An unbiased view ...

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Re: An unbiased view...

Post25 Jan 2010

Mr Green wrote:If you are picking pearls, you are a periphery BK, i.e. you do not accept all the teachings, therefore you are not a BK.

This is not a criticism. You are obviously intelligent enough not to have succumbed completely, well done.

Thank you Mr Green - everyone is free to make choices in life. I am glad to be able to see it clearly ...

Surrender is to God, not to Human Beings. If someone surrenders out of force or counting number of years of Destruction - this itself contradicts the teachings anyway. So surrender should always be based on your communion with God - I believed in making him your teacher, Father, Satguru ...
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Re: An unbiased view...

Post26 Jan 2010

Ask Mr Green about his experiences within the BKWSU; how long he was in, how far into the organization he got, his responsibilities, the 'degree of his surrender' and how they treated him. I think you need to learn to respect your elders, especially when they are trying to help you.

To an extent, I mostly agree with him. In my time within the BKWSU, most of the people coming along now would not be considered to be real BKs. Their spiritual status, based on their surrender, willingness and ability to follow the Maryadas ... would be even lower than the Adi-Kumars. They would be accepted lovingly as "effortmakers" and encouraged as potential full BKs, but there was and is always a clear line of "who is in and who is out".

This is the mirror of comments made just recently by senior BKs, like BK Charlie Hogg in Australia, e.g. "It is hard to attract the same quality of soul that they used to".

Life at the edges of the BKWSU is quite comfortable, especially if you keep your wallet in your pocket and pay for your own mortgage, not theirs. There are worse places to live. You might end up very lonely or desperate in your old age ... but that is a long way away for most (and, yes, there is always the dream of Destruction to save you!). If there is a risk, it is that "The Knowledge" can feed your "ego" by the way of making you an "Instant Guru" ... they have repackaged that now so instead of Instant Guru, you can not become a "Corporate Consultant" but it amounts to the same thing. Just a different target audience.

What you need to be careful of is your confusion of "God" with the spirits behind the BKWSU. They are not one and the same thing. It is difficult for outsiders, or people like yourself on the fringes, to perceive this. To be honest, all the 'gee whiz' experiences are at a lower level of psychism. You have to keep running like a hamster on a wheel to keep them coming, and this is the trick.

You seriously need to consider your karmic responsibility at introducing others to it under false guises like "peace of mind" etc.

The basic BK practices are very close to hypnosis and self-hypnosis, nothing more, with the additional influences of transference, or transmission as it is known on spiritual paths, from the various psychic influences involved. As a BK, you are being set up to be used psychically ... but, as others say, many BKs experience nothing. Why?

Anyone considering Brahma Kumarism would be well advised to ask for a few "second opinions" from experienced spiritualist and spiritual teachers before opening up one's mind and committing to its spirits.


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Re: An unbiased view...

Post26 Jan 2010

Ask Mr Green about his experiences within the BKWSU; how long he was in, how far into the organization he got, his responsibilities, the 'degree of his surrender' and how they treated him. I think you need to learn to respect your elders, especially when they are trying to help you.

Yes ... we want to learn some experiences of Mr. Green. I tried reading his older posts, but it would be great if he make us understand the working of inner circle, of course, if it doesn't pull him back to the bitter memories.

And, also, how he (or all of you exs) managed to get rid of memories, related to BKs and their circle. Because these days, being separated from them I am feeling much guilty, loneliness, fear, and am not able to mix with the normal people out there. Continous thoughts of doing wrong things are coming. Also the strong fear of non-acceptance and rejection by the people is disturbing me. This disturbance is so terrible which doesn't allow me to sleep and then I left with no option and start meditation again (in order to control wasteful thoughts) or reading their literature or browsing this website.


Re: An unbiased view...

Post26 Jan 2010

ex-l wrote:Ask Mr Green about his experiences within the BKWSU ...

You seriously need to consider your karmic responsibility at introducing others to it under false guises like "peace of mind" etc.

Anyone considering Brahma Kumarism would be well advised to ask for a few "second opinions" from experienced spiritualist and spiritual teachers before opening up one's mind and committing to its spirits.

I am not sure but may be you are also entering into a Karmic responsibility here by denying some souls for whom this path may have made perfect sense. They have a right to decide what they want to do after going through rather than forming opinions based on few instances. Nobody forces a path onto anyone and its a matter of personal choice. My experiences with BKs are in complete contrast to your depiction so there is a positive side to it as well (and i was not on periphery those days, it was just that i was not surrendered). I have tried to put those experiences forward. I hope its not breaking the protocol of this web-site by sharing anything positive!

