BKWSU Charter of International Functioning (2008)

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BKWSU Charter of International Functioning (2008)

Post19 Dec 2008

We see below the first fruit of the Brahma Kumaris efforts at reform with the establishment of an international "Charter of Functioning". I wonder how the rules for India differ?

Its interesting. A good stab at professionalism and written with an eye to how it looks to the outside world. A new layer of 'BK Speak'. But does not go into the depth, nor does it offer any remedies. My guess it must be accompanied by a center manual, or something.

    What are the "aims, principles, policies, practices and methods of functioning of the Brahma Kumaris" and where are they defined?
I am intrigued by section 6 where it appears to state clearly the financial autonomy of all centers. This will cut two ways ... centers and HQs might be financially independent BUT HQs will always siphon on donations from followers all the way down the BK food chain as they seek to "earn extra benefits" giving direct to the SS or during a visit to London, Abu etc. Does this mean local centers can expect none of that back by way of sponsorship. Is it officially "as good karma" to give to your local center-in-charge as it is to give to Abu and a Dadi?

I also think the idea of "centers" is a bit over blown ... for the greater part what we are talking about here is co-opting followers' homes. It does not make it clear that in being "students" followers are disenfranchised from being "members" and having any rights. In fact, on second reading, it looks like "business as usual" and "protect the hierarchy". There is no mention of any element of 'duty of care' and, given the nigh degree of control over some or most BK's lives, no mention of remedies or complaint procedures for followers if something goes wrong, e.g. there is no independent or external ombudsperson service.

It looks like it might have been drafted with the help of a lawyer and it is hard to believe Janki did anything more than give it a nod. In many ways, it looks to me as if it was written for and to impress outsiders. I mean ... what is "to offer such education which will foster long-term human-centered development"? To read the Murli? "Self-management" makes it on the roster as "official" and what is all this talk of "arts"?
To offer courses and programmes which allow for the enhancement of personal skills, arts and talents, and higher levels of attainment and quality in personal, professional and public life.

Is that a bow to Miriam and Anthony ... and when did they start caring about individual's "professional development"?

What I do notice immediately is that it contradicts the position taken by the BKWSU (UK)'s solicitor. If the International Coordinating Office is in London ... then why could they not deal with our earlier enquiries? What that suggests is that Jayanti Kirpalani's position has been set, although nor formally stated. Does that mean she is above Big Mohini, Nirmala, Vedanti et al?

Your opinions please.
BKWSU wrote:Brahma Kumaris

Charter of International Functioning

This Charter of International Functioning was adopted by the Members of the Management Committee of Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya in its meeting held at Headquarters on 05 March, 2008.

    Administrative Head - Brahma Kumari Janki
    Addl. Administrative Head - Brahma Kumari Hirdaya Mohini
    Joint Administrative Head - Brahma Kumari Nirmal Shanta
    Joint Administrative Head - Brahma Kumari Ratan Mohini
    Member - Brahma Kumari Ishu
    Member - Brahma Kumari Manohar Indra
    Member - Brahma Kumari Shanta Mani
    Member - Brahma Kumar Nirwair
    Member - Brahma Kumar Ramesh Shah
    Member - Brahma Kumar Brij Mohan

    With its origin back to 1937, the Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya (Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University) now has a presence through its Associate Centres around the world.

    The Management Committee has adopted this Charter to formally describe and document the organisational structure, institutional procedures and methods of functioning of the Brahma Kumaris in the international arena. It sets out the governance mechanism and the relationship of Brahma Kumaris Centres around the world. This Charter is binding on all overseas Centres of the Brahma Kumaris.
Article 1 - Name and Form:

    Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya (Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University), registered with different names outside India (hereinafter for brevity's sake referred to as 'Brahma Kumaris') comprises a global community or family of individuals, associating themselves together as a non-governmental organization through the various recognized Centres and Sub-Centres in India, and also Associate Centres and Associate Sub-Centres outside India, of the Brahma Kumaris around the world. Brahma Kumaris was established in 1937 in undivided India.

