An unbiased view ...

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Re: An unbiased view ...

Post31 Jan 2010

because.parmeshwar wrote:What I observed here is, clearernow is pretending an advocate of Bkism and at the same time making himself clear by entering into the discussion, that what would be the consequences if I go ahead following all the Maryadas. He is using this forum to make himself clearer and clearer. He avoids the questions which are practical and pointing directly to the working of Brahmakumaris. In order to respond, he is refering other books/websites and using them to answer here and hence satisfying his ego of NOT surrendering in front of non-believers.

Sorry to interfere ... but I would like to draw your attention clearernow, there is no need to advocate the Bkism by using other references. It is all based on the following up of Maryadas. You have to go on to achieve the real touchings.

If you have selected 10-n practices wonderful for you and you start stepping on that 10-n practices, and while following those 10-n practices, again you will find n1 practices wrong, (because you are not following Maryadas) and this process continues till finally it become 10-10=0

And then ... the result will be

    Loss of Family, friends,:
    Loss of precious time
    Loss of hope about the materialsitic world (the Shudra’s world according to BK)
    Difficulty in finding another GOD (because by that time our subconscious will accept the BK’s god as the real God).
List can be elaborated much much more ...

If you really believe in Bkism, just walk ahead. Forget about discussing and advocating them on this forum. Have faith in yourself and don’t stop and don’t be selective. It is like climbing a mountain, you can not say that I will partially climb, and them swim, then again climb, and then again swim.

If you’ve decided to climb, go on climbing, don’t look down, as it is DANGEROUS.

And thankfully what I am experiencing for years after leaving the path is just the opposite of your predictions about my future. Dear Friend, please give yourself some time to heal, right now you are not able to appreciate it but believe me there is no loss, I am only learning and gaining more and more (And, Oh my God, I couldnt believe that you went all the way to convince me that it will become zero!!! Shows how much personal anger and pain you have right now). All losses you metioned above are fictitious however and gains that I am having for a long time now on all those fronts are REAL.

I am sorry but even when I stayed on the BK path, I never had those losses, My friend circle only got there is no question of any loss on those fronts now. Oh, its a pity that this web-site has a filter wherein anything positive gets heavily bashed and, yes, I am becoming more and more clear that I will follow my heart :-). I hope for very best for all of you - Go on and on looking at everything negatively.

For me the glass is half-full and Bkism has at least left one deep impact on my way of thinking and looking at life - try to see things positively. There is no point looking at everything negatively because you felt so. There are numerous families living more happily after adopting the BK path and yes there may be numerous examples whereing people couldnt strike balance or decided to leave everything. But that's not from coercion, thats from individual choices people make for their lives and if they realize that they made a wrong decision they put the blame on the fellow travellers of that path.

I challenge all of you to share 10 Murlis out of hundreds that advised to literally leave your families and friends and responsibilitie or not to care for them. BK path was not to follow BKs it was to follow what was in Murlis. If your fellow travellers did leave wasnt it their choice? I am not advocating anything - I am only saying that THIS WEBSITE IS FULL OF NEGATIVE CRITICISM and heavily biased and people are failing to show the positive side of experiences from BKs.

Constructive debates are heavily discouraged here and this thread is a perfect example that even when people try to share the positive side of life changing experiences on an spiritual practice, they are COERCED to such limits to believe that their sweet experiences and happiness wouldn't last in life just because the key bloggers of the site are complely Anti-BKs and a path left a bitter taste in their mouths??

I am pretty sure Ex-I and others are scrutinizing every word I have said above - will filter 1-2 sentences they could magnify with negative opinion and make people believe that actually nothing is positive.

I would like to ask the Admin of this site and tell me YES or NO?

Are people allowed to share anything positive about BKs when they have clearly experienced and benefitted so much? Why is this seen as advocating the path and people commenting negatively are encouraged -arent they heavily ADVOCATING something here out of their personal experiences and encouraging others to follow their opinions? If talking positive and making people believe about their practices is a Brainwash then coercing to such extremes to people who are so clearly able to benefit and see positive about the practices of a path is also BRAINWASH so my dear friends who visit this website - DO WATCH OUT. The title says its independent information but its only independent if you are able to share negative criticism.

If you answer is NO then I wouldn't waste my time anymore and let people go on with their rambling negative opinions about everything. Do you only allow a handful of Ex-BKs that are completely anti-BKs (and, yes, they did not have good experiences so its fine to let them share negative experiences - I don't have a problem with that) and can only bring the negative side of a path that certainly have a lot of positive side? If you only allow people to say only negative then I am happy to stay away from this site and this itself shows its not a constructive effort and doesnt allow balanced opinions.

