BapDada - New season 2006-7

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Post16 Oct 2006

Bansy wrote:There are usually 2 BapDada meetings per month, from October to March.

Do individual BKs still get to meet BapDada?


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Post17 Oct 2006

John wrote:Do individual BKs still get to meet BapDada?

I don't know. So far it's just been queuing up and walking past BapDada on the stage, which does not constitute individual meetings.



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Post18 Oct 2006

Double foreigners atleast get to walk up to BapDada. We, Indians have to be content watching BapDada from a distance of 100(s) of metres.

Hmmm...Its fair not to expect BapDada to meet every children individually too :(
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Double Foreigners/Westerners treatment

Post18 Oct 2006

worldpeace wrote:Double foreigners atleast get to walk up to BapDada. We, Indians have to be content watching BapDada from a distance of 100(s) of metres.

What is the rationale behind this differentiation? Or, dare I ask, the Murli point/Shrimat that justifies it? Why are the Double Foreigners/Westerners treated better? You would have throught that if only a few could meet that the choice could have been done by a random lottery, or that all were equal. I understand that this is also true in accommodation, that the Double Foreigners/Westerners receive far better accomodation than the Indians.

Just interested to know.



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Post19 Oct 2006

ex-l wrote:What is the rationale behind this differentiation? Or, dare I ask, the Murli point/Shrimat that justifies it? Why are the Double Foreigners/Westerners treated better?

I understand that this is also true in accommodation, that the Double Foreigners/Westerners receive far better accomodation than the Indians.

Its more of the culture. Westerners come from a culture where they are not made to wait in a queue and are treated well by their Government. From what I know, or some Sisters say, that it is indeed BapDada's direction that Double Foreigners be taken care well. I really do not know.

For most of the BKs in India who come from lower middle class, the treatment given to them at Madhuban is itself a royalty - clean accomodation, healthy food. Moreover, Indians never complain or we rather got used to this (Remember, Bhakthi is really big in India, people stand in queue for days to have a Darshan of Lord Venkateshvara's Idol in Tirupathi)

Another reason given is that we (Indian BKs) are all your hosts and our tradition of hospitality says to treat the guest first and above us!! Because westerners save money for an entire year to make it to Maduban. But Maduban is really posh. Hmmm ... Doesn't being simple foster spirituality?? But all that that was in mind my when I was in Maduban was BapDada and that would be the case for everybody, at least 99% . So accomodation and other things becomes trivial.
You would have throught that if only a few could meet that the choice could have been done by a random lottery, or that all were equal.

All were equal - it is yet to come out of theory in India. I feel that its really tough for an organisation to manage half a million equals. I leave it to God ...
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Mr Green


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Post19 Oct 2006

worldpeace wrote:Its more of the culture. Westerners come from a culture where they are not made to wait in a queue and are treated well by their Government.

WHAT!!!!!! us Westerners don't stand in queues!!!! We invented queueing?? We're obsessed with it :lol: ... Your obviously not aware of the M25 :lol:

The real reason i feel is that the Westerners will simply just not go if they don't recieve a certain level of treatment. Of course, the hardliners will always go and take great pride in sleeping on the floor and sitting at the back of 'Diamond' Hall, believing they are renunciates
but numbers of Westeners going are dwindling as they aren't getting what they want ... you should see how networking goes on in order to get a pink ribbon !!!!!!!!!!!
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rank BKs

Post19 Oct 2006

Mr Green wrote:you should see how networking goes on in order to get a pink ribbon !!!!!!!!!!!

OK. So what is a "pink ribbon"? A backstage pass to the God Gig at Abu?

This is getting interesting, we start to see the BKs in their true colors. A bit like those badges and who gets the biggest ones;
    the Order of the Om Shanti Badge,
    the Order of the Plastic Shiva Baba Badge
    the Order of the ShivShakti Laksmi/Narayan Badge - class I (fake gold) and class II (real gold) sub-sects
    the Order of the Diamond and Gold BK Gulzar Badge
    then the Order of the REALLY BIG Football-style Rosette
Where does all this gold and diamonds come from anyway? Actually, I really don't know them all so if someone else can fill in detials here, I'd appreicate it. You know there is also the subtle difference between who gets a gilt ring and who gets a gold ring. There used to be silver rings too.


