Death of BK Manohar Indra

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Death of BK Manohar Indra

Post17 Nov 2008

Divine Family. News of Demise of Rajyogini Dadi Manohar Indra ji, at Global Hospital, Mount Abu (Ascension : Monday, 17th November 12.30 PM). Please see attached news and photos. The last rites will be performed at 9am on 19th November at Mount Abu.
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Re: Death of BK Manohar Indra

Post18 Nov 2008

Well ... detach!
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Re: Death of BK Manohar Indra

Post18 Nov 2008

Here's Dadi Janki's sermon ... read on!
Date: - Mon Nov 17 19:06:05 2008
From: Xxxxx Xxxxxx <>
Subject: about Dadi Manohar

Madhuban Om Shanti 17/11/2008

All beloved Brothers and Sisters who are the decoration of the Brahmin clan and who belong to beloved Avyakt BapDada, all those from this land and abroad, please accept sweet love-filled Godly remembrance from your unlimited home, Madhuban.

Beloved BapDada's and the divine family's extremely loved Dadi Manohar Indraji, who was an original jewel of the Yagya, left her body on Monday 17th November at 12.30 in the Global Hospital and went into beloved BapDada's lap.

Dadi Manohar was always engaged in unlimited service being BapDada's right hand and always seated on His heart-throne. Dadi Manohar was a member of the Managing Committee and the Director of the activities in Gyan Sarovar and also Administrator of the Women's Wing. Dadi used to give alokik sustenance to one and all by relating the stories of the history of the Yagya as she herself personally experienced it. Dadi was very entertaining and always cheerful.

For some time, because of not being well, doctors had kept her under observation in Global Hospital and Dadi was just merged in having alokik experiences in the Subtle Region.

The final cremation ceremony will take place on Wednesday 19th November at 9.00 am. Dadi's body is being kept in the History Hall in Pandav Bhawan for the final darshan (paying respects) for everyone. All Brothers and Sisters who wish to come for the final farewell are welcome to come. Please note that all accommodation will be provided only in Shantivan (for those from Bharat).

On behalf of Dadi Manohar, all centres and sub-centres in this land and abroad should offer Bhog and Brahma Bhojan on Thursday 27th November 2008. On 29th November, the 13th day, a special shradhanjali (tribute) programme will be held in Pandav Bhawan.

Lots of remembrance to all.
In Godly service,

B.K. Janki
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Re: Death of BK Manohar Indra

Post18 Nov 2008

I have met this Dadi every time I have been to Madhuban. Apparently, she was the one who donated most amongst the Seniors. She was a strong woman more like a Brother than a Dadi ... I remember once when she was assigned to read the morning Murli and in the middle Dadi Janki had come to the stage. They asked her to interrupt the Murli to enable DJ to give her class on the Murli. She refused to move from the stage till such time as she completed the Murli. DJ was supposedly sick at that time and was actually getting irritated at the delay ... but little did Manohar Dadi care ...

If anyone read the Hindi translation of DJ's sermon. It is funny, since the art of writing about someone leaving body needs to be crisp ... all of these folks make it as decorative as possible using things like "going directly into BapDada's lap" etc ... I seriously don't know if all that is necessary!!!

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Re: Death of BK Manohar Indra

Post18 Nov 2008

Why should we care? How much money are we talking about? Did she buy her position or power? At least I am glad to hear of her standing up against Emperor Janki. May be she was a good one ... but not good enough by a long shot. Now the joke is all of these dead grannies have "ascended". They cant just die fat and unhealthy ... they have to "ascend to be angels". Wake up folks ... any religion based around these people belong on the other forum.

Someone spammed me with the same message. Frankly, they are trying to set up small industry based on grief and the cult of remembrance and they will suck their market dry if they can. What do they care about others? Its just a cult.

Another Brahma Kumari leader who went to her death covering up all the lies, corruption, false predictions of Destruction and so on.

... and it is not Janki that writes that twaddle either.

Oooo ... let us all fly to Madhuban at our followers' expense, (teachers and rich Westerners) ... be seen to be seen, have our photo taken ... and get some special toli and dhristi from Dadi.
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Re: Death of BK Manohar Indra

Post18 Nov 2008

Yes, cut the Bhakti please.

My memory of her was when reading the Murli, when traffic control came she ALWAYS fell asleep, then pretending not to have, with a few thousand westerners staring at her.