If your answer is NO, I wish all of you a beautiful life full of happiness and joy ahead and take a break here.
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Re: An unbiased view ...

Post31 Jan 2010

I think generally our stance is a reflection on the stance of the BK follower that comes here.

If they are honest, rational and down to earth ... then we are perfectly reasonable and supportive in return.

It is not the bit that are "working" that need fixed. It is the broken bits that hurt people that need attention. There are plenty other BKWSU website doing, and full-time BKs, doing sales, marketing and PR for them.

If BKs come on in full PR mode ... then, of course, they will stumble and fall.

What you should do, or should have done is say, "OK, what do you think needs fixing ... what can I do to help ... I will get to work on it".

DO something positive. DO some real seva. Don't just mouth off and insult us.

The big difference between this site and any 'official' BK site ... is that we do share Murlis points. In fact, we share complete Murlis not points. Hundreds of them either as downloads, or searchable webpages. See, here:
Sakar Murlis
or in the Library. Most of our members are grateful BKs and PBKs who come here to read and download those Murlis because we are the only place they can get them.

BapDada says in the Murlis that any BK can have copies of the Murlis, and they should be read many times a day, yet the leadership does the opposite and stops students receiving them.

So, my response to you is, if you want to BK on us, be a better BK that we can respect. Walk your god's talk. Start with giving us the rest of the Murlis so that we can discuss them. Baba says in the Murli that you have to gain a pass mark from everyone ... no complaints.

As for "leaving families" ... show me one Brahma Kumari leader who did not leave their "devilish" Shudra family. Actions speak louder than words.


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Re: An unbiased view ...

Post31 Jan 2010

The positivity is always welcome, and everybody goes for it, while joining our impression was also the same, POSITIVITY, a good virtue we were searching for all these years.!!!!

While among BKs, therotically we had taken classes in school and colleges about positivity
+ X + = + (if you think positive and do positive the result is positive)
+ X - = - (if you think positive and do negative the result is negative)
- X + = - (if you think negative about the positive things the result is negative)
- X - = + (if you think negative about the negative things the result is positive)

And so many metaphors like this…...

And, Oh my God, I couldnt believe that you went all the way to convince me that it will become zero!!! Shows how much personal anger and pain you have right now). All losses you metioned above are fictitious however and gains that I am having for a long time now on all those fronts are REAL.

Yes, right now, I am in pain, but I assure you, I will overcome it with the help of my freinds and relatives, and there are genuine reasons for my pain.


• With all positive intentions, we donated one house for spreading POSITIVITY in the world. Now we are fighting for it to take back. The details I can’t tell you on this forum as it may spoil your faith
• I know two Brothers who were donating all their salary, to the BK centre of course living there, and one suffered with jaundice and left alone, no care, no support from the spiritual family, the other one lost his job and could not sustain living with them in the centre, and due to over age went back to his lokiks.

There are so many small events testing our positivity. But alas, the teachers themselves are spreading and programming negativity in the intellects.

I challenge all of you to share 10 Murlis out of hundreds that advised to literally leave your families and friends and responsibilities or not to care for them. BK path was not to follow BKs it was to follow what was in Murlis

Murli point dated 23.01.10 “Sust unhe kaha jata hai jinhe sara din mitra sambandhi Yaad ate hai”

Those are lazy who keeps remembering their friends and relatives. (This type of mental conditioning by insulting in the group appears in Murli very often)

Once you accept it, and decide to put in efforts for forgetting friends and relatives then, they appears as enemies, you will not accept food prepared by them, you will not listen to their advises, etc.

Clearernow, my intention was not to hurt you or to break your faith or positivity about BKs and their teachings and I’m really sorry if you feel so…

Let me repeat,
If you really believe in Bkism, just walk ahead. Forget about discussing and advocating them on this forum. Have faith in yourself and don’t stop and don’t be selective. It is like climbing a mountain, you can not say that I will partially climb, and them swim, then again climb, and then again swim.
If you’ve decided to climb, go on climbing, don’t look down, as it is DANGEROUS.

I will be more than happy if you reach to the peak and beacon us after reaching to the peak. We would love to see you as Deity.


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Re: An unbiased view ...

Post31 Jan 2010

clearernow wrote:[
I challenge all of you to share 10 Murlis out of hundreds that advised to literally leave your families and friends and responsibilitie or not to care for them.


