BK Big Wigs Hijack Earth Day in Oman

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BK Big Wigs Hijack Earth Day in Oman

Post20 Apr 2012

How on earth can the BKs keep a straight face when they pump out PR about "respect and appreciation of our natural world and our global family"? What the BKs don't tell people is that their vision of "a world on this planet where all things are given freely" only applies to them ... everyone else is going to be nuked.

Dadi Janki is now being sold as a "living legend". I suppose that means her story is based on a myth ( ... and the record suggests she is probably not 96-year-old and they have faked much of her life story). She and Jayanti are off again spending donations on international air fares to get 4 star treatment from the Sultanate of Oman having manage to line up numerous companies sending their employees to their service programme.

What does strike me is how well the BKs fit in and go along with the kind of BS governments are prone to pump out. They know which side the bread is buttered on. But how has an Islamic government managed to get sucked in by them?
Oman Observer wrote:Earth Day to be celebrated on Sunday

Acknowledging the Government of Oman’s importance given to the protection of the environment, the Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs in collaboration with Rajayoga Centre for Self Development is all set to celebrate the International Earth Day in the Sultanate, in partnership with Oman Scouts and Guides and UN Population Fund (UNFPA) GCC Area office.

The main public event “One Earth, One Family: Ignite the Spirit of Humanity” will be held at Hotel Muscat Holiday in Al Khuwair on Sunday at 7.30 pm, which will be formally inaugurated by H H Sayyid Hareb bin Thuwaini bin Shihab al Said, Assistant Secretary General of the Council of Ministers, in the presence of high level dignitaries representing various ministries, Government departments and private sector organisations.

The 96-year-old living legent, Dadi Janki, who is the Administrative Head of Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, will deliver the key note address and will discuss the importance of human values, such as responsibility, respect, and appreciation of “our natural world and our global family”.

Dadi Janki is visiting Oman on this special occasion, as Oman has been acknowledged as the most peaceful country in the Arab region and the country gives importance to the protection of environment. Dadi Janki is aware of the selfish tendencies that currently afflict human relationships and affairs and that put the world in peril.

A visionary with an unswerving optimism, she says those with a positive vision of the future give us an image of a world on this planet where all things are given freely, where the highest human potential is fully realized. “The actions we take today write the script for the circumstances we face tomorrow. If we understand this to be true, then we might see today’s world as the inevitable result of the choices we made in the past, and in that instant of understanding, we might see that the only way forward to a peaceful and loving world would be through our elevated awareness, understanding, awakening and loving behaviour towards our Earth and our human family”.

Oman’s rich natural resources are the main source of its livelihood through tourism and agriculture, apart from minerals and oil. At the same time, the country is also vulnerable to calamities and environmental catastrophes due to changing climate phenomena.

Oman has been very active in preparations to manage the hazards of climate change through various precautions as well as through national strategies designed to decrease the emissions of greenhouse gases and protect the natural beauty and livelihood of the Omani people.

A statement issued on the occasion of the visit of King Carl Gustaf of Sweden to the Sultanate underscored the attention accorded to environment conservation by His Majesty Sultan Qaboos and the King. The statement reads as follows; “His Majesty Sultan Qaboos and King Carl XVI of Sweden and Honorary Chairman of the World Scout Foundation, have called upon members of the International Scout Movement to enhance efforts to spread public awareness with a view to reinforcing positive conduct at an international level among youths of the world”. Boys and girls are urged to participate in activities like landscaping for the sake of sustainable development.

B K Jayanti, the European Director of BKWSU, an NGO Representative to the UN, will deliver a lecture on “Self Mastery: the Call of time” in the morning from 10.30 to 12 pm at the Omani Women’s Association in Shati al Qurum, which will be attended by people of all walks of life. Some of the companies in Oman have sponsored its employees to attend this seminar. For over 40 years, Jayanti has been an emissary of peace. She has travelled over 100 contris addressing international conferences, giving lectures and conducting seminars and classes.



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Re: BK Big Wigs Hijack Earth Day in Oman

Post20 Apr 2012

Jayanti and self mastery? I never saw her in a temper myself but within the last month a BK told me how she lost the plot with her recently over a simple matter. They must be really excited with this one. They justify treating those around them in a shameful way by bagging these sorts of gigs.
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Re: BK Big Wigs Hijack Earth Day in Oman

Post21 Apr 2012

I don't know but of all things I find the BKs crawling onto the environmental bandwagon the most objectionable hypocrisy. Why save the planet when you are going to inspire a nuclear holocaust to destroy it?

How many times were you told the world is 100% impure and must be destroyed? What is going on?
    Greenwash to their usual Whitewash.
There are about 300 to 500,000 Indian migrant workers in Oman out of a population of 3.3 million driven there by poverty. Like many Gulf States, Indians provide cheap labor and I'd guess that is one target audience for them.

Brahma Kumarism is often sold a bit like a "neo-Hinduism" and often taps into that ex-pat market for its foundations but its aim is always for suckling in with the elite rather than doing anything for the workers. The Sultanate of Oman is another Nepalese Royalty Episode in the making.

The BKs sell it as the "most peaceful state" ... but it has the highest military spending per capita of any nation. What they mean it is "internally stable" and much of that is based on the repression of its citizens' human rights. Like the BKs, it is a medieval state with a modern veneer.

The BKs would love the political system though! It is one of "absolute monarchy" ruled by the same hereditary Royal Family for hundreds of years. "Ah ... Royalty!!!"
    • The law prohibits criticism of the sultan in any form or medium - check (for the BK sultans)
    • The law does not provide citizens with the right to change their government - check
    • Public officials are not subject to financial disclosure laws - big check
    • Police do not need search warrants in order to enter people's homes - check. (Baba and the Dadis claim to come and spy on all BK via their angelic bodies each morning)
    • Libel laws are used to suppress criticism of government figures and other political views - check
    • Publication of books is limited and the government restricts their access - check
    • State censorship and self-censorship are a constant factor - check
    • Journalists report news compiled by the official news agency - check
    • The government has control over all the media, blogs and other websites - almost check
Boy, all that and lots of cheap Indian workers ... it sounds like heaven for the BKWSU.

And so much for "environmentalism" and "Earth Day" ... it is an oil and gas state.

The Sultan of Oman was essentially put into power by the British by a military coup which threw out his Father (he was trained at a British military college, the British have a strong presence in its military, and he and they were put there to protect British corporate business interest (oil companies); the SAS fighting off Marxist rebels). The government is neither democratic nor has any real power. Ministers are appointed by the sultan and have only "advisory powers".

There were minor protests for human and workers rights as part of the revolutionary wave popularly known as the "Arab Spring". I don't imagine the BKs were involved.

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