What is so wonderful about the Murli?

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Re: What is so wonderful about the Murli?

Post09 Aug 2009

It's interesting to read the last two messages, from bkti-pit and jannisder.

The Murli extraction from jannisder is clearly the manipulation of the organization. It is absolutely not the words of God. Anybody with any common sense, or spiritual intuition, would recognize that. Brainwashed people may not.

It sounds like bkti-pit's experience is of Godly essence, however.

From my experience, it is the organization's various egos and conscious interference that creates problems and hardships for some of us.

It is also perhaps these people who draw in the negative energies as well. I would not be surprised if some of these people were in cahoots with destructive forces.


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Re: What is so wonderful about the Murli?

Post22 Sep 2009

Now, you have to be detached from everyone. Since you have to be detached from your body, you will be detached from everything else. At present, you are making effort to be detached. By being detached, you are automatically loved by all. You do not make effort to be loved; effort is required to become detached.

If you want to be loved by all, what effort do you need to make? That of being detached from everyone. You become detached from your body anyway, but you also have to become detached from the old sanskars in the soul. If you want to be loved through your effort to be loved, what would be the result? Instead of being loved, you would become even more distant from BapDada’s heart-throne.
You have to be so tender that you are able to mold yourself wherever you wish. Anything that is tender can be molded as you wish, but anything that is hard cannot be molded. So you have to be tender, but in which aspect? Become tender in molding your sanskars, but protect yourself from having a tender heart.
By staying in the company of One, you are liberated from the influence of bad company.

Constantly check: Whose company does my intellect have? Is it the company of One? If you have the company of One, you are liberated from the many influences of bad company. The influence of bad company creates many types of influences. Therefore, pay a lot of attention to this. There should be only the one Father, I, and no third person ... If a third person enters your intellect, the third eye closes. Therefore, let the third eye remain constantly open. For this, remember that there should not be any third person. Achcha.

Bye, i feel sick now.
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Re: What is so wonderful about the Murli?

Post22 Sep 2009

jannisder, I totally understand why you feel sick. Nothing can be more opposite than the truth on so many levels.
They suffer from pathological lying. This must be the worst karma ever. To feed a load of people all this bullsh**.
If a third person enters your intellect, the third eye closes.


Whoever believes this, WAKE UP!!! It is the biggest so-called "spiritual" scam ever. They are master mind gypsies looting your mind, body and soul.


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Re: What is so wonderful about the Murli?

Post22 Sep 2009

Well I might become deluded but I believe that all is focused on the situation at this point. The leadership knows things are going on and are getting worse. Tell me what you think.

Essence: Sweet children, Brahmins are the top-knot and shudras are the feet. When you become Brahmins from shudras, you can then become deities.

Question: What pure feeling do you have that people oppose?

Answer: Your pure feelings is that this old world should end and the new world be established. For this, you say that this old world is now almost at an end, but people oppose even this.

Question: What is the main law of this Court of Indra?

Answer: No impure Shudra can be brought to this Court of Indra. If anyone brings someone impure here, that one also accumulates sin.

Om Shanti.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

Essence for dharna:

1. In order to go to the flower garden, remove the thorns of lust and anger that are inside you. Do not perform any such actions that would have you cursed.

2. In order to become the masters of the land of truth, listen to and tell others the true story of the true Narayan. Step away from this land of falsehood.

Blessing: May you be free from labour and make your life pure by making the blessing of purity your original sanskar.

Some children find it an effort to adopt purity, and this proves that they haven’t claimed the blessing of birth from the Father, the Bestower of Blessings. There is no effort involved when you receive a blessing. Every Brahmin soul has received the first blessing of their birth: May you be pure and may you be yogi. Sanskars from birth are very strong, and purity is the original and natural sanskar of this Brahmin birth. Make your life pure with this awareness and become free from making effort.

Slogan: A trustee is one who has the pure desire to serve.

O M S H A N T I *

And when you reed the Murli in the above post, you can reed that it is all about detachment. And if you don't detach you are not even worth looking at. And on this forum the third person ends up.
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Re: What is so wonderful about the Murli?

Post23 Sep 2009

Impossible for any of this to be Godly. It's clearly fire and brimstome and the Catholic church has already got that cornered. It's purely fear based and, as you say, maybe because the leadership knows things are going on and are starting to worry about losing control on their subjects ... that it's getting worse and may even get worser.

Nothing is more revolting to me than the Murli. It was revolting the first day I ever read it and it still is. I wish I had been strong enough to follow my instincts but you live and learn ...

Maybe it is the impure who follow the BK. You have to have the sanskar of something false within to believe something false without, wouldn't you?


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Re: What is so wonderful about the Murli?

Post23 Sep 2009

We all know the saying about the "Dark angels dressed in white" ... you are a winner, rayoflight, as you can see now the other side of the message. Congratulations!
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Re: What is so wonderful about the Murli?

Post23 Sep 2009

There should be only the one Father, I, and no third person ... If a third person enters your intellect, the third eye closes. Therefore, let the third eye remain constantly open. For this, remember that there should not be any third person.

