Spiritual/Psychic attacks

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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post24 Mar 2010

littlelamb wrote:I fear they got my soul too. Question is, will I ever get it back?

is not 'soul' part of that psychobabble :D Congratulate you on getting your life back.


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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post25 Mar 2010

littlelamb wrote:Is BapDada some earthbound spirit who thinks he is God, or just the manifestation of some delusion in the mind of a little old Indian lady who has lived most of her life cut off from the real world, or the result of some mass hysteria/collective hypnosis with a bit of psychobabble, new-age spirituality, a smattering of extracts from Christian, Hindu and Islamic scripture tossed into the mix?

You can walk away from the whole BK experience feeling massively disillusioned, feeling your trust and your intellect have been subtly and maybe not so subtly abused. Confused, depressed, angry ...

Littlelamb, maybe there is not one clearcut answer, maybe there are several.

Is there an entity (or entities) using people's energies for their own agenda? Highly likely. There is definitely something which does not come from our plane and many on this website will testify to having experienced some of that. Does this entity (entities) benefit from all the attention, energy etc which it (they) receives? Undoubtedly. That would make it (them) much stronger and more powerful over time.

Is there an element of hypnosis and group influence? Yes. Maybe the hypnotic element is unintentional, but it is definitely there. Add to that the power of the group - both in the sense of the power of a group of people all focussing on one thing, and also the socialisation aspect of approval, disapproval, wearing a certain type of clothes, special language, special diet etc etc also has a powerful influence on an individual.

Is it a mixture of different scriptural influences? Yes. There is not much in there that is original if one starts reading more widely - particularly Hindusim. It's just been twisted around. Although the 5,000 year cycle is probably uniquely theirs (would anyone else want it?). Have psychobabble and New Age spirituality been added to the mix? Yes, but only on the surface to attract New Agers, Westerners. They are tools rather than the BK doctrine, although Westerners like to think it is all part of it - it makes it feel more acceptable and familiar.

Is there a delusional aspect from little old ladies who have been cut off from the world? Yes. Little old ladies who were young women who were not well educated, lived in a society which did not value them highly, came from a culture which is used to placing trust in gurus and religious men and who were highly impressionable. They are channelling something, but given the quality of the information it is unlikely it is God.

So it is a combination of a lot of influences and if one doesn't affect you then the other will. Hence you can get people who don't have psychic experiences but those that have many. Some can walk away more easily and some take years to get some of the beliefs out of their system. Some people are more hypnotically suggestible than others. Some get more influenced by the group process because they are lacking something in their lives and are looking for a 'family', love belonging etc. And some people head for the hills after the first class.

In short, it is all of the above, but each aspect of the above may not affect each person equally.

One thing though, if you can work through the experience, you will have learned a great deal about yourself and life. is not that what we were seeking to do anyhow? We just did not realise that we'd have to do it by being so masssively disillusioned first?
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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post25 Mar 2010

Thank you, searcher and littlelamb, for neatly summarising the last few years of shared discovery on this site, and xBKChat.com before it, in two posts!

That is about it really. Shall we shut down the site now ... or leave it as a small ledge on which individuals can stop and rest during their spiritual journey post-BKWSU?

One thing that I can share which is 'on topic' and, for me, makes it far likely that the spiritual influences behind the BKWSU to be "God" was a conversation with one of the Om Mandli's elderly and well-educated neighbours. Someone that born strong feelings for or against the BKWSU. They were Sindi Hindi and this sort of spiritualism, guru worship was not out of the ordinary for them as it might be for Westerners.

They explained that one of the reason for the strong reaction against the Om Mandli was that during the early seances, the women used to scream and holler in reaction. What was going on, I have no idea, but that type of hysteria inspired by spiritualistic religions (real or imagined) is common the world over. Incidents of "spirit possessions" and individuals having psychotic episodes, including complete breakdowns and hospitalisations, have followed the Brahma Kumaris to every continent and over ever decade of their existence.

Again, the image painted by the corrupt and dishonest Brahma Kumari leadership is entirely different. I am afraid that I am a whole lot less forgiving of the leadership than many of you. Especially of the Post-1950s "Seniors", who have the positions to know the truth but yet avoid pursuing it for the sakes of the security of their careers in the Sindi BKs' business, don't. Seniors now wearing such titles as "Didi", "Dada" and "-Ji" and passing themselves of experts or even yogis.

Real yogis ... real spiritualist ... real theologians ... real psychologists ... would know what these were, discussing and documenting the phenomena openly. The Brahma Kumaris are none of these things. They don't know ... won't say ... cover up facts and so on. They are engaged in the opposite of 'truth' and 'knowledge'. What they do know is money making and manipulating others to follow their rule conformity ... both of which, I will accept, they have become experts in.

