Repetition introduction course meditation

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Repetition introduction course meditation

Post06 Feb 2009

I am now in this forum.

I ask: why many people repeat many, many, many, many, many, many times the introduction course meditation?
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Re: repetition introduction course meditation

Post06 Feb 2009

Dear cadizmarias,

Let me answer you, better confess you, from the point of a resigned ex- BK teacher as much as I remember:

The aim of the BK Raja Yoga course is to find "heirs", who will be future kings and queens (deities) in the Golden Age after Destruction, and to find the future subjects and servants of these kings.

So during the course the BK teachers who are called "instrument teachers", which means instruments of God Shiva, observe the students carefully if they are influenced during the half hour BK meditation with special music at the beginning, if they get the drishti from the teacher (hypnotic look at the forehead of the student ), if they are influenced by the guided meditation (a sort of hypnotic suggestions) at the end of every class.

If the student is regular, comes to every class and seems to be interested, takes the drishti, gets into half trance during meditation, so at the end of the course such students are invited from the teacher to the Murli class at Thursday evenings, - the duration of the foundation course = 7 days course is according to the curriculum of different centers, once a week one month or three months. So the graduates are introduced first to the relatively meaningful parts of the Avyakt Murlis, than to some easy parts of the Sakar Murlis. If they are not shocked of the news that God is coming together with Dada Lekhraj's soul to Dadi Gulzar in Madhuban headquarters, and if they don't run away learning about the celibate lifestyle of the BKs than they are invited to the 06.00 a.m.morning Murli class.

You can find more detailed information in the previous posts of this forum and in the Encyclopedia.

Some students however are not regular and are not so much influenced but like the atmosphere of the center and like the teacher and the other smiling BKs in white and the toli ( home made and God offered sweet), but they don't find much meaning at the classes and are not interested at the BK lifestyle or Golden Age. They like to come and go. So if they are nice, don't ask disturbing questions, try their best to take drishti but don' like much to look into the eyes of the teacher long enough, try to make meditation but cannot focus (which means they don't come under the influence of the instrument teacher and don't get into half trance), so the teacher may target them as "contact souls".

Contact souls means non-Bks but useful to the BKs. Those whose money and service can be very much needed, and may allow them to come and go as they like to the introduction course and to the public events. These students are considered to be the future subjects and servants of the Golden Aged kings (deities). When they get familiar their service and contribution is asked for sweetly at every occasion.


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Repetition introduction course meditation

Post07 Feb 2009

Thanks Tom,

It's true. The people likes the atmosphere of the center, the teacher AND I think when the people repeat the courses many times it is because these people has the problems in your life (family, friends, work etc). I think when a people is happy in your life, not repeat the course many times.

Answer, please.
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Re: Repetition introduction course meditation

Post08 Feb 2009

cadizmarias wrote:The people like the atmosphere of the center, the teacher AND I think when the people repeat the courses many times it is because these people have problems in their lives (family, friends, work etc).

Yes, cadizmarias, I think you are right. We have been churning about this issue in the previous posts several times. Most of us as we came to the BK center, including myself, have been in a difficult phase of our lives, looking for something new and meaningful which would give us new energy and happiness. Which we got during the "Honeymoon Period" and lost afterwards.

I have seen many BKs and BK teachers, after long years of BK life, in a miserable depressed situation. I think the reason lies in the unhealthy conditions of the BK life and being abused by the selfish, fascist Seniors who are attached to their guiding spirits Shiva or Bap and Dada, whatever.

In the thread BKs have no love for any one as told in Murlis at 5th August 2008.
alladin wrote:Do many people who come into cults have dysfunctional personality and lose their compass, become fundamentalists etc? Or does it depend on the spook/s one is having Yoga with? Suppose you open up to evil forces, will they not work through you and compel you to do all sorts of misdeeds, in this case being non loving, non caring or hurting others ... paradoxically with the certainty of being right and being able to get away unpunished?

