Going to Madhuban?

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Re: Going to Madhuban?

Post23 Feb 2009

I suppose for India an efficient travel network would be evidence of God's existence. Imagine ... if they could get British Rail to run on time that would probably be a sign Jesus (or Hitler) had reincarnated again.

Hmmn ... perhaps it is time to revitalise the "t-shirt" topic. You know, the "My Mother joined the Brahma Kumaris, and all my Dad was left with was a lousy T-Shirt" kind of thing.

I propose for paul and a thousand other BKs, "My Brothers and Sisters met God on the top of a Mountain in Indian, and all I got was a lousy dose of the Squits".

So what Karma does having diarrhea in Madhuban pay off and how? All that bad 'amoeba karma' from chemically disinfecting toilets back at home?


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Re: Going to Madhuban?

Post24 Feb 2009

ex-l wrote:So what Karma does having diarrhea in Madhuban pay off and how? All that bad 'amoeba karma' from chemically disinfecting toilets back at home?

It is simply the consequence of traveling in a country with poor hygiene conditions, eating something inappropriate ... that sort of things.
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Re: Going to Madhuban?

Post24 Feb 2009

Gee Thanx for the gift ex-l - but I already had many 'Madhuban' T-shirts in my life, wore them out by wearing them everywhere and then used them to wipe what essentially needed wiping with them.
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psychosomatic symptoms

Post25 Feb 2009

I would also take into consideration the fact that most BKs are under stress for several reasons (sleep deprivation, accumulated tiredness, pressure from higher ranks, desire to please them and overdoing in service, trying to accomplish too much in those 24 hours a day is made of ... repressing emotions, pretending to be perfect, trying to fit in a mold, feeling unahappy but wearing a mask, feeling guilty all the time, inadequate and lousy because transformation doesn't come easy, etc ...).

In such poor mental and physical conditions, the immune system cannot do the job properly, and I believe that this counts more than food, climate or hygienic conditions.


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Re: Going to Madhuban?

Post25 Feb 2009

There are a bunch of educated BKs at the top in Madhuban, but at the same time there are uneducated Dadis, Sisters and Brothers there. Yes, there may also some family connections, but where is there not ?
would also take into consideration the fact that most BKs are under stress for several reasons( sleep deprivation, accumulated tiredness, pressure from higher ranks, desire to please them and overdoing in service, trying to accomplish too much in those 24 hours a day is made of ... repressing emotions, pretending to be perfect, trying to fit in a mold, feeling unahappy but wearing a mask, feeling guilty all the time, inadequate and lousy because transformation doesn't come easy, etc ...).

What motivates them to run an organisation so efficiently ? And for so long ? Should Citicorp or RBS or Northen Rock or Fanny Mae board members go there and seek advice, after all you also entrusted your pensions and savings with these so called professionally educated corporates ? I don't know about efficiency of other "cults/sects", but these surrendered souls who have a few pair of saris and khurtas between them have they not chosen a better life, considering what is outside the walls and being amongst the sewers and slums. And such folks welcome you.

I met a family of 4 in Madhuban, in the courtyard of PB, they came from a small village in south India. We chatted in the sun, and they invited me to their home without hesitation. I could tell they were poor. My flight ticket alone would probably be more than their entire annual income.

If you are a BK, or a BK thinking of leaving, try to speak to Indian BKs there. Don't mingle with double foreigners, since you're mingling with them almost every day anyway. Mingle with the Indian wassis. That is why that even though I am not an BK, I have much fondness of the BKs because I saw 95% of the organisation from their perspective during my time, and not mine (foreign perspective). Even the Indians in other foreign lands (outside India) cannot give you the same perspective.

A movie like Slumdog Millionaire would have opened eyes even for many Indians living outside, even the likes of Dev Patel.
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Re: Going to Madhuban?

Post25 Feb 2009

bansy wrote:Should Citicorp or RBS or Northen Rock or Fanny Mae board members go there and seek advice, after all you also entrusted your pensions and savings with these so called professionally educated corporates ?

Yes, they should learn from BKWSU on how to swindle pensions and savings - not just risk it away ;) Atleast with these banks, your talking about only money. With BKWSU your are entrusting your tan, man and dhan - physical body, mind and money. Go figure!! Yes, BKWSU is very efficient in stripping you naked (metaphorically speaking)!
bansy wrote:Even the Indians in other foreign lands (outside India) cannot give you the same perspective.

