BK Leader Halina Paradela Sex Allegations reported by PBK

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Re: BK Leader Halina Paradela Sex Allegations made by PBK member

Post08 Jun 2010

Hello ...

I hope you have not forgot me ...

All these posts sounds surprising and strange. For all the years they are claiming of establishing one religion, one kingdom Etc. Now they themselves are splitting in different groups. And they say that they are the foundations and they are the law makers. The way they will act, it will be established in the new world. Sounds funny ... but they will not care ... I know.
The followers are encouraged to follow not Buddhism but Buddhu-ism.

I really wonder, if it is not GOD ... then who is it ... ? AND what real GOD (if exists any) is doing and watching the game of BUDDHU-ism by using his name ... yesterday people used GOD differently ... today it is Brahmakumaris ... tomorrow will be somebody else ... This game will go on and on and on ... because people are scared ... they need GOD in their lives ... DEMAND IS MORE hence the SELLERS ARE INCREASING ...

OH, GOD ...



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Re: BK Leader Halina Paradela Sex Allegations made by PBK member

Post08 Jun 2010

Let me get the final permission from those people if it's all right with them to write their addresses here. I wil come back to you with this.
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Re: BK Leader Halina Paradela Sex Allegations made by PBK member

Post08 Jun 2010

Panini ... it better would be if they wrote a statement which they are willing to publish in public. They do not have to give their names as long as they can give enough good points to show that what they say is checkable and true.

bhupendra, you are very right.

The truth is, of course, that the Brahma Kumaris have ALWAYS been fall out, splitting off and it has been going on from the very beginning. For a long time in the West, we knew nothing about it and it seems like the BKWSU keeps a good control over even its Indian followers. I am not a PBK follower. I am not a PBK believer. I do not believe Virendra Dev Dixit has God in him speaking and teaching ... (and why would it have to be "God" ... would "good" not just be good enough!?!) but I respect the PBKs' right to their own religion without the persecution the BKWSU gives them. It is utterly hypocritical and corrupt of BKs, or the BKWSU, to do so (... beatings, death threats etc).

Even if one is NOT a BK believer, one has to admit the PBKs have seen the corruption and are trying to make sense of and follow the philosophy ... even if it is pointless and impossible. There are other breakaway groups too.

Yes, even as far back as the early 1980s, I have heard the BK leaders speaking very badly about the PBKs and the local center-in-charges being afraid to speak about them.

I hope someone writes a sober history of the movement one day.



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Re: BK Leader Halina Paradela Sex Allegations made by PBK member

Post09 Jun 2010

Sex Allegations, as it was mentioned in the title, were not done by any PBK member but by two ex-BK students of Brahma Kumaris in Poland.

I do recommend to change the tittle as it is misleading. These two ex-BK students revealed that information in Poland. They were also abused by BKs badly.

Some other ex-BKs from Poland wrote their statements about being abused by BKs and sent them to Brahma Kumaris Forum, but they did not reveal their names.
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Re: BK Leader Halina Paradela Sex Allegations reported by PBK

Post09 Jun 2010

I changed it to "BK Leader Halina Paradela Sex Allegations reported by PBK" as the person who wrote all these websites would seem to me to be a PBK.

I am still hoping we can get down to the facts of what actually happened. Will those Polish ex-BKs come forward and give their account.

I think it is in the public interest to discuss. If someone is promoting themselves as one thing, and taking people's time and money, but doing the opposite ... then that is a kind of fraud.

The BKWSU have been documented to support its center-in-charges even though they do such things. Remember, what the Dadi Janki and the BKWSU typically teach is that "sex is worse than murder" etc and a religion of even no touching, no affection, no attachment and denial even of one's partner and family. In my own experience, I heard of them encouraging a young pregnant woman to have abortion in order that she could surrender to them more ... and here you are telling us of Halina Paradela leaving an infant behind to join the BKWSU ... how old are we talking about?



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Re: BK Leader Halina Paradela Sex Allegations reported by PBK

Post12 Jun 2010

I changed it to "BK Leader Halina Paradela Sex Allegations reported by PBK" as the person who wrote all these websites would seem to me to be a PBK.

What you wrote here is contradictory to what you write in other places about the absolute necessity to have facts/proofs or tangible evidences in order to be able to state something. Could you please bring those evidences here? I am asking about it, because I know the person who opened a blog containing selected documents concerning the case against the Brahma Kumaris, I know people from BK Poland who revealed the issue of BK Halina's sex affair and I also know the people from BK Poland who revealed the issue of abandoning an almost newly born child and his Father by BK Halina Paradela.

All these people are not the same and it is not true that a PBK reported Halina's Paradela's sex affair. It was done by people directly connected to BK Poland. For the first time this issue was revealed in 2006 or 2007 by an ex-BK from Poland. Then, again the same issue was revealed by people from Brahma Kumaris Poland in 2010.

If you really care about the truth and facts, I would suggest you should first check carefully all options and contact people you can cantac in order to confirm what you are going to write and not write something because "it seems" to you like this. This is only a piece of advice. I provided you with contacts that are available in the Internet.