Hi. In my experience, I have been happy the most, when I was more in tune with God (atheists can call it Higher Self, even simply " being centered", or whatever) and less happy or totally distressed, when my relationship with God became of secondary importance and I focussed my attention on someone or something else.

Jobs and businesses can be lost, partners too, people are moody and full of their own problems, often unavailable. A "mystic union" is a guarantee, for those who can experience it. You will no longer know boredom, anxiety, loneliness nor depression. You will not need to cling on others. And for skeptics, well, modern psychology inspires people to be self sufficient emotionally.

Being dependent or obsessed by someone, not enjoying the present fully, when I am separated from my loved ones, are destructive attitudes I am slowly managing to amend in my life. We do lose the capacity to see things clearly when we are too caught up in some one or something, we even lose our intuition and other subtle powers. Our vision becomes restricted.

My ideal is to love and live with the third eye and the heart both open. Love, lightness and freedom go hand in hand. So, overall, I think the teaching that has been quoted as negative, if understood in a personalized way, can be beneficial. The problem I have with the BKs is that they misuse and distort spiritual concepts in a deceptive way.

In this case, I think what caused posters' indignation is that what they try to do is separating followers from other people, making them feel guilty and stupid if they remember them. Once the soul "surrenders " that space, the BKs and spooks will take it and you can kiss clarity of intellect and independence good-bye!

I no longer want to grant the BKs any space in my third eye, no interference at all, especially between me and the Almighty!


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Re: What is so wonderful about the Murli?

Post24 Sep 2009

From ShivBaba c/o Brahmababa

Essence: Sweet children, to follow Shrimat constantly is elevated effort. When you follow Shrimat, the lamp of the soul is ignited.

Question: Who can make full effort? What is the highest effort?

Answer: Only those whose attention, that is, intellect’s Yoga, is connected to One can make full effort. The highest effort of all is to surrender yourself to the Father fully. The Father loves the children who surrender themselves to Him.

Question: What advice does the unlimited Father give you to celebrate the true Deepawali?

Answer: Children, imbibe unlimited purity. When you become pure in an unlimited way here, when you make the highest effort, you will then be able to go to the kingdom of Lakshmi and Narayan, that is, you will be able to celebrate the true Deepawali which is the coronation day.

Om Shanti.

Essence for dharna:

1. For your own benefit forget all bodily relations. Do not have love for them. Only follow God's directions and not your own. Protect yourself from bad company and stay in the company of God.

2. Anger is very bad; it burns the self. Do not be disobedient under the influence of anger. Remain happy and make effort to make everyone else happy.

Blessing: May you be a true Raj rishi with the attitude of disinterest who remains free from attachment to this tasteless world.

A Raj rishi means one who has unlimited disinterest while having a kingdom. He doesn’t have the slightest attachment to his body or the old world of bodies because he knows that this old world is a tasteless world and it has no strength (nothing to offer). You have found the elevated world of Brahmins in this tasteless world and you therefore have unlimited disinterest in this world, that is, you do not have any attachment. When you don’t have attachment or subservience to anyone, you would then be said to be a Raj rishi and a tapaswi.

Slogan: Yuktiyukt words are those that are sweet and filled with good wishes.

* * * O M S H A N T I * * *

Now this bunch of bullsh** comes from God?

Not to have love for others?

And what abouth his created world? If you don't want to read this I shall stop posting it but just wanted you to know that today again it made me sick.
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Re: What is so wonderful about the Murli?

Post25 Sep 2009

Note the persistent encouragement to "detach" from one's body and other "bodies" ... non-BK people ... and the reinforcement in their minds of this world as doomed, empty, powerless, tasteless.

One thing that the more orthodox BKs and PBKs would tell you ... the "Question and Answers, and Essence" are not actually direct spoken by "God" but added in by the BKWSU leadership up in Madhuban. That is, it is part of their mindset control.

For sure, it is all taken from and inspired by Lekhraj Kirpalani teachings of the 1960s, when he spoke the Murlis ( ... or from the god spirit, the spook that possessed, if you accept that version of events) but it is a human that sticks it in.

This is not a point that is made clear to newcomers. The Murlis are delivered as, and told to be considered as, "100% God's 100% accurate words" ... even through they too are edited out and revised. And that is how the god of the Brahma Kumaris thinks and speaks.

A small controversy has brewed in the BK world recently when Dadi Janki admitted, or made a mental slip, that the Murlis were just Lekhraj Kirpalani (the self-named "Brahma Baba") own churnings. Apparently this has rippled around the congregation. In truth, that is nothing new either.

It has always been clear to many BKs that a large part of the so-claimed channeled messages from god were, in fact, Lekhraj Kirpalani speaking. In general, however, the leadership always denied this, or encourage the adherents to consider Lekhraj Kirpalani and his words were "equal to God's anyway" and applicable to all times. Even if they were not.

