years of self delusion to draw on. She lives in a sheltered fantasy world paid for by the deluded double foreigners! It's all make believe ... sad really.
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Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul to enter into Dadi Gulzar

Post01 Nov 2012

clearernow wrote:It's on Youtube and I have also seen that part wherein some sentences seem to refer to "I" the "Sister Gulzar"- BKs have published this as is.

Just for the record ... contrary to what clearernow is saying ... it appears that the BKs have *not* putting the whole video on the internet or in public.

Reports suggest that Gulzar actually started speaking in another voice, a deeper and eerie masculine voice, and that the Seniors made no reference nor gave any explanation for it.

I am looking into it right now but if Clearernow has any more information on this, and the speculations BKs were making, I'll be glad to read them.

Meanwhile it's still business as usual, and the BKs are not transparent yet.
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Mr Green


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Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul to enter into Dadi Gulzar

Post01 Nov 2012

Never will be, they're liars.

Dev Anand

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Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul to enter into Dadi Gulzar

Post19 Nov 2012

saveyourlife wrote:As per fundamentals and logic of this Gyan, can someone please tell me is it at all possible for Dadi Prakashmani's soul to enter into Dadi Gulzar's body? In my opinion, it is not at all possible. Then what happened on 25/8/2012 in Madhuban ???????

According to BapDada (and I have read that a few times in the Murlis ), as soon as a soul leaves the body at death it does not hang around in any astral world or spiritual world but takes birth right away. However, this explanation sounds sort of contradictory because I remember that when BK Jagdish Chander left his body his soul went directly in front of BapDada in the Subtle Region where it stayed for quite a while before taking the next birth, that is going into a womb!

What I have finally realized by "taking birth" as mentioned by Shiv Baba is that the exiting soul goes straight into the womb of a 4 or 5 months-pregnant woman. Strangely enough this is what Baba means by taking birth. Funny indeed! But then the question arises how Dadi Prakashmani (loving called Kumarka) although being in someone's womb is being possessed by Dadi Gulzar???

Does Shiv Baba want us to believe in parallel worlds with parallel souls? May be, yes, as it appears to look :), so there must have been a similar but identical soul of Prakashmani in some astral world from where she goes to be possessed by Dadi Gulzar. Sounds ridiculous indeed! Everything is possible with these Brahma Kumaris!

That Dadi Prakashmani's soul would enter Dadi Gulzar's body a few years after being dead sounds incredible and ridiculous, am I not right my dear "Saveyourlife" ? But to the Brahma Kumaris this sounds perfectly normal and quite logical. But the whole truth will come out very soon for truth cannot be suppressed for a long time. Truth will always triumph : "Sathyame Vijayate".

Dev Anand

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Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul to enter into Dadi Gulzar

Post19 Nov 2012

Mr Green wrote:never will be, they're liars

You are perfectly right Mr Green. They violate the laws of truth. Bunch of fools in the Brahma Kumaris!
howiemac wrote:Personally I am stumped at coming up with any explanation as to how the soul of Dadiji can perform in the Subtle Region as her old (BK) self whilst apparently simultaneously reborn in a new body and life on Earth - yes, she could still be emerged in the Subtle Region (it does seem that absolutely anything can happen there!), but in her old form?

I am also confused my dear friend Howiemac as to how Dadi Prakashmani's soul can simultaneously exist in a new born body or still being in the womb of someone and also perform her acts in the Subtle Region. That Dadiji's soul is able to enter the body of Gulzar Dadi upon being invoked by the latter and at the same time existing in a new body sounds crazy and senseless!

Dadiji left her body in the year 2007 and is reported to be born already and is it not surprising that her soul is still being possessed by Gulzar?

As we know the soul is just an atomic point of light and NOT omnipresent. Thus it cannot exist at two different places at the same time. Well if Brahma Kumaris argue that it is still possible, then they have to review their definition and size of the soul.

Or may be they want us to believe that the soul can split itself into two or many more identical souls like the amoeba??? Or perhaps Shiv Baba will all of a sudden come up with a new theory of parallel existence, parallel worlds and parallel souls!!! Everything is possible with Brahma Kumaris. If originally since 1936 they believed in the theory of "Adwaita" that is, "we are all Gods ... Aham Brahmasmi ... I am God or Brahman", then they changed their theory in 1950 to become "Dwaita" that is God is God and souls are distinct souls, then it goes without saying that Shiv Baba can all of a sudden make a new revelation that parallel worlds and parallel souls exist ... that this could not be revealed before but now according to Drama, it has to be revealed??? BKs are bunch of fools indeed!

However, Truth cannot be suppressed for a long time. It will rise up very soon. Truth will always triumph. " Sathyame Vijayate".
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Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul to enter into Dadi Gulzar

Post19 Nov 2012

If there are such a thing as gods and spooks ... I think a whole bunch of god-lettes (little gods) and having a huge laugh at the expense of the sincere BK adherents.

