"Jewels" from Dadi Janki or stones? (Fear based teachings)

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Re: Give Your Bones in the Baba's Service says Dadi Janki

Post22 May 2008

ex-l wrote:She was still enamored by Lekhraj Kirpalani when she came to the West.

ex-l ... Your choice of words make me laugh so hard people at work think what I am upto ... but I enjoy reading your posts and responses ...

I was trying to specify how she only listens to what is being told to her ... and the rest resides with the junior or Senior Sister ...


john morgan


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Re: Give Your Bones in the Baba's Service says Dadi Janki

Post24 May 2008

ex-l wrote:Sometimes I really wonder at what juggling and arm-wrestling goes, and went on, between the Seniors.

Well, one thing is for sure, it did and does go on. Whilst I appreciate what the BK have to say its what they don't say that is the trouble. Hidden agendas, secretive goings on. things you don't need to know etc. Whilst you are manipulating people these things are necessary. BKs are careful not to visibly tread on each others toes because they think that a unified polished front is essential for service, the rewriting of their history is an aspect of this.

Whilst giving your bones is presented as a BK aspiration it is very important to look at who qualifies. What exactly are the BK looking for? What they like are people who are prepared on the strength of a little drishti to accept that God is teaching. You have to not ask too many questions and definitely no awkward ones. Its best to not to be too self reliant because they must become the most important people in your life. Yes, they do teach you to be independent but that involves relying on them, listening to their every word and understanding that they speak and act for Baba. You must also have faith that this is true as doubt means that you will not pass the exam. They in short look for all the eggs in one basket people and if you are prepared to do this without question then hey presto! you qualify! This is real magic! Or is it something else?

Another thing worth looking at is that senior BKs will never admit that they were wrong, each of their thoughts and actions is to their mind an expression of the word of God. If one of their senior companions do something harmful to a student it will not be addressed accurately because the unified front that they consider is so important to maintain takes precedence over all else. Many true hearts have left the study for this very reason. One would think that an appeal process would sort such issues out but any appeal that is possible is governed by exactly the same criteria.

Now I am not saying that what the BK are doing is a bad thing, everyone wants to improve their life, its just that their approach could be seen as a little extreme. But if you want to jump in and "give your bones" it is of course your decision. The reason that this forum exists is that the BK damage and hurt many students. It is only if you become close to them that they will do this because otherwise the news may get out that you can leave the BK feeling as if you are damned forever and believe you me it is not a nice feeling. So why doesn't the BK approach work for many? After all God is teaching!

Well, the only possible reason is that God is a little thick, you know stupid. You think he will help you, so you do what he says through of course the BK. God is infallible, he knows everything, he knows exactly how you are and exactly what you will do and he gives you the best advice so if it doesn't work there can only be one possible person to blame and guess who that is? Well, look in the mirror my friend, you are the culprit! Of course you are not, you weren't taught correctly, but all the people you have been impressed by would have you believe that. Earlier I said that God was stupid, Well I'd like you to remember this if you decide to jump in and it doesn't work out for you. If, and I truly hope it never happens, that you find yourself in the situation I am talking about please recall that there are people here to whom you in your pain will be more valuable than all the BK put together.

The time of parting from the BK will be very tough for you because you will have invested so much time effort faith and money in the family. Because you have left many of your so called friends will avoid you and you will have seemingly fallen out of grace. You may have been out of grace before you joined the BK but it is only now that you will experience the mother of all hell's. No longer a member of the Brahmin family and no longer a member of the human race, you will belong nowhere. God, your dearest Baba still heads the BK family in your mind and you are estranged, you may go back to the BK they often say "We cannot help you for a month," sounds better than "No" doesn't it? The reason I am telling you about all these things is that they could happen for you and if they do you could do a lot worse than come here to share your pain. You will not be defaming Baba or the Brahmin family by coming here, you will be in need of serious help and many here will do their best to give it.