But, you do not seem to buy the perspective of Indians who were born and lived in India. Dev Patel is British and both his parents were born in Kenya. So, I am not suprised if they are awakened to the reality of India.
bansy wrote:Don't mingle with double foreigners since you're mingling with them almost every day anyway. Mingle with the Indian wassis.

I completely agree with you on this one. Also, ask BKWSU on why foreigners are given special privileges - be it special BapDada season, nicer accomodations (have you ever lived in a tent?), much better food and also closer seating/meetings with BapDada. Somehow, BK GOD finds anyone who flies into India a more worthy soul than the Indians.

If you are White with European features, you are special! If your rich you are doubly special!! If your are filthy rich, your place in Advance Party is guranteed!!
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Mr Green


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Re: Going to Madhuban?

Post25 Feb 2009

Deccani, the BapDada thing is purely about money, the Double Foreigner have to be treated better as they give more money.

Not sure I agree with you Bansy. I have also spent a lot of time with Indian BKs, I stayed and worked in Madubhan for quite a while. I saw pretty much the same in them as abroad ... lots of great people and a few weirdos.


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Re: Going to Madhuban?

Post25 Feb 2009

I wonder how many Indians in India really LOVE their country. Let alone how many Indians outside India love their country.

It seems the cricket team does more to unite the country than any other group.
I saw pretty much the same in them as abroad ...

But it must be different for those who have no where else to go but a few affordable rupees from town A to B. Whereas to go abroad, or to see the world outside, must be a whole new world for some. Double foreigners (of the non Indian kind, pardon the pointer to skin colour here), must be weird to them.

Where else can they go? OK, it may be alright for many here to put up with British Rail or Amtrak on a rainy day, but when the train system is that of India with sewers and cow dung all over the place, British Rail must seem like a luxury (well, it's been some time since I last took, though I heard nothing has improved).
Dev Patel is British and both his parents were born in Kenya. So, I am not suprised if they are awakened to the reality of India.

Precisely, and do the BKs not know this and label such folks as Double Foreigners (of the Indian kind) showering praise to them since such folks seemingly have some links to the "home country" whilst of course having lots of cash too? How many Dev Patels will give up where they are and move back to their "home country"?

What I am getting at is that, regardless of how the BKs have affected you or me, in the "home country" (i.e Bharat), the BKWSU may be all that some of those folks have. It seems that what has affected folks is not Madhuban but things outside Madhuban.
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Re: Going to Madhuban?

Post25 Feb 2009

bansy wrote:I wonder how many Indians in India really LOVE their country. Let alone how many Indians outside India love their country.

I would theorize that it would be comparable to the number of British LOVING their country, if not more. Same applies to the case of Diaspora.

Bansy, I hope you are not saying that, just because we do not support BKWSU, we are less patriotic. I would argue that, it is the opposite. Amrtya Sen would say that your approach to India is exoticist. I would highly recommend, "The Argumentative Indian" by Sen, if you want to know the tradition of openness in Indian culture, our heritage of rational, scientific and secular thinking.

Let me also add that, BKWSU and their philosophy is antithesis to all of that.
Also, just because Amartya Sen lives in Cambridge does not make him less patriotic. I even say that an out of country experince (akin to out of body ) is helpful to get a realistic picture of Bharath. I will leave that discussion to another thread, forum or website.
bansy wrote:the BKWSU may be all that some of those folks have. It seems that what has affected folks is not Madhuban but things outside Madhuban.

You have a good point there. Yes, I personally know few individuals whose lives are much better when compared to what it would have been if not for BKWSU. But, out of gratitude, do you think one should put up with slavery for life?


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Re: Going to Madhuban?

Post26 Feb 2009

I hope you are not saying that, just because we do not support BKWSU, we are less patriotic.

No, not that point. The India v England cricket series is a nice litmus test.

How many Indians outside India would return to their country now? Would they give up what you have to mix? No, people only move to go from one level to a higher level, hence swarms of people immigrate to seek a better life. But maybe there can be no way out from the sewers if you are living in India, and the BKWSU (or other sects) is the only way out. But if someone would offer that chance to escape, you'll take it.

When do you return? Aha, only if the country you left is the same or catches up and overtakes, or has more opportunities than the country you arrived. But surely India is developing fast now and there are chances. No, you cannot re-orientate yourself to the India Indian way of life, you have gotten used to the comforts of the Western Indian life. You may have drunks doing a number 2 in the Streets of London, but on the Streets of Delhi you have cows and pigs and humans doing a number 1.

