Strange dislocatedness of BK thinking: Revised means changed

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Strange dislocatedness of BK thinking: Revised means changed

Post20 Jun 2011

Sometimes I stop and wonder at the strange dislocatedness of human, or in this case, BK thinking.

I am not a psychologist and so cannot explain this but it seems obvious that the basic nature of our mind, our thoughts and beliefs or even our being, is broken up into parts that are mostly disconnected or dislocated. Many of these parts even contradict each other or our experiences of reality, but some how we keep ahold of them desparately, or remain being them. (This is not a new idea, and not my idea).

I am thinking how this dislocatedness ... or, more to the point, The Knowledge of the disconnected or dislocated nature of the self ... is how conmen and women can grab ahold of us, manipulate and control us and how fuelling us with false beliefs or traumatising us creates, strengthens the divisions and separates these parts even more. I don't have a finished theory of what I am feeling and trying to understand here. If anyone else does, please let me know.

In my experience, conmen, abusers, cold readers, psychics, and plain and simple habitual liars often seem to test out their victims to see how far they can go. They actually let on what they are doing, drop clues to give themselves away, to see if the victims can see it or catch 'the lie'. If they don't the conmen carry on going further and further. I think pedophiles are a perfect exactly of this. I have seen it in relationships where individuals have been unfaithful. And I have to accept it is rife within religions. Basically all religions.

Given the ridiculousness of religious beliefs one has to wonder if it is all deliberate ... if the "gods" are sitting on their clouds in heaven laughing at the bollocks they get away with spouting to humanity, and how we running around for them. We all seem to have mechanisms within us that actually deny this ridiculousness, manipulation and abuse ... and tend to defend the abusers. (Probably because in the past, they used to kill off everyone that did see through them).

Over the last few days, I was thinking about how the Brahma Kumaris use the word "Revised" as in "Revised Sakar Murlis". I was thinking how, basically, it has been adopted as to mean "New, checked and Improved" ... adherents believe they are in some way "Better".

But, in fact, it simple means changed.

The Brahma Kumari leadership are changing the channelled messages that make up their God's words; cleaning up the politically incorrect stuff, removing the failed predictions and utterly embarrassing stupidities, removing the page and pages of boring repetitive and rambling crap that makes us a true representation of their god's or guru's mind and beliefs.

Given that these rambling monologues are really all that their adherents see or know of their god ... are the "Image of God" ... and given that they are demanded to subject themselves to them day in, day out, every day of their lives ... this makes up a huge deception and false mental programming. And yet, somehow, it is perfectly acceptable. BKs do not even question. They rush to defend the re-marketing of their "New Improved God™", and sell it on to their "downstream" market.

One might ask what is going on and we have a variety of archetypes with which to question it.

    Are we dealing with a "trickster god" to quote the ancient religions? (... and the lesson is not to be tricked!).
    Is "The Knowledge" a bizarre, elaborate Zen Koan that cannot be understand simply because it cannot even be understood?
    Is it all just an intellectual poison fed into our beings by a parasite that then feeds of the stupefied and submissive?
    Are the Brahma Kumaris basically just like Gypsy fortune tellers, taught to tell their clients a mix of what they fear and what they want to here in order to have their palms crossed with silver?
Most branches of healing psychology talk about self-integration. I don't think that happens within Brahma Kumarism. I think parts of the self are entirely spun out into space and all over the place in huge eccentric orbits that regularly collide with reality. I think Brahma Kumarism works by making us very, very, very stupid ... and they are proud of it (their aim is to become Buddhus [stupid], not Buddhas [enlightened]).

Remember what they say to you ... don't question, don't think, just suspend your disbelief and see how it feels.

The Brahma Kumaris cannot get away with killing off their heretics ... but they do silence and ostracise them. Kill them off metaphorically and outcasting them physically from the rest of their community, even their supportive and enlightened heretics, so as not to risk the illusion being illuminated by greater lights. And they have left many "corpses" in their wake ... "failed" ex-adherents left to wander in the bardo between the world and their world half-dead and half-alive. And so it all goes on ...

"Failed" my ass. At the moment, I am left considering is that stick Brahma Kumarism out, you have to be an insanely dedicated conperson, largely stupid or, sadly, very vulnerable in some way (naive).

Which one were you?


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Re: Strange dislocatedness of BK thinking: Revised means changed

Post21 Jun 2011

Today's Murli
"Sweet children, remove your intellect’s Yoga from everyone else and continue to remember Me alone. Nothing of this world, no friends or relatives, should be remembered, because everything at this time causes sorrow".

Now how long will it take before one starts to belief it? Is this revised? Or over the last years reinforced. And how long will it take before one realizes that it is a very sick God to destroy his own creation because hat way he will destroy himself.

They get sicker everyday and BKs just follow like slaves afraid to be punished. BK to me is abuse. Spiritual abuse, mental abuse, physical abuse psychological abuse and they should be critically questioned by law. But as long as no one (besides a few) cares they just keep going hiding behind their smile.
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Re: Strange dislocatedness of BK thinking: Revised means changed

Post21 Jun 2011

naive and vulnerable, like a lamb to the slaughter

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