Birth of Krishna / Reproduction in Heaven

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button slammer


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Post20 Sep 2006

Several golden ages occur within the Confluence Age, 'God comes four times' in various forms. Unless you can accurately determine what age we are in now (within the Confluence Age), it is difficult to project into the future. There is only One amongst us who can give dates for the future. Even when we are given dates there is an unlimited meaning. At any moment dates and times and meanings are re-clarified.

If any soul tries to create a 'concrete' base of knowledge based on their own assumptions they will allways end up destroying their own construct/ego, and have to rebuild, most would just give up, ie, develop lack of faith. If you based your faith on the notion that Radhe and Krishna were to take birth in 2018, and spent the next twelve years sincerly believing that, how would you feel if that event failed to materialise (as you thought/believed it would, remember 76?). OK, so the birth may take place within the fortress of the pandavas where no impure soul may enter during the Paradise of the Confluence Age. Within such an atmosphere anything may be possible.


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Post20 Sep 2006

What is there to fear if the truth is the truth ? How does one base their faith ? I never asked about how others base their faith, it is not of really of my concern, leave that for ShivBaba. I am also not concerned about my own approach to faith, as it is entirely within my own sphere. If it's taken 4900 years to ge this far, maybe a few more years won't hurt.

I am giving a view point on churnings, be it right or wrong. I don't put walls around churnings, if others wish to then that's up to them. I also wish not to put walls up around others, after all it hard enough living in Ravan's jail right now.
I am not trying to disprove anything from the BKs or from the PBKs. If Veerendra Dev Dixit never churned, where would PBKs be. Does it really matter ? And what IF I, little me, am right ? And what IF I, little me, am wrong ? Does either result mean there is no faith ?

But if one is happy to put their feet up and have got everything resolved and under wraps now, well that's pretty good, mukti and jeevenmukti before the time is up. Nothing wrong with that neither. Frankly, I am nowhere near that point.

I ask a question because "I don't know". If another poster replies with "I also don't know" that is fine. If another poster replies with "Well, I think...but let me check it with...", that is also fine. Please don't put walls for others to climb as they are really your own walls which you need to resolve.

OK, so the birth may take place within the fortress of the pandavas where no impure soul may enter during the Paradise of the Confluence Age. Within such an atmosphere anything may be possible.
Thanks for the reply.
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button slammer


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Post20 Sep 2006

bansy wrote:What is there to fear if the truth is the truth ?

Asolutely nothing, you are right, I understand you have a desire to know the truth. However if one is mistaken about the truth because of basing ones understanding on shakey ground eg PBKs or various websites then one might have reason to fear.
If it's taken 4900 years to ge this far, maybe a few more years won't hurt.

Perhaps, but if you are late by one day then your whole effort has been futile.
I am giving a view point on churnings, be it right or wrong. I don't put walls around churnings, if others wish to then that's up to them. I also wish not to put walls up around others, after all it hard enough living in Ravan's jail right now.

Some may read my posts and see benefit, others will percieve obstacles, by focussing on the more pertinant issues related to Gyan I believe there will be more immiediate benefit, eg what role AM I playing, when do I take birth, who with and for how long, and in what place, will I be a creator or a creation? This is real churning. INTROVERSION.
I am not trying to disprove anything from the BKs or from the PBKs. If Veerendra Dev Dixit never churned, where would PBKs be. Does it really matter ? And what IF I, little me, am right ? And what IF I, little me, am wrong ? Does either result mean there is no faith ?

It matters so much that you would not believe, right now the entire drama is spinning around you. Every step you take is of the greatest value. If you diddnt have faith you wouldnt be asking questions on the forum, now would you?
But if one is happy to put their feet up and have got everything resolved and under wraps now, well that's pretty good, mukti and jeevenmukti before the time is up. Nothing wrong with that neither. Frankly, I am nowhere near that point.

All it takes is a masterfull step in the right direction, I think you know where.
I ask a question because "I don't know". If another poster replies with "I also don't know" that is fine. If another poster replies with "Well, I think...but let me check it with...", that is also fine. Please don't put walls for others to climb as they are really your own walls which you need to resolve.

