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Post07 Oct 2006

eromain wrote:I have no wish to police anybody’s language. It is the substance of what they are saying rather than how they say it I am taking issue with. In my opinion to accuse named individuals in a public forum of such actions and intentions requires more than satire as its justification. I for one would like to know on what information their comments are based. Whether there is any kind of validity to their slurs is more important to me than the sophistication of their humour.

OK. Well, I guess it is up to them to qualify it, ask for it to be withdrawn, or the admins to decide whether it crosses the line of common decency. I don't know. It is also a voluntary forum so you have to give them a few days to come back and answer your challenge. I tried to pull the salient points out of what they said, on the basis of my experience and I am not offended.

Such salted humour does/did exist within the BK community and I think it good for it. Personally, I see humour as hope and a sign of a living spirit.

ex-l (strictly lower case please)
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button slammer


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Post08 Oct 2006

Whether there is any kind of validity to their slurs is more important to me than the sophistication of their humour.

If you don't appreciate my sophisticated understanding and feedback as regards the topic thread, well here's another approach ... Can you detect the hidden joke?

Wealthy personalities relieve (urinate) into a bucket. Their collective **** is taken to a drought area. The **** is bottled beautifully, with artistic labels describing how lovingly the **** was produced for the thirsty people of the world. With smiles and loving glances the 'product' is distributed to the needy, those with no money had to go without. The wealthy **** makers became famous and even more wealthy. Eventually they killed each other after a big disagreement as to whose **** was the most potent and powerful ... This is no joke.
And yes there are important issues to discuss but you don’t just go out and give someone a kicking as a segue into them.

Really, the way I see it is 'It's they who is 'a kickin' they own asses'. This is a joke.
And especially when they havent put their real names to it.

Please get with the programme, this is the internet. Lots of strange people out there/in this forum ... Don want u 2 kno i amcutie 17 yo girl, nevr bin kissd ... u wanna play? This is no joke. :oops:
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Post08 Oct 2006

Hi button slammer,

Sorry I don’t know what on earth you’re talking about. But I guess that you’re implying that your statements about Mike George were a joke. I just wish you had made that clear at the beginning because you certainly would have saved me a bit of time.

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Post08 Oct 2006

button slammer wrote: **** is bottled beautifully, with artistic labels describing how lovingly the **** was produced for the thirsty people of the world. With smiles and loving glances the 'product' is distributed to the needy, those with no money had to go without.

This is last time I translate. I think it is best to cool it because anything too clever will just be used by the BKWSU against this forum and the points raised. I don't know your own personal history with the BKWSU, I would listen if you raised it in a different topic, but you have to accept that the followers are mostly polite, sensistive folk and they will be put off reading such controversies IF they are going to be shocked or abused. I am guilty off this too and so I am not judging.

Dark humour is all too often born out of some unaddressed pain in the past though.

I suppose you are talking about the difference between doing Godly service via pure, neat Godly versions rather than diluting or re-cycling it with one's own waste or churnings. This again is valid. I have witnessed the BKWSU devolution in this matter and would really like to hear their justification for the ongoing dilution. It does, to me, appear to be more about the packaging than the contents.

In my own opinion, this is coming about due to failure of the teachings - especially Karmateet and Destruction - NOT a spiritual evolution. Although the general educational level of BKWSU followers might be rising, and the professional training that Brian Bacon is tutoring them in or Mike's advertising skills are obviously having an effect, this does not to me signify an improvement IF the objective truths of Gyan are being altered and Maryadas ignored. That would equate to the rule of external form versus internal function.

And I bet they; Brian, Mike and the others, had a damned hard time with the hierarchy to enable any positive change. That is another story I would like to hear.

As far as "ass-kicking", I'd have a look at the latest story in the News section;
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Post08 Oct 2006


Yes, in some of my contacts re child welfare issues in the BKs I have heard similarly gruesome tales. I have heard first hand from estranged husbands of massive amounts of money disappearing to the BKs from spouses who were extremely new to BK Raja Yoga and also not in the most balanced of mental states. The average Western ex-BK and BK alike would be shocked to hear what an absolutely awful reputation the BKs have in many of the various Hindu communities of England.

It reminds me of the papacy selling tickets to heaven during the renaissance - it was this marrying of religion with naked greed that triggered The Reformation. The day will come when the BKs will bitterly regret their money making methods. A reputation tainted in this way is extremely hard to repair.

There are serious issues about the New Age "spirituality" commercialism of Mike, Brian et al and these cannot be looked at without also looking at this "sell your house to God in exchange for good karma" practice.

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Big in Croatia

Post09 Oct 2006

eromain wrote:There are serious issues about the New Age "spirituality" commercialism of Mike, Brian et al and these cannot be looked at without also looking at this "sell your house to God in exchange for good karma" practice.

I don't know about "tickets to heaven" but you could always go for "Big in Croatia". That Dalmatian coastline along by Split is beautiful. Cotrugli Business Academy ;

Curriculum board ; - Brian Bacon
Lecturers ; - more Brian and Mike Show

I am trying to work this one out. May be the Yugya has just decided the only way to have business people value spiritual leaders is to pay for them.

Personally, I just think it is against the Maryadas. Its a Brahmin thing. If the Maryadas don't count, why did we bother following any of them? And it is strange that not just has the Yugya rewarded folks that break the Maryadas but has bent itself around them. I wrote somewhere else about "the failure of the concept of Karmateet and Destruction" ... but I think we are seeing something else. Its the realisation that what the BKWSU were teaching, or the BKWSU's realisation of the teachings, was not enough to fill one's life with. That it needed all this propping up with "quotes from famous people", business structures and ideas. But translating that into a personal level; social skills, a profession and identity in day to day life. Stuff that did not matter when you were a superior Brahmin on the way to being a Golden Aged Prince.

And that BKs actually help one another fit in and get ahead in life ... which seems to be happening at least for this few.

You know the Maryadas I am talking about, the one about not talking business with BKs etc and all that Shrimat from the Senior Sisters to give up studying and striving, just find a simple job and do lots of service.
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Post09 Oct 2006

The question of serving others is strong here. The agenda moves on.

We have been served, we may/will take more but if the only way to reach certain types/mind sets or even those with certain gene types is to take the money route. Then it may be that that is the road that the BKs will travel. Perhaps we should feel honoured that we have been served so soon, we don't know about our past lives. We may have taken more than we realise.

If bodily genes prevent souls from detaching from their body, they will serve in other ways, perhaps we are now being asked to put others forward so that they earn according to their capacity and move forward ourselves on the basis of what we have taken.

Harry Tuttle- spiritual engineer

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