I have already addressed Mr. Green and have mentioned I have deep respect for his surrender and got inspired from his quotes.

Have trust in God and surrender the disturbance to him with lot of love. Keep the connection with divine source, it will not harm you. Have complete faith that he will guide you out of the disturbance gradually. Remember your hobbies and engage with those. do not keep yourself free for even few minutes, keep very busy in some or other activity. Share your feelings with a trusted BK/Non-BK friend or family if you can to become lighter.
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Re: An unbiased view ...

Post26 Jan 2010

How far did you follow the Maryadas?
do not keep yourself free for even few minutes, keep very busy in some or other activity.

This bit concerns me ... I appreciate that you had some mental and emotional problems but this sounds like a recipe for obsessive behaviour. And ... "not thinking about things", as beloved by Janki Kripalani.

It is not possible to make "perfect sense" out of a philosophy of an identical and exact 5,000 year Cycles, when it is based on a series of false and failed predictions.

The last paragraph is just brainwash ... the BKWSU HAS harmed people, especially families. It HAS robbed and killed people. Those are the facts.

The point I really try to make is that we, the likes of you, me, all the old matas giving their bones in free labor, are not qualified to judge just who or what BapDada is. We have no idea. We have no stick with which to measure it. No comparison.

Either you can take a scientific framework, and only believe in what you see and can measure, or you can take the framework of any religious faith. In practically all religious faiths they speak about spirits, angels, archangels, demi-gods, gods ... and all sorts of others.

    Who are we to be able to judge who is the "Supremest of them All"?? More "supreme" than you or I ... OK. But anything more than that is a projection of our needs and desires.
Personally, I would prefer just simple honesty and down to earthness rather than supremacy. BapDada is not honest and not down to earth.


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Re: An unbiased view ...

Post27 Jan 2010

Clearernow wrote:When you come back form an extra-ordinary plane into an ordinary plane, there is bound to be catastrophe and depression. Its hard but that’s how it meant to be. I blamed BKs for my state of depression during those days like many of you do now.

Why is it so? Why one feels depressed when not among them, and why one feels elevated among them, don’t you think that it is something abnormal? When every thing is according to Law of Karma, and once understanding it, one should be left free, but among BKs it is not like that, you have to go 'on and on' to experience the “extra-ordinary plane” and then gradually you forget everything which is MUST for normal living. It is like that you have to increase intake of alcohol gradually to feel that "kick" ... and then difficult to get rid of it.

And then again, even when one gets ready to leave the normal living, and decide to become a part of the BKs' circle, then the real game starts, the game of sucking. You have to give everything and then you can not have an unbiased opinion. Try it clearernow ...

I sometime thinks, are they a type of Underworld DON type organisation; once you get in, can not go out. Their image will be stucked in your mind and frustrate you every now and then if you try to get rid of them.

The experience posted by alladin posted matched with mine ...
in other topic alladin wrote:One of the common reasons could be that if you are a sensitive, spiritual person, a yogi soul so to say. You will pick up vibrations from people and, if you are a truth lover and authentic, you will instinctively react to hypocritical attitudes in others. Especially in those who try to pretend to be angels and high up in the BK hierarchy.

It is a shame that in the so-called "Spiritual Family", in order to just survive, fly high without being shot down by envious folks and conscious/unconscious bad wishers, one has to pay so much attention and invest so much energy in order to protect the self!


Re: An unbiased view ...

Post27 Jan 2010

because.parmeshwar wrote:Why is it so? Why one feels depressed when not among them, and why one feels elevated among them, don’t you think that it is something abnormal? When every thing is according to Law of Karma, and once understanding it, one should be left free, but among BKs it is not like that, you have to go 'on and on' to experience the “extra-ordinary plane” and then gradually you forget everything which is MUST for normal living. It is like that you have to increase intake of alcohol gradually to feel that "kick" ... and then difficult to get rid of it.

The way I understand (and may be completely wrong as I am not a psychologist), when ever you move from a very positive environment to an ordinary /routine environment one feels upset, sad, unhappy. Imagine spending a long time (months or years) with the people you most love in your family/friends in a beautiful location etc, and then come to a normal stressful daily routine very far from them and living alone. The experience is terrible. Many times we feel sad, homesick, we miss them and want to be back in that environment.