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Post20 Oct 2006

I think worldpeace has a valid point in that westerners are not used to the Indian culture at first. India, until only recently (Re: IT and call centre), was and still is an exotic location. However, for anyone coming into BK contact from overseas and who is willing to save money and time and effort to go to Madhuban, as well as wearing white clothes which they are not accustomed to, will expect the unexpected and expect the same treatment as they would the locals. Murlis tell us to be humble, yet the first thing that happens when we land is that first-class service is given to double foreigners, so now who is the humble one. I am sure most Double Foreigners appreciate the host treatment given, whatever it is.

There is always much talk about the "BK culture" which is best learnt by merging the international cultures together, which in essence is merging the sanskars, but from the outset there are segregated areas for Indians and Double Foreigners in the eating areas. I find that after 3-4 days in Madhuban (for the first-timer) Double Foreigners already get used to the place. Maybe all that is needed is a few specialised local BKs (wearing badges a bit like a tour guide) that any Double Foreigner who is lost or has queries, can ask when needed. Though I never found trouble asking anyone even if the response was just a loving giggle.

In another post elsewhere, I mentioned that you can go into Madhuban and forget all those Double Foreigner classes and help out in the kitchen or shell peas or make chapattis instead, mixing in with the locals. And who cares if your whites get greasy ? Childrens clothes are always grubby. After all it is home and university all in one, so there are many ways to enjoy your home. The kitchen is the heart of most homes.

But the main essence for all of us to go Madhuban is to meet BapDada. Somehow God should be at home if the children from all over have come running, so it feels odd that He only turns up for a few hours and afterwards goes to ... ? I mean if God turned up in Brahma Baba (Lekhraj Kirpalani) so frequently, why would He not do the same now ?

(The above is from a BK viewpoint, the PBKs would have a different view of this)
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Mr Green


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Post20 Oct 2006

Hi all!

Yes, when I last attended the Mela, God-Gig, it was a pink ribbon you had to have pinned on clearly before you would be allowed onto the stage for some 'drishti' etc. All the so-called surrendered Westeners who were 'anyone' would almost expect to be given one of these, and those who were forgotten would soon be talking to the right person.

Also, the other networking issue was where you would be seated!!!!!!!!!! Again, all those surrendered (Oxford etc) would be on the plasic chairs near the front, and if you knew who to ask you could get a decent seat :lol: ... But don't worry you have to remember that's actually down to your !karma! :lol: ... sitting on the floor with the plebs ... BapDada's drishti goes to those at the back first???? mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

The ring system is, when you first go to Madubhan you are given a silver ring, in a little ceremony conducted by Sheilu usually ... "All first-timers come to the History Hall after lunch to receive Baba's ring" ... use suitable Indian accent.

Then the gold ring thing in England is really dependant on whether Dadi Janki takes a shine to you or not ... you might only be in Gyan 1 year, but if you shove yourself under her nose enough you'll get one ... "Hope you're taking notes you newbies :lol:" ... Whereas there are many who keep their nose down who have been around for years and don't get one. There are a lot of control issues you see, for instance, these are my students ... there are many types of ring from many sources at many different levels of value. I had an Indian made one, solid gold, quite a chunk of metal, with a unique design ... I gave it back when I left. Shame, I could have got a few quid for it !!!!!!!!
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Post20 Oct 2006

Mr Green wrote:I had an Indian made one, solid gold, quite a chunk of metal, with a unique design ... I gave it back when I left. Shame, I could have got a few quid for it !!!!!!!!

So, the next question is ... where is all this gold coming from? Some one has to work to pay for it.

I heard that Gulzar's badge even has diamonds on it and am sure that I saw some little lingam-like rubies floating around. Do the Dadis have a secret stash of it left over from the Golden Age just for making Baba's rings? Does it make you have better Yoga or reduce your karmic account? What do the Indian BKs get, Alloy Yuga rings? 800,000 students times one gold ring is soon going to add up!

I don't know if it still goes on but lokik Indians used to move quite a bit of wealth around and across borders in the form of expensive jewellery. Its a wonder with all the poverty in India that the BKs don't use the money to establish real charities. It would impress people of their goodness more.
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Post24 Oct 2006

ex-l wrote:So, the next question is ... where is all this gold coming from? Some one has to work to pay for it.

Many Indian BK teachers encourage rich BK students to gift gold/silver items whenever Dadis/senior BK Sisters visit their places. Even otherwise, it is a tradition in Indian culture for the rich people to gift gold and silver items (or even coins) to friends and relatives. That tradition has continued.
Does it make you have better Yoga or reduce your karmic account?

