Advice to Virendra Dev Dixit and AIVV members

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Advice to Virendra Dev Dixit and AIVV members

Post27 Jul 2008

AUM Shanti.
In post: Has Veerendra Dev Dixit become Father to a child? Page 6,
arjun wrote: (on 25 Jul 2008) VCD* No.697, Cassette No.1183, dated 11.06.07, at Bhilai Gitapathshala Clarification of Murli dated 12.10.67 Ref. No.VCD*.

... What is the task of Shankar? Among the three personalities, which particular task is shown for Shankar? (Someone said – In the remembrance) No. Remembrance is not a task at all. Task is performed through the bodily organs. To cause destruction, to destroy. So, it is said that he opened the third eye and caused the destruction of the world. So, such a big world, the task of destruction of that world has been mentioned to be that of Shankar. Then it has been said that purity causes establishment. The new world, the world of purity is created, and impurity causes destruction. It means that the sanskar is contained in that soul that even if he drinks the poison of the entire world, he is so poisonous; even then he cannot get destroyed. Why? Why can’t it be possible? (Someone said – whether someone does it or not, it is one and the same) Yes.

Just as it is for the other organs - not listening while hearing through the ears. Similarly, there is such power also in the sex-organ that if he desires, he may focus his thoughts on it, and if he does not desire, he may not. For example, sometimes we are sitting with our eyes open, and if someone passes in front of our eyes, or comes [in front of us], and we are not able to know as to who (came)? Another person says –Hey! You were sitting here itself. You were sitting with your eyes wide open. You are not blind. You were not able to see? Why were we not able to see? It is because the mind was working in some other direction. So, to control the mind ... it is said – ‘Manrev aatma.’ [the mind itself is the soul], to concentrate the mind is a matter of practice. ...

As the subject of the post says this is friendly advice to Virendra Dev Dixit and his followers. They better understand what they are doing and correct themselves.

Virendra Dev Dixit has clearly stated in the above given quote what he thinks he is (i.e. Shankar) and what he practices. Virendra Dev Dixit has admitted what he does through his body. He says that he practices having sex with women who are ready to have sex with him to cause Destruction. Actually why does so many young and old women want to have sex with him? Because he (Virendra Dev Dixit) instigates them to do so by saying that he has the capacity to purify women by having sex with them (and projects himself as PatitPavan, i.e. The Purifier). (Arjun might tell us how he purifies his male followers).

There are quite a number of such so called GodFathers in India who give example of Shri Krishna and satisfy their sexual needs. They themselves also get degraded and also degrade their followers. Virendra Dev Dixit is also one among such people but is more clever. He projects himself as GodFather's part but never accepts himself. But uses people like Arjun to propagate his ideas and increase number of his followers. Now let us see whether he is actually Kamajeet ( i.e., have defeated lust).

What is Kamajeet? Can just controlling the sex organ, and not allowing ejaculation of semen during intercourse, be termed as Kamajeet?

According to me NO. Just see how Virendra Dev Dixit explains about his sexual act. He has given example of sense organs like ear and eyes. Read the sentences made bold. He explains how he is kamajeet. Why does he not ejaculate while having sex? Because he thinks of something else and does not think of his sex organs which are indulged in sex. And thus he boasts of himself to be Kamajeet and even as Patitpavan.

All of you just analyse what Virendra Dev Dixit says. Think over it. Suppose there is a beautiful (or handsome) nude young woman (or man) in front of you. Will your mind not get attracted towards her/him. (Be true to yourself). Now, if someone says that I will not get attracted and challenges to test him/her. And when arrangement is made for testing him/her at that time he/she comes with his/her eyes blindfolded. If he/she is not aroused by the scene, then does it mean that he/she is Kamajeet? Obviously NO. Virendra Dev Dixit also does the same thing.

Instead of blindfolding physically he mentally blindfolds his sex organs. Can such a man be called as Kamajeet. He is a coward. He has trained his mind for reflex action of flight. Why has he trained his mind to find refuge somewhere else while having sex? Because he is filled with lust. He is obsessed by sexual desires. There is a saying of a saint in our language, "Hennu maye ennuvaru, Hennu maye alla; Honnu maye ennuvaru, Honnu maye alla; Mannu maye ennuvaru, Mannu maye alla; Manada mundana aaseye maye kana ..." which means that (people) say, "Woman are Maya, Woman is not Maya; (people) say Gold (wealth) as Maya, Gold (wealth) is not Maya; (people) say Land as Maya, Land is not Maya; Desires in front of mind is Maya understand ..."

