An unbiased view ...

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Mr Green


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Re: An unbiased view ...

Post19 Oct 2010

gotmylifeback, nice post all true
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Re: An unbiased view ...

Post27 Oct 2010

because.parmeshwar wrote:The positivity is always welcome, and everybody goes for it, while joining our impression was also the same, POSITIVITY, a good virtue we were searching for all these years.!!!!


• With all positive intentions, we donated one house for spreading POSITIVITY in the world. Now we are fighting for it to take back. The details I can’t tell you on this forum as it may spoil your faith
• I know two Brothers who were donating all their salary, to the BK centre of course living there, and one suffered with jaundice and left alone, no care, no support from the spiritual family, the other one lost his job and could not sustain living with them in the centre, and due to over age went back to his lokiks.

There are so many small events testing our positivity. But alas, the teachers themselves are spreading and programming negativity in the intellects.

Almost missed this.

First point. Well if you give your house away to an organisation and change your mind some time later, it's pretty awkward. What if I gave all my wealth to Royal North Shore Hospital today? Then next year I say "sorry, all a mistake"? Awkward position.

Yes I know it's different. BKs encourage that surrender and donation. If it was up to me, I'd give it back. You get the point I am making though, right? Upshot: never give your house away unless you are 100% OK with never getting it back.

No, I do not believe anyone should be pressured to do it. If BKs somewhere are pressuring that, they are doing something extremely wrong. It must be genuine personal choice not coersion.

Second point: is this really true? My God, that would be incredibly unjust but I find it hard to believe that someone living in a centre is unsupported in an illness. They are practising BKs yeah? You sure about this? Can you post any facts without giving names? (It's not right to post personal names on the faceless internet I think.)

It just doesn't add up. No BK I know has had this happen. I know I live in this country and have a limited experience, but BKs in centres are definitely supported if they get sick.

- Sword
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Re: An unbiased view ...

Post27 Oct 2010

swordofjustice wrote:Well if you give your house away to an organisation and change your mind some time later, it's pretty awkward. What if I gave all my wealth to Royal North Shore Hospital today? Then next year I say "sorry, all a mistake"? Awkward position.

When Sister Jayanti Kripalani's Father got into business problems, they quickly moved out all the Sisters, shut down "Richmond center" and gave him back the house he had donated in place of her dowry to the BKWSU.

Look, we know of example cases in Russia where they fought in court to keep it, a case in the Caribbean where a family had to fight to get a family home back that an elderly and sick member 'donated' close to death, of widows donated to the organisation along with a building, a case where BKs were ripped off in property deals with high level BKWSU contact souls in Mount Abu etc, of BK leaders flying around the world to grab big money death bed deal (and one that the BK lost because the family reported the fraud to the insurance company) ... and let's not even included all the many cases where donations of money or free labor given to the BKWSU went to pay personal owned mortgages and properties like Sister Hansa Raval's in Texas. What do the Murlis say? There is no need to buy property etc.

Why did Janki Kirpalani then buy a FREEHOLD property in 1976 when at the same time they were teaching that Destruction was going to happen in 1976!?!

The leaders of the Royal North Shore Hospital do not go about telling you to attend their hospital every day, control your mind, body and relationships, claim that the End of the World is in 2 to 3 years and that by giving all your money and property to them, and remembering their boss, you will get a high status that take you close to them in a Golden Palace in Heaven. The Leaders of the BKWSU do. If the leaders of the Royal North Shore Hospital did, they would be quickly struck off the register and taken to court for fraud.

To begin with, I respected you Sword. Unfortunately, now I think you are perfect material for the morally bankrupt BKWSU. You have swallowed it all and are coming out with their usual defences ... and you are not even a fully proper, paid up member (i.e. not going to the Golden Age either)!

Yes, it's different. It is so different (and common) that there is a law to stop it called "Undue Influence" which, basically, puts the responsibility on the religion to prove that it did everything it could to ensure there was no exploitation of adherents. (In most crimes or offences the responsibility is on the victim or prosecutor to prove something happened).

Open your eyes ... what are the BKWSU all about? Conning people on the basis of forthcoming Destruction, while hiding previous failures, and amassing a property portfolio. If Destruction does not come in 2036, are they going to give it all back? Are they going to shut up shop and give it to charity? Or are they going to find an excuse why they need to keep it, live out of the properties and get looked after in their old age by their mental slaves?
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Re: An unbiased view ...

Post28 Oct 2010

OK for what it's worth I agree that doing any of that is completely wrong. It's completely against the teachings too. Very hypocritical.

What is wrong with those people? What are they thinking? It's not what morning class explains, that's for sure.

I guarantee you I'll never conduct such actions. The world is truely mad.


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