It only increases the karmic account. In the Avyakt Vanis Baba has said that some rich people have attachment on even a broken piece of pottery. So how can one become detached if one is wearing golden rings, chains or badges? It is but natural that the Dadi who gifted the ring, or the BK teacher who became instrumental in fetching you the ring would come to the mind more than Baba when you sit in remembrance, would they not:?:
What do the Indian BKs get, Alloy Yuga rings?

Most Indian BKs don't get any of these rings. Only the VIP Indian BKs (like the ones who gifted the Dadis with golden/silver items during their visits to their places) may get back some of it in the form of rings. Among others (read non-rich), it is possible that they also get silver rings. But you can imagine the quantum and time of physical Godly service that they would have to do to qualify for that ring !!!!!!!!!!! that too with the recommendation of their center incharge. When I got a silver ring from Dadiji during a personal meeting many-many year ago I too felt like a VIP :D

You cannot blame them because the foundation was laid not be these BK teachers or the Dadis. It was Brahma Baba himself who laid the foundation for these practices while playing the role of a mother in the Yagya. While leading a lokik life he used to gift diamonds/jewelleries to friends and relatives and when he got the title of Brahma and started taking care of the Yagya with motherly love and affection, he laid the practice of giving dry fruits as parting gifts to all the BKs who visited Madhuban besides distributing tolis during their stay. I do not know if other gifts were also given at that time. After the demise of Brahma Baba, the dry fruits must have given way to small gifts, which then gave way to costly gifts. Those who get costly gifts would never complain and among those who get ordinary gifts are mostly such simple BKs who (as some members said) have Baba more in their mind rather the gifts *********** So the show continues. :lol: Until the role of Dharmaraj begins, when the accounts would be settled, rather when auditing would be done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Post24 Oct 2006

arjun wrote:Many Indian BK teachers encourage rich BK students to gift gold/silver items whenever Dadis/senior BK Sisters visit their places ... So how can one become detached if one is wearing golden rings, chains or badges?

Someone said to me that Gulzar even has diamonds in her badge! Does this ring true too?

The example is set by the Seniors, the Sangum Yug seems to be their Golden Age ... they must have so much wealth swilling around that little things like diamonds and gold do not matter any more.

I suppose the use is just psychological, to bind the students to their organization, but it does all seem to be very lokik.

BKWSU and the Ring-a Yoga of Badge-ly Consciousness ...
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Post24 Oct 2006

ex-l wrote:The example is set by the Seniors, the Sangum Yug seems to be their Golden Age ... they must have so much wealth swilling around that little things like diamonds and gold do not matter any more.

"Deh ka bhaan todney ke liye Baba nay kahaa tha - 108 chattiyon vaala kapdaa pehno."

"In order to break the body consciousness Baba had said - wear clothes with 108 patches." - (Revised Sakar Murli dated 29.05.06, page 1, published by BKs and narrated by Father Shiv through Brahma Baba)
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Post01 Nov 2006

Omshanti. I heard that Avyakt BapDada narrated the first Avyakt Vani of the season yesterday. Can any BK share any important or new point of the Vani with us? It would be interesting to know.
With regards,
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New Season's Murlis (or Vanis)

Post04 Nov 2006

Omshanti. I have received a photocopy of the Hindi version of the first Avyakt Vani of the season narrated through Gulzar Dadiji on 31.10.06. While speaking to the senior Sisters from abroad on the last page Avyakt BapDada says,
"Congratulations for doing service unitedly by exchanging views with each other. You have the boon of BapDada since your birth. (All are tension free) If they have tension, then what would be the condition of others! There is a line (i.e. queue) behind them, is not it? They do not have tension even in the dreams, because the line is big ... (This time the month of January would be special) This time celebrate the month of January in such a way that you obtain the certificate of being obstacle-free. Everyone should receive a certificate. Bring some novelty. If there is a novelty then soul would fly. Now the time is only to fly because anything can happen suddenly. It is a time of disturbances (halchal). You remain unshakeable (achal) in it. Everyone should get the vibrations that we are in disturbances and these souls are unshakeable."

The English translation has been done by a PBK.

Why did the need arise for BapDada to speak about tension in case of senior BK Sisters from abroad?

With regards,

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