I think the 'spiritualist model' for understanding the Brahma Kumaris, i.e. spooks or spirits in an unseen dimension. It is the best one we have although I doubt one will ever have empirical evidence to support it or defeat it. Yes, the remnants of it all can last for years or decades after involvement.

And, yes, a) without doubt all the other influences you mention are part of the mix, and b) sifting through it all and removing that which is an obstacle and unhelpful will give you good grounds for understanding humanity and its obsession with religions pretty much all of which were crazy, reactive cults or spiritualist in their beginnings.

Even the 5,000 Year figure is not unique. It is the time of Krishna's Prakata Lila according to Vedantists ... at time it just seems to be Lekhraj Kirpalani had some kind of nervous breakdown, following a spiritual attack, and the religion was made out of fragmentary memories in his mind. Note also the Sikh and Sufi influences, common in the Sind.
In the “Brahma-Vaivarta Purana”, Lord Krishna tells Ganga Devi that a Golden Age will come in the Kali Yuga - one of the four stages of development that the world goes through as part of The Cycle of eras, as described in Hindu scriptures. Lord Krishna predicted that this Golden Age will start 5,000 years after the beginning of the Kali Yuga, and will last for 10,000 years.

Krishna is also said to have incarnated about 5,000 year ago.
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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post25 Mar 2010

desi_exbk wrote:is not 'soul' part of that psychobabble Congratulate you on getting your life back

Well Desi, I think the concept of 'soul' has been around since ancient times. Psychobabble - maybe since Freud? I did not mean to be disparaging about popular psychology - I do a fair bit of psychobabbling myself! :oops:

And thank you for the congratulations although I am not sure whether I have my life entirely back. I am just looking to be at peace.... uh oh.
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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post25 Mar 2010

Hi searcher,

Thanks for your response. ex-l is right - a neat summary.

searcher wrote:Is there an entity (or entities) using people's energies for their own agenda? Highly likely. There is definitely something which does not come from our plane and many on this website will testify to having experienced some of that. Does this entity (entities) benefit from all the attention, energy etc which it (they) receives? Undoubtedly. That would make it (them) much stronger and more powerful over time.

I've had experiences which I would describe as supernatural too, both good and bad. I suppose it is somewhat contradictory for me to have an absolute conviction that there is a God and probably angels too but to be sceptical about the existence of other('evil') spirits. The simple truth is that the idea scares me so I would rather try and find rational explanations - vivid nightmares, hallucinations etc.

Yes - it makes sense that our energy and attention would feed this entity or entities and so it or they have a vested interest in using the BKs to provide continued supplies of vulnerable souls. Hmmm....

I am full of compassion (whether they deserve it or not) for those young women who are now the little old Indian/Sindi ladies channelling all this. For (I think someone has said this in another thread), they were victims too.

[quote="searcher"]One thing though, if you can work through the experience, you will have learned a great deal about yourself and life. is not that what we were seeking to do anyhow? We just did not realise that we'd have to do it by being so masssively disillusioned first?

Fair point
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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post25 Mar 2010

ex-l wrote:That is about it really. Shall we shut down the site now ... or leave it as a small ledge on which individuals can stop and rest during their spiritual journey post-BKWSU?

I think there may be a need for this site for some time to come ex-l :sad:

The Brahma Kumaris is always recruiting new fodder for BapDada and for as long as they do there will be folks like us falling by the wayside. As you say, there must be many long-standing BKs who have seen so many walking through the doors and then out again at a later date in varying states of emotional and mental and spiritual disarray and disillusionment.

You mentioned in another thread I think, your meeting with the Sindi neighbours who described the hollering and screaming of the girls in Om Mandali in the early days. Certainly it would suggest there was very little "Om Shanti" around!

Thanks for your insights. I know very little of Hindu or Vedantic scriptures except what was explained to me by various Sisters during my BK days (safe to say not very reliable or accurate interpretations?!)

I do know that there are Christian Fundamentalist creationists who believe that the earth is only five to six thousand years old and are only too happy to argue their point loudly and publicly despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary! As you say, no cover ups, no secrecy and they don't care who calls 'em crazy because they KNOW they're right.

All very interesting - and maybe just as a little spiritual dig at my scepticism I had a very odd experience today - a very powerful mental impression of some cruel 'thing' deriving enormous pleasure at the torment I have been putting myself through. Hmm ... again ...