The BKs have led their adherents to believe they are tuning into the 'Supreme God Father of All' ... all the evidence suggests that they are tuning into a class of adolescent, troublemaking spooks enjoying themselves at what ever they can get the BKs to believe in next, as they turn somersaults of faith and twist their beliefs inside out and upside down in contradictions.

They don't have to worry, all the BKs have short memories and don't care.

Let's face it, once you have gotten an adherent to believe that a lower middle class Sindhi businessman Lekhraj Kirpalani is God ... and that time repeats *identically* every 5,000 years *exactly to the milli-second* ... you will get them to believe *anything*.

Oh, did I tell ...
Even More Supreme God ex-l wrote:"God is in me now ... No, he really is ... He has been "mounting" me every morning since this website started guiding my every word and action ... I am God's ultimate Chariot revealing the Truest True Truth™ ... all my words and actions and Shrimat (... so send me your money and donate property now). Only the truly special chosen chosen few will recognise me."

What ... you don't believe me!?! You are obviously not having enough Yoga. Go and sit in Baba's room and don't come out until you *believe*.

I know is sounds strange and, oh no, I am not asking you to belief ... just "willingly your suspend your disbelief for one minute" and see how it feels". Everything is free (... for me but you'll have work and give it freely).

Give Freely! Earn multi-millions by giving it all to me!!!

Come on folks ... if I was to say that, you'd think I was nuts and I'd be locked up immediately. Why believe just because it is an old Indian man who used to have a harem of young girls and other men's wives?
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Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul to enter into Dadi Gulzar

Post21 Nov 2012

I have noticed that when a senior BK dies, there is always manifest attachment (breaking their own rules, as usual) displayed by those who remain. Accordingly they demand to be told stories of what has become of their beloved: hence many trance messages relating platitudes from beyond the grave. Whilst Prakashmani actually talking from beyond the grave, through a medium, is normal spiritualist stuff, as far as I am aware this has only happened in BK context concerning Lehkraj in 1969, and now Prakashmani in 2012. Does anyone know of any other examples?

Why now? Why Prakashmani? Why not "Mama" when she died? If it was Didi, it would make more sense, as she is - as far as I can recall - regarded as being still in the Subtle Regions (like Lehkraj)... However, sense is not something one would expect from the Brahma Kumaris. It seems that they are driven more by emotional needs. They need their old pals back, and so they are catered for, apparently.

The morphing in the last Murli of last season between BapDada and Gulzar (channeling herself via BapDada via herself, or so it appears to me) suggests a very simple obvious explanation: Gulzar has been scamming us and is losing the plot That was my first reaction to the BapDada/Gulzar incident in the last Murli. This reaction was bolstered by the subsequent "Dadi Speaks" revelation... Confusion? Senility?

What now? Has the new season begun yet, or is the Chariot still in the repair shop? (if so, then get well soon Gulzar - seriously, I have great respect for you, although this post may suggest otherwise, unless you have been scamming us).

Since the last "normal" Murli, there have been two extraordinary events in the already-mightily-extraordinary trance world of the BKs, three if you count the cancelled meetings. Has normal service been resumed?

It is impossible to avoid the feeling that, as I commented before, the whole ball of wax is melting.
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following the fibber

Post21 Nov 2012

ex=l wrote:if I was to say that, you'd think I was nuts and I'd be locked up immediately. Why believe just because it is an old Indian man who used to have a harem of young girls and other men's wives?

Because, as a role model to emulate, Lehkraj appears to offer more fun? ;)
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Re: Dadi Prakashmani's soul to enter into Dadi Gulzar

Post09 Dec 2012

Here is BapDada from the 30th November, verbatim from the official copy:
Avyakt BapDada wrote:Today, the children’s love and remembrance have called BapDada into this corporeal world with their attraction. BapDada too is seeing the children in their corporeal forms in the corporeal world. Children everywhere are seeing also the Father and the Father is seeing the children in their physical forms. In His heart, He is pleased on seeing the children from everywhere, Wah children! He is pleased to see the worthy children of cycle after cycle. He is celebrating a meeting seeing the fortune and attainment of every child. And in His heart, He is pleased to see the fortune of every child. The sparkling fortune is visible on the face of each child. The light of attainment is sparkling on the foreheads. The treasure of knowledge is visible in the hands and the Comforter of Hearts is visible in the hearts. In the feet, multimillions are visible in every step. Each one’s face is sparkling and shining with such fortune. The form of all the children everywhere is visible as content. All the rest of the souls who see such sparkling faces wonder what you have received, and what would you reply? I have attained that which I wanted to attain. All are sparkling in the form of jewels of contentment. You are seeing your image in this way too, are you not? What song does BapDada sing on seeing such souls who are jewels of contentment? Wah My contented souls! Wah!

So, today, Baba has come simply to finish the complaint in the children’s hearts. The complaint of all of you has finished, has it not? In the future, we will continue to meet as the drama makes it (us) instrumental. Today, there is just this much, this meeting, in the drama.