Has Virendra Dev Dixit eliminated desire of sexual gratification? NO. He has devised other ways for it. For example, some people who have obsession about sweets but become diabetic. Such people cannot eat sweet because their body is not capable of managing the ingested sweet. So what they do. They use saccharin instead of normal sugar for their sensual gratification. Similarly Virendra Dev Dixit has practiced the technique of preparing sexual saccharin within himself. Although he makes his mind to find refuge somewhere while having sexual intercourse, the stimulation of his sex organs forms a kind of sexual saccharin within him which he keeps enjoying.

People think that Virendra Dev Dixit is enjoying spiritual bliss, but actually he enjoys this sexual saccharin. And people who are desiring sexual gratification are provided with this sexual saccharin by him. Such people too get intoxicated by this sexual saccharin and think of themselves to be a yogi. Actually they are fooling themselves. I have experienced this and identified this even when I was in BK. True spiritual bliss is different from this. People who are experiencing this sexual saccharin are degraded day by day.

Virendra Dev Dixit uses this sexual saccharin to tame people and also uses this sexual saccharin to stupefy people opposing him.

What is this sexual saccharin?

This sexual saccharin is poisonous to life and is the adulterated form of The Saccharin of Actual Life Force or The Elixir. This Elixir is flowing from The GodFather Shiv (Nirakar Ram or Formless Ram). He is The Source. And Prajapita (The Corporeal Ram) is the medium through Whom This Elixir gets distributed in this corporeal world. This Elixir will transform this World into Heaven or Paradise. But people are addicted to various adulterated forms of saccharin. And now modern people are in a race to make most poisonous form of adulterated saccharin so that they can be get more and more intoxicated. What a pathetic condition.

Virendra Dev Dixit is not Shankar or Bholanath Mahadev. He is actually a snake creeping over Bholanath Mahadev Shiv-Shankar. So Beware of dogly services rendered by many pseudo Krishnas.

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Re: Advice to Veerendra Dev Dixit and AIVV members

Post27 Jul 2008

sachkhand wrote:Veerendra Dev Dixit has clearly stated in the above given quote what he thinks he is (i.e. Shankar) and what he practices. Veerendra Dev Dixit has admitted what he does through his body. He says that he practices having sex with women who are ready to have sex with him to cause Destruction. Actually why does so many young and old women want to have sex with him? Because he (Veerendra Dev Dixit) instigates them to do so by saying that he has the capacity to purify women by having sex with them (and projects himself as PatitPavan, i.e. The Purifier). (Arjun might tell us how he purifies his male followers).

Thank you and let me congratulate you on your post and finally coming out clean with the details of the matter. On the basis of reliable sources, this was my understanding ... but I do not know IF the practise still continues. Let us discuss it honestly.

As far as Arjun goes, I base my judgement of him on is dharna and, for me, he has always risen lotus like above the mud of this forum ... of which I am part ... and so regardless of whatever stage in his own spiritual evolution he is at, I have a respect for him that is separate from any faith he might have.

Sachkand, can you provide for us any further details? Does the practise continue? How is it initiated? You suggest that the women want to have sex him, that is to say, there is no coercion or violence involved. Of course, in the modern world, consensual sex is not a crime and there are no limits to how many partners one might have. Have there been any genuine complaints about his service? (One would have to look closely at the question of "undue influence").

Obviously, to orthodox religionists of any hue (including BKs), this will raise huge psychological and philosophical issues. But, on the other hand, such activities have always been part of "the left hand path", call it Tantra, sex magic or whatever. One could suggest simply, as you have done, that it is done for Virendra Dev Dixit's pleasure and one could hope that the Sisters also took some pleasure from the physical love. For many, it might be the only time that they have enjoyed physical love and affection (I know no specific details about the practise).

Or one could look upon it from the point of view of Tantra and sex magic and ask what is going on. Please bear in mind that during at least the early history of the yugya, Lekhraj Kirpalani was accused to doing the same either directly or on a more subtle level ... taking spiritual energy from others, mainly young women. This, we are lead to believe through Tantric, Taoist and sex Yoga practises, is meant to go on during such practises.

On the other hand, the theory Tantric, Taoist and sex yogis also suggest is that through sex, making love, psychic or spiritual blockages can be released. Part of "the left hand path", has always been to break all taboos in order to find liberation. The theory is that even a celibate virgin can be so caught up about lust that the doing of it, release and letting go can actually provide the spiritual progress beyond an otherwise insurmountable blockages, as in ... actually it is not such a big thing after all.