Wish your beloved ones the best.


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eternely repetition introduction course

Post30 Mar 2009

Hi Tom

Sorry but my English is very bad, so I ask the question in Spanish (please, use Google tranlaton).

I ask this question to Tom because he is a teacher in the BKWSU but i accept, of course, others posts!!!

Tu has sido profesor de Brahma Kumaris. Tu crees que realmente es bueno realmente para una persona repetir eternamente el curso? Evidentemente para un profeor actual de BK, la respuesta es SI porque quizas la persona va a terminar creyendo en el contenido del curso y se va a hacer miembro.

Yo creo que si los profesores de BK fueran honestos (cosa que no son) cuando ven que una persona repite muchas veces el curso tendrian que decirle #mira, ya has hecho el curso 8 veces, ya te lo sabes de memoria, hacerlo mas veces es contraproducente para ti, si quieres seguir en el centro puedes seguir, pero el siguiente paso es el de ir a las clases de Murli# Espero que entendais mi pregunta. Quien sabe que es mas beneficioso para un eterno estudiante, el propio estudiante o el profesor (si este fuera honesto y profesional).

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Re: Repetition introduction course meditation

Post30 Mar 2009

cadizmarias' post translated with google
cadizmarias wrote:Tom, you've been a teacher of Brahma Kumaris. Do you think it is really really good for a person to repeat forever the BK course? Obviously for a new BK teacher, the answer can be YES because maybe he believes, that the student will end up believing in The Knowledge and will become a BK. I believe that if BK teachers would be honest (they are not) when they see a student many times repeating the course would have to say " Look, you've already done the course 8 times, and your repeating would be not useful for you, if you want to stay in the center you can continue, but the next step is coming to the Murli class.I hope you understand my question.

Dear cadizmarias, you asked the same question before. And I gave you at the 6th of February a similar answer.

In the centers I have lived and worked I have never seen any student repeating the course more than twice. Only when they have missed some of the classes, after some time, they come back again and take the classes. Normally, after they finish the course either they leave, or become a "contact person" coming to the public events. Or they continue to the next step. To the Thursday evenings Murli class. And, after a month or so, they are invited to the morning Murli class. But it depends on the student, if they seem to be understanding The Knowledge well, they can be invited after they finish the course to the morning Murli class.

Please clarify cadizmarias, in which center they are allowing the students to take 8 times the introductory course? Are the students not bored? How can they listen to the same stuff so many times? Whole Knowledge is based on lies. So what is the difference if they do the course once or more? Why is it important for you?
Google translation of my answer, please kindly edit.
cadizmarias queridos, que la misma pregunta antes. I le dio y en el 6 de febrero, la misma respuesta. En los centros que he vivido y trabajado nunca he visto ningún estudiante repetir el curso más de dos veces. Sólo cuando se han perdido algunas de las clases, después de algún tiempo de que vuelvan una y tomar las clases. Normalmente, después de que termine el curso o bien se van, o convertirse en una "persona de contacto" que vienen a las manifestaciones públicas o que continúe con el paso siguiente, el jueves por la noche a Murli clase, y después de un mes o así, se les invita a la mañana Murli clase. Pero depende del estudiante, si es que parece ser la comprensión y el conocimiento, pueden ser invitados después de que termine el curso de la mañana Murli clase.

Sírvanse aclarar cadizmarias, centro en el que se permite a los estudiantes a tener 8 veces el curso de introducción? Los estudiantes no son aburridos? ¿Cómo pueden escuchar lo mismo tantas veces?Todo el conocimiento se basa en mentiras. Entonces, ¿cuál es la diferencia si lo hacen el curso de una vez o más? ¿Por qué es importante para usted?


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Repetition introduction course meditation

Post31 Mar 2009

Thanks for your post Tom. Thanks for translating your answer.