    For uniformity's sake the name "Brahma Kumaris" will hereinafter be used by all its Associate Centres and Associate Sub-Centres.
Article 2 - Definitions:

    In this Charter unless there is anything repugnant to or inconsistent with:

    2.01 Administrative Head:

    Administrative Head means a dedicated Brahma Kumari, nominated and appointed as such by the Management Committee. The Administrative Head shall administer all the activities and also uphold the aims, principles, policies, practices and methods of functioning of the Brahma Kumaris.

    2.02 Additional Administrative Head:

    Additional Administrative Head means a dedicated Brahma Kumari nominated and appointed as such by the Management Committee to co-administer with the Administrative Head.

    2.03 Joint Administrative Head:

    Joint Administrative Head means a dedicated Brahma Kumari nominated and appointed as such by the Management Committee to assist the Administrative Head and the Additional Administrative Head in administration.

    2.04 Management Committee:

    Management Committee means the Management Committee of Prajapita Brahma Kumaris Ishwariya Vishwa Vidyalaya.

    2.05 Executive Director:

    Executive Director means a dedicated Brahma Kumari or Brahma Kumar member of the Management Committee, nominated and appointed by it as such to the ICC, to assist the Administrative Head, the Additional Administrative Head and the Joint Administrative Head(s) in administration of the Brahma Kumaris.

    2.06 Regional Coordinator (RC):

    Regional Coordinator means a dedicated Brahma Kumari appointed as such by the Administrative Head in consultation with the Additional Administrative Head and the Joint Administrative Head(s).

    2.07 Sub-Regional Coordinator (SRC):

    Sub-Regional Coordinator means a Brahma Kumari or a Brahma Kumar appointed as such by the Administrative Head in consultation with the Regional Coordinator. SRC will coordinate the activities in a sub-region comprising of five or more countries and shall function in consultation with the respective RC.

    2.08 National Coordinator (National Coordinator):

    National Coordinator means a Brahma Kumari or a Brahma Kumar appointed as such by the Regional Coordinator in consultation with the Administrative Head.

    2.09 International Coordinating Council (ICC):

    International Coordinating Council (ICC) means a council named as such and shall comprise of seven permanent members of the Management Committee i.e. the Administrative Head, the Additional Administrative Head, two Joint Administrative Heads and three other members of the Management Committee (Executive Directors), six Regional Coordinators by virtue of their office and other members up to eight to be appointed by the Administrative Head in consultation with the Additional Administrative Head and the Joint Administrative Heads. The ICC shall have a minimum of 13 and maximum of 21 members.

    2.10 National Coordinating Council (NCC):

    National Coordinating Council (NCC) means a council named as such and shall be appointed by the International Coordinating Council (ICC) and shall comprise of National Coordinators having responsibilities for the activities and affairs of Associate Centres / Associate Sub-centres of the Brahma Kumaris in various countries.

    2.11 Headquarters Coordinating Office (HCO):

    Headquarters Coordinating Office means an office named as such and shall be situated at the Headquarters of the Brahma Kumaris at Pandav Bhavan, Mount Abu, PIN-307501, Rajasthan, India.

    2.12 International Coordinating Office (Overseas) (ICO):

    The International Coordinating Office (Overseas) means an office named as such and shall be situated in London (U.K.) and shall function to assist the Administrative Head.

    2.13 Regional Coordinating Office (RCO):

    Regional Coordinating Office means an office named as such and shall comprise of the Regional Coordinator and Sub-Regional Coordinators and shall be situated in the respective region of operation.

    2.14 National Coordinating Office (NCO):

    National Coordinating Office means an office named as such and shall comprise of the National Coordinator and members of the local body as formulated under local laws and shall be situated in the respective country of operation.

    2.15 Associate Centre:

    Associate Centre means a centre duly recognized as Associate Centre, outside India, with the approval of the Administrative Head or the Additional Administrative Head.

    2.16 Associate Sub-Centre:

    Associate Sub-Centre means a centre duly recognized as Associate Sub-Centre, outside India, with the approval of the Administrative Head or the Additional Administrative Head.

    2.17 Student:

    Student means any person who regularly studies spiritual knowledge and Raja Yoga as taught by the Brahma Kumaris and observes the principles, policies, practices and methods of functioning of/he Brahma Kumaris.
Article 3 - Headquarters:

    The Headquarters of the Brahma Kumaris is situated at Pandav Bhawan, Mount Abu, PIN-307501, Rajasthan, lndia.

