RajYoga Education & Research Foundation and all "Wings"

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RajYoga Education & Research Foundation and all "Wings"

Post17 May 2012

What actually is the "RajYoga Education & Research Foundation"? What is its relationship to the BKWSU and World Renewal Spiritual Trust? I often see them advertised as if they were separate entities.

Anyway, there is nothing more that the beakies enjoy that a good old fashioned march with some banners ... in this case with themselves as an audience. This, folks, is what you are signing up for if you surrender. Teamwork makes the Dreamwork.

Funnily enough, I cannot remember the BKs ever doing much to "promote literacy amongst masses".

Aims and Objects: The aims and objects for which the Foundation is established are as:

    To open and establish at different places centers of RajYoga which has been defined in Rules and Regulations of the Foundation.
    To impart and to propagate the principles of RajYoga Education so that human beings can develop a link with the Supreme Father and can enjoy inner peace.
    To propagate and encourage the study and practice of the principles of truth, non-violence, spiritual love and divine virtues;
    To educate man to foster soul-consciousness and the sprit of universal brotherhood;
    To educate man so to remove superstition, blind faith and ignorance.
    To spread and promote literacy amongst masses.
    To undertake programmes of scientific research in RajYoga.


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Re: RajYoga Education & Research Foundation and all "Wings"

Post17 May 2012

In reality, RajYoga is used as facade for Brahma Kumaris which, over the years, acquired bad reputation as a dangerous cult. Certain government authorities have also denied BK a practice licence due to this reputation.

The answer to this denial was to hide behind RajYoga, to gain acceptance from both the public and authorities. The name on the centre sign board often reads: "RajYoga for self development and meditation" ... Once hooked, the process of introducing the new member to BK begins ... !!

From my visit to BK headquarters in Mount Abu, I still recall a very distinguished scene. The quide was showing us around the complex, and in the end of the tour he took us to a prominently situated large hall. Inside, a large and illuminated portrait of Kripalani, BK founder, was covering a full wall, and followers were sitting in front of it in worshipping positions (Buddha style) ... The look in the visitors eyes, who were predominantly Westerners and their refusal to enter the hall, might answer your question about BK future in the West ... !!
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Re: RajYoga Education & Research Foundation and all "Wings"

Post17 May 2012

I notice from the 'Membership Application Form' that not just does one have to have one's center-in-charge sign for you but one has to pay Rs 25/- to join and Rs 200/- annual fee (or Rs 2,000 for life membership ... which is a bad deal if the End of the World is going to happen in 2012 like BK Shivani seems to have been saying recently).

That's equivalent to 10 years membership ... their not really take the idea of Destruction very seriously, are they?


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Re: RajYoga Education & Research Foundation and all "Wings"

Post18 May 2012

I thought an angel only had TWO wings. And that the BK has no members so how can they ask a fee.

RESTATED ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF Brahma Kumaris WORLD SPIRITUAL ORGANIZATION. Dated February 4 2000 by Mohini Panjabi – President.

"This corporation is to have no members."

http://bkwsumct.com/wwd.html RajYoga Education & Research Foundation Oman

http://www.BKWSU.org/whoweare/faq and this is interesting. How does BK hide important information?
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Re: RajYoga Education & Research Foundation and all "Wings"

Post18 May 2012

jann wrote:I thought an angel only had TWO wings. And that the BK has no members so how can they ask a fee.

How does BK hide important information?

It is just typical behaviour, Jann. They hardly even have to hide important information, they followers are so submissive and duped they are easy to manipulate on a whim by the leadership. It is strange but as a junior BK, you never think about all this stuff, and you are encouraged not to. I am pretty sure that even most center-in-charges have no idea how the organization runs.

The strangest thing is, it seems that there is no such thing as the "Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University". It is just a grandiose name they use for their cult, and it has been successful because it does not sound religious.

For them, as long as they "remember Baba", they do what they like, break any law or rule, and have no consistency. For me, they operate like a global mafia running mutating into whatever form or front they have to in order to do business, and reap funds and adherents.

The link you gave to to this "RajYoga Education & Research Foundation" is not the same organization as the one above in India. It is just the name they use in Oman. Because many Arab countries have strict rules about religions, they have to hide under another name, just as where another nation does not allow organizations to call themselves "universities" they have to use a different title.

The truth is, it is all the same ... another head of the same Hydra. RajYoga Education & Research Foundation Oman is just the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University doing the same business with a different name.


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Re: RajYoga Education & Research Foundation and all "Wings"

Post20 May 2012

₨ 2425 = $ 44.5625 ?????? For what? Their own free labor?

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