Brahma Kumaris channelled messages now accessible by phone

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Brahma Kumaris channelled messages now accessible by phone

Post22 Oct 2008

We have been informed, not by the BKWSO who still refuse all correspondence, that the Brahma Kumaris' Washington center (USA) now offers the channelled messages it claims are God speaking, and calls "the Murli", everyday via telephone conference.

Anyone is said to be able call this number and listen to it live between 6:30 am Mon - Fri and around
8 am Sat-Sun, Eastern Time Zone of the USA on:

    Telephone number 1 (219) 509-8111 code 448316
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Re: Murli access via telephone

Post22 Oct 2008

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Re: Murli access via telephone

Post23 Oct 2008

That's great, but like the Amrit Vela wake-up call on the mobiles, does it give just the Murli summary, Q&A and blessings, etc. instead of the actual text of the Murli?

Can any member from US/Canada just ring up to the number and check up?

Is it accessible to any member of public or just to BKs (who might have been given a code to access the Murli)?

And do they also take questions or is it just a machine recorded audio recording of Murli?


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Re: Murli access via telephone

Post23 Oct 2008

just a machine recorded audio recording of Murli?

Like a robot ? :D
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Re: Murli access via telephone

Post23 Oct 2008

bansy wrote:Like a robot ? :D

Nah, to listen to a pre-programmed robot, you have to go to the center in person. They are usually sat on the throne in front of the class ... :-?.

With today's technology, there is absolutely no reason why every Murli ever spoken need not be made available by recording at the touch of a button. And, of course, a freely downloadable mp3 file. Does the god of the Brahma Kumaris say that all this technology is being invented for them? Why not God on an iPod ... or may be they are still working out the money with Apple's iTune store ...

With only a little work, a computerised telephone system could read them out from text files thereby removing any body-conscious element ... e.g. the influence of the teacher. You know, like Brahma Kumaris think it is OK to eat machine made food but not mother made food.

Now ... what is interesting though ... as registered charities in receipt of governmental tax benefits, if a blind person were to complain to the right department, the BKWSU/BKWSO would probably be forced to make their teaching available in this manner as part of "EQUAL ACCESS TO ALL" regulations. Ditto, any physically handicapped/challenged or elderly people, that were unable to travel to the center alone, might also have a good case.

Anyone fancy having a go?
UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights and others wrote:1. International recognition of the right to information

Access to information is very important to ensure that blind and partially sighted people are not excluded from important sectors of social and economic life.

This right to information is internationally recognised.

    "Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include the freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice."

    International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights, Article 19 (2).
    "States should develop strategies to make information services and documentation accessible for different groups of persons with disabilities. Braille, tape services, large print and other appropriate technologies should be used to provide access to written information and documentation for persons with visual impairments."

    UN Standard Rules on the Equalisation of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities, Rule 5 (b) 6 (Access to information and communication).

2. The right to information applied in practice

    All information aimed at the general public should be made available in alternative formats for blind and partially sighted people (braille, spoken word audio on tape or CD, large print, disk), without undue delay and at no additional cost.
    All other documents should be provided in alternative formats on request.
    Information provided over the Internet should be fully accessible to blind and partially sighted people.
    The availability of alternative formats should be widely advertised and promoted.
    Information provision budgets should include the cost of producing alternative formats.
    Representatives of blind and partially sighted people should be included in discussions on the production of materials, particularly for information campaigns.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris channelled messages now accessible by phone

Post31 Oct 2008

Rang it they said the code was incorrect.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris channelled messages now accessible by phone

Post31 Oct 2008

arjun wrote:Is it accessible to any member of public or just to BKs (who might have been given a code to access the Murli)?
bindi wrote:Rang it they said the code was incorrect

Thanks for confirming my fears.


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Re: Brahma Kumaris channelled messages now accessible by phone

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Re: Brahma Kumaris channelled messages now accessible by phone

Post03 Nov 2008

bindi wrote:Rang it they said the code was incorrect.

The service voice only says you have the wrong code if you call at the wrong time.

The code works but one has to call it at the specifically scheduled time.
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Re: Brahma Kumaris channelled messages now accessible by phone

Post04 Nov 2008

What is the exact time? Would you be able to give rough guide say from India, UK, Europe? Will try having another go and will let you know.


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