Re: An unbiased view ...

Post31 Jan 2010

jannisder wrote:I challenge all of you to share 10 Murlis out of hundreds that advised to literally leave your families and friends and responsibilitie or not to care for them.

Nothing of that coerces you to leave your families and friends. And I did not say share quotes in isolation- share those Murlis- I listened to Murlis for 5 years on regular basis and not even a single Murli mentioned do not have mercy or love for other souls. Infact many many times the quotes are based on having pure and good wishes for all other souls including your family. I am sure you will find hundreds of quotes if you want to look at the positive side that said "fulfill your responsibilities for loukiks". Picking out few words in isolation and having to interpret that doesnt change the core. Yes ofcourse the core of the BK teachings was to remember one and one Godfather and not remember all bodily relations. What that means is to remain unattached. True love= love -attachment. It only brings out true love when I put that in practice- I have experienced detachment from bodily relations myself and that only brought out more true love for those souls from my heart. It only brought sweetness to those relations and the sole idea is to experience all relations with God and apply the sweetness of that relations to the wordly relations in an unattached way. When I look at my friends, detachment never harmed those relationships. I have seen instances where some BKs did not do it in a balanced way and turned back their friends but there are also many who could balance it very well. Its about implementation not teachings.
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Mr Green


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Re: An unbiased view ...

Post31 Jan 2010

what do you want?


Re: An unbiased view ...

Post31 Jan 2010

because.parmeshwar wrote:The positivity is always welcome, and everybody goes for it, while joining our impression was also the same, POSITIVITY, a good virtue we were searching for all these years.!!!!

While among BKs, therotically we had taken classes in school and colleges about positivity
+ X + = + (if you think positive and do positive the result is positive)
+ X - = - (if you think positive and do negative the result is negative)
- X + = - (if you think negative about the positive things the result is negative)
- X - = + (if you think negative about the negative things the result is positive)

And so many metaphors like this…...

And, Oh my God, I couldnt believe that you went all the way to convince me that it will become zero!!! Shows how much personal anger and pain you have right now). All losses you metioned above are fictitious however and gains that I am having for a long time now on all those fronts are REAL.

Yes, right now, I am in pain, but I assure you, I will overcome it with the help of my freinds and relatives, and there are genuine reasons for my pain.


• With all positive intentions, we donated one house for spreading POSITIVITY in the world. Now we are fighting for it to take back. The details I can’t tell you on this forum as it may spoil your faith
• I know two Brothers who were donating all their salary, to the BK centre of course living there, and one suffered with jaundice and left alone, no care, no support from the spiritual family, the other one lost his job and could not sustain living with them in the centre, and due to over age went back to his lokiks.

There are so many small events testing our positivity. But alas, the teachers themselves are spreading and programming negativity in the intellects.

I challenge all of you to share 10 Murlis out of hundreds that advised to literally leave your families and friends and responsibilities or not to care for them. BK path was not to follow BKs it was to follow what was in Murlis

Murli point dated 23.01.10 “Sust unhe kaha jata hai jinhe sara din mitra sambandhi Yaad ate hai”

Those are lazy who keeps remembering their friends and relatives. (This type of mental conditioning by insulting in the group appears in Murli very often)

Once you accept it, and decide to put in efforts for forgetting friends and relatives then, they appears as enemies, you will not accept food prepared by them, you will not listen to their advises, etc.

Clearernow, my intention was not to hurt you or to break your faith or positivity about BKs and their teachings and I’m really sorry if you feel so…

Let me repeat,
If you really believe in Bkism, just walk ahead. Forget about discussing and advocating them on this forum. Have faith in yourself and don’t stop and don’t be selective. It is like climbing a mountain, you can not say that I will partially climb, and them swim, then again climb, and then again swim.
If you’ve decided to climb, go on climbing, don’t look down, as it is DANGEROUS

I will be more than happy if you reach to the peak and beacon us after reaching to the peak. We would love to see you as Deity.

Thank you very much for your understanding because.parmeshwar- rest assured you have not hurted me and rest assured I honestly wish your pain goes away very soon- I know what it feels and can relate completely to that. I am sharing this because I had similar views when I left that path. I had pain and anger too and did come out of it completely. Its after many years that it has become so clear to me that lot of my views during that time were immediate reactions but not rational. Rest assured that even if I am challenged a million times by you or Ex-BKs, My faith is not going to even shake by fraction of a million in my relationship, experience and connection with God that I continue to experience in each part of my life and will not hesitate to say I derived that from BKs and will always thank them. My intention on logging my time on this web-site is not PR for BKs. Its for providing a balanced view to the readers that yes there are souls like me who have gone through a tremendous, life changing and highly positive experience with BKs without any grudges.


