BKWSU admits published history is not true & must be hidden

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BKWSU admits published history is not true & must be hidden

Post03 Oct 2011

The so called Brahma Kumari World Spiritual University admits that its published history is not true and must be hidden from the general public.

For over 30 years, the Brahma Kumaris have promoted a false history of their founder and organization to newcomers and would be adherents West, a rich source of financial support for the new Indian religion. Leaders such as current head Dadi Janki Kirpalani have both both sanctioned and promoted the strategy as true.

The BKWSU has now announced that this publication, called "Adi Dev, The First Man" by Jagdish Chander, translation by Shanta Trivedi PhD and edited for Western sensibilities by ex-BK Robert Shubow, "should not be positioned as the official record".


As you would already know, a Yagya History research project is currently underway to record our early history and will eventually culminate in a book. Some of you would have also attended our beloved Wendy's presentation over a year ago on her historical research to-date, which is now being continued by Tamasin.

The recent research has uncovered interesting and amazing new facts and some long-held BK facts, especially about timelines, are now being questioned e.g. when the Yagya began and how old Brahma Baba was when the Yagya started. This topic (Yagya History) is a ongoing topic being discussed in the Global Integrated Media group (GIM).

So we feel that until we get further clarity on these facts, the Adi Dev book should not be positioned as the official record of our Yagya's history but rather that it is the authors' own interpretation of stories gathered from those that were at the time, or from stories passed on to them from others.

As such we suggest the "Adi Dev" book is not displayed as part of your literature stand, nor actively promoted either in your Centre's library or with students during the Foundation Course, etc.

Soon we will have new material to give out to students on our unique history.

In Baba's Yaad
Charlie (on behalf of the Australian Board)

Although historical revisions, particularly relating to the God of the BKs failed predictions of the End of the World were known amongst older BKs, but again not publicly discussed, 'Brahma Kumaris Info' was the first to publish original documents from the 30s and 40s proving the extent of the BKWSU's fabrications and to campaign for higher ethics within the religion. It is not mentioned in the BKWSU news release.

First published in English in 1981, Adi Dev posed Sindhi millionaire jewellery shop owner Lekhraj Kirpalani as the founder and primary medium of the Brahma Kumari religion. Stating that he was the first and only ordinary man to be able to become equal to God, the Brahma Kumaris went on to claim that he was the first deity and Adam, the Father of Humanity and that God himself had possessed and started speaking through him in 1936.

An account of the religion's early days proven since to be an extensive fabrication.

Lekhraj Kirpalani died of a heart attack in 1969 aged 85. Although he had earlier instructed that if the 'End of the World' the Brahma Kumaris call "Destruction" did not happen by 1976, all the wealth and assets of the religion should be surrendered to the Indian government, a small group of individuals, including its accountant Ramesh Shah, chose instead to establish a trust to take over control of the fledgling religion.

It was this group that sanctioned the publication of such hagiographic books to encourage adherents, borrowing heavily from other religions.

BKWSU wrote:Adi Dev - The First Man by Raj Yogi Jagdish Chander, Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University

A Life Story to Transform Your Life

You will not be able to read this vibrant account of the extraordinary transformation of Dada Lekhraj, a simple human being, into Prajapita Brahma, the Father of Humanity, without being transformed yourself. The insight into reality contained here will melt away all veils of illusion. The nature of time and space, of matter and the soul, and of God, our Supreme Father, are revealed with perfect clarity.

The truth within all of the world's religions is explained, as well as the climactic destination of the cosmic drama. In the miraculous founding of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, we are witness to the long awaited victory of spirit over matter, providing convincing evidence of the coming of the new Golden Age.
Adi Dev is not true state BKWSU
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Re: BKWSU admits published history is not true & must be hidden

Post03 Oct 2011

In the first please, I have to laugh at the verbal gymnastics the Brahma Kumaris put themself through to avoid telling the simple truth ... "should not be positioned as the official record".

"Not be positioned as the official record"? What the hell does that mean!?! Ha ha ha ... it means, "It's fake, we lied and we got caught". It is an admittance that they exploited religious sentiments in ordinary people by feeding them falsehoods in the form of a hagiography (mock saintly story) about their guru.

Secondly, I also see them writhing around unable to admit that if it was not for those filthy SHUDRAS ... the Lowest of the Low ... at Brahma Kumaris Info, none of this would have come out in public, and their divine enlightened supremenesses would never have been challenged.

Do you think they will give us any credit for this?

Lastly, I ask the question ... will the next version be honest and "accurate"? Ha ha ha ... no chance at all. It will just be another slightly more polished and diplomatic fake.