Article 4 - Aims:

    The aims of the Brahma Kumaris are:

    4.01 To provide an education in spiritual and moral understanding, principles and values to any interested individual in order to reaffirm the spiritual identity, inherent goodness, dignity and worth of the human being and to foster a spirit of universal brotherhood;

    4.02 To bring about an effective change of awareness, attitude and behaviour as the foundation of the overall advancement and betterment of the human condition throughout the world;

    4.03 To teach RajYoga meditation and related methods of personal development, self-management and positive thinking as taught by the Brahma Kumaris;

    4.04 To offer education in the essence of religious traditions and to promote better understanding of and within the global human family;

    4.05 To spread moral, ethical, religious and spiritual values so that a person can ennoble his/her character;

    4.06 To offer such education which will foster long-term human-centered development, a spiritual and moral perspective of contemporary issues of personal, community and global concerns, and facilitate a greater awareness of corresponding rights and responsibilities;

    4.07 To offer courses and programmes which allow for the enhancement of personal skills, arts and talents, and higher levels of attainment and quality in personal, professional and public life, while also encouraging a deeper understanding of the individual's place and purpose within the broader context of life; and

    4.08 To impart such education and courses that will promote, encourage and maintain holistic and spiritual upliftment and well¬being; and the ennoblement of the human character.
Article 5 - Means to Achieve Aims:

    In seeking to fulfill its aims, the Brahma Kumaris may:

    5.01 Offer individual and group courses, lectures and training programmes; organise and hold conferences, seminars, workshops, exhibitions or other gatherings, programmes or events; create, prepare, print, produce and distribute publications and audio-visual devices; broadcasts, webcasts and telecasts of all kinds and in all forms or any other means of communication;

    5.02 Establish, support, co-sponsor and participate in related fields of interests in the activities of governmental, non-governmental, spiritual, religious, educational, environmental, health-care, humanitarian, charitable, social and cultural institutions, organisations and other constituents of civil society;

    5.03 Organise, coordinate or otherwise participate in projects, events and activities conducive to improvement in the overall quality of life; and

    5.04 Undertake such other activities as are consistent with the fulfillment of its aims.
Article 6 - Formation of Associate Centre(s) and/or Associate Sub-Centre(s):

    6.01 Any RC in consultation with the Administrative Head or the Additional Administrative Head may approve the appointment of a teacher to carry out the activities of the Brahma Kumaris in a particular country within the region. Depending on the extent of such activities, the RC in consultation with the Administrative Head or the Additional Administrative Head, may thereafter give consent for the establishment of an Associate Centre / Associate Sub-Centre of the Brahma Kumaris in accordance with the local laws and practices. Before being given such consent, it shall be formally registered and recognised as per the laws and practices of the country in which it is located.

    6.02 Prior to establishing an Associate Centre in any country, the RC will obtain a letter of intent from local interested person(s) stating that they will be responsible legally, financially and in all other aspects for and after the formation of the Brahma Kumaris Associate Centre / Associate Sub-Centre.

    6.03 Further to the completion of the relevant documentation, the Administrative Head may recognize it as an Associate Centre / Associate Sub-Centre of the Brahma Kumaris and may issue a Certificate to that effect. The acceptance and acknowledgement of the terms and conditions of such Certificate by an Associate Centre / Associate Sub-Centre shall constitute the acceptance by such Centre / Sub-Centre of this Charter and also the jurisdiction of the ICC in relation to its affairs and activities.

    6.04 After the issuance and acknowledgement of the Certificate under clause 6.03 here above, each Associate Centre / Associate Sub-Centre shall always function in accordance with the Brahma Kumaris' aims, principles, policies, practices and methods of functioning.

    6.05 Each Associate Centre / Associate Sub-Centre shall manage its own finances, assets, liabilities, running and operating costs, and the regulation and administration of local activities and affairs. The Headquarters or any other Associate Centre / Associate Sub-Centre shall not be responsible for financial or other liability of any nature whatsoever, in respect of the said Associate Centre / Associate Sub-Centre.