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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post26 Mar 2010

As long as we all keep ourselves busy with all the stuff any religion will dump on us, we forget the real purpose of life. The journey to find yourself does not occur in any religion but in YOU, yourself. Religions want to control that. When you are free, you will get that real thing at breakfast.

As long you tell yourself that there are attacks, they will come. It is a self fulfilling prophecy. Protect yourself, if any thing occurs, tell it, "If you are not here in the name of God then leave me"! Send it away with your power and you have that power because you are out of BK.
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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post26 Mar 2010

Thanks for your message Jann :D

Simple points, well made. In the last few days, I have been feeling 'blocked' in the same way that my sinuses get blocked when I have a cold and my head feels dull and heavy and slow. A nice walk on a windy hillside might blow those spiritual cobwebs away.
Jann wrote:Protect yourself, if any thing occurs, tell it, "If you are not here in the name of God then leave me"!

I like that. I'll give it a go :D .

Thank you
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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post03 Dec 2010

Interesting information about psychic attacks by bad yogis in India (and how to protect yourself).
Funny that it should mention stealing money without a trace.

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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post10 Dec 2010

There are psychic attacks but you have to think from where they are originating. They are originating from brain of the attacker. And brain still today is mystery for medical professionals on the operational part (eg what's called mind). As I have told in my earlier post in this forum, brain is a electrochemical device which generates electrical signals to generates locomotions and other body functions. In other word our brain can generate electrical signals and transmit them within our body, but what happens when we think, the signal is generated but it's not a process signal. It's just an electrical signal which is capable of generating radio frequency (this is purely my thinking :D). Now this radio frequency can carry energy along with it and when it reach it's target it is termed as a psychic attack.

But what this thing proves? It proves that we too can shield that attack with our brain. Now you say how's that possible and how can we stand against some one capable of attacking psychically. We know the answer already. The power of Prayer. (To whom ever you pray to), The power of Belief (Whom or What ever you believe in), The power of Love ( Who or what ever you love). This are the our brain's counter measures against all kind of the attacks whether induced psychically or in persona. We are deploying it without our slightest knowledge that it's our own brain (here you can say MIND) acting in our defense.

((Off the current topic but concurrent to the theory :: The Hindu scriptures denotes power of SANKALP (Determination or Pledge) by Rishis by which they were able to create entire universes or making things work or giving the desired result)).
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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post12 Dec 2010

Interesting explanation. It is true, radio waves can carry energy. I am not a scientist but I suspect that such energy would not have to be very strong. I suspect that our brains are actually attuned to being affected by quite weak signals.

I base this similar on the experience of being hated or attached by a very angry person. I am sure we have all experienced that at some time. Speaking personally, it can make me feel quite sick and take a while to clear out of my system. It does not even have to be verbal or physical act. It goes without saying that some people have more powerful thoughts than others depending on their ability to focus.

How much of guru's "curses" or "blessings" are just the power of suggestion upon the individual would have to be withdrawn from the equations (exploiting others child-like superstitions). As far as I can see, the only thing that human beings are masters of, is fooling ourselves and others. But I would accept that there are a number of such things as "psychic attacks" and eventually there will be some rational way of explaining them.

In the meanwhile, prayers like dreams may appear illogical but they do seem to be the effective language of our minds according to one's culture.
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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post12 Dec 2010


I came to this conclusion myself (and you explained it very well) after leaving the BKWSO and doing a lot of research on the occurance of psychic attacks. Some of this information also applied to the mind and brain's ability to create "past life" imagery.

The brain is indeed a very complex machanism. If we become masters of our minds, it is in realising how complex the brain is and not underestimating how little we know.

The seat of the soul as the BKWSO declares, is found in the third eye. According to others it is found in the heart chakra. A group of people that believe it is only in the area of the brain, will develop a "head soul" and learn to manipulate the complexities of the brain and its glands (pituitary and pineal). I used to believe the same thing until I realised how soulless such a practice really is.

Third eye meditation should not be overdone for the very reasons that the electrical waves of the brain have a job of their own and a third eye that is too open can cause imbalances such as being highly logical, dogmatic, authoritarian, and arrogant. The brain glands also influence the top of the head which is the crown chakra and its imbalances causes psychotic or manic depression, confused sexual expression, frustration, and a sense of unrealized power.

Thank you for your input :D .

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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post07 Jan 2011

This reminds me of when I was in nepal staying at my grandma in law's house which was also a small BK ashram (you know the ones that are in people's houses). I swear there was some kind of spirit in that house.

Also I used to get woken up by the BK's in the morning at like 6-ish, they are a loud bunch aren't they :D ?


