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Post21 Feb 2009

I just saw a documentary 2012 Science Or Superstition on this.

It talks about a "shift in consciousness" at that date (Dec 21 2012), a rebirth rather than a destruction/annilation.

Does anyone recall if 2012 is a date BKs (or PBKs) have used anywhere ?
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Re: 2012

Post21 Feb 2009


I believe it is Lee James but I don't recall anyone else mentioning it. BK Lee James' Doomsday Prediction!


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Re: 2012

Post22 Feb 2009

bansy wrote:I Does anyone recall if 2012 is a date BKs (or PBKs) have used anywhere ?

I do not think it has been mentioned by the leadership but I heard a lot of BKs talking about it.
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Re: 2012

Post22 Feb 2009

Its just the old "End of the Mayan Calendar" thing which is the latest 'bubble gum for the mind' all across the internet, including on some BK chat circles. The world is supposed to come to an end on Sunday, December 23, 2012. The tall white man BK Lee James picked up on it to enhanced his guru, weirdly, "spiritualist" status in front of his usual audience of impressionable Asians. Especially the young and housewives it would seem ...

For many folks, they have probably not heard of stuff like this but it seems to be as persistent as the Brahma Kumaris' predictions of Destruction. I think the same New Age crowd latches onto some new ... anything ... and it become the next "Big One". Always just a few years ahead of us, close enough to cause a thrill, time enough to have a book published and sold. Then forgotten as it fails.

"Planetary Convergences" used to be the other one ... all the planets converged. Life went on as usual. We still had to face the same as we had to face the day before. Everyone forgot.


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Re: 2012

Post22 Feb 2009

I did not really understand the astrological explanations given in the documentary (there are others around too so I will look into these), but just a couple of years ago, 2012 meant end of the world, now it meant that there would be a definite change in human consciousness, due to the current events building up. People were seeking a new shift in paradigm, the living together in harmony of earth and matter and species. There was chat on magnetic poles reversing, planets aligning, but also the event where there will be a huge sunburst during 2012 which will knock out all or most of human support systems (a few years ago, there was a sun storm that did this at a small scale and caused blackouts).

But I agree, it is another New Age thing to latch on, but it is probably the largest one bigger than Y2K, because it is based on the Mayan calendar (history repeats), and there are other links to other almanacs such as the Tao Te Ching. These New Aging folks also try tying up Mayan philosophy with Vedic (yuga) cycles and ages talking about the dawn of the Golden Age as we move into the Age of Aquarius (which happens to be a song I heard when I was young and had no idea what it was about until now !).

I think BKs or rather BKWSU are very careful in using 2012 for its cause and announcing it publicly. As it would end up being another "1976 fiasco" for them. And if something does happen :shock: then there won't be anyone around anyway for them to say "I told you so ".



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Re: 2012

Post22 Feb 2009

Dispelling the rationale linking the Mayan calendar and "world transformation".

The date on the Mayan calendar latched on to by the doomsayers is only the carved calendar. The Maya had a number of systems, one was called "The Long Count". With this they could calculate infinitely back or forward. They were not limited by the carved calendar, just as you are not limited by the printed calendars you own, you know next year they will print another one. These guys had a hard time, carving into stone and so forth. How far ahead do we expect them to carve?

BTW my Apple iCal program shows dec 24th 2012 no problem - we are safe. I even took it 100 years into the future - I see I have to still put the garbage out on Wednesdays.


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Re: 2012

Post22 Feb 2009

Oh, yes! They say the Mayan calendar is of 5000 years ending in 2012! ...

Well, it is an interpretation of the thing. Like so many things that are discovered, dated of some millions year ago and given some meaning that may not be what it really was.

I remember reading some interpretation of Nostradamus' so called prophecies that was putting the end of the world in 1974 ...


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Re: 2012

Post27 Feb 2009

I am not so into the mechanisms of the calendars or the planets.

I am interested in the way that global human consciousness is changing with this "intergalactic alignment" event. Even this forum is a testimony to that. People are searching more than before. What exactly, we are not really sure. But there is a charged energy cloud that is floating across all of us on this planet.

I could be wrong. But wake me up and tell me that on Dec 22 2012. ;)

Yes, it is a New Age thing, but that itself is part of the human consciousness change.
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Re: 2012

Post28 Feb 2009

Bollocks. **** off.
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Re: 2012

Post28 Feb 2009

People talk about "going with the flow" ... or clouds up ahead ... what they don't realise is that there are people uphead making that flow or kicking up dust.

The people that talk about such ideas ( and I am not talking about bansy but the people that put out such ideas) are just going to show how far out of touch they are from the maker and shakers who create changes within humanity. 'Consumer New Agers' are WELL out of it, man. 'Merchant New Agers' are WELL into ... making money from 2,000 year old rope.

I very much doubt that there is more searching and "spiritualizing" going on today than in the past. I am pretty sure that it is just the same as in the case of Millenarianist movements in the past. They all thought they were the first, because they were uneducated of the previous ones. Its just another seond hand, self-reinforcing idea.

I would say, in reality, more people are going hungry than ever before ... and there are pretty good statistics to back that statement up.

Not everything ancient is valuable. Most of it is just old and worn out. That is why it was chucked out in the first place.
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Mr Green


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Re: 2012

Post28 Feb 2009

Mr Green wrote:Bollocks. **** off.

erm, what I meant to say was, be careful of generating interest in things that have no value.


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Re: 2012

Post28 Feb 2009

What is value to you Mr Green ?
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Re: 2012

Post02 Mar 2009

Bansy wrote:But wake me up and tell me that on Dec 22 2012.

Well, according to some New Age thought machines you won't be able to wake up on that day 'cause the world woud have eneded on the 21 Dec 2012 ... ;). Actually, you are correct imo, more and more people are waking up to a process or search for something different, something spiritual and whilst many New Age business may be profitting from it (and many are not too by the way ...) it does show that more people are opening to spirituality on some form of the other. There must most certainly be reasons for this.
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Re: 2012

Post02 Mar 2009

bansy wrote:What is value to you Mr Green ?

Truth, something has substance, not just some old theory that has been bastardised by Westerners.
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Re: 2012

Post11 Mar 2009

I heard that Krishna will be born in 2012. But as usually nothing will happen and next date will be 2036. :D

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