I am free to come and go as I please, if you see walls just blow them to smithereens. Sometimes barriers are for good purpose
OK, so the birth may take place within the fortress of the pandavas where no impure soul may enter during the Paradise of the Confluence Age. Within such an atmosphere anything may be possible. Thanks for the reply.

You're welcome, but answers from PBKs are both useful and useless at the same time.


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Post20 Sep 2006

All it takes is a masterfull step in the right direction, I think you know where.

Actually I don't know.
Your welcome, but answers from PBKs are both useful and useless at the same time.

So are mine.
Perhaps, but if you are late by one day then your whole effort has been futile.

Why ?

By the way, regarding the topic of this thread, is your answer the final reply from all PBKs ? How about waiting for some other PBKs or BKs to reply.
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Post20 Sep 2006

So anyway back to the dates.

Button Slammer I believe is suggesting that they are (im)pure fabrication. or we shouldn't put too much emphasis on the dates and there meanings? So where did the dates come from?
Some may read my posts and see benefit, others will percieve obstacles, by focussing on the more pertinant issues related to Gyan I believe there will be more immiediate benefit, eg what role AM I playing, when do I take birth, who with and for how long, and in what place, will I be a creator or a creation? This is real churning. INTROVERSION.

Also I would say what is pertinant or not is down to the individual soul and the place they are at, at the moment. What is pertinant to you at this time may not be absolute ... therefore
This is real churning.

Is, of course, your opinion.
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Post20 Sep 2006

bansy wrote:By the way, regarding the topic of this thread, is your answer the final reply from all PBKs ? How about waiting for some other PBKs or BKs to reply.

There is no set pattern of answers, however as you are now sulking with me, I will apply the full stop.


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Post20 Sep 2006

Hey how did you know I am sulking. :cry: :cry: :cry: Are you glad ?
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button slammer


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Post20 Sep 2006

John wrote:So anyway back to the dates.
Button Slammer I believe is suggesting that they are (im)pure fabrication. or we shouldn't put too much emphasis on the dates and there meanings?So where did the dates come from?
Some may read my posts and see benefit, others will percieve obstacles, by focussing on the more pertinant issues related to Gyan I believe there will be more immiediate benefit, eg what role AM I playing, when do I take birth, who with and for how long, and in what place, will I be a creator or a creation? This is real churning. INTROVERSION.

Also I would say what is pertinant or not is down to the individual soul and the place they are at, at the moment. What is pertinant to you at this time may not be absolute......
This is real churning.

Is of course your opinion.

Thx John, as ever you moderate in a sensible way.


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Post20 Sep 2006

Dear PBKs

1) If Krishna takes birth in 2018, then this is still within the age of impurities. Does this make sense, wouldn't Krishna get born on 01.01.01 when everything is pure and destruction is over and done with ? Otherwise we are saying that Radhe and Krishna still need 18 more years within the Confluence Age to "purify" themselves (or be away hidden away from the world at large and placed under very good protection ... by whom?) to be later crowned as Lakshmi and Narayan.
And who will be the parents of these Confluence Age-born Radhe and Krishna, how do these parents "create" them, with the power of Yoga ? and this is possible during the Confluence Age ?

2) Moreover, if Krishna is to be born in 2018, then what number is this birth, the 84th birth ? The maximum number of births in a cycle is 84. If so, then what number birth or births did Brahma Baba (Dada Lekhraj) take ?

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Post20 Sep 2006

I will try my best to answer, according to the Advance Course I received in Kampil, Bansy.

The Confluence Age is supposed to last 100 years. Even Baba (in Virendra Dev Dixit) is saying don't be date conscious. However, the 100 years do represent the shooting of the broad drama, with its own logic, so the dates are important to understand this logic. As far as I understand, the day one of Golden Age is when Krishna becomes Narayan, and is crown the first emperor ... of the Golden Age. That should be around 2036, meaning the hundred years of the Confluence Age will have been completed.

In 2018, he is the first child to be born from the first transformed human being to deity, the first one to have rejuvenated is body in tapasya, purified with a direct connection to God. I am speaking about Virendra Dev Dixit. Destruction is needed as you know to purify the world from the rubbish of Kaliyug. Whilst the majority of the world population will join the Soul World by leaving the body, a few will stay to create the children of the first generation of the Golden Age. They will survive the destruction being in a sort of blissfull hibernation as I imagine it.

