Now "JUST A MINUTE" there.

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Now "JUST A MINUTE" there.

Post25 Jul 2006

So the BKs are to hold up the centre of London for a minute. I should think any peace created will be neutralised by the vibrations from the road rage they will cause.

Some of us may regret complaining to them that we hear nothing from them on the world stage. :roll:


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Post31 Jul 2006

Oh dear, this is dedicated to the Peace Day 21 September, where most people will do something on that day, but the j-a-m event is on the 17th.

I was told from BKs that this event resulted following orders from BapDada in one of the meetings last season.
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Post18 Aug 2006

Is anyone going to this?

I'll be the one in the ex-BK in massive writing T.Shirt :lol:

Will Ruby Wax be making jokes about the SS :shock:
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Post18 Aug 2006

Pity they did not scoop the 'winner of the big Brother house'

More tickets are available at the moment, for a while it was showing none available. If anyone intends on going I'd say get them quick.


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Post17 Sep 2006

A-Tension !

Well, I've just got off the webcast about 10 seconds ago as the JAM ended. Too much body consciousness.

Not sure whether this was a BK or a BG disco concert ? I do love the Bee Gees but when the original songs such as Words, How Deep is Your Love, Tragedy and Staying Alive (the latter two half mimed over Maurice's Gibb's voice) were originally written not with God in mind, they seems to be sung out of place. You cannot really do a strut walk like John Travolta or do a decent Saturday Night Fever pose in your white robes.

And Robin Gibb should have written a song to the Supreme Soul, rather than to Dadi Janki. Since Dadi Gulzar, BapDada Chariot, did not get a song written for her. In fact, it was only Dadi Gulzar who mentioned the Supreme Soul, and there was not even a flash of the Shiva symbol, I guess He doesn't fit in these places.

The only real spiritual thing I felt was a few songs from Lucinda Drayton, the best being 100 Thousand Angels. But was concerned with the half-dressed gospel singers and you've got big feet Aliens invited too !

Sister Jayanti said that the concert and BKs did things for "free", but someone had to pay for it.

I wonder if folks were discoing to it in Mt Abu ? Usually I am not so critical of the BKs, but this time the event let me down.

Usually BKs give something out at the end, did anyone who went receive anything ?
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Re: BeeGee Janki

Post17 Sep 2006

I really do have better things to do with my time but I hope someone enjoys this ... here's another one to the tune of "Stayin' Alive". Click here to play song [* BK WARNING again; this weblink contains even more facial hair and Barry Gibb's lunchbox].

For those pukka BK students dropping in "man" obviously means "mind" as translated from the original Sanskrit. Which this song is not. It also includes an obscure reference to the practise of communally offering food to God then eating curry and holy sweeties for breakfast that only the initiate BKs will understand.

I am genuinely sorry to have missed the streaming video. Especially if there were skantily clad gospel singers. Not that I like looking at that sort of stuff on the internet, of course, I just love that slight look of discomfort on BK Brahmins amongst semi-naked body-conscious souls that really just "don't get it", touch each other often and enjoy themselves. As indeed I used to hate myself. You can imagine all the BKs practising their "looking without seeing" stage and thinking, "BABABA..." But just revel in the thought that all the Brothers are going to have really bad stages the next day. You are right Bansy, body-consciousness is body-consciousness and you cannot sell soul-consciousness by it.

Anyway, tight white pants on and ... ach-cha, Gibb Bhaiji ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 !
The BeeGees did not wrote:You can tell to the centre, I use my walk,
I am a Dadi's Bhai, no time to talk.
Music soft and women cold.
I've been kicked around since I found God.
And now that's all right, it's O.K.
You earn toli some other way.
Now we must try to understand
Amrit Vela's effect on man.

Whether you're a Brother
Or whether you're a Mata,
Try stayin' awake, stayin' awake.
Feel the class sleepin'
And ev'rybody snorin'
Trying stayin' awake, stayin' awake.
Zzz, zzz, zzz, zzz,
Stayin' awake.
Stayin' awake.
Zzz, zzz, zzz, zzz,
Stayin' a-wa-k-e.
I found God!

