Discussions with BKs on Facebook

for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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Discussions with BKs on Facebook

Post28 Jul 2011

yogi108 wrote:Something like an organised, say, even Webinars which can be done free of costs ... Say someone like senior XBKs sharing some of their experiences and what they would ideally like the organization to be ... "Awareness Campaign" is how I would position it.
To all the Screamers in the forum, why not scream at the students who fall prey to the unique strategies of the senior Sisters...

If you cannot make the organization listen to you, then one another way of acheiving the same end result is to enlighten the students who are a major source for sustaining the organization. A sort of extensive Student outreach so as to speak. Will appreciate some thoughts on these lines.

Well, you people have been screaming on this forum and may be at some other places also, to reveal the truth, to awaken BKs from the false knowledge for quite long time... and I have become active on this forum for only a month or so... reading extensively for a month or so... and started contributing since last few days only now ...

I have also been screaming at the BK Students by e-mails and over Facebook ...
Mr Green wrote:They've been told not to come on this site.

They are told not to come on this forum, but who prevents us to going over Facebook?

Presently, Facebook is a great platform where we all can jointly do something in a big way and can wake up the BKs over there ... There are at least 5000 BKs using Facebook actively, as per my understanding.

There are several big groups of BKs over Facebook, where I have been screaming all alone. If you people can join over there, our voice will become more powerful and the sleeping Kumbhkarna BKs may wake up, otherwise they will just keep thinking that I am one of the few discontent souls, bursting out my frustration ... which is not the real case.

So, please guys, come on facebook and join the following groups and scream out as loud as you can.

Please visit these Facebook groups and place your requests to join these groups, I will approve those requests. You can also add me on your friends list on facebook.

My profile is http://www.facebook.com/mr.viveksinha

I believe that if we can wake up these active BKs on Facebook, then they will wake-up many more because they are already running campaign to wake up non-BKs.

What do you think guys ???
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Mr Green


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Re: BK Controversies

Post28 Jul 2011

i think that's fantastic, will check it


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Re: BK Controversies

Post28 Jul 2011

Will check.
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Re: BK Controversies

Post07 Aug 2011

Mr Green wrote:i think that's fantastic, will check it
jann wrote:Will check.

Thanks for your response, Mr.Green & Jann.

I was thinking that many active contributors of this forum would join me in the campaign of uncovering the BKs over Facebook but strangely rarely some 1 or 2 persons have shown their interest in the same.

It seems that most of you are tired of doing all sorts of things what you could do in last 4-5 years. May be some of you are doing something in a very incognito way, which I don't know about.

But I was thinking that if some of you could join me over Facebook, then we can open the eyes of many many BKs who are walking on the path of BK with a complete blind-faith.
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Re: Discussions with BKs on Facebook

Post07 Aug 2011

Good work ... what responses have you had so far?

Do BKs roam around Facebook looking for newcomers and old friends to convert? Do they use it to look normal and hold onto 'contact souls'?

I am not a member of Facebook. It seems to be a 'gated community' or its own eco-system to me, and at its own social level.

I understand that it is an important avenue to tap into the mass market of young people though and its development has passed me by.
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Re: Discussions with BKs on Facebook

Post08 Aug 2011

Thanks to Admin for making this a separate topic.

Good to see your response on this topic, ex-l.

The response that I have received on Facebook is great. I mean, there was a good impact of my campaigning over Facebook.

As usual, BKs don't give up their blind faith so easily and they protest all the questions, comments, criticisms, etc. with their positive and/or negative attitude. But I believe that there are many silent observers, who read the posts and go through the links to learn more. And there are some people who are showing their little courage by liking my posts and giving favourable comments too.

I believe that there are many people in India also, who are hurt by BKs but they don't know about this forum, but Facebook is known to everyone.

Almost every BK has something to say about the wrongs done by the BK Seniors, but they could not say it publicly because if they do so, they will be considered traitors, etc. If we can make a big impact over Facebook, then they will also join us and our voice will be louder. And then the senior BKs will have to listen to us.

Regarding Facebook: It has covered the internet like wildfire. It has left behind all the other social networking sites like Hi5, Orkut, Myspace. Have a look at this - List of social networking websites and this - List of virtual communities with more than 100 million users .