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Re: An unbiased view ...

Post31 Jan 2010

clearernow wrote:
I had pain and anger too
Rest assured that even if I am challenged a million times by you or Ex-BKs

So what did they do? Did you feel cheated or did they deceived you, How? Please allow us to understand.



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Re: An unbiased view ...

Post31 Jan 2010

Clearernow is telling us that his/her view is unbiased, a glass half full person, and that we should look at the positive things in the Murli's. Unfortunately that very thing is a big part of the problem. The Murlis are full of contradictions and ambiguities . Would that be part of a mental programming. ?

Picking out bits that suits one is a cop out, seeing negative aspects and ignoring them is a step away from the truth. And as for the argument to give them a break because after all they are just flawed human beings, that is all very well, but that's not what they are presenting themselves as. So. I cannot accept that excuse.

It is a lifestyle that suits many people. But I think that to last in it one has to ignore certain things, in the teachings and the conduct of people involved. In fact, when I read Mr. Green's post that so sincere and deep was his faith that he surrendered and would have died for the God he believed he had found, I remembered seeing a certain cynical amusement on the part of the career BK's at the perceived naivety in those with that sort of faith. I remember a great deal of respect for what was called "cleverness" . At the same time we were to be "innocent".

So many contradictions? That is why the only way to continue as a pukka BK one has to ignore ... .

Other people who have a different sense of integrity are not comfortable with that way. Call us sticklers. !

Your view is not unbiased Clearernow, because you cannot seem to accept that this is not a lashing out at the BK's in pain and anger, though the expression of that is part of the seeing there is something wrong, No, most writings here have valid criticism and if the BK adherents are even a small percentage of what they believe themselves to be they should be addressing these issues with love and honesty.

Mr Green wrote,
What do you want?


Re: An unbiased view ...

Post31 Jan 2010

ex-l wrote:I think generally our stance is a reflection on the stance of the BK follower that comes here.

If they are honest, rational and down to earth ... then we are perfectly reasonable and supportive in return.

It is not the bit that are "working" that need fixed. It is the broken bits that hurt people that need attention. There are plenty other BKWSU website doing, and full-time BKs, doing sales, marketing and PR for them.

If BKs come on in full PR mode ... then, of course, they will stumble and fall.

What you should do, or should have done is say, "OK, what do you think needs fixing ... what can I do to help ... I will get to work on it".

DO something positive. DO some real seva. Don't just mouth off and insult us.

The big difference between this site and any 'official' BK site ... is that we do share Murlis points. In fact, we share complete Murlis not points. Hundreds of them either as downloads, or searchable webpages. See, here: [url="'] or in the library. Most of our members are grateful BKs and PBKs who come here to read and download those Murlis because we are the only place they can get them.

BapDada says in the Murlis that any BK can have copies of the Murlis, and they should be read many times a day, yet the leadership does the opposite and stops students receiving them.

So, my response to you is, if you want to BK on us, be a better BK that we can respect. Walk your god's talk. Start with giving us the rest of the Murlis so that we can discuss them. Baba says in the Murli that you have to gain a pass mark from everyone ... no complaints.

As for "leaving families" ... show me one Brahma Kumari leader who did not leave their "devilish" Shudra family. Actions speak louder than words.

My heart knows I have been honest in sharing what I experienced- But I didnot get any suppport to share those - I am sorry but I found the reactions at times to be very unreasonable unlike your claim. Its not PR for BKs. Its sharing of positive experiences and provide a balanced view- Now its evident that you are representing skewed information on this web-site by restricting to focus only on non-working bits of a system leading to un-constructive criticism. I actually feel cheated by your posting now that this forum is designed for sharing the non-working bits only! I feel it was a waste of time to share anything positive here if you say so and I have got my answer.