Now the relative difference of these two experiences is of some degree hence the feeling. When you are on an extraordinary spiritual journey, dedicating your life to God you experience super sensuous joy and bliss that's many many times more positive compared to mundane life patterns. When you break the journey and take an ordinary, routine way of living again, the relative difference of the two experiences is many times higher than the first example above. So you feel more terrible and may be depressed.

Human mind always craves for the best experiences it has had in the past (and its recorded in the sanskars, aint it!). And if you feel elevated amongst some people, only explanation for that is that they are elevated and positive vibes work :-).
ex-l wrote:The last paragraph is just brainwash ... the BKWSU HAS harmed people, especially families. It HAS robbed and killed people. Those are the facts.

I am sorry - the below quote was for beacuase.parmeshwar as he asked for advise based on our experiences. If he likes any of it - try it. If he doesn't like - its not brainwash - throw this in to the bin. Advice is an advice not a brain wash.

Have trust in God and surrender the disturbance to him with lot of love. Keep the connection with divine source, it will not harm you. Have complete faith that he will guide you out of the disturbance gradually. Remember your hobbies and engage with those. do not keep yourself free for even few minutes, keep very busy in some or other activity. Share your feelings with a trusted BK/Non-BK friend or family if you can to become lighter.


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Re: An unbiased view ...

Post28 Jan 2010

To Clearernow,

You have replied half portion, the obvious one ... what about?
And then again, even when one gets ready to leave the normal living, and decide to become a part of the BKs' circle, then the real game starts, the game of sucking. You have to give everything and then you can not have an unbiased opinion. Try it clearernow ...

All their behaviour, I was feeling for these many years, and for all these years I was under the wrong guilty consciousness for myself, that I am not following the perfect Shrimat that is why I am not able to understand them. They are so secretive; they don't let you understand the inner circle. Once you get trapped it is become almost impossible to get rid of them.

Thanks to this website which made me aware about the inner facts.

I do agree that their initial experiences is just fantastic, but at what cost? How much you have to pay and for how long?
Clearernow wrote:I experience more love than I do from my own parents, wife ... I experience more peace than I do when I visit Church, temple or mosque. I experience more happiness than I do when I get promotions in career ...

This is first phase of getting trapped which comes in the initial years. This feeling gets rigid and firm up to the stage when you decide to leave your near and dear ones permanently. And once you do that, their parts change surprisingly. You have to either become hypocritical person or just leave them and in both case you feel lost (of course, if you are genuine) otherwise it is the best place if you don’t bother about others, or selfish person of top class.
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Re: An unbiased view ...

Post28 Jan 2010

And ... how far did you and do you now follow the Maryadas, clearernow?

I am concerned because you spoke earlier of the mental and emotional problems you had. I am concerned that you are just using Brahma Kumarism as a mask for those problems without seeking to address them. What you describe could also be an addict going back to the source of their addiction ... using the addiction to mask their problems.

Yes, going to a doctor is likely to have you being offered sleeping pills or tranquilizers in the first place ... to calm you down. Other treatments would come later ... as soon as you could afford them.

But to jump from a state of personal distress to having to believe in an necessary and desirable Destruction of the world and death of 6 Billion, is too big a big leap to make.

Many people DO use cults as a psychological mask during periods of their life when they need to break away and make changes. Most leave and return to everyday life. It is not wrong to do so.

But pushing your own spirit guides as being the "God of all religion" ... that is a step too far. I am sorry but you are coming across as a "pusher" and using many of the Brahma Kumari "pusher" yuktis.

The best thing to do of a highly addictive drug is not start taking it. Read up all the factual information first. Don't believe what the addicts tell you.


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Re: An unbiased view ...

Post28 Jan 2010

I agree with you to some extent ex-l.

I have seen people using what I could call mystical experiences like a drug to escape reality. I have seen it in the BKs and outside the BKs too. And there are many ways to induce this type of experience, drugs being one of them. Breathing exercises can be another one. All kinds of meditation techniques can induce that. I know many who had it happened to them naturally when they were at a very low point in their lives, in a depressive state of mind.

I do not think they are bad in themselves and I do not dispute the fact that BK meditation can induce it. I say that they do not automatically make you into a better person, nor solve your mental or emotional problems if you have any. I say that not everyone practicing BK meditation it will have it, even if they are faithful followers. And I say it is not unique to BKs. You do not even need to believe in a Supreme God to have them.