And darshan does not mean paying respects at all, it is about receiving a vision!
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Re: Death of BK Manohar Indra

Post18 Nov 2008

A formal Hindu cremation in which a dead body is burned for more than six hours in a one-metre high open-air pyre can consume 400 to 650 kg of wood in order to reduce the body to ashes. That much wood costs somewhere between 1,500 and 5,000 rupees. In the Brahma Kumaris' case, costs will be higher because they use a (near literal) ton of the most expensive wood, sandalwood. Sandalwood costs around 1,000 rupees per kilo, on top of which there is the saffron and clarified butter (ghee) which makes them burn quicker. My guess is that, with all the fat and oil in them, the Dadi's go up fairly quick on their own.

Bear in mind that 85% of the Indian population lives under 100 Rupees per day. 44% lives under 50 Rupees per day. 25% of the population does not have enough money to eat adequately. A funeral can cost a years wages for them and you pay the priest for the fire. The more rich you are, the more you pay for the fire and ceremony ... so the BKs are saving a bomb on that by using their DIY approach.

Add to the carbon footprint created the transportation costs of all the Bhagat BKs and middle class dignitaries, the expenses of laying on food and accommodation ... its all just business; a product ... some investment ... a profitable financial return and some schmoozing with bigwigs in the process. There is no yogic mean or reason to any of it. If they wanted to be revolutionary, they would build some solar cremator. For sure they are going to be using it plenty in the next few years.

Apart from the theatre of it all ... it does not make sense and it is about time the BKs woke up to the modern world. The whole primitive drama is about the flames leaping up to heaven setting the soul free through the mouth with a whole load of Bhakti about corpses trying to get up to talk or souls dancing in the flames.

Indian sandalwood is now listed as an endangered species but is the subject of billion dollar, international investment schemes. Its value is between $500,000 to $1 million a hectare. Its all about business and, as you might expect, the Indian wood trade said to be rife with corruption, illegal logging and environmental exploitation.
yogi108 wrote:since the art of writing about someone leaving body needs to be crisp ... all of these folks make it as decorative as possible using things like "going directly into BapDada's lap" etc ... I seriously don't know if all that is necessary!!!

Naturally, I picked up on this. The joke is that it is all entirely contrary to The Knowledge as well as reality. Ditto "Dadi was just merged in having alokik experiences in the Subtle Region" ... what does that mean? In plain English, she was unconscious and in a coma.

What makes me laugh is how, after all the sobbing and hand ringing, they sober up at the end and make it clear, "come and give us your money but, remember, second class Indians will only get to sleep over at the bottom of the hill ... forget thinking that you will get to stay in Madhuban. " And then,

    a) the order for all BK followers to perform some occult ritual on thursday 27th November 2008 for the sakes of someone they never knew and have no connection with (except for like mr greens) and
    b) the perfunctory 'media festival' complete with bored and bemused local IPs on 29th November presenting a load of faked up histories and memorials to glorify her and them (tribute programme).
Even the Indian media has to tire of their self-serving efforts at promoting their own sainthood and the Hindu IPs see through it all eventually realised they are being used. The bottomline ... it just ain't yogi enough.

    I'd love to see the books to know how much extra capital, by way of special donations, a dead Dadi bring in ... and tell me, honestly, they do not factor that in?

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Re: Death of BK Manohar Indra

Post18 Nov 2008

On occasions I think of my own impeding death. There will be no ascension for me, no masses of people on a pilgrimage, no attendees from the divine family or even from the esteemed members of But the music will be good. Now sing after me ... "Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye, cheerio, here I go, on my way."


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Re: Death of BK Manohar Indra

Post18 Nov 2008

Avyakt BapDada

This comes up again and again, even in the recent AMs. Now why do they mention the word "Avyakt", and why there is hardly ever mention of the word "Shiva". Shiva is not Avaykt, what's He doing in the Subtle Region ? So who is this "BapDada". Surely BKs are remembering only Brahma Baba.

Aside : I am not sure if others have noticed lately from the AMs meetings this and last season, " Double Foreigners" are now given a new title of "Double Effort Makers". Maybe the BKWSU have noticed this bkinfo forum and realised that the usage of "foreigners" has to be changed. So now Double Foreigners are double effort makers, which means everyone else in India do only single effort ? What kind of praise and discrimination is that, are is it trying to pull the wool over the Double Foreigners ? Are they trying to remove the usage of Double Foreigner slowly so that in a few years time such terminology is buried ? A Brahmin is a Brahmin, is it needed to distinguish between one type of Brahmin to another ?