Stage gets low and stage gets high
Write my chart, how hard I try.
Go to class, take off my shoes
I am a Brahmin soul, I just cannot lose.
Murli's all God, it's O.K.
But we'll re-write it, another day.
Now we must try to understand
The Senior Sisters' effect on man.

Whether you're a Dada
Or whether you're a Bhai,
Try shavin' your chin, shavin' your chin.
Feel the Dadi lookin'
And ev'rybody starin'
Try shavin' your chin, shavin' your chin.
Bzz, bzz, bzz, bzz,
Shavin' your chin.
Shavin' your chin.
Bzz, zzz, zzz, zzz,
Shavin' your c-h-i-n.
Ay-ah ...

End of the Kalpa.
Some Dadi help me.
Some Dadi help me, yeah.
Destruction's coming.
Some Dadi help me, yeah.
Stayin' awa-k-e.

Well, you can tell by the way I nod by head on its stalk,
I am a Dadi's Bhai, no time to talk.
Hair is short, and clean shav'n.
Its the only way to get, into heav'n.
And now that's all right, it's O.K.
You pay off karma some other way.
Now we must try to understand
Thursdays bhogs' effect on man.

Whether you're a Didi
Or whether you're a Dada,
Holding your gas, holding your gas.
Feel your gut swellin'
And ev'rybody smellin'
Holding your gas, holding your gas.
Prp, prp, prp, prp,
Holding your gas.
Holding your gas.
Prp, prp, prp, prp,
Holding your g---asssss.

My stage's goin' nowhere.
Some Dadi help me.
Some Dadi help me, yeah.
Yoga's goin' nowhere.
Some Dadi help me, yeah.
Try stayin' awa----ke.
Cycle's goin' nowhere.
Some Dadi help me.
Some Dadi help me, yeah.
Karma's goin' nowhere.
Some Dadi help me, yeah.
Try holding your g---asssss.
My stage's goin' nowhere.
Some Dadi help me.
Some Dadi help me, yeah.
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Baba G

Post18 Sep 2006

Thank you ex l for the full-on laughter therapy :lol:

and now, everyone.. all together, say bababa..
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Post19 Sep 2006

Its Madhuban on the blower ex-l, they want some songs written for the next Yoga album. Cashing!, yes I presume the BK tills were ringing in the foyer selling blissful music and MG comentary CD's on how to bake scones. As long as they are having fun I guess.

What is Mr Gibb's status BK wise? A contact or more? Is he not the one without the beard?

Can we expect a BK version of "GREASE" next? Grease my palm. I don't know what I will do if I ever get wealthy after the whinging, Give it away?

How deep is your pockets ...



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Post19 Sep 2006

bansy wrote:A-Tension !

Usually BKs give something out at the end, did anyone who went receive anything ?


I lost my head on sunday 17th and ended up in Wembley Arena! Guys, what a mistake!

Apart from the tolis they gave, nothing else was worth to go there for. Honestly nothing there!

The only impression I got was from Dadi Janki because of the way she looked. She was a sad soul that day, never laughed, never smiled ... Her eyes were very deep and sad.

Dadi Gulzar was OK, her speech was short, no much time given to her.

And the surprise of the day ... Dadi Kumarka was missing it all. She did not turn up to the event and no excuses given by any one on her behalf. The booklet said that the 3 Dadis would be present!

This was a show, just a show. I met a BK that was also shook but the event and he told me that Madhuban is the same think now, just a show.


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Re: caching

Post19 Sep 2006

sparkal wrote:What is Mr Gibb's status BK wise? A contact or more? Is he not the one without the beard?

Yup, they got the wrong one because Barry had too much of a beard.

I don't know ... but was that not a big Indian gold Shiv Baba pendant strung around Lynne Franks' neck in the promo video? She's a "Mic", right? May be you don't have to follow principles any more to get one, just be famous or know famous people. Was this the BB did it? I notice that they also had the usual "hidden BK" amongst the video clips. This Neil Hawkes, he is the BK is not he?

How many people were there? What proportion of BKs?
surya2037 wrote:The only impression I got was from Dadi Janki because of the way she looked. She was a sad soul that day, never laughed, never smiled ... Her eyes were very deep and sad.