And I say it does not change the facts that the BK practices have harmed many and that the BK religion is based on lies. So I say: WATCH OUT!
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Re: An unbiased view ...

Post29 Jan 2010

clearernow wrote:Surrender is to God, not to Human Beings. If someone surrenders out of force or counting number of years of Destruction - this itself contradicts the teachings anyway. So surrender should always be based on your communion with God - I believed in making him your teacher, Father, Satguru ...

I have an interest in the meaning of ''surrender to God'' The ''surrender'' advocated by the BK system is to an invisible incorporeal being apparently located in an invisible ''Soul World'' Please read this previous post and give me a reasonable explanation how ''surrender'' is possible.
Buttom Slammer wrote: Questions for a BK

A soul in the Soul World is 'inert'. There is no conciousness. It is asleep. Silent and oblivious. In the Soul World there are no thoughts, no time and, no motion. Complete stillness. There is nothing to think about. There is no taste, touch, sound, smell or vision. No sense organs are present. There is no medium through which the soul may experience anything. There is no 'I' the soul. There is no 'I am a peaceful soul'. The soul knows NOTHING. Not even peace or its opposite sorrow. The Soul World itself is an unknown dimension. No-one can point the way to it. The Soul World, (the element of light, Brahmand) is itself a subtle element. It has no conciousness, it is simply empty space.

All souls in the Soul World are identical points of light. What is the difference between one point of light and another? None. One point of light/soul/jyoti bindu is exactly the same as another. According to Murli every living being has soul. Humans, animals, birds beasts, insects, jellyfish, worms and germs are identical points of light in the Soul World. Without a costume how can we tell one identical point of light from another? We cannot. The Soul World is an invisible dimension with invisible, identical, inhabitants that say nothing and go no-where. In the Soul World there is NO DRAMA or even any awareness of drama.

So, out of the countless billions or trillions upon trillions of souls, how are we to recognize one Supreme Father of all souls?

In the Soul World, there is no virtue or vice. The BKs show the Shiv Ling in their classrooms with the 32 rays of divine virtues. An incorporeal soul has neither vice or virtue, it cannot perform action. One cannot ascertain saint or sinner untill the soul is in a corporeal form. An invisible soul is only recognized through speech and action. So how can the BKs say they are connecting the Yoga of the intellect to the Supreme Father of all souls in the Soul World?

BKs say the Supreme Soul, Father of All Souls, returned to the Soul World in '69 after the demise of Brahma Baba. For reasons mentioned above, it is impossible to connect the intellect to a non-living being. Murli says, 'you become whatever you think about', souls in the souls world are stone dead, so this is what they achieve, a stone dead intellect. They do not progress themselves nor do they allow others to progress. The so called Raj Yoga meditation, connection of soul to Supreme Soul according to BK teaching brings degredation only and not upliftment.

Satyum Shivum Sunderam, means 'I am an ever pure benevolent LIVING BEING'. Living beings exist only in the corporeal world.

So how is it possble to surrender body, mind, wealth etc to a non-being that cannot even acknowledge its own existance never mind yours? Please explain.


Re: An unbiased view ...

Post30 Jan 2010

ex-l wrote:And ... how far did you and do you now follow the Maryadas, clearernow?

I am concerned because you spoke earlier of the mental and emotional problems you had. I am concerned that you are just using Brahma Kumarism as a mask for those problems without seeking to address them. What you describe could also be an addict going back to the source of their addiction ... using the addiction to mask their problems.

Yes, going to a doctor is likely to have you being offered sleeping pills or tranquilizers in the first place ... to calm you down. Other treatments would come later ... as soon as you could afford them.

But to jump from a state of personal distress to having to believe in an necessary and desirable Destruction of the world and death of 6 Billion, is too big a big leap to make.

Many people DO use cults as a psychological mask during periods of their life when they need to break away and make changes. Most leave and return to everyday life. It is not wrong to do so.

But pushing your own spirit guides as being the "God of all religion" ... that is a step too far. I am sorry but you are coming across as a "pusher" and using many of the Brahma Kumari "pusher" yuktis.

The best thing to do of a highly addictive drug is not start taking it. Read up all the factual information first. Don't believe what the addicts tell you.

Thank you for showing concern Ex-I.