Here are my closing remarks on this thread and I wish all of you all the very best before going away and continue to enjoy my beautiful journey with that lovely connection with the Divine source:

Once again excuse me to share another learning of my Spiritual journey that I am focussing on- Focus on my own defects and not other's. So my belief is on my self tranformation not on the negativity of others. I have no intention to fix any system if you feel it has non-working bits. Yes I do agree that parts do require fixing and I respect your intentions to fix them. My personal opinion on that is the world is full of imperfections and fixes are required to each aspect of the world and each person and institution. I am not revolutionary to go fix a system as I know somthing built over 70 years time may take a life time to fix if you feel it has not working bits. What would I achieve attempting fixing it? Its futile for me to do that as I would rather spend my life focussing on changing myself, acquire more divine virtues, purifying myself, deepening my relationship with God and picking pearls that works for me beautifully. I encourage all the new readers of this site to go through this thread and see who is trying to be more positive? And now I am being told DO SOMETHING POSITIVE- this part was really stunning to me dear friend Ex-I. You keep pestering me to believe that I believe in Destruction through your other posts- In the entire postings sequence how many times have I told you that I am way beyond thinking or worrying about destruction- It JUST DOES NOT BOTHER ME. And your coercion that I actually believe in that is not seva- you are being no different here than the object of criticism by so much coercion and being judgemental about what feelings I have. I have only tried to highlight that my relationship with God is beautiful, its in each aspect of my life, I love that and it is strenghening me to achieve success in my relationships with family, friends and also having a succesful career. That connection is guiding me on each step of my life and my heart knows that very clearly. It has undoubtedly come to me as a beautiful gift during my association with BKs in those 5 years and I will always be grateful.

You say BK leaders left families- so did many other spiritual leaders. You sure know that a prince called Siddhartha left his palace, parents, wife and just born son about 2500 years ago. For sure hundreds of people criticized him during those days for a person absolving responsibility and leaving family (and how worse to leave a new born Son!!!). And today even after 2500 years of that, there are some 376 million followers worldwide of what he established and still worship him. So is true of many other spiritual leaders in the past and even present. But the BK preaching was not for everyone to leave their families and no one coerces you to leave the family and friends- It may be 5-10% of the overall followers who may be in the leadership hierarchy, surrendered etc. who have done it or may be slightly more. There are a majority who were working, living in family and adopted the path and it is indeed possible to adopt a BK path without leaving families and friends. Path taught to remain unattached with them not leave them. If leaders or any other surrendered souls did leave the family, it was their individual choice and who knows some of them may very well will be admired for generations by the world no matter how much they are criticized.

Once again a very good luck with your endeavours-
Ex-I: It has been great learning for me intearcting with you and I have derived more strength in my relationship with God - thanks so much and sorry if I hurted you in any ways.
Because.parmeshwar: I wish for you to come out of this pain as early as possible and enrich your relations with your family and friends. Life is great, relieve yourself and soon you will get the happiness that you deserve.
Mr Green: You are truly an inspiration and some of your experiences of surrender moved me. I will seek your guidance in life again as you are a wonderful soul having given up so much towards God. I apologize to you if I disrespected you in any sense.

And here I go again for my evening with my beloved :-)



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Re: An unbiased view ...

Post31 Jan 2010

Hey Clearernow,

Before you go, Could you explain something to me. If you find everything to be so positive about the BK's , how is it that you are not still part of the organization. Why did you leave. ?


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Re: An unbiased view ...

Post31 Jan 2010

ex-l wrote:I think generally our stance is a reflection on the stance of the BK follower that comes here.

If they are honest, rational and down to earth ... then we are perfectly reasonable and supportive in return.

This was indeed my experience when I came here. I was warmly welcomed and no one jumped on me when I shared my positive experiences.

I did not however try to dismiss the bad stuff as being irrelevant. I had seen so much of it during my 20+ years of BK life to know that it is real and that it is not irrelevant to the innumerable people who have been harmed by the BK practices.

Just like you, my personal overall experience with the BKs has been positive, but I am aware that I am one of the few and I think it would be very arrogant to think that I was following the BK path properly whilst all those who have been harmed were not. The truth is that I was not following properly since I was picking and choosing. Yes I was pukha in terms of following the disciplines but I was still picking and choosing what I wanted to believe and how I wanted to follow.

The Murlis say to surrender body, mind and intellect. I never did that. I gave my bones in service to the cause but I could never figure out how I would be able to surrender my mind and intellect. I would not give up my conscience and common sense. Technically, I was not following the elevated instructions of the God of the Murlis but I was following the devilish instructions of my own mind.

I never believed that The Cycle was exactly of 5000 years, although the Murlis literally say so. Again, technically, I was disrespectful to the elevated versions of God. I was happily interpreting the Murlis the way it suited me and leaving aside big chunks of it but no where in the Murlis does it say to do so. According to the "path", personal interpretation is evil.