What a shame. That's really sad in a way. Given what bansy's wrote about the lack of a Shiva Baba iconography, it must have been planned as a swansong for the 3 big Sisters. And why no Dadi K? Whose service plan was it? And wonder I what communication went on at a high level for her to drop out?

At the end of the day I am utterly impure and ignorant ... but is it not logical that you cant sell 'soul consciousness' by 'body consciousness'? And stuff like Yoga and enlightenment do not go hand in hand with PR and publicity? Surely, when a soul is ready, they will come? I would not have wanted to have been the one that committed to spending the cash that must have cost.



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Post19 Sep 2006

How many people were there? What proportion of BKs?

Dear Brothers,
The stadium was quite full, some emptied chairs here and there at start, but around 4.30pm some people were leaving. I left by 5pm and I could see many BKs outside.

In general,
there were a lot of BKs together with their families. I would say a proportion of 50/50 (BK/public).

They said that the motives for this event were:
1. Brahma Kumaris completed 70 years of existence;
2. Dadi Janki's 90th anniversary. Yeap! Happy birthday wishes from the PBK, ex-BK community...

And ..they forgot to mention that Supreme Soul is in Parandham so over all they get my credit because of that...oh yes one more thing, no point of light anywhere just some new photos of Brahma Baba that I have never seen before.

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Re: wembley

Post19 Sep 2006

surya2037 wrote:1. Brahma Kumaris completed 70 years of existence;

You know, it is all very wrong. But by BK lore they should not be celebrating, they should be commiserating. How many lives did they chew up because of all that Destruction-Destruction stuff on the basis that it was all going to be over 50-50 years?

How could anyone face the world knowing that they had been pumping untruths into folks minds and be happy? May be this is why DJ was sad ... in a way, to have existed for 70 years is failure for them.

Am I missing something here?

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Post21 Sep 2006

I scanned the newspapers and tv schedules before, during and after the Just-a-minute extravaganza - not even the tiniest mention. Like the Million Minutes and the Global Co-operation events the BKWSU is still not seriously getting anywhere near the world stage.

I wonder how much the celebrities know about the BKs?

I very much doubt whether Robin Gibb and Ruby Wax etc. are aware that the organization promoting the event believe the following:
    1. That 2,500 years ago heaven existed on earth
    2. That the only people who are going to heaven (a tiny fraction of mankind) are those who are affiliated to the BKWSU and believe and practice BK principles
    3. That God makes regular appearances out in India in the body of Dadi Gulzar
    4. That the maximum world population is 5.5 billion, considerably less that present estimates
    5. That the BK’s are anxious for nuclear destruction to occur so that they can take control of the planet
    6. That God never made the world
    7. That all other religions are practically clueless as to what is going on in the world
    8. That the BK’s promote sleep deprivation
    9. That the organization has touted the end of the world as 1976, 1993 and 2000 and are continuing to say that time is very short
    10. That the organization is presently re-writing the so-called “word of God” so as to make it more palatable in the West
    11. That the founder of the BK’s is actually Adam
    12. That showering is obligatory after bowel movement
    13. That all scriptures are not to be taken literally as they are not the word of God
    14. That dinosaurs existed 5,000 years ago
    100. That BK’s are encouraged never to eat food cooked by non-BK’s
The BK’s are one of the most secretive organizations that I have ever come across
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Post21 Sep 2006

jim brady wrote:I wonder how much the celebrities know about the BK's

I very much doubt whether Robin Gibb and Ruby Wax etc. are aware that the organization promoting the event believe the following:

4. That the maximum world population is 5.5 billion, considerably less that present
14. That dinosaurs existed 5,000 years ago

The BK’s are one of the most secretive organizations that I have ever come across

Well said. Words out of my own mouth, Jim.

Actually, in the old teaching posters documented here; Image list it says 5 Billion souls and there has been confirmation via the PBKs that the dinosaurs roamed around 2,500 years ago before changing into other species.

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Post22 Sep 2006


Which of the images mentions 5 billion?

It would appear, if the PBK's are right, that the dinosaurs only lasted a wet week-end

Do keep up the excellent posts.

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