I was following Maryadas - Yes then and partially now. On your concern on the depressing state - that was way past and I have succesfully come out of that long time ago, so thankfully do not need any pills or follow-up treatment ... I had shared that the circle of BKs I had were my true well-wishers and friends even after leaving the path (a lot of them still are). They did everything possible to help me come out of it and I am thankful to them for that.

And as I have mentioned many times I am way out of even thinking about Destruction and death of 6 B ... that belief doesn't direct me on what I choose to do or not. In fact, my leap is away from that to the core belief of connecting with deep love to the divine God-Father, have relationships with God. It offers me more well-being, I am cared for by that source, its not out of fear or wish for Destruction to happen ... I see his magic in my life everywhere.

I get so many beautiful experiences that simply touch me deep in my heart and my relationship with God is only getting better. My experiences have taught me a very important lesson that Destruction consciousness is not what you need for spiritual empowerment. But Soul consciousness and God consciousness are two strong pillars of my self spiritual empowerment and I derive that out of the BK practices till date.

Whether its the BKs or Ex-BKs on this site - there is too much interest in talking and debating about whether/when Destruction will happen or not happen. Both sides are wasting a lot of time on it and my view on this is completly neutral as I am now in a more stable state of mind with much clearer view of the beautiful journey of life wherein it just doesn't bother me. Positive thinking, having a positive attitude, wishing good for all souls (BKs/Non-BKs/Others even those who I consider have harmed me) - wow, all of this is just too wonderful for me to now even experiment more and it brings so much joy!

Even if BKs are proved to be wrong about n out of the 10 practices - I have already selected the 10-n practices that are just too wonderful for me. I fail to understand that on this site, there is just criticism of the n and no talk about the 10-n. I have risen in love with God and have 100% faith on that connection. That faith only gets stronger and does not shake because of the doings of human beings or mediums. If you insist me in believing that its an addiction - let it be - I am quite happy to be addicted to love of God (it is certainly better than the addiction of the vices :-).


Re: An unbiased view ...

Post30 Jan 2010

button slammer wrote:I have an interest in the meaning of ''surrender to God'' The ''surrender'' advocated by the BK system is to an invisible incorporeal being apparently located in an invisible ''Soul World'' Please read this previous post and give me a reasonable explanation how ''surrender'' is possible.

Questions for a BK ... Satyum Shivum Sunderam, means 'I am an ever pure benevolent LIVING BEING'. Living beings exist only in the corporeal world.

So how is it possble to surrender body, mind, wealth etc to a non-being that cannot even acknowledge its own existance never mind yours? Please explain.

I appreciate you are doing a deep intellectual analysis on this and would like to share my thoughts on this:

Surrender to God comes from deep love and faith in the source. Every religious or spiritual path has elements of surrender. There is a beautiful Biblical explanation on this:
"Surrender means to yield ownership, to relinquish control over what we consider ours: our property, our time, our "rights". When we surrender to God, we are simply acknowledging that what we "own" actually belongs to Him. He is the giver of all good things. We are responsible to care for what God has given us, as stewards of His property, but by surrendering to God, we admit that He is ultimately in control of everything, including our present circumstances. Surrendering to God helps us to let go of whatever has been holding us back from God's best for our lives. By surrendering to God, we let go of whatever has kept us from wanting God's ways first."

I developed my understanding from Murlis and it was indeed the same as above. It comes from detachment from the world. One of the major mistakes many do on spiritual paths is to go for "literal" detachment from families, friends, hobbies - that was never preached by Murlis. Murli always guided you to give your burdens to God and let him alleviate all the pains of your life. The path always taught to have divine virtues.

Lot of examples on this site are wherein spiritual practices destroyed families. Why blame other human beings for that? The path never mentioned not to fulfill responsibilities or forced anyone to leave families or those who need you. There could be examples where a surrendered soul who has given up everything physically living in centre may not really have the "true surrender from Mind" and someone who is leading a balanced spiritual path may be able to achieve it! If you are in love with God, your love for your families and care for them only gets stronger. Path always suggested to have unlimited detachment but do all actions in remembrance of God. True success of spiritual practice is to have a right balance.

Success of any spiritual practice is how much we can live on the will of God and gain divine virtues. Surrender means you are free- nothing belongs to you so nothing can be taken away from you. You are handing over control of your direction to him. You are letting God guide you in your path. Whatever the form of God is - when you surrender to him, God does manifest himself in many forms in our lives- we fail to acknowledge him - he does not fail to acknowledge him to us. In my experience it is when it comes to acknowledging love of God, it touches you deep deep deep in your heart and then you recognize his presence. Just opening your heart and surrender brings God so much closer to life.
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Re: An unbiased view ...