Obviously, we know that sex and human love goes on within the BK community but in an illicit, suppressed, shame filled environment that has led some to even commit suicide. Obviously, India has cultural problems with sex ... even the discussion of it. Obviously, within the infantilised Brahma Kumarism ... there are even more issues around not just sex but even affection and human attachment. It is no wonder that individuals implode, explode or are easily manipulated.

    Who is willing, BK or PBK, to step forward and grasp the nettle regarding this issue?
Personally, I would argue that it is actually possible to give sexual pleasure to another without "taking pleasure" out of it one's self. I am not a proponent of Tantra or Taoist sex and so I cannot say if their faith is absolutely true but I think that there is something in the theory of taking or exchanging energy. Yes, I believe that sex, or making love, does break through spiritual or psychic blocked but that it might not be the best way and it is fraught with problems and that breaking taboos can also a valid step in individuals' spiritual progress. And I also do not believe that Brahma Kumarism, as it has become, is the be all and end all as it is presented.

Sometimes I wonder if BapDada is taking actually energy from all their followers to sustain their position/experience and whether in offering food etc, the BKs are "feeding" these spirits just as spiritualists and ancestor worshippers do.
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Re: Advice to Veerendra Dev Dixit and AIVV members

Post28 Jul 2008

sachkhand wrote:Advice to Veerendra Dev Dixit and AIVV members

I tried to read your post twice, but could not see any advice there. Can you kindly point out the sentence where you have given an advice? You have just expressed your views on Baba Virendra Dev Dixit.
ex-l wrote:Who is willing, BK or PBK, to step forward and grasp the nettle regarding this issue?

I have already expressed my views on this topic in another thread, but I will try to analyze one angle of the issue based on the data available to everyone. But it may take some time.
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Re: Advice to Veerendra Dev Dixit and AIVV members

Post28 Jul 2008

arjun wrote:I have already expressed my views on this topic in another thread, but I will try to analyze one angle of the issue based on the data available to everyone.

Really, there is no need to Arjun. I suspect what would be much more interesting would be to base an answer on the data NOT made available to everyone. I am not sure why all these individuals target you as if you are Virendra Dev Dixit's representative, the advice appears to be to everyone BUT Virendra Dev Dixit and AIVV members. Perhaps we can merge this post with the other raising the same issue?

I wanted to a few thoughts. 'Stimulation' and 'pleasure' are not the same things, e.g. I doubt a prostitute derives much pleasure from being stimulated. Making love to someone you don't is not what you would call pleasurable at all. Stimulation without pleasure is irritation or, worse, a sexual crime. Sex within a yogic practise could be something yet again.

But the issue has arisen again and it would be good to address for once and for all. Its likely to be much more than many BK followers can understand or accept. I'd like to ask sachkand if he can add any more detail to this, e.g. has he seen it, does he know anyone that has done it, is it performed ritually or publicly, how does it come about, has the practise stopped or does it still go on?

Sachkand, you say you are an ex-PBK, how is it explained within the group?

On one hand, it could be something "divine"; on the other, it could abuse. Somewhere in between, he might have just made a few old unloved ladies very happy. Personally, if it was all consensual, (i.e. all parties accepted and agreed to it) then I have no problem with it but it would explain the strength of feeling against it. May be that was just what they needed.

Did anyone "service" the male PBK followers?
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Re: Advice to Veerendra Dev Dixit and AIVV members

Post29 Jul 2008

Fascinating. Yes, at last we hear what people really want to say instead of endless Gyan rubbish.
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Re: Advice to Veerendra Dev Dixit and AIVV members

Post29 Jul 2008

ex-l wrote:As far as Arjun goes, I base my judgement of him on is dharna and, for me, he has always risen lotus like above the mud of this forum ... of which I am part ... and so regardless of whatever stage in his own spiritual evolution he is at, I have a respect for him that is separate from any faith he might have.

Thanks for your complements but I am not worthy of trust and still have many defects, some of which are evident on the forum to many and some, which do not get reflected on it.
Really, there is no need to Arjun. I suspect what would be much more interesting would be to base an answer on the data NOT made available to everyone. I am not sure why all these individuals target you as if you are Veerendra Dev Dixit's representative, the advice appears to be to everyone BUT Veerendra Dev Dixit and AIVV members. Perhaps we can merge this post with the other raising the same issue?

Yes, it would be good to merge this thread with the similar thread in the PBK section.