BKWSU head Dadi Janki goes around telling her adherents that she never lies ... Well, I suppose it is true. She never "lies" ... she just encourages her organization to sell a pack of lies. That is not the same, is it? Oh, I am sorry. It is not a lie. It is one person's "personal interpretation" of events ... so why are they still selling it to their devotees if it is not true? Why aren't they ripping it up and using it to wrap their sweeties just like the did with all the original copies of the channelled messages from their god?

The Brahma Kumaris forgets to mention that for decades BK Jagdish Chander Hassi was their one and only official author and chief publicist of the BKWSU. So much so, that their god spirit used to claim in a future birth he would come back as Veda Vyasa, the scribe of both the Vedas and the Puranas.

But, you know what?

The most twisted thing about all this is that although they make such an ass-covering pronouncement in the rich countries of the West, where the internet has a long reach and the cool BKs are worried about losing face, you can bet your bottom rupee that they will still keep swilling it around India and fleecing the villagers with it.
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Re: BKWSU admits published history is not true & must be hidden

Post03 Oct 2011

hahhahaha whoever thought it would happen

they will of course claim all credit for discovering the truth

tamsin will probably get a personal meeting

same old
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Re: BKWSU admits published history is not true & must be hidden

Post03 Oct 2011

Mr Green wrote:Tamsin will probably get a personal meeting

same old ...

Ha. You are even more cynical than I am (... a "personal meeting" meaning she will be rewarded for a puff piece by having a private meeting on stage with the god spirit of the BKWSU when he comes to possess the BK medium).

Funny thing is, just to show you how this works ... meanwhile from the BKWSU website.

Q&A Session on the book Adi Dev (Founder Father of the Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University) with Astro Vaanavil by BK Rukmani on 26th March 2009.

    (i) To highlight the exemplary qualities of the founder Father, Prajapita Brahma and how others are also emulating his high ideals;
    (ii) To raise the status of women who were down-trodden;
    (iii) To uphold the principles of truth even in adverse circumstances;
    (iv) To highlight the importance of spirituality in our lives.

    (i) The interview touched many hearts and many showed keen interest in buying
    the book Adi Dev;
    (ii) Many calls were received to purchase the book.
Comments: Book on Adi Dev is available in English, Tamil and Mandarin.


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Re: BKWSU admits published history is not true & must be hidden

Post03 Oct 2011

Whow ...! Got you BK!!

So, and how are they going to deal with this?

How do all the centers get to know about this? And how will followers feel about it?
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Re: BKWSU admits published history is not true & must be hidden

Post03 Oct 2011

jann wrote:Whow ...! Got you BK!! So, and how are they going to deal with this?

How do all the centers get to know about this? And how will followers feel about it?

My prediction is ... *very slowly* to drag things out and then they will fudge the issue.

Jayanti probably wants to allow Janki Kirpalani to die and be safely buried before she comes out looking like the crap she is. Too much is invested in her being the "Top 8 Soul" in the world. The longer they drag things out, the more people involved in it will die off, or leave Gyan, and all they will be have to deal with is indoctrinating a bunch of newcomers who know nothing of the past, and so carry no luggage about it. Neville Hodgkinson will be called to add a professional whitewash and, if she is smart, she might even be able come out of it looking like she was the great innovator.

It is all going to be couch in terms of subjective "interpretations". They will bury the real truth and invent a slightly more convenient one.

The middle and lower BK classes of "faithful servants" are already programmed to say, "Wah, Drama ... everything is Accurate" and "Baba was testing us" and accept whatever they are told without questioning. And there will be a hard core of hard heads in India who will keep on doing what they have always done. The Murlis will be left the same and make even less sense.

I have not heard that it has gone around the world at all, so it will be interesting to see how it is picked up. It seems to be just BK Australia. BK Australia has always been a bit more forward thinking or relaxed, being small and far from the influence of London and India.

Why don't they just say, "Jagdish Chander was a twat and has dropped us in it again!" because that is what has happened. Chander was a fabulist. A happy, and very intelligent man whose mind was screwed up into idiocy, trying to fit inside the limits of Brahma Kumarism. For a long time he was basically their only "intellectual" and author. Unfortunately, he had no one to help him keep things in perspective. How can any BK?

I remember the stuff he used to write for Purity magazine ... it was like Victorian English on LSD. Some of the stuff about sex was incredible. He must have trawled all the most shocking Victorian medical books for the most weird and wonderful stuff to scare off the young Kumars from dropping their kurta pants. The world was apparently full of nymphomaniacs having seizures every time they had an orgasms and merely being in the room with a woman was alone enough to give you some terrible venereal disease.

The amazing this is, inside the BKWSU, people used to lap it up as if it was elixir of life. ... probably for the want of any other mental stimulation.