Me dices que en tu Centro ningun estudiante repetia el curso mas de dos veces. El centro en que yo he ido hay estudiantes (creeme, es verdad) que REPITEN EL CURSO MAS DE SEIS VECES , como si para ellos es una adiccion. creo tambien que el centro al que he ido no era un tipico centro Brahma Kumaris, pues por la mañana solo iban 2 personas a la clase de Murli, ninguno de los eternos estudiantes daba el paso de ir por la mañana.

Es importante para mi porque mi mejor amigo esta en esta situacion y tengo miedo de que se convierta en un miembro de Brahma Kumaris. Al final va terminar creyendo lo que le dicen. Que consejo me das para hacer comprender a mi amigo que es ridiculo ir al mismo curso desde hace ya 3 años? Para el es una costumbre terminar sus cllases en la universidad y directamente al Centro, como ir a un pub o a un Club Social. Una frase que le haga pensar un poco, algo humoristico.

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Re: Repetition introduction course meditation

Post31 Mar 2009

The translation of cadizmarias' above message does not make much sense to me. It would be good if somebody with Spanish language can come forward and help with the translation. What I understood is, that cadizmarias is telling that in the BK center, a small center with only 2 students in the morning class, the students are repeating the course 6 times like an addiction.

Cadizmarias is afraid to become a BK and is asking us for help. :shock:

If cadizmarias is not joking, I would say that we all have intellect and free will to get rid of situations, if we know that they are dangerous. As I became BK, and as long as I was a BK, like most of us here on this forum, I did not know any of the facts about the BKs which are revealed in this forum. Cadizmarias and other new ones reading the posts here are lucky. They can find in this forum all facts about the BKWSU. He can free himself, because the BKs never use violence against anybody to become a BK. They have other subtle methods like tolis, sweets and breakfast in the center, meditation in Baba's room etc. Also they show much care and love to the new ones at the beginning.

Cadizmarias only needs to automatically translate some posts from the forum for himself and churn over them and make his own decision.

If cadizmarias feels that he is under the influence of some entities, and he/she can not help himself Spiritual Science Research Foundation may help. They are very seriously working on field of spirit attachment. He/she can write to this Foundation's website in Spanish. They always give an answer.

Google translation of my message, I don't know if it makes sense:
No sé si tiene sentido:

Cadizmarias la traducción de 'mensaje anterior no tiene mucho sentido para mí. Sería bueno que alguien con el idioma español puede venir adelante y ayudar con la traducción. Lo que he entendido es que cadizmarias es revelador que en el centro BK, un pequeño centro con sólo 2 estudiantes en la clase por la mañana, los alumnos están repitiendo el curso 6 veces como una adicción.

Cadizmarias tiene miedo de convertirse en un BK y nos pide ayuda. : shock:

Si cadizmarias no es broma, yo diría que todos tenemos intelecto y libre voluntad de deshacerse de las situaciones, si sabemos que son peligrosos. Como me convertí BK, y mientras yo era un BK, como la mayoría de nosotros aquí en este foro, yo no conocía a ninguno de los hechos acerca de la BKs que se revelan en este foro. Cadizmarias y otros nuevos puestos de lectura de la suerte aquí. Que pueden encontrar en este foro todos los hechos acerca de la BKWSU. Él puede liberar a sí mismo, porque nunca BKs el uso de la violencia contra nadie se convierta en un BK. Ellos tienen otros métodos sutiles como Tolis, dulces y desayuno en el centro, la meditación en la habitación de Baba etc También se muestran mucho cuidado y amor a los nuevos al principio.

Cadizmarias sólo se traducen automáticamente a las necesidades de algunos puestos del foro, para sí mismo y sobre ellos mantequera y hacer su propia decisión.

Cadizmarias Si siente que está bajo la influencia de algunas entidades, y que él / ella no puede ayudar a sí mismo Spiritual Science Research Foundation puede ayudar. Son muy serio de trabajo en materia de espíritu archivo adjunto. Él / ella puede escribir en este sitio web de la Fundación en español. Que siempre dan una respuesta.