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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post18 Feb 2011

From: Grant
To: shadowpeopleorg@comcast.net
Sent: Saturday, March 21, 2009 4:24:48 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: 2 experiences

My name is Grant, and I've had two experiences with Shadow people. Once when I was very young, about 8 or 9, and the second time not so long ago when I was going through the year 12 HSC exam periods.

My first experience scared me a lot, and it happened most nights too. I would be asleep in bed and then I would suddenly wake up. I would feel very uncomfortable and unsafe, and as usual I would look into the living room, (I had no door on my room, and my bed was positioned so I could see through the doorway into the living room which was adjacent to my room), and I would see several black shadows of people dancing around the room or moving objects around. I could see them because light from a street light outside would come in through a window. They were very dark, and had the shape of a human. I could not see any features though, just their shape. No noses, or eyes, just the general shape of their body, and they all looked very similar to each other. This always scared me to death, and I would freeze up. I cannot remember what happened after I would see them, it's too long ago I guess, or I've blocked it out a little, but I think I might have hid under my blanket until I fell asleep again or kept watching until my body forced me to sleep.

In the mornings, things would have been moved in the living room, the same things I would see them moving during the night. It really was a horrible experience. Eventually we moved and that was the end of that.

Until 2 years ago when I was in year 12. My mother was currently going out with someone who we later discovered was in the Brahma Kumaris cult, (Yeah, was a big suprise to us). Once mum found out about this, I began to wake up with nightmares, very bad nightmares. They were never the same, however, I could always feel when I was about to have them. My body would lock up and I would begin to be afraid. After the nightmare, I could feel something in my room. I would be able to feel where it was too, always in my doorway. I would never look, just freeze up with my eyes closed. I could also feel waves of pure malice and evil from it too, directed at me of course. I would sometimes flick the light on without looking, and then look. I would never see anything, probably because the light was on, but I would still feel it, just out of sight around the corner. To get back to sleep I would watch tv for awhile or something until it was gone.

This was happening for several months and with the exams closing in I needed something to help me sleep. I told mum about all this, and it turns out she had been having the same sort of thing, except she saw "The Hat Man", who seems to be reasonably well known. Mum said she dealt with it all by sleeping with my Great-Grandfather's cross next to her bed. She said it gave her strength. So she gave me the cross for the night.

That night I had the nightmare as usual, and I could feel myself freezing up as usual. However, this time I remembered I had the cross. I casually flipped on the light, looked towards where I feel it, and told it very rudely to leave. I turned off the light and went back to bed.

The next night things heated up a little, probably because I fought back a little the previous night. This time I was woken by tapping on my window next to my head. It startled me, (to this day I cannot sleep without the blinds drawn on my window) especially as it was clearly a couple of fingers tapping on the glass. I knew this because I could easily hear the nail of the finger tapping. Again I turned on the light and told it not-so-nicely to leave, then went back to bed.

I wasn't disturbed nearly so much from then on. It helped even more after my mum got rid of the Brahma Kumaris boyfriend. I now never experience those horrible nightmares or nightime visits. My guess is that you need to be brave and be strong when visited by them, a very tough thing to do though. I also found that I was never woken on nights when I had my cat or dog sleeping in the room. I am happy it has stopped now though, and I hope it never starts again.




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Re: Spiritual/Psychic attacks

Post06 Jul 2011

What's Really Behind Paranormal Experiences (Hint: It's Not Ghosts)

Richard Wiseman doesn't believe in spooks — and he doesn't think you should, either. Once a professional magician, the University of Hertfordshire psychologist has always been intrigued by the unusual side of the human experience, conducting research on luck, lying and the paranormal.

In his new book, "Paranormality," (Macmillion, 2011), Wiseman delves into the science (or lack thereof) of hauntings, psychics, telepathy and other supposedly inexplicable phenomena.

Americans will have to seek out the book on Kindle, as American publishers told Wiseman there was no market for debunking the paranormal in the U.S. LiveScience begs to differ, so we got in touch with Wiseman to talk about the allure of the occult and why Americans are so fond of psychic hotlines.

LiveScience: Why are people so drawn to paranormal beliefs?

Wiseman: One is that they have paranormal experiences. In fact, that's the thrust of the book, to try to understand why people have those weird experiences given that spirits don't exist. There's also the notion that these believes are very comforting. So if you're ill, then the idea of the psychic healer is a nice idea. And then there's the influence of the paranormal industry. The books, the television shows, the psychic hotlines all have a vested interest in getting the public to believe this stuff. [Read Monsters, Ghosts & Gods: Why We Believe]

LiveScience: So you're not a believer?