And yes, I am not Baba Virendra Dev Dixit's representative. I write on this forum only because I wish that any soul intending to join either BKWSU or AIVV should be able to weigh the pros and cons of their decision based on the positive as well as negative information about both the groups available on this forum.

As regards the allegation of Baba Virendra Dev Dixit indulging in lust as leveled by sachkhand, I would like the members to go through the following data, which is a sample of just one month from his travels throughout India going on since last 7-8 years.

    1. VCD*, dated 1.12.07 at Nilanga.
    2. VCD*, dated 2.12.07 at Hyderabad.
    3. VCD*, dated 3.12.07 at Avadi
    4. VCD*, dated 4.12.07 at Taliparamba
    5. VCD*, dated 5.12.07 at Coimbatore
    6. VCD*, dated 7.12.07 at Bangalore
    7. VCD*, dated 8.12.07 at Tirupati
    8. VCD*, dated 9.12.07 at Tadepalligudem
    9. VCD*, dated 10.12.07 at Vishakhapatnam
    10. VCD*, dated 13.12.07 at Calcutta
    11. VCD*, dated 13.12.07 at Kathmandu
    12. VCD*, dated 14.12.07 at Pothra
    13. VCD*, dated 15.12.07 at Auri
    14. VCD*, dated 17.12.07 at Lucknow
    15. VCD*, dated 23.12.07 at Billa
    16. VCD*, dated 25.12.07 at Calcutta
    17. VCD*, dated 27.12.07 at Hyderabad
    18. VCD*, dated 28.12.07 at Tadepalligudem
    19. VCD*, dated 30.12.07 at Bangalore
    20. VCD*, dated 31.12.07 at Mysore
The above data shows that he had been travelling for more than 20 days in the month of December, 2007. For those who have not heard of the above places, I would like to inform that the journey on 1st December started in Western India, then moved to Southern India then Eastern India, then Northern India and back to South India.

At each place his programme consists of taking a drishti class which may vary from a few minutes to an hour, then a Murli class of at least one hour and a discussion class which is generally for one hour but may be less or more depending on the number of students and their enthusiasm in asking questions. At some places the discussions continue for two to three hours also at a stretch. After that he may also meet PBKs/surrendered Sisters individually depending on the time available as he has to rush to catch the train/flight/bus to the next destination.

So, on the whole at every place he meets the PBKs for 3-4 hours. Apart from that he also has to take care of his individual needs like bathing, shaving (which he does once in 2-3 days I guess), meals, etc. And with the huge number of cities that he is travelling contiuously you can imaging the condition of his stomach eating and drinking different food and water. He does not even spend money on buying mineral water. As already intimated in other threads, he mostly travels by train during the night and takes classes in the day time.

He is generally accompanied by a PBK mother and a Brother. And when he is not taking classes or sleeping his mobile keeps him busy for many hours giving advice for the day to day running of various mini-Madhubans and gitapathshalas and also speaking to various PBKs who wish to obtain Shrimat from ShivBaba (through him) and also replying to hundreds of letters and emails (through his mobile).

Based on the above busy travel schedule of Baba Virendra Dev Dixit, and considering his age which is 65+ and not so good health, can we say that he may be indulging in sex to fulfill his physical desires? Even when he was not travelling so much before 1998 he used to be surrounded by PBKs throughout the day.

I travel very less. And even a day's travel out of station makes me tired although I am much younger than him. So, one can imagine how much physical and mental strain he must be enduring to tour so many places. I have not peeped into his room when he is spending a night at one of the mini-Madhubans/gitapathshalas to find out how celibate he is, but the above data gives me at least some hint about his mental and physical state over the years. I know many members may say that the above data may not reveal what happens within closed doors, but I hope it gives them a chance to peep into his life to some extent.

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Re: Advice to Veerendra Dev Dixit and AIVV members

Post29 Jul 2008

Sorry Sanjeev if I am being slow (after having just come back from holiday) but like Arjun, I fail to see any connection at all between the quote Arjun provided and your sachkand quote which ex-l has already highlighted, the subsequent "advice" which you give and which, along with your other thread, seems to be a blatant attempt to sling mud at Virendra Dev Dixit (and Arjun) ... :-?