All the children have looked after the Chariot very well. BapDada is giving all the souls who are instruments for that service special congratulations. Now, Baba has come simply to finish the children’s complaint about wanting to meet Baba. So, are all of you OK? Are all of you OK? Raise your hands! Congratulations from the heart to those who served the Chariot. Wherever the Chariot had to stay, BapDada saw that Gujarat is no less. Where are those from Gujarat? BapDada and along with that, the instrument Pandav Nirwair child, also gave a lot of support. Come!
Speaking to Sarla Didi: You did very well. Many, many congratulations to you and your companions for being instruments to look after all the Dadis.

(For Dadi Janki): You heard very well. Everything will definitely be fine.

To Dadi Janki: All of you together played a good part. Dadi’s voice is also coming. Today Baba has come just to meet. Now Baba will continue to come and meet. Achcha.

To the three senior Brothers: BapDada now wants to see wonders. What wonder does He want to see? The family has many hopes in all three of you. Now, BapDada understands that there are different ideas, but to unite those ideas is in your own hands. BapDada wants to see this wonder in you instrument Pandavas, that, though there are different ideas, they also have to be united. So, now, all three of you should show this wonder; that you are not three, but all three of you are one. Everything else is fine and you are looking after everything as instruments. Achcha.

Many, many congratulations to the Brothers and Sisters from this land and abroad, for taking care of both instrument Dadis very well. Special congratulations for that. Baba is giving special love and remembrance from the heart to the Brothers and Sisters from everywhere. You are constantly merged in the heart; therefore, constantly stay in remembrance and continue to inspire one another to have remembrance. Achcha.
Today, the thought that everyone had was: We want to meet, we want to meet, we want to meet, that has been fulfilled in terms of the body. Now, whatever is in the drama for the future, we will continue to meet. BapDada can never stay away from the children. Just as the children cannot remain far from the Father, the Father also cannot stay far from the children. BapDada is pleased to see all the children. Baba is also congratulating you because each of you should now consider yourself to be an instrument for the unlimited task, not just for the self. Along with the self, you are also instruments for service. Now show such wonders. There may be upheaval in the world, but you are instruments to transform upheaval into stability where there is upheaval. They do not leave their work, so you too should consider yourselves to be instruments. They create upheaval and you remain unshakeable: both of you have to play their parts together. Achcha. Today, Baba has just come to meet you.

It is the turn of Brothers and Sisters from Maharashtra, Mumbai, and Andhra Pradesh to serve: All of you are waving their hands. Each zone has a part to become an instrument. BapDada has seen that each and every one have played their parts and will continue to do so.

Four Wings: the Education, Religious, Scientist and Engineering and Cultural and CAD groups has also come. Whichever Wings have come, each wing is ahead of the others in paying attention and making the task move ahead. Congratulations for that. Congratulations.

Congratulations to all the children everywhere for carrying out their respective tasks and, in the future too, each Wing or each zone will continue to move still ahead of all. These are the congratulations from BapDada.
All the double foreigners who have come, stand up! BapDada now does not say double foreigners, but double effort-makers because, even now, the double effort-makers are increasing everywhere. You are paying attention even in the small places. Therefore, congratulations for service and also congratulations for double effort. Now, do not say double foreigners, but say double intense effort-makers. Is that OK? Double effort-makers. Double means intense effort-makers. BapDada remembers where double effort- makers have come from, but who is the farthest of all? Who is the farthest away? Those from America. They also come from this world, but where has BapDada come from? The children called and the Father became present. No matter what happens to the body, children are children; the Father always becomes present. Achcha.

All the children everywhere played their parts very well. The Father said something and the children did it. Such children always remain in the Father’s heart. So, multimillion-fold love and remembrance to such children everywhere. Achcha.

To Dadi Janki: (Dadi Janki had hurt herself on the head.) This continues to happen. It doesn’t matter. In fact, you have become even more beautiful. (Dadi Janki had her head covered.) You say ‘Dadi, Dadi’, do you not? So you should see yourself in the form of Dadi too.

Are you OK? (To Hansaben and Pravinaben) You don’t get tired, do you? It is good. (To Hansaben) You are doing good service. Whoever does service, seeing you (Dadis), they also get enthusiasm. Therefore, all of those who become instruments continue to receive congratulations. Send remembrance to the doctors too.

(Neeluben: Why did this have to happen to both Dadis?) The drama would give the reply to this. Drama! No one can say anything in front of this. Drama is drama! Whatever you want to say, you can say.

Achcha. Everyone, become stable in the point form!

I like the parting comment! This looks like "normal service restored" to me, more or less.

I am still wondering what was said in the "Avyakt Sandesh" message of 2nd November - there is a Hindi video and PDF available, but no sign of any English translation. Can anyone provide this? Is it usual for messages from BapDada to not even be translated into English, nor circulated to the centres? I remain suspicious about such behaviour...

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