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Re: BKWSU admits published history is not true & must be hidden

Post06 Oct 2011

So, the The Avinashi Social Club is doing the research I assume? Well that is ... Copy, past from this site? See, the truth has to come out and for BK sake, not from this website, so their 'The Avinashi Social Club' comes in, so it looks BK, but it still is a very clever way to cover up a lie, calling it a misinterpretation of some people.

Now most of the early day BKs were there what happen to them ... did they lost their memory being in Yoga all the time?

If something is so important everybody knows exactly ... Where were you when the planes hit the twin towers?
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Re: BKWSU admits published history is not true & must be hidden

Post06 Oct 2011

jann wrote:Well that is ... Copy, past from this site? See, the truth has to come out and for BK sake, not from this website ...

That is true.

For the sake of history, the copy of Om Radhe's book that they are reading and copying around was paid for by an ex-BK that they sued and a PBK Brother who they have outcast, and then downloaded from this site.

Do you think either will get a mention in the official history? Can you imagine what sort of mention they might get?

Tamasin Ramsay was Ms Orange when she posted here. She joined during the period she was writing her PhD thesis on the Brahma Kumaris, and included references to the reaction she received in her thesis.

Now, that was unethical for an academic to do so without giving notice to the admins or other contributors that she intended to included any reaction in her thesis. Obviously, she is coming from a BK point of view, and could hardly be described as neutral or objective. Some people might have a negative view of her because as a BK she did not follow the full principles and yet enjoy great privileges from the elite (because of her Father's money) ordinary, earnest Indian BKs could never dream off. She had her little "holiday" as BKs call them, "lifting her sari" for some Brother, then cruising back in to accept privileged positions in Mount Abu and all sorts of support, material and ideas for the sake of her professional career.

How many other BK adherents are given support for their professions?

Her writings on the Brahma Kumaris are largely the usual inaccurate puff pieces or romanticised ... more typical BK PR and ignoring any of the controversies. I suspect she also wrote her own Wikipedia page and contributed her Father's page too.
Now most of the early day BKs were there what happen to them ... did they lost their memory being in Yoga all the time?

If something is so important everybody knows exactly ... Where were you when the planes hit the twin towers?

Yes, they expect us to believe they did not remember when Lekhraj Kirpalani decided he was not God any more and introduced God Shiva for the first time after 1950. 18 years after the movement started ... and which they re-wrote to claim happened in 1936.

Of course they remember. They lied about.

Except leader Dadi Janki Kirpalani, who was around at the time, claims SHE NEVER LIED IN HER LIFE ... which may be true as long as you don't count 'not telling the truth as a lie' or 'not speaking out when other lied and fabricated' as lies.

    "I never lied ... (I never told the truth but I never lied! I just kept my mouth shut)."
Imagine the day ... You have been following Lekhraj Kirpalani believing that he was Prajapati God Brahma, the Gita Sermoniser, a 'Human Being Greater than Incorporeal God' for 18 years ... and then the next day you are told,

    "Well, no, actually ... I am not Supreme God. There is another spirit inside me and HE is God ... Incorporeal God Shiva ... And, yes, erm, Incorporeal God is higher than human beings after all. I got it all wrong".
Are you telling me that you won't remember that day and you that might not consider it is important enough to tell anyone else?

What I want to know is does the second division of Jayanti Kripalanis, Sudeshes, and Mohini Panjabis know? Were they in on the lie and cover up? I find it hard to believe they were never told.

Now, how one earth did they manage to have ALL the old Sisters and Brothers to shut up about the truth?

There must have been a big meeting and it must have been agreed on and decided ... then the fabulist BK Jagdish Chander write a fake version of history which was to become the "official" version.

Expect another puff piece.


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Re: BKWSU admits published history is not true & must be hidden

Post07 Oct 2011

ex-l wrote:Expect another puff piece.

Charlie's message is one more evidence that the leadership does not like the truth to be known.

The simple truth is that Adi Dev is a lie and that many prominent Western BKs have been aware of it for a few years and have been talking about it in closed circles. The top leadership has been aware that it was out on the Internet and was concerned that it might make them look bad if their official story did not match the indisputable evidence now made public. Thus they asked a group of BK media people to come up with an updated version of the Yagya's history, based on interviews to be made with the Dadis and others who were there in the early days.

The simple truth is that those we had put our trust in have lied to us consistently for over half a century and that we are still waiting for one of them to tell us the truth.

What are they researching? What is there to be discussed by a Global Integrated Media group? Why all the complications? Do not Tamasin, Charlie and others of the prominent Western BKs' circles have easy access to the Dadis? Would it not be simple for them to get the truth from the Dadis if the Dadis were keen to be truthful? Would it not be simple and serve the truth to simply be transparent about it all?



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Re: BKWSU admits published history is not true & must be hidden

Post07 Oct 2011

Well, this is only one book where there so called errors.