That seems to me more sensible than all leaving together, and later landing into costume back to a new paradise, whilst some workers would have prepared the land. They are supposed to survive destruction and to somehow die to leave the space to the newcomers ... this is the version I was told by some senior BK. Not convincing to me!
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Post20 Sep 2006

bansy wrote:Hey how did you know I am sulking. :cry: :cry: :cry: Are you glad ?

Well, if your interested in the birth of Krishna, who am I to disagree. The main thing is that I am glad you are out there asking questions, in whatever way you wish. It is up to me to be accomodating, and not act as an officious *******. :oops:


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Post20 Sep 2006

Dear Sister Aimee

Thanks for the insights. Yes, it is quite unbelievable to be true. We won't know until later of course but at least it helps, and why not, it could really happen. It's rather quite exciting. I agree, the dates are the main issue but used for understanding how things fit in the World Wheel Drama.

I guess this means that the souls of Sita/Ram which are the Confluence-Aged Lakshmi/Narayan (hence Mata/Virendra Dev Dixit souls) will be completely satopradhan at the time to be give birth (through purity of Yoga) to Radhe/Krishna. Then at "destruction", there is this hibernation you've described, and then Confluence-Aged Lakshmi/Narayan will thereby crown Radhe/Krishna to be the first Emperor and Empress Lakshmi/Narayan of the Golden Age.

Does this seem plausible, I am hoping ShivBaba (Virendra Dev Dixit) has more to do, after all Brahma Baba (Lekhraj Kirpalani) sort of left us halfway ...

Though this is another follow up question which has less significance ... what happens to the Confluence-Aged Lakshmi/Narayan after this ... Do they then leave their bodies as their roles are complete, or serve under the new Emperor/Empress ...



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Post21 Sep 2006

bansy wrote:Though this is another follow up question which has less significance ... what happens to the Confluence-Aged Lakshmi/Narayan after this ... Do they then leave their bodies as their roles are complete, or serve under the new Emperor/Empress ...
I think I've confused myself. Aren't the Confluence-Aged Lakshmi/Narayan going to be the true World Empress/Emperor, whereas Radhe/Krishna are crowned the first Confluence-Aged Lakshmi/Narayan this right ?
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Post21 Sep 2006

As far as I understand, Virendra Dev Dixit and the one we call Kamala Devi Dixit, his partner are the Father and the Mother of the World. Meaning that they are recognised by the whole world as the first man and woman of Paradise, as Adam and Eve for the Christians, Adam and Hawa, Adinath and Adinathni or something like that, for other religions...There is what we call the first garden of Eden, the paradise of the CA, witnessed by the whole world, otherwise the scriptures could not be written later on. This is when a group of souls will gather in deep tapasya, unaware of the turmoil taking place around them. It is where I have to give you my own understanding of it, as when the gathering of the first generation, the one of the parents, is established, and before destruction takes place for good. Somehow this is important at the level of roles, and I cannot enter into this matter, it is far too complicated.

At another level, Virendra Dev Dixit plays the role of Narayan of Confluence Age, he will be as such when he will have reached his stage of perfection, Bapsaman, equal to God, and his partner for the Golden Age and Silver Age is Lakshmi, coming from the BK world when she will have the realisation of her role and the reality of Shiva Baba now in Virendra Dev Dixit. She will take with her all the pure souls of the BK world, and bring them to Baba, and this will form the complete gathering of the souls who will stay and rejuvenate their body (kachankaya), and form the parents of the first generation of the Golden Age. I think that the titles of emperor and empress is more symbolic that anything. In Golden Age, there won't be gatherings with hierarchy, but rather privacy, Adam and Eve style. So the one who really has reached the highest purity is the CA Narayan, the Father of Krishna. the following L and N. Somehow, he has the first role, as he establishes the Golden Age and the Silver Age, as the first Ram...

I hope I haven't confused you more...!


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Post21 Sep 2006

Thanks Sister Aimee. I am beginning to get there.
Lakshmi, coming from the BK world

... this is the "third personality" Vaishnav Devi (believed to be BK Vedanti by the PBKs) ?

(I think in the previous post, you mean Confluence Age where it mentions Copper Age. If you use the shortcuts C o A, you get Confluence Age, if C A you get Copper Age).

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