Why don't you call those people to receive from them direct statements and documents?
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Re: BK Leader Halina Paradela Sex Allegations reported by PBK

Post12 Jun 2010

panini wrote:What you wrote here is contradictory to what you write in other places about the absolute necessity to have facts/proofs or tangible evidences in order to be able to state something. Could you please bring those evidences here?

When I wrote that, what I meant was that the person who is writing in all those blogs such as Pro Bono Publico etc is a PBK.

That is what "report" means in English ... report as in "reporter".

It does not mean "reported to", nor does it mean they were the first people to raise the issue. All I mean is that the individual reporting the facts or allegations is clearly from the PBK side of the debate. They appear to me to be pretending NOT to be but anyone with any experience in the movement would see it straight away.

Why do I say that? The use of language, the concepts, the modus operandi, the connections elsewhere to other PBKs, e.g. stuff like the way they use "the Father" or "Jagat Guru" etc. There are too many examples for me to list right now.

However, I am happy to accept that the 'initial reports' were from ex-BKs. This is why we discuss things openly here ... to get to the facts.
Pro Bono Publico PR Agents wrote:It was the True Teacher of Raja Yoga, Honorable Shri Shri 108 Jagatguru ShivBaba Himself along with His best student Raja Yogi Veerendra Dev Dixit who saved my life. Hadn’t they helped me and taught me, I would have been dead today because of the Brahma Kumaris who poisoned me. When I was in the most degraded stage, completely in hell, Honorable Shri Shri 108 Jagatguru ShivBaba along with his best student Raja Yogi Veerendra Dev Dixit accepted me and treated me like their own child in their home.

Why don't I? I trust you and I am busy right now.



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Re: BK Leader Halina Paradela Sex Allegations reported by PBK

Post13 Jun 2010

Sorry, I have an article published in Polish media about those things. It was published in April 2010. It was published by people connected to Brahma Kumaris Poland. It was distributed in news pages, Direct Mailings and it was in the Internet. They informed PBKs about it. PBKs sent letters to institutions (also institutions connected with public ethics) and required them to do something about this as the Brahma Kumaris in Poland spread a false image of Raja Yoga, deceive people and don't even observe the basic rules in Yoga such as brahmacarya.
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Re: BK Leader Halina Paradela Sex Allegations reported by PBK

Post13 Jun 2010

I am very pleased to hear that open discussion is starting to happen.

For me, the Brahma Kumari movement is like a dysfunctional family in which abuse has taken place and those who have carried out the abuse have silenced "the children" from speaking about it.

Many children from abusive families are afraid to speak out but unless they speak out, no change will happen. Often all it takes is for people to speak out and keep speaking out, and especially let those who habitually abuse others know that they cannot hide it any more.

Hopefully they will reflect on it and change. If not, at least others will be protected.

What result did this exposure have in Poland? What response did the BKWSU leadership make?


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Re: BK Leader Halina Paradela Sex Allegations reported by PBK

Post14 Jun 2010

ex-I wrote:I am afraid that I have seen, read and heard just so much by now that I have lost all respect and "doughball" is as better metaphor than calling someone a "spiritual prostitute" which few outside of the BKWSU/AIVV would understand.

So what are we talking about precisely? A full on sexual relationship or just "flirty fishing" for new BKs. Sometimes the BK Sisters do that.

If it is true, are they feeling guilty in doing that? Or they make others (their followers) feel guilty if they eat food prepared by their caring and loving relatives?



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Re: BK Leader Halina Paradela Sex Allegations reported by PBK

Post16 Jun 2010

ex-l wrote:I am very pleased to hear that open discussion is starting to happen.

For me, the Brahma Kumari movement is like a dysfunctional family in which abuse has taken place and those who have carried out the abuse have silenced "the children" from speaking about it.

Many children from abusive families are afraid to speak out but unless they speak out, no change will happen. Often all it takes is for people to speak out and keep speaking out, and especially let those who habitually abuse others know that they cannot hide it any more.

Hopefully they will reflect on it and change. If not, at least others will be protected. What result did this exposure have in Poland? What response did the BKWSU leadership make?

As far as I know, no result. No one finds anything wrong in those acts. People think sex is something normal; after all it is present even the church, so what is wrong when it is present in BK?

People do not believe that Brahma Kumaris can lie about Raja Yoga and their other teachings. Probably nothing will happen. These things are not shocking for anyone. Same as in England. No one pays attention to what is happening in the BKs. In the UK, some government institutions were informed about the situation. English police said that they don't see there is any crime or violation in BKs activities.
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Re: BK Leader Halina Paradela Sex Allegations reported by PBK

Post16 Jun 2010

The problem is, I think, the longer that the BK leadership gets away with it, the more arrogant they will surely become. Unfortunately, from a worldly point of view, their sins or crimes are not that big a deal.

Are there any signs that they are improving or reforming for the better?

They should, of course, judged by their spiritual peers ... but I think they see themselves as being above all others. That is half of the problem.

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