    6.06 No fees or charge of any nature whatsoever shall be levied by the Brahma Kumaris Headquarters / International Coordinating Council (ICC) / National Coordinating Council (NCC) from its Associate Centres / Associate Sub-Centres and there shall not be any financial obligations between the Brahma Kumaris Headquarters / ICC /NCC and other Associate Centre(s) / Associate Sub-Centre(s).

    6.07 This Charter allows for functioning and coordination of the Associate Centres / Associate Sub-Centres and their activities so that Associate Centres / Associate Sub-Centres shall exist and function autonomously within their own areas but always in accordance with, and subject to, the Brahma Kumaris' aims, principles, policies, practices and methods of functioning, as prescribed in this Charter.

    6.08 Once an Associate Centre / Associate Sub-Centre is duly established in any country as per local laws, its National Coordinator (National Coordinator) may arrange the opening of other Associate Centres and Associate Sub-Centres in different areas within such country. Any such other Associate Centres and Associate Sub-Centres shall form part of the main Associate Centre for administrative purposes, together constituting one entity, and be under its administrative jurisdiction, but shall take care of their own finances, assets, liabilities, running and operating costs and may organise and conduct their own activities under the overall auspices of the main Associate Centre.

    However, all Associate Centres and Associate Sub-Centres shall obtain a Certificate in accordance with clause 6.03 hereinabove. In due course, with increase in number of students, the National Coordinator may request through the RC to the Administrative Head / Additional Administrative Head to upgrade the Associate Sub-Centre Certificate into an Associate Centre Certificate.

    6.09 The Administrative Head / Additional Administrative Head, after due enquiry, and in consultation with the ICC, may cancel the Certificate of any Associate Centre / Associate Sub-Centre found not acting in conformity with Brahma Kumaris' aims, principles, policies, practices and methods or functioning after which such Associate Centre / Associate Sub-Centre shall be considered derecognized and cease to function as Associate Centre / Associate Sub-Centre of the Brahma Kumaris.
Article 7 - Governance – International Coordinating Council (ICC):

    7.01 The Brahma Kumaris shall establish and maintain for effective governance the following Councils:

    a) International Coordinating Council (ICC) and
    b) National Coordinating Council (NCC)

    7.02 The overseas activities of the Brahma Kumaris shall be overseen and endorsed by the ICC.

    7.03 The ICC shall have an advisory, consultative and supporting role in relation to overseas activities in all matters relating to the Brahma Kumaris' aims, principles, policies, practices and methods of functioning and for that purpose it may develop, clarify and interpret the same.

    7.04 As the highest office bearer within the Brahma Kumaris, the Administrative Head, or a person appointed by her, shall represent the Brahma Kumaris as Principal Spokesperson for the ICC.

    7.05 The Joint Administrative Heads may have such authorities and duties as may be delegated to them by the Administrative Head.

    7.06 The Executive Directors may have such authorities and duties as may be delegated to them by the Administrative Head.

    7.07 The Administrative Head shall be assisted by the Headquarters Coordinating Office (HCO) situated at Mount Abu, India, and the International Coordinating Office (Overseas) (ICO) situated in London (U.K.).

    7.08 The Headquarters Coordinating Office (HCO) shall serve as the office of the ICC. The ICC may assign such functions to the ICO as it may deem fit.

    7.09 The Regional Coordinators (RCs) may have such authorities and duties as may be delegated to them by the Administrative Head, while serving in different regions of the world, in which the Brahma Kumaris operate. They will also have responsibility for the implementation and supervision of the Brahma Kumaris activities in their respective regions.

    7.10 In the appointment of additional RC(s), consideration will be given to geographical factors and the level of activities around the world.

    7.11 The ICC shall have powers to form committees and delegate tasks to them. Full meetings of the ICC shall be convened and chaired by the Administrative Head or the Additional Administrative Head. The Administrative Head shall convene a meeting of the ICC at least once a year to be held at the Headquarters of the Brahma Kumaris at Mount Abu, India, and also additional meetings at any other places as and when decided.

    The ICC will review reports from National Coordinators regarding events, activities and developments since the last such meeting, deliberate on matters submitted by the RC, and consider any other matters conducive to the fulfillment of the Brahma Kumaris' aims and programmes. Throughout the year, its members shall communicate and consult with each other as required, directly and through the ICC and with the individual National Coordinators in their region. Approved copies of the minutes of such meetings shall be forwarded to the Headquarters.