Behind all this was always a subtle Hindu supremacism ... that Hindus and Hinduism (actually Vaishnavism, the worship of Krishna and Vishnu) were, in essence, the most important religion hence "God's" fixation with it. This is why, for example, Judaism (despite being the cornerstone of 3 major world religions), Zoroastrianism or Jainism never gained any real mention whatsoever. The BKWSU present Lekhraj Kirpalani as "Brahma" being the true, metaphorical Abraham ('Brahma' equals 'A-brahma-ham', is not it?) and that was about it.

No mention of anything from Moses or Maimonides through to Kabbalism etc. No mention of the Ancient Egyptian or Greek cultures never mind the universal animistic tribal faiths of humanity.


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Re: What is so wonderful about the Murli?

Post07 Oct 2009


Essence: Sweet children, while walking and moving around, let knowledge bubble in your intellect and you will have an abundance of happiness.

Question: Whose company do you children have to be very cautious about?

Answer: You have to remain cautious of the company of those who do not have remembrance of the Father in their intellects, and whose intellects continue to wander here and there. You should not sit next to them, not even touch them, because those who do not stay in remembrance spoil the atmosphere.

Question: When will people repent?

Answer: When they become aware that it is God Himself who is teaching you, their faces will go pale and they will repent for the mistake they made of not studying.

Om Shanti.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

Essence for dharna:

1. Do not attach your heart to anything here. While seeing everything, do not see it. Just as there is the intoxication of sleep, even while your eyes are open, similarly, there should be the intoxication of happiness.

2. Everything depends on purity. Therefore, you have to take care not to sit next to and touch an impure person. Do not remember anything other than the sweet Father and the sweet kingdom.

Blessing: May you always be full and equal and remain beyond all limited desires by receiving the fruit of service.

Service means something that brings you fruit. If any service makes you discontent, then that is not service. You may let go of doing such service, but do not let go of your contentment. Just as those who are physically well always remain content, in the same way, those who are well in the mind are also always content. Contentment is a sign of satisfaction. Satisfied souls would not have any limited desires or desire for respect, honour, facilities or salvation. They would be beyond all limited desires and always be full and equal.

Slogan: To move forward in service altruistically with an honest heart means to accumulate your account of charity.

O M S H A N T I *
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Re: What is so wonderful about the Murli?

Post07 Oct 2009

Om Shanti?

So unfortunate that the BK has abused this beautiful mantra.

There is nothing peaceful about the Murli. It is anti-social and causes much distress because it is unrealistic, and filled with emotional and psychological blackmail.

There is nothing Godly about this. The Murli is only the churnings of a crazy dead man and it is laced with arsenic. Arsenic leads to a slow death, in case you don't know what it's for.

All the candy our parents warned us not to accept from "kind" strangers is right here before you.


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Re: What is so wonderful about the Murli?

Post17 Oct 2009


Essence: Sweet children, always remain happy and the pilgrimage of remembrance will become easy. It is only through having remembrance that you will become a pure and charitable soul for 21 births.

Question: Who are your best servants and slaves?

Answer: Natural calamities and the inventions of science through which the rubbish of the whole world will be cleared away. They are your best servants and slaves, those who become your helpers in cleansing everything. Then, all the elements of nature will be under your control.

Om Shanti.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now-found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada. The spiritual Father says namaste to the spiritual children.

Essence for dharna:

1. Do not have your deity clan defamed. Become beautiful flowers. Do benevolent service of many souls and reveal the Father.

2. In order to become completely viceless, do not listen to or say dirty things. Hear no evil, speak no evil ... Don’t perform any dirty actions under the influence of body consciousness.

Blessing: May you be a true server who, together with spiritual authority, remains egoless and shows the practical form of true knowledge.

When a tree is laden with fruit, it bows down, that is, it does service with humility. Similarly, the children with spiritual authority will be humble and loving to all to the same extent that they have such huge authority. Those who have temporary authority will have arrogance, but
those who have the authority of truth will also be egoless. This is the practical form of true knowledge. To the extent that a true server has authority in his attitude, accordingly, there will be love and humility in his words.

Slogan: Without having renunciation one cannot receive fortune.

O M S H A N T I *
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Re: What is so wonderful about the Murli?

Post17 Oct 2009

Jan, please for your own sake, stop reading this filth
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Re: What is so wonderful about the Murli?

Post17 Oct 2009

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Re: What is so wonderful about the Murli?

Post17 Oct 2009

God of the Brahma Kumaris wrote:Question: Who are your best servants and slaves?

Answer: Natural calamities and the inventions of science through which the rubbish of the whole world will be cleared away. They are your best servants and slaves, those who become your helpers in cleansing everything. Then, all the elements of nature will be under your control.

Do you think "the inventions of science" is a euphemism of the god the Brahma Kumaris or has it been re-written by the BKWSU?

For example, did it once read "nuclear bombs" ... which we all know is what it refers to? Have the BKWSU removed all the refers to "the bombs" and replaced the with "inventions of science" as kind of code words?

The Murlis is not, and never was, "wonderful" and, remember, it used to be 5 pages long too. These "essences" are all the BKWSU will send out now, and they are edited out by human beings not spoken "god".

If you get them daily, perhaps you could stick them in the Encyclopedia section?

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