Soul and body is just like Battery and clock

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Soul and body is just like Battery and clock

Post01 Sep 2008

Hello All,

Every spiritual centre teaches the same concept of soul and body but when you will realize this thing? When you yourself determine your own soul. This task is very difficult. Now by only assuming that I am soul you cant stay till end because of Maya.

I have example of Battery and clock. I have 2 clocks and out of them one is working because of Battery only. Therefore the Battery is soul and clock is a Body. Battery provides the energy to the clock and it works as per the customization or settings (as per the Gyan, its a Sanskar). I removed the battery and fix up in the other clock and then it works as per the settings. Now the same rule is applied in our case also. To remain in the soul state or energy state means neutral is very, very difficult.



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Re: Soul and body is just like Battery and clock

Post01 Sep 2008

Dear Brother,

I think it is not just like battery and clock. It is one of examples. Because a battery can be removed from a clock and inserted back to the same clock at any time. But it is not possible in soul-body example. For a given clock, a battery can be recharged again and used more times. But here it is opposite. The soul is recharged after 84 births (for those who take maximum births). All batteries and clocks can be identical. But in BK philosophy, part of every individual soul is different. And also the name and features of the body are different. The battery can be used for different purposes. But here human soul and animal souls are different.

And much more differences can come.

This is the difficulty in giving The Knowledge exactly. That is why perhaps, it is said, knowledge sits just in pure intellect. Others will just get confusion by so many examples and controversies.
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Re: Soul and body is just like Battery and clock

Post01 Sep 2008

Hickory Dickory Dock
The mouse ran up the clock ...

ho hum hum so ...
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Re: Soul and body is just like Battery and clock

Post01 Sep 2008

A perfect example of the general level of BK thought. Repetition of child-like concepts bringing about acceptance. The mystery is, how does it give so much satisfaction to the individual?

In this case mbbhat is correct. The use of analogies are all too often "fallacies" (false arguments).
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Re: Soul and body is just like Battery and clock

Post03 Sep 2008

It's easy to still a child's mind with soothing sweets ...

Unfortunately, even the title of this thread is of the same caliber and only posted in order to create thoughts designed to penetrate the consciousness so as to create the 'right' attitude.

When we talk about the soul, battery and clock its been all too very convenient for the BKWSU teachings to totally ignore the spiritual bodies of energy which surround the physical body. They do however teach that the physical body forms around the 'soul' - its been listed in other threads on this forum too.

Many other spiritual teachings describe the aura and chakras, BKWSU-ism does not. Who (or what) do they think goes to the "Subtle Region" to converse with 'God' or Prajapita/i ???

As usual there's far more to this than is being taught and to just try and repeat it over and over creates the same parrot-like repetitive securities needed by its subscribers. One subscribes to something one wishes to experience or else one unsubscribes when it no longer makes emotional or mental sense to stay fixated on the past.
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Re: Soul and body is just like Battery and clock

Post03 Sep 2008

paulkershaw wrote:Unfortunately, even the title of this thread is of the same caliber and only posted in order to create thoughts designed to penetrate the consciousness so as to create the 'right' attitude.

"Repetition leads to acceptance but not understanding".

What about wind up clocks? They have no batteries but have worked like clockwork for hundreds of years.

Does that mean some bodies do not have a soul and yet still work?

And what about Cuckoo clocks? Is that a remembrance of last Kalpa too?

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