    7.12 Regional Coordinators shall motivate, unify and co-ordinate the activities of Associate Centres / Associate Sub-Centres of the Brahma Kumaris in each country within their region and shall oversee and assist in the administration and implementation of the Brahma Kumaris' affairs and activities in their region.

    7.13 Regional Coordinators shall establish and maintain within their regions a Regional Coordinating Office from where the Brahma Kumaris activities within the region shall be coordinated and which shall serve as the primary interface between the Administrative Head and Associate Centres / Associate Sub-Centres in that region. A Regional Coordinator shall cease to serve as such, if found by the ICC not to be acting in conformity with the aims, policies, principles, practices and methods of functioning of the Brahma Kumaris.

    7.14 Regional Coordinating Offices shall be located at Nairobi, New York, Moscow, London and Sydney, in respect of Africa, the Americas and Caribbean, the CIS and Baltic States, Europe and the Middle East and Asia-Pacific respectively.

    7.15 The Administrative Head and Additional Administrative Head may invite any person to attend the meeting(s) of ICC / NCC.
Article 8 - Governance - National Coordinating Council (NCC):

    8.01 The National Coordinating Council (NCC) shall comprise of National Coordinators having responsibility for the activities and affairs of Associate Centres / Associate Sub-Centres of the Brahma Kumaris in various countries. The number of members of the NCC shall be increased in consultation with the RCs in accordance with the opening of new National Coordinating Offices.

    8.02 When the first Associate Centre is duly established in a new country, the Centre Coordinator shall be appointed by the RC as the National Coordinator.

    8.03 Each member of the NCC shall represent and have responsibility in relation to a particular country and such member of the NCC shall be drawn from the Associate Centres of Brahma Kumaris in such a country. The area of responsibility of each National Coordinating office shall be determined by the concerned RC in consultation with the ICC.

    8.04 National Coordinators shall regularly consult with and report to their respective Regional Coordinators. A National Coordinator shall cease to serve as such if they are found by the ICC not to be acting in conformity with the aims, policies, principles, practices and methods of functioning of Brahma Kumaris.

    8.05 The members of NCCs shall have as many meetings as necessary in their countries, at least one meeting in a year. The approved copies of the said minutes shall be forwarded to the offices of the RCs, the ICC and Headquarters Coordinating Office.

    8.06 An annual meeting of NCCs shall be convened by the HCO at the Brahma Kumaris Headquarters. The ICC may depute any of its member(s) to attend such a meeting.

    8.07 The NCC shall record and maintain minutes of the proceedings of the meetings. The approved copies of the said minutes shall be forwarded to the offices of the RCs, the ICC and Headquarters Coordinating Office.
Article 9 - Power to Amend the Charter:

    The Management Committee of the Brahma Kumaris may make any additions, alterations or amendments to this Charter.
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Mr Green


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Re: 2008 Charter of International Functioning

Post19 Dec 2008

As usual it is all lies, based on mistruth.

Read the aims, it is blatantly not true ... THE AIM AND OBJECTIVE IS TO BECOME NARAYAN ... and establish the Golden Age of truth the same as it was done 5000 years ago!


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Re: 2008 Charter of International Functioning

Post20 Dec 2008

What a Camouflage Charter of International Functioning! Fabricated as if it is a world-wide, well-organized NGO. Likewise we all created for decades in the West, for our zones, disguises of our BK religious community as a meditation association.

The tail "World Spiritual University" is cut off officially . It was a year ago when I first heard from this new name of "Brahma Kumaris". They will never admit that they owe this shortage to the BK.info Forum, where the authorization of BK carrying the title of "University" was for the first time seriously questioned.

Interesting that Sister Jayanti, Dr. Nirmala, Sudesh Didi and Mohinibhen (USA) are not in the Management Committee. The leadership is sealing herewith that they are centralized and don't want any conflict of power in the Regions.

Also interesting, Karuna Bhai and Atam Prakash are not in the management committee.

What a silly talk of International Coordinating Council (ICC) and National Coordinating Councils (NCC). These councils meetings are big jokes. We all know that Dadi Janki gets news from her close ones and asks her God, BapDada, and takes a decision. Her order is accomplished through Sister Jayanti and other regional coordinators, forwarding Dadi Janki's order per phone to the national coordinators in each country. Finito.