Only a fool would jump into anything before having a good look but the BK will never tell you that, they want you to jump first. Would a servant of God leave you in the dark like this? Of course not. Would a servant of God abandon you if you are in trouble? Definitely No! Would a servant of God ask for donations towards a project that they have enough money to build anyway? I don't think so. The BK often do this sort of thing easily and effortlessly with the full faith that they are servants of God. Perhaps the important question is "would they harm you in any way?" Well, they will not take any responsibility for it if they do and they will tell you and give you the feeling that you are at fault and you will of course believe them - for a short time at best and for the rest of your life at worst. This is BK magic!

So, for your sake, please look long and hard before you give your bones. There are other ways of living a good life. Informed choices are often the best ones.


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Re: Give Your Bones in the Baba's Service says Dadi Janki

Post27 May 2008

Well, I am impressed with what she can do for her age (though her real age has been concealed) and her motivation to do it. But, yes, she is definitely a clever business lady, so clever to manoeuvre events and people to her advantage. Perhaps the word “give your bones in Baba's service” is one of her tactics. I also feel, in the past, there had been subtle competition between her and other Dadis.
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"Jewels" from Dadi Janki or stones? (Fear based teachings)

Post22 Feb 2009

Dadi Janki – 16th February 2009 - meeting with double foreigners (Om Shanti Bhavan)

I remember a beautiful scene of one very sweet Sister coming in front of Baba. She had transformed a lot in a very short time. Baba said to her, "You are so sweet, so sweet, that I am going to eat you whole". We really had the feeling that Baba ate her up ... She told Baba that she had 5 children and Baba said, "5 children? You are the mother of the Yagya!" She received this blessing from Baba and broke attachment to her children.

Thought you guys might enjoy this. Did you guys know that Lekhraj Kirpalani was a (wo)man eater? I read "very sweet Sister" as "very beautiful Sister" ;).

He was such a flirt!
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Re: Jewels from Dadi Janki

Post23 Feb 2009

60 views ... and no love from any body? You all are hypocrites! :D

(It's good to laugh at yourself, laugh at the system, laugh at the leaders. As I said in other posts, it is therapeutic!!)

john morgan


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Re: Jewels from Dadi Janki

Post23 Feb 2009

I remember a scene when one Brother was told by BapDada that he would get a lift, one Sister thought the lift meant blessings!

He got his lift alright ... back down the mountain! ;).
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Re: Jewels from Dadi Janki

Post23 Feb 2009

Dadi Janki – Feb 19th 2009. Shanthivan

Baba is coming in a few days. Transform yourself before He comes.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Now, it is all a matter of DAYS!! HURRY!

And how many days are we talking about here?
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Re: Jewels from Dadi Janki

Post23 Feb 2009

Dadi Janki – 16th February 2009 - meeting with double foreigners (Om Shanti Bhavan)

I remember a beautiful scene of one very sweet Sister coming in front of Baba. She had transformed a lot in a very short time. Baba said to her, "You are so sweet, so sweet, that I am going to eat you whole". We really had the feeling that Baba ate her up ... She told Baba that she had 5 children and Baba said, "5 children? You are the mother of the Yagya!" She received this blessing from Baba and broke attachment to her children.

It sounds like something out of a very scary fairy tale.
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Re: Jewels from Dadi Janki

Post24 Feb 2009

Dadi Janki – Feb 21st 2009 in Shantivan

Soul consciousness – The natural remedy

All of us receive a great deal of love from Baba and it is the time to give the return. Everything is to finish ... nothing that we have now will remain with us and so we need to use it in a worthwhile way right now.

Money will have no value ... In fact, what do we need right now? It is time to be simple in everything; in clothes, food ... everything

What a simple life! Global Retreat Centre.
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Re: Jewels from Dadi Janki

Post24 Feb 2009

I read it, I see it. However no-one of you truly understands that all these palaces and luxury homes are really and truly simple in nature. Compared to that which they'll have in the Golden Age, that is. So let's put in context of their way of logizing these things.