Wiseman: No, I tend to be a tad skeptical. I've worked in the field for about 20 years and I've never seen anything that convinces me that any of this stuff is true. What I have seen is that people have weird experiences, whether with Ouija boards or ghosts or a psychic, that tell us about their brains, their behavior and their beliefs.

LiveScience: What does the belief in the paranormal tell us about our own psychology?

Wiseman: I think each one tells us something a little bit different. If you take sleep paralysis, that notion of waking up completely immobile, seeing a figure at the foot of your bed and you're convince that this evil spirit or demonic force is holding you down, that actually tells you a lot about the psychology of sleep. When we sleep, we're paralyzed so we don't act out our dreams, and that dream experience can come over into waking along with that paralysis. [Read: Top 10 Spooky Sleep Disorders]

LiveScience: What, to you, is the most interesting or strange paranormal belief?

Wiseman: I suppose ghosts, or the notion that people see something out of the corner of their eye, particularly if they're in a "haunted" location. It's the power of suggestion, as well as fear. When we become afraid, blood flows from the fingertips from the major muscles of the body as you get ready to run or fight, and that can make you cold. You also become hyper-vigilant, so you start noticing footsteps or voices you wouldn’t have noticed before, and start assuming this is some sort of weird paranormal activity.

LiveScience: You've done some ghost-debunking investigations. What did you find?

Wiseman: These were investigations carried out at Hampton Court Palace, a royal palace south of London, and up in Edinburgh in Scotland, supposedly one of the most haunted places in the U.K. We took people into buildings and asked them what locations seemed haunted. They'd often chose the same locations. Part of the reasons what those locations were sometimes physically colder due to thermal patterns. Sometimes they had this weird sort of infrasound [low-frequency sound] which can be caused by the rumble of traffic or wind across an open window. And other times these spots just sort of look scary because they're dark and we have a brain that has evolved to keep us out of dark places for good reason.

LiveScience: Psychics are a big business, and I understand you've upset some of them by discussing the tricks of the trade in your book. In all of your work, you've found no evidence that psychics have special capabilities?

Wiseman: No, I found they're very good at fooling people —in that case they have very special capabilities, but in deception. Here, paranormal belief crosses over from being fun into something serious. People go to psychics because they have problems, whether personal or financial, but you're talking to somebody who, unlike a counselor who would give you to tools to solve the problems, they just give you advice. You become reliant on them. And there's no way to know if they're giving good advice. They're not trained counselors. There's no regulation in the industry. So you're putting your life into somebody else's hands.

LiveScience: How do psychics make people believe that they're legit?

Wiseman: There's the notion of these general statements which are true of everyone. Like, "you have a lot of unexpressed creativity." Everyone wants to believe that's true of them and not everybody else. Or sometimes there are double-headers like, "sometimes you enjoy being the center of the party and sometimes you like staying at home with a book." That's true of everybody and you're just going to ignore the side that doesn't apply to you. There's this notion of feedback where they'll say something like, "You're going to be travelling," and if they get no response they'll say that maybe it's a small weekend trip, but if you start nodding along, it must be a big trip.

With all of these things, you're doing the work for them. If anything, they should be paying you.

LiveScience: Your book is published in the U.K. and in other countries, but you couldn't find a willing publisher in the U.S. Is there a difference between the paranormal belief in U.S. vs. U.K.?

Wiseman: I don't know quite what causes it, I suspect it's cultural, but you're looking at around 40 to 50 percent of people having an alleged paranormal experience in the U.K. and Europe versus 70 to 80 percent in the U.S.

Something big is going on. I suspect that part of it is programming: Books, radio and television pushing the psychic agenda. Plus of course science literacy is higher in the U.K. versus in America, so maybe you have the psychic industry pushing the one side and the other side cannot get their message out. Even though I've published lots of other books in America, this one wasn’t going to happen. There were no serious offers from the major publishers. That's why we put it out on Kindle.

LiveScience: So for those of us with runaway imaginations, do you have any hints on how to talk yourself out of freaking out when you're home alone and the house is creaking and you're sure there's something right behind you?

Wiseman: I think there are all sorts of things. Running away from the house screaming is always good.

No, I think that just knowing what's going on helps. The book encourages people to do Ouija Board sessions. It is not about summoning the spirits, it's about the players' unconscious movement that push the glass. So you can cut out the letters and lay them out and ask the spirit to spell out your name. But the moment you put the letters face down and mix them up, the spirit will become dyslexic. In the same way, once you understand sleep paralysis, it's not as scary. By understanding these things, they become a lot less terrifying.

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