There are many more questions which are unanswered:

    1. Did anybody ever respond to Om Radhe's 'Is this justice'? If yes, why does the BK world not publish it, as truth cannot be one sided. One can know the real facts only if both sides versions are read.
    2. What was Om Radhe's status in BKWSU, in the early stages & after they moved to Mt. Abu? Many things are hidden even on this. She was appointed as the mother of the Yagya quite later, but there are many conflicting news relating to her. If anybody has any information, please share it.
    3. Where exactly is this Piyu Vani? Many old muralis & Dadis in their talks mention that they buried it before coming to India. If the Vanis are of the Father as it implies, why bury it? Does it carry something hard hitting, which BKWSU does not want the family to know?
    4. It is said by insiders in Mount Abu, that many documents are hidden under Baba's peace tower in Mount Abu. If this is true, they should be removed & brought in to Public domain for the benefit of all.
    5. Brahma Baba used to write a diary & everyday's happenings are mentioned in that diary. Why does the BK world not publish extracts of the diary relating to the Yagya, as some true facts from Baba's own handwriting can be tabled? If he was mentioning everything in that diary, he should also have mentioned it some where about the souls who were playing the part in the start of the Yagya as mentioned in the muralis.
Please share as much information as possible ... no offence to anyone ... I just want to get many entangled messes cleared.
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Re: BKWSU admits published history is not true & must be hidden

Post07 Oct 2011

Thank you very much BKti-pit and AK1972. Namaste AK1972 you raise some wonderful issues in a fair and balanced manner. Wouldn't a serious historical review look at, and bring together, all sides of the argument to investigate their claims for which is more valid?

Yes, someone most certainly did answer Om Radhe's "Is this Justice?" (And, of course, we know that it was not Om Radhe's but written in her name for her probably by their advocate under the instruction of Lekhraj Kirpalani and others).
Om Mandli : a true authenticated story about its activities being a reply to Is This Justice. Anti Om Mandli Committee, Hyderabad, 1940.

The response published to "Is this Justice?" is mentioned on this forum and was written by the Bhaibund Om Mandli Committee. The only copy I have managed to find in a public library turns out to have "disappeared". The library cannot find it. I was hoping one might turn up in India. I would be very surprised if the BKWSU do not have a copy. I would love to read it. The Mukhi Mangharams were very educated and it was written in English so the British could read it. I am sure it is well written and detailed, and proves a far more accurate account of the early days.

To your list you might also add talk of Dadi Janki's Sister and the Golden Circle (was it?). Has she forget about her too?

I am sorry but the last BKWSU sponsored history we had was "Peace and Purity" by Liz Hodgkinson, wife of BK Neville Hodgkinson. She was safely kept and steered away from any controversies that her journalistic skills might have uncovered. I expect nothing from Tamasin Ramsay but a quasi-academic whitewash in flowery language. Having blotted her copy book and failed the number one test as a Brahma Kumari, the only thing in her own personal interest, and remember the family's spiritual and professional interests are closely intertwined, is to "serve" or suck up to the Seniors ... not dig in to find the truth. She is a lightweight up against the brickwall of Madhuban and is not neutral enough for the job.

The leadership don't want the truth to come out. The middle management like Jayanti play the "we don't want to offend the Dadis" pretending that going along with it all is showing respect. Encouraging people to carry on bad habits is not respect.

Why are these people to damned immature and ridiculous vain that they cannot handle the truth? It goes back to what I always say ... how can the Age of Truth be established from an Ocean of Lies?



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Re: BKWSU admits published history is not true & must be hidden

Post08 Oct 2011

Well said ex-I,

Oooh so there is a response, how come in the last 70 years no one has brought this to the limelight?

May be as always our family in Mount Abu has destroyed all evidences which can go against them, but let's be positive & hope someone will turn up with this book copy sooner or later.

BTW, where did you manage to find this "Disappeared" book? Looking for more support from all the members in bringing forth the truth.
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Re: BKWSU admits published history is not true & must be hidden

Post08 Oct 2011

kk1972 wrote:BTW, where did you manage to find this "Disappeared" book? Looking for more support from all the members in bringing forth the truth.

They are not my family. I'd rather hang out with street dogs.

The bok was in a University of Michigan Library.



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Re: BKWSU admits published history is not true & must be hidden

Post08 Oct 2011

Ha ha ha, dogs are more trustworthy!!!

University of Michigan, woah!!

Let me check if any copy ever exists out here ...
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Re: BKWSU admits published history is not true & must be hidden

Post15 Oct 2011

I think this book will be one of the key components to unraveling the truth about the Brahma Kumaris ... which is why it would not surprise me if they have destroyed any copies of it they had.

Has anyone had a look around the libraries in Madhuban or Delhi?

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