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Re: Repetition introduction course meditation

Post31 Mar 2009

Sometimes you need to go toward something rather than walk away from something. The attraction must be that it is fulfilling some need. Therefore that need has to be met some other way.

If cadizmaria has the patience to read other threads, he/she will find ideas.

I will suggest in brief that what the BKs offer - meditation, spiritual "knowledge" and community - can be found in other places, with a much more honourable tradition and a more balanced approach. If the interest is in the Eastern ways, I suggest to study/practice the Buddhist tradition, Sufism,the Tao, or for that matter other Yoga groups, preferably those that are not so concerned with the "afterlife". Most of these are not as simplistic as the BK Raja Yoga but, if studied, have far more depth and universal relevance.

A veces es necesario ir hacia algo más que a pie de algo. El atractivo debe ser que es necesario cumplir algunos. Necesidad, por tanto, que ha de cumplir alguna otra manera.

Si cadizmaria tiene la paciencia para leer otros hilos, él / ella se encuentran las ideas.

Me permito sugerir que lo que en breve la oferta BKs - la meditación, espiritual "conocimiento" y de la comunidad - se puede encontrar en otros lugares, con una tradición mucho más honorable y un enfoque más equilibrado. Si el interés se centra en la manera oriental, sugiero al estudio o la práctica de la tradición budista, el Sufismo, el Tao, o para el caso de otros grupos de Yoga, de preferencia aquellos que no están tan preocupados con el "más allá". La mayoría de estos no son tan simplista como el BK R \ Y, pero si de estudio, mucho más profundo y universal.
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Re: Repetition introduction course meditation

Post01 Apr 2009

If they only have two students, its sounds like they just have not got anything better to do, and are doing it to re-affirm their own faith. It must be hard to hold onto one's faith and indentity as a BKWSU teacher when one's center is failing. Getting up every day to read the Murli from the guddhi to two adherents!?!

Let's face it, the 7 Days Course is really basic.

Si sólo dispone de dos estudiantes, de sus sonidos como si simplemente no tienes nada mejor que hacer y lo están haciendo de volver a afirmar su propia fe. Debe ser duro para mantener la fe y la identidad como un BKWSU cuando un profesor del centro está fallando. Levantarse todos los días para leer el Murli de la guddhi a dos adeptos?!

Vamos hacerle frente, los 7 días del curso es en realidad en una escuela primaria a nivel de la educación.
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Re: Repetition introduction course meditation

Post01 Apr 2009

ex-l wrote:Let's face it, the 7 Days Course is really basic.

We'd agree with that nowadays, eh? - but back then it was the most important and deepest thing in my life. "How to give the course so that everyone would benefit?" Please! Thankfully things have changed for me and I do so hope continue to do so.

Not sure where to post the rest of this thread but I am becoming more certain that Dada Lekhraj studied Yoga (hatha and karma Yoga systems) with a guru in his younger years and then changed the 'knowledge' he learned there to suit his own systems of belief which eventually ended up being the philosophies of the BKWSU (unedited original versions of course) :D.

Ancient Yoga texts show the main Yoga principles and asanas being 84 in total and it's is said that each new asana or posture brings new birth if done correctly and when done in a 'cycle' of energetic processes brings about complete new-ness. (So do I need to point out the BKWSU lesson of The Cycle and the 84 births in total?).

I still sometimes cannot believe that I never took the time to go and research it all for myself and just took it all in at face value and then put down others that wouldn't accept it. You all know what I mean I am sure. :|

[Raja Yoga is only one leg of the four-aspected Yoga requirements at any rate and in order to be completely in tune and in touch (or whatever we want to call it) ancient texts show that one needs to practice all four aspects, not just one. Maybe Dada L was just lazy and did not want to do the Hatha bits and preferred overweight people around him? hahaha]

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