They should have the courage to write the real aim and objective of this global organization with "Associated Centres" and "Associated Sub-Centres" at every corner of the world, as:

    to convert as much people as possible from other religions to the BK religion in order to create 900,000 subjects for the future kingdom of deities who will take over in the whole world and rule for 2500 years in India, as soon as a handful surrendered BK Seniors, who will be the future kings and queens, are ready to trigger with their power of Yoga the Destruction of this impure world with a nuclear war between the world powers, which will result with the elimination of over 6 billion people and all impure species from the surface of the world and create the Golden Aged new world with these subjects and faithful BK followers who will become Golden Aged royal family members and riches.
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Re: 2008 Charter of International Functioning

Post20 Dec 2008

Mr Green wrote:As usual it is all lies, based on mistruth. Read the aims, it is blatantly not true ... THE AIM AND OBJECTIVE IS TO BECOME Narayan ... and establish the Golden Age of truth the same as it was done 5000 years ago!

On one level, for the vast majority of BKs what you say is true. That is what they THINK they are doing. But what does it mean for the hierarchy? Is this what THEY believe they are doing ... are they ditching all the Hindu codswallop ... or is this how Sister Jayanti Kirpalani and her corporate acolytes WANT to be seen?
tom wrote:What a Camouflage Charter of International Functioning! Fabricated as if it is a world-wide, well-organized NGO ... Interesting that Sister Jayanti, Dr. Nirmala, Sudesh Didi and Mohinibhen (USA) are not in the Management Committee. The leadership is sealing herewith that they are centralized and don't want any conflict of power in the Regions.

Also interesting, Karuna Bhai and Atam Prakash are not in the management committee.

Karuna Shetty is, in my opinion, a classless klutz, a clown and rank dishonest ... he was the one that LIED outright to the press (Moscow Times, was it?) that the BKs had removed the stuff about a nuclear war between Russia and America. Just the person the Brahma Kumaris should employ as the Global Chief of PR ... all I get from him is spam from every new social networking website he joins. I don't know Atam Prakash.

Tom, this is a guess ... but I think you are missing the critical link.

You are right, it is all camouflage ... or "positive thinking" as BKs might say it ... but my feeling is that Jayanti's powers has actually been sealed by this document albeit unstated. And this is how Jayanti would like her "corporation" to been seen by the Commissions and UN etc.

    The 'International Coordinating Office' is in London ... NOT New York (Mohini), Germany (Sudesh) or Sydney (Dr Nirmala). Who is "London"? London is Jayanti's throne. "The International Coordinating Office (Overseas) means an office named as such and shall be situated in London (U.K.) and shall function to assist [Dadi Janki]."
The International Coordinating Council (ICC) has the "7 permanent members of the Management Committee", "6 Regional Coordinators" and up to 8 more to be appointed by Janki. (Minimum of 13 and maximum of 21).
In not so many words, the BKWSU wrote:7.04 As the highest office bearer within the Brahma Kumaris, [Dadi Janki], or [Jayanti Kirpalani], shall represent the Brahma Kumaris as Principal Spokesperson for the ICC.

Without stating it, so as to put Big Mohini and Nirmala's nose out of joint, Jayanti has been promoted above them. Sudesh is a true sweetheart, and probably more of a yogi soul, BUT what with her tattoo, squinty eye and wobbly language, she was never going to be the corporate face of the BKWSU, was she?

Will Mohini feel left out again because she is not a Sindi and does not have the right blood? She might hold one of the UN strings but how is her standing in the organization really? Will it work ... will she and the others really work through London? I wonder ... I need others opinion.
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Re: 2008 Charter of International Functioning

Post20 Dec 2008

ex-l wrote:Without stating it, so as to put Big Mohini and Nirmala's nose out of joint, Jayanti has been promoted above them.

Yes, you are right, i missed the link.

Janki Kirpalani and her ever since assistant and relative Jayanti Kirpalani will rule all over the world as before now on top of the "Management Committee", in which the daughter of Dada Lekhraj, Dadi Nirmal Shanta -who can not walk and talk properly any more- is given on the paper as "Joint Administrative Head" the 2nd place in the hierarchy after Gulzar Dadi.