Now, leaving the BKWSU in India is a different ballgame than leaving the BKWSU in UK or US. You go back to the sewers "hell", but in the UK US you still have a stable infrastructure and system to return to in society. Both is not easy of course.

What is the difference being a BK in the UK, a BK in Madhuban and a BK in Calcutta? Surely they are all the same, none would be influenced by their surroundings of course being soul conscious and ablve the elements :shock: (would you truly believe this !). Now take one more step imagine that these same 3 BKs become ex-BKs and have to adjust back. Put yourself in each of these shoes.
slavery for life?

I hope you don't mean this, a slave and a volunteer is a little different.
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Mr Green


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Re: Going to Madhuban?

Post27 Feb 2009

If you're going to the Land of Honey, be sure to wear some rupees in your hair ...
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Re: Going to Madhuban?

Post27 Feb 2009

You don't need chains to enslave people. I still want to know more of the experience of the young girls surrendering.
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Re: Going to Madhuban?

Post27 Feb 2009

bansy wrote:Streets of Delhi you have cows and pigs and humans doing a number 1.

Yes, that is India too. So are the new multiplexes, ultra posh malls, gated communities with amenities rivaling the most developed countries in the world! As Shashi Tharoor would say, ""India is more than the sum of its contradictions. Any truism about India can be contradicted with another truism".
leaving the BKWSU in India is a different ballgame than leaving the BKWSU in UK or US.

You are right. We were talking this in other threads. It is much more difficult to leave BKWSU in India - be it socio-econimical reasons or lack of support systems.

It is not volunteerism if someone is using BKWSU to further their living conditions. It is an unwritten contract. BKWSU feeds, clothes and shelters them and they help spread the BK poison around. It's like BKWSU is a drug cartel and those guys are their dealers - don't care if families are wrecked and people kill themselves! (It is their Karma??!! :shock: ).

Unfortunately, people who do volunteer are lied to, misled and mind controlled by BKWSU in order to fill their coffers.
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Re: Going to Madhuban?

Post28 Feb 2009

I don't buy this harder for Indian thing, I am not Indian and suffered a complete breakdown in leaving them, of which I am still in a complete and utter mess emotionally, intellectually every ******* way ...

My life was completely ravaged and ruined by the BKs.

I cannot see anything now except cold fact or Bhakti, doesn't mean there is not more there ... this is why I don't profer opinion or discussion, because I simply don't give a **** anymore. I don't care. I have nothing to care for, no wants, no aspirations, no direction, just cold heart and dryness.

I am not meaning to be constantly obtuse and angry. I hate being like this. You see leaving Gyan is hard depending on how deep you were in not what bloody country you life in. I am like a soldier back in civvy street ... I have no friends, no-one would want to befriend me because I am ******* up and obsessed with my past, trying to grasp some glimmer of self-esteem from the complete mess I've made of everything.
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Re: Going to Madhuban?

Post28 Feb 2009

Mr.Green wrote:I don't care, I have nothing to care for, no wants no aspirations, no direction, just cold heart and dryness

You don't need any advice from me. You must know that I have great respect for you. Who knows, sometimes I get a clue from your posts, as if at some point you could have been a respected BK Senior for me in London, but I don't know. I am deeply shaken by your post.

I could only find a meaning of life after leaving Gyan and BKs, by finding myself a simple work and worked harder than in my BK life. But this was a learned reaction from my before Gyan life to all tasks i had to encounter.

Looking around, all retired lokiks have difficulties to adjust to the retirement. It is a tough thing for a top manager to retire and have nothing to do but going to the market and choose some vegetables or taking the grandchildren to the park. From their faces you can understand if they are O.K. If they hook at the past they are ******up.

It is of course one of the greatest challenges for every age, to retire from a cult like BKs, from being God's instrument, just right before becoming an angel and a deity, after following decades long hardest self discipline, prepared innerly and conditioned to save all human beings, to retire with frustration, understanding only that I have been an idiot to believe in so much ********.

After leaving Gyan all we need is to work hard, if we don't work for money, than we need to find a voluntary work to push us hard. The pressure from outside should be equal to the pressure from inside. Emptiness and frustration vanishes.

Every work, does not matter how mundane and simple, helps to recover, the meaning comes later. Years spent in BK life become an extraordinary adventure experienced with great courage. How many people can have such an experience in a cult with HQ on a mountain in India and get away alive.

This is a tougher task than Indiana Jones has to challenge.

And solitude is so beautiful.

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