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Re: Discussions with BKs on Facebook

Post08 Aug 2011

I don't have Facebook YET but I agree. All the revolutions going on in the world is also because of Facebook.


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Re: Discussions with BKs on Facebook

Post08 Aug 2011

good thinking
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Re: Discussions with BKs on Facebook

Post09 Aug 2011

I think it is worthwhile putting a check on the Brahma Kumaris wherever they expand. Just let them know that they cannot lie about what they are really about, that they cannot deceive people any more.

Save other people from wasting their time with them.


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Re: Discussions with BKs on Facebook

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Re: Discussions with BKs on Facebook

Post10 Aug 2011

That looks tempting ...
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Re: Discussions with BKs on Facebook

Post11 Aug 2011

For last few days, some hot discussion is going on with BKs on Facebook Groups "Ramnik" and "Points to Churn".

When I posted links to download books "Preordained Mahabharat War & its result" and "Is this Justice?", some people said that these are all un-real and modified, not original.

And then I presented them with the links from British Library website, which shows them that these books (or say, articles or publications) are original.

Preordained Mahabharat War & its result
http://explore.bl.uk/primo_library/libw ... bs=moreTab

Is this justice?
http://explore.bl.uk/primo_library/libw ... &vid=BLVU1

While doing more research on British Library website, I found this too -
Infinite Divine Light - 4 sheets (wall charts) by Prajapati Brahma Kumaris: Karachi, 1949
http://explore.bl.uk/primo_library/libw ... &vid=BLVU1

Whether these 4 sheets (wall charts) are the same old original posters or something else?

and what is this?

Prajāpati's relations with Brahman, Bṛhaspati and Brahmā.
http://explore.bl.uk/primo_library/libw ... &vid=BLVU1

Can anyone please pour some more light on this?
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Re: Discussions with BKs on Facebook

Post11 Aug 2011

jann wrote:http://www.facebook.com/pages/Brahma-Kumaris-World-Spiritual-University/108593079172250?sk=info

Could we start here?

It seems "read only" for me.
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Re: Discussions with BKs on Facebook

Post11 Aug 2011

truly_awake wrote:For last few days, some hot discussion is going on with BKs on Facebook Groups "Ramnik" and "Points to Churn".

When I posted links to download books "Preordained Mahabharat War & its result" and "Is this Justice?", some people said that these are all un-real and modified, not original.

Can anyone please pour some more light on this?

The books are all real, unmodified and in our download section.

The lie - typical of the Brahma Kumari leadership - claiming that they have in some way been modified was put out to try and discredit our findings when we first published these and brought them to the BKs attention. They were started by the BK Simon Blandford, one of their IT guys based in London, who was trying to gain control of the BKWSU Wikipedia page and investing himself in a prolonged 'dirty tricks campaign' to do so.

He started by claiming one of the old pictures of "The Ladders" in which it says Destruction will be in 1976 was changed - it was not. It seems to have spread. Others have also tried to claim that the copies of the Murlis we keep are also changed - this is not truth either. It is a particularly bad joke because the BKWSU itself is constantly changing, or "revising" things their god spirit got it wrong, the Murlis themselves.

It is a simple "yukti" (trick or method) ... to seed doubt where there is no grounds to knowing that a certain percentage will believe it and the majority of BK will follow the Seniors and shy away from any conflict. I'd love to know which Seniors are saying that because if we know, we can identify which ones are the manipulators and liars.

The last book has nothing to do with Brahma Kumarism. The word "Prajapati" (Lord of the People or Lord of Creation) is, like the rest of Brahma Kumarism borrowed from Hinduism. It was the title they gave to Lekhraj Kirpalani when they thought he was God ... "Prajapati God Brahma". It is a joke that they later changed it to Prajapita (Father of the People).

I would have 10 times the amount of respect for the BKs leaders if they were not such slimy twisters when it came to the truth ... but then I have accepted that is the nature of their spirit and their god spirit. They coil and twists like snakes.
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Re: Discussions with BKs on Facebook

Post11 Aug 2011

There seem to be more BK related pages, e.g.

http://www.facebook.com/pages/Brahma-Ku ... 6314163044

The Discussion page is quite a study in the ability of headstrong BKs to spout incredibly lengthy, absolutely confusing nonsense on all the usual topics, e.g. 5,000 Year Cycle, and drill themselves in the PR version of their organization's history etc.

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