Post30 Jan 2010

OK, so if you are not following the Maryadas, you are not a BK, and you are not teaching Brahma Kumarism ... I suppose.

That quote is not "Biblical", it is just a copy-and-paste from Christian Evangelical website. What you are doing is sticking Lekhraj Kirpalani and BapDada on top, the original author was writing about Jesus. The BKs are playing the same game as the Christians.

Your condemnation of "Destruction consciousness" is a pure Brahma Kumarism (it is what the leaders use to distract non-BKs away from one of the greatest truths, and failings, of Brahma Kumarism). I am suspect you still entirely believe in Destruction. Is "The Path" a code name to mean Brahma Kumarism ... or have you started a New Age religion?

Actually, what we write about here is "The-god-of-the-Brahma-Kumaris'-numerous-failed-Predictions-of-Destruction-and-the-leaderships-covering-up-and-re-writing-history" Consciousness or "Coverup Consciousness". If it is really god, why does he get so much wrong?

You talk about "The Path" never encouraging anyone to "leave families or those who need you" ... "The Path" cannot talk. We have countless examples of the leaders of the BKWSU, including their god man founder Lekhraj Kirpalani, doing exactly that. We know he did and they do. They do. They give endless advice on how to break of and away ... more than that they give Shrimat to do so. So what are you talking about? You are presenting a false reality to the public ... I am sorry. We know. We have been inside.

So, are we talking of the reality of Brahma Kumarism, or your need for a highly romanticised "spiritual path"? One that fit the requirements of our idealism of "The Spiritual Path". I think this is how many of got sucked into Brahma Kumarism and the sphere of influence of its leaders. People hold on not because of what it is, but because of a need to believe in there being a perfect spiritual path ... and Brahma Kumarism being it.

The Brahma Kumaris can teach you to do the god talk, to become a sweet talking guru, but what they do is stick their spirit guide, their tribal god, on top as "The Supreme God". Probably the same trick that has been going on since Rome (Jesus) ... Moses (Yahweh) ... the sun worship of Pharaoh Akhenate 3364-3347 years ago ... and all the Krishna sects from the 4BC onwards of which the Lekhraj Kirpalani cult is an minor extension.

And this is the biggest untruth of it all, "If you are in love with God, your love for your families and care for them only gets stronger". If it is true ... so why did and do leading BKs leave them?


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Re: An unbiased view ...

Post31 Jan 2010

clearernow"I was following Maryadas - Yes then and partially now.[/quote][quote="ex-l wrote:OK, so if you are not following the Maryadas, you are not a BK, and you are not teaching Brahma Kumarism ... I suppose.

What I observed here is, clearernow is pretending an advocate of Bkism and at the same time making himself clear by entering into the discussion, that what would be the consequences if I go ahead following all the Maryadas. He is using this forum to make himself clearer and clearer. He avoids the questions which are practical and pointing directly to the working of Brahmakumaris. In order to respond, he is refering other books/websites and using them to answer here and hence satisfying his ego of NOT surrendering in front of non-believers.

Sorry to interfere ... but I would like to draw your attention clearernow, there is no need to advocate the Bkism by using other references. It is all based on the following up of Maryadas. You have to go on to achieve the real touchings.
Even if BKs are proved to be wrong about n out of the 10 practices - I have already selected the 10-n practices that are just too wonderful for me.

If you have selected 10-n practices wonderful for you and you start stepping on that 10-n practices, and while following those 10-n practices, again you will find n1 practices wrong, (because you are not following Maryadas) and this process continues till finally it become 10-10=0

And then ... the result will be

    Loss of Family, friends,:
    Loss of precious time
    Loss of hope about the materialsitic world (the Shudra’s world according to BK)
    Difficulty in finding another GOD (because by that time our subconscious will accept the BK’s god as the real God).
List can be elaborated much much more ...

If you really believe in Bkism, just walk ahead. Forget about discussing and advocating them on this forum. Have faith in yourself and don’t stop and don’t be selective. It is like climbing a mountain, you can not say that I will partially climb, and them swim, then again climb, and then again swim.

If you’ve decided to climb, go on climbing, don’t look down, as it is DANGEROUS.

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