Sister Jayanti's position seems to be immovable and unshakable even after the demise of Dadi Janki.
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Re: 2008 Charter of International Functioning

Post21 Dec 2008

tom wrote:the daughter of Dada Lekhraj, Dadi Nirmal Shanta - who can not walk and talk properly any more - is given on the paper as "Joint Administrative Head" the 2nd place in the hierarchy after Gulzar Dadi.

It underlines the nepotism* of it all, does not it? Its pathetic and its contradictory to real spirituality. They give themselves credibility by the thinnest of associations ... does the fact that Nirmal Shanta was born of Lekhraj Kirpalani's sperm in heated fornication (and lived her whole life dependent on her Father's sect), truly indicated that her spirituality is of such a level that she deserves the title? Is her present state of consciousness "the goal" of the BK path.

So who believes she really makes any decisions ... and who are the real decision makers? It would be an interesting exercise to map out who they were. Its weird ... it makes me think that the whole thing is about conformity to some warped ideal of "royalism" in which such a person plays a role not by what they are (which is invariably half-senile) but by what they are made to symbolize. So little of it is real.
* Nepotism is the showing of favoritism toward relatives and friends, based upon that relationship, rather than on an objective evaluation of ability, meritocracy or suitability.

So ... is "become Narayan from Nar" and go to the Golden Age the Hindi shorthand for the all twaddle up above?

I note there is no mention of Destruction either ... is that being written out too?
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Re: 2008 Charter of International Functioning

Post21 Dec 2008

Virtually every organization and business and government I ever had contact with has an official front and an inside reality. It would surprise me if the BKs did not make themselves look their best in the public eye.

In Japanese there are the expressions, honne and tatemae for the inner reality and the public presentation.

So I am surprised to read such strong reactions to BKs putting on their best lipstick. How does a government or a police force or describe what they do compared with what really happens? Nepotism?? Is there anyone in any position of authority who does not spread the wealth preferentially to those with connections on the inside?

Of course it is interesting to tease apart the power relationships to understand who controls what in the BK organization.

Somewhere in the laws of the universe must be written: the first priority of any organization is to protect and develop those resource flows on which the existence of the organization depends.

Happy holidays to all!
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Re: 2008 Charter of International Functioning

Post21 Dec 2008

The difficult paradox the Brahma Kumaris have to negotiate is ... "how can one create an Age of Truth on the basis of lies?" Were they not the ones who were meant to be entirely not of this impure, corrupt world.

I am interested how it documents or reflects the changes that are happening within. At what point is any neophyte introduced to the real deal and is it ethical if inductees are inducted dependent on a faith in the likes of what is said above?
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Re: 2008 Charter of International Functioning

Post21 Dec 2008

Where the BKs may have shot themselves in the foot here is that their stated aims in this document are quite different from the stated aims they have made to the charities commission in the UK.

So does that mean that they will be withdrawing their claim for charity status? The 2008 charter may have been written to sound well meaning and charitable, but it no longer complies with the requirements of the Statute of Elizabeth which is necessary for charitable status.

Or they can re-write the the 2008 charter to suit ... but that would be an expose of just how blatant their lies are.


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Re: 2008 Charter of International Functioning

Post21 Dec 2008

Two main things in there for me.

One is that I do not see anything spiritual about this document, nothing inspiring, nothing that shows that the Brahma Kumaris are any different from any worldly organization. It is just plain technical dry and boring. Nothing that indicates a leaning towards adopting principles of brotherly love and harmonious relationships or any other spiritual principle in the running of the organization.

The other is that it is all about total control and protecting itself from legal proceedings. All the decision power is the hands of the self appointed Management Committee whilst all the financial and legal responsibilities are in the hands of the locals.

I see much more spirituality in the Charter of the United Nations. Here is its Preamble:



* to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind, and
* to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and
* to establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and
* to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,


* to practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours, and
* to unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, and
* to ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest, and
* to employ international machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples,


Accordingly, our respective Governments, through representatives assembled in the city of San Francisco, who have exhibited their full powers found to be in good and due form, have agreed to the present Charter of the United Nations and do hereby establish an international organization to be known as the United Nations.

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