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Re: Jewels from Dadi Janki

Post24 Feb 2009

This is a real sin. Lust is nothing.


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Re: Jewels from Dadi Janki

Post24 Feb 2009

That is a pretty big mouth.

john morgan


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Re: Jewels from Dadi Janki

Post24 Feb 2009

The Knowledge is good, most attitudes are good, the disciplines are good and the results can be very good indeed!

So what is so wrong?

    1) Secret love of money and property and the willingness to sacrifice and/or manipulate others in order to acquire it, look at the actions not the words.

    2) The BK teachings state they are the only ones to truly know God. If their methods backfire or the student cannot align themselves with commercial spirituality and leave the student is all too often in a most difficult position. Where can the person who understood that God was teaching them go for the guidance that they now so sorely need? After all, no one outside of the BK even knows God! They had the best teacher possible and it did not work so it must be their fault!

    Many ex-students have left convinced that they are fatally flawed and that they are damned forever. it can take a lot time to realise the folly of this point of view. The typical response from the children of the Ocean of Mercy? They wash their hands of all responsibility, treat students as outcasts, stay happy and leave hell in their wake!
I leave you with four questions -

    1) Would a heaven with DJ in it really be heaven?
    2) Who the hell does she think she is?
    3) Should we be very careful if we come in contact with those that have had the "benefit" of DJ's training for many years because they may be replicating her operating methods?
    4) Are you having a good day?
Answers on a postcard please to Global Co-operation House, 67-69 Pound Lane, London NW10 2HH, if using an envelope please enclose a copy of this article.
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Re: Jewels from Dadi Janki

Post25 Feb 2009

john morgan wrote:The typical response from the children of the Ocean of Mercy? They wash their hands of all responsibility, treat students as outcasts, stay happy and leave hell in their wake!


Yes, we are all afloat on the Ocean of Mercy ... only some want to pretend that they are the captains of a 5 Star Cruise Liner and those that refuse to "man the oars", or slave to rich and famous guests, are thrown overboard without a lifebelt at night.

Dadi Janki Kripalani is a slippery old fraud who knew the truth, hid it and covered up the lies for decades working her naive audience. A charlatan, to quote Howiemac who used to post on this site. A Sindi conman extraordinaire. She has no conscience left and operates on fear and will. An Ali Baba to the 40 Thieves, laughing at her discovery at how to open up the cave door to all the gold and riches ... for "Open Sesame" hear "Om Shanti".

To all those that have not taken these facts on board yet, wake up. "One of the 8 top souls in all of history" ... don't make me laugh.
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Re: Jewels in the cave

Post25 Feb 2009

Nice one, ex-l, Om Shanti as per Open Sesame, the memorial of Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves.

How can Alladin not respond to your post enthusiastically? I will do it with a Steel Pulse song, it is carnival time, after all!
Stepping out it is called, appropriate title and lyrics!
Steel Pulse wrote:Steppin' out, steppin' out
Steppin' out, steppin' out
Open says a me, here comes Rasta man
Abracadabra me seh, catch me if you can

I know, You'll find it hard to believe that
I am, The genie of your lamp and
I can do anything you wish but
Right now I am commanding you to dance


Steppin' out, steppin' out
Invisible music
Beam me up to the cradle of sound
(riddle me this)
You cannot see it
Nowhere on Earth
Can this reggae be found
Journey through the tunnel of love
Wisdom is respected hatred is rejected
On the planet dread it rains dub
Climb Alladin's ladder hotter reggae hot
Open says a me, Here comes Rasta man
Abracadabra me seh
Open says a me, Here comes Rasta man
Abracadabra, Catch me if you can hey
Steppin' out, says I am steppin' out
I know I am I can right now I am steppin
highest heights and hottest hot
Rasta this and Dreadlocks that
On the move I just cannot stop
I am in the groove and I just cannot stop
Cause I am, In love with JAH music
Invisible music.

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