It is ironic that the latest AM of 15/11/2008, a few days before the demise of Dadi Manohar, says that "if you are impressed by any souls, either by their specialities or any particular virtue, then instead of experiencing God's love to be imperishable, there is a leakage". So this letter by DJ to all BKs is telling them to remember someone else and drawing them away, i.e. go and do "leakage" (leakage of God's love). I guess some BKs simply forgot what was told to them a couple of days ago, even though they were sitting right next to BapDada.

(You can get the AM over at the BK-PBK forum)
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Re: Death of BK Manohar Indra

Post20 Nov 2008

bansy wrote:The latest AM of 15/11/2008 ... says that "if you are impressed by any souls, either by their specialities or any particular virtue, then instead of experiencing God's love to be imperishable, there is a leakage".

So what is going on here ... scenes of adoration as Gulzar comes back from being in trance and allegedly used by God and the deceased Lekhraj Kirpalani.


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Re: Death of BK Manohar Indra

Post20 Nov 2008

What retards.

john morgan


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Re: Death of BK Manohar Indra

Post21 Nov 2008

Shocking to hear how much a funeral pyre costs in a country where poverty seriously affects so many. I recall a bloodstained rock just visible from the path leading to the Jain Temple a little higher up Abu than Madhuban. Why spend so much money when the vultures can pick the bones clean? At least, as far as I know, the BK do not treat as relics any residue from the funeral pyre. If the tibetan practice of dismemberment and crushing of the skull of the deceased to ensure that it is not used for black magic type purposes we adopted it would be cheaper. Though I doubt the crushing part would be necessary for those who lived with bodies of light for many years prior to their scheduled departure.

Perhaps the reason for this not happening at present is that the Jains see things differently to the soft BK's who use beds and miss out on sweeping the floor to ensure that no bug or beetle is harmed when they turn over in their sleep. Perhaps burning corpses has been the Brahmin way for some time, even so there is no reason why the BK should copy the other twice born lot. There are those yogis who apparently turn the body into light and simply vanish, now thats an economical way of going, Maybe a few cards notifying the milkman and newspaperman that you will not be contactable from this time on this date so please cancel the order.

No one jetting across the world to attend the burning of so much trash. Mind you if people died in this way in the West there would be so many unsolved murder enquiries that law and order, such as it is, would find itself on even more shaky ground. Nowadays a burgulary is treated as a low priority crime, the main reason for registering it with the police is to collect the insurance. If we do teach people to self combust some form of pre-registration would be good so that people who depart in this way are recognised.

Whilst Bap Dada would be most pleased to meet all contributors to BK info (you recall he knew exactly what you would do - teach yourselves and win the race) a funeral does not interest Bap Dada so he will not be there. Besides, no need to jet across the world when ones understanding unfolds in ones own consciousness. Odd that ones recognition of Bap Dada coincides with ones recognition of oneself, still back to the topic ...

Is anyone aware of a Murli dealing with the disposal of and darshan from old boots?


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Re: Death of BK Manohar Indra

Post21 Nov 2008

Yeah, never throw em out before you have new ones. But that is not in the Murli, if they have to they dispose everything and everybody anytime.

Sorry I just could not resist. Good quote though.
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Re: Death of BK Manohar Indra

Post21 Nov 2008

The cost in the US for a funeral is around minimum 10k USD, at least, a few years back. Now I am not saying that we compare that in Indian terms.

The BKs follow brahman rituals quite a bit. Now their way of looking at it is that the LOKIK Brahmins actually are following what the BKs do in the Confluence Age. I am not seeking a debate on that ...

Rituals; when you attend a funeral the Indians take a bath and remove the clothes worn for the funeral as a practice. My understanding is that there is so much sorrow when you visit the funeral or a home where someone has died. So if you are going to carry the clothes inside the house there is a possibility that you are carrying that sorrow forward ...

Now the spending in the funeral ... do not know why sandal wood ... does the flesh burning smell so bad that the Yagya needs sandal wood ...?

I guess global recession doesn't affect spritual organizations ... there is some sucker who is still paying for the airplanes, sandal wood, food for all of them who come up from different parts of the globe ...

Just as a point in reference ... I did not have money to fly from the US to come for my dad's funeral ... but somewhere I would have contributed for the senior Sisters trip to someone's funeral in Madhuban!!! I guess when Bap Dada says, "Charity begins at home", I really did not understand it.

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Re: Death of BK Manohar Indra

Post21 Nov 2008

yogi108 wrote:... does the flesh burning smell so bad that the Yagya needs sandal wood ...?

Perhaps. they will smell like roasting a pig or a cow. Burning it though, would not smell that good. Have you smelled a burned meat on a grill, that was left unattended?

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