Just like you I never based my BK life on the belief that destruction was imminent but can we pretend that it is not a core belief of the BK philosophy?

Would you not acknowledge that destruction is indeed a core belief of the BK path and that what you are doing is following only selected parts of the BK path?

I do not dispute that it has been good for you. I congratulate you for following your common sense!

I do not dispute that you might never have found such a blissful life without encountering the BKs. I do not dispute that you found many very good people there and many good friends.

However I disagree that you are bringing an "unbiased view" of the BK philosophy and I think that what this site is doing is striking a balance.

It is here to support ex-BKs and exiting or questioning BKs, as well as their friends and families. It is also here to tell the truth about the hidden face of the BKs and warn the public about it and about the risks associated with the BK practices. I do not think that any of it is being "negative". Yes people who have been hurt express their feelings about it on the Forum and it is perfectly alright.

Would you tell rape victims expressing their feelings on a support forum that they are being negative and that they should not be angry or bitter?

If some of us here are being firm with you it is because we feel the you are spreading misinformation, suggesting that the BKWSU is harmless.

Can you not agree that people have and are being harmed by the BK practices? And acknowledge that they are not an insignificant minority?

Can you not see that the cover up of the failed predictions of imminent destruction and the lies about the coming of God Shiva are fundamental issues?

For decades the BK leadership has been lying. In "leadership" I must include BapDada because he is the one behind it all, is he not? There is no indication that BabDada has ever tried to rectify the lies and dishonesty. All along the organization has benefited from donations of labor and wealth and has acquired significant wealth. What is the real purpose behind it? I do not know but the least I can say is that it is suspicious and that warning the public about it is very commendable. It is not being obsessed by negativity, as you suggest.

In my opinion, if you do not see the truth here you are blind.


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Re: An unbiased view ...

Post01 Feb 2010

And here I go again for my evening with my beloved :-)

Did not you do the "powerful Yoga" evening service made compulsory by Dadi Janki for all BKs. (Refer Dadi Janki Class dated 16.12.2009)?

Or you mean to say you have spent your evening with your beloved BapDada by doing powerful Yoga, please make it clear.


Re: An unbiased view ...

Post07 Feb 2010

because.parmeshwar wrote:And here I go again for my evening with my beloved :-).
Did not you do the "powerful Yoga" evening service made compulsory by Dadi Janki for all BKs. (Refer Dadi Janki Class dated 16.12.2009) ... Or you mean to say you have spent your evening with your beloved BapDada by doing powerful Yoga, please make it clear.

Yes, of course, I meant deep connection with the divine source. It was powerful indeed. I realized that the initial so-called Honeymoon Period was created by getting lazy over a period of time and tired unsure of a life time commitment. On the contrary now, the Yoga experience however is still same after so many years, the intensity is same, and, oh how wonderful the peaceful and blissful experience the evening was! And against the commandments of dear friends over here, there was no Dada Lekhraj doing the magic in the wonderful evening experience to haunt me back- there was no connection with him :-) It was just peace, love and me in a stabilized soul conscious state that didnt come as a flicker but stayed on and on ... It works like magic and shows time and again that its real whether you accept it or not.

Its incredibly beautiful and unlike other material attainments, no one can snatch it away. How can I not appreciate this, I will be blind if I do not :-).
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Re: An unbiased view ...

Post19 Oct 2010

So you were never asked for money? Lucky you! In my earliest days, one of the things I especially liked about the BK's was the fact that money was not even accepted from anyone outside the immediate BK family, even to the point that only money from practising BKs (observing celibacy) could be used to buy food. That was from my earliest days of being a centrewassi.

In one Centre, we were even told to move Baba's Box from next to the front door of the Centre into Baba's Room so that newcomers wouldn't feel pressured into giving money. How times changed! When Gyan Sarover was being built, I had the unfortunate experience to be in Om Shanti Bhavan in Madhuban on Thursday morning, when straight after the obligatory trance message, a large basket was brought out on the stage. Dadiji (Kumarka or Prakashmani if you prefer) then said "Come up and get your Bhog and empty your wallets!"

It for me was a turning point, the final commercialisation of the BKWSU from a "spiritual" organisation into a business. Now, wherever you go in the BK world, there are collection boxes everywhere and what used to be virtually given away to "spread The Knowledge" now cost the full commercial tote.

I am glad you enjoyed your 5 years with the BKs and feel good feelings towards them, but make no mistake, this is a cult and it always comes back to the money!

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