Re: Advice to Veerendra Dev Dixit and AIVV members

Post30 Jul 2008

AUM Shati.
arjun wrote: I tried to read your post twice, but could not see any advice there. Can you kindly point out the sentence where you have given an advice? You have just expressed your views on Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit.
sachkhand wrote: They better understand what they are doing and correct themselves ... Instead of blindfolding physically he mentally blindfolds his sex organs. Can such a man be called as Kamajeet ... (people) say, "Woman are Maya, Woman is not Maya; (people) say Gold (wealth) as Maya, Gold (wealth) is not Maya; (people) say Land as Maya, Land is not Maya; Desires in front of mind is Maya understand ... people who are desiring sexual gratification are provided with this sexual saccharin by him. Such people too get intoxicated by this sexual saccharin and think of themselves to be a yogi. Actually they are fooling themselves ... Beware of dogly services rendered by many pseudo Krishnas.
ex-I wrote: Thank you and let me congratulate you on your post ...

I do not expect or require any congratulations. I would have really become happy if you had congratulated me for the post "Explanation Reuired" where I have written many important Murli points. Instead of making me happy your congratulation has made me sorrowful. In what a pathetic are we people. People are more interested in tantric knowledge than in Murlis of The GodFather Shiv. People find more solace in giving pain than in gaining happiness.
ex-I wrote: On the basis of reliable sources, this was my understanding ...

You could have posted yourself on this subject.
ex-I wrote: Sachkand, can you provide for us any further details? Does the practise continue? How is it initiated?

I actually do not know.
ex-I wrote: he might have just made a few old unloved ladies very happy. Personally, if it was all consensual, (i.e. all parties accepted and agreed to it) then I have no problem

Who cares whether you have or do not have problem? No one asks your permission.
ex-I wrote: Please bear in mind that during at least the early history of the yugya, Lekhraj Kirpalani was accused to doing the same either directly or on a more subtle level ... taking spiritual energy from others, mainly young women.
ex-I wrote: Sometimes I wonder if BapDada is taking actually energy from all their followers to sustain their position/experience

Energy exchange is continuously taking place between each other and between us and our surroundings. No one can stop it. The Elixir is flowing which is sustaining this coporeal world and Life. But when human being goes against the NATURAL FLOW of This Elixir problems occur. For this reason it is said in Murlis that no one can teach RajYoga other than The GodFather Shiv. And that when GodFather teaches RajYoga Heaven is created and when human beings teach RajYoga it becomes hell. But how does He (Shiv) teach? He teaches RajYoga through Prajapita Brahma Who is also His wife. So natural flow of The Elixir is from The Source, The GodFather Shiv, through Prajapita Brahma to this corporeal world.

There is no need for BapDada to draw energy (in the form of exploitation) from anyone, be it male or female, young or old. The Combination, BapDada, is The Source. But egoistic people who are power hungry want to control and rule over others. There is plenty in this world to sustain everyone and keep everyone happy. But egoistic people do not like to see people happy. They want people to remain unhappy so that they can rule them. Such people disturb the natural flow of The Elixir. And for this they practice such tantric ways.

Virendra Dev Dixit has explained many a times that there is need of thorn to unpick thorn i.e., Virendra Dev Dixit thinks that through sex he can overcome sex. It is impossible. Even Osho Rajneesh has proposed this theory of experiencing Samadhi through sex (he has written a book on it, if you are interested you can read it.). But is there any need for The GodFather Shiv to use thorn (sex) to unpick thorn (sex)? Does He (BapDada, The combination of Shiv and Prajapita) need to instigate women to have sex with him? NO.

Even in the early history of Yagnya there was no instigation. People used to have vision of Sri Krishna by just seeing Lekhraj Kirpalani. Then why is it said in the Bhagwat that Krishna does Raas Leela? In Murli it is clearly stated that this story is actually of Prajapita not of Krishna of Satyug (and it is nowhere said that it is part of Shankar). But is this Raas Leela same as what you have written or what Virendra Dev Dixit is teaching? NO. Shiv through Prajapita or even Prajapita alone never instigates any women for sex. But when women go in front of Him or think of Him, they (women) cannot control the upsurge of Love. As human organs are polluted and habituated for sex they get aroused.

But flow of The Elixir within will purify our organs and natural state of the flow of Elixir will be attained and we will get Purified. That is the reason it is said in Murlis do not think of Brahma Baba without considering Him as ShivBaba. Why? Because even Lekhraj Kirpalani who is Prajapita also is degraded, in the sense natural flow of The Elixir within him was not attained. Actually, the natural flow within Him is disturbed by those people who are poking their nose in it for gaining power. And therefore blockades are created within Prajapita to stop such egoistic devilish people gaining control of The Elixir.

Because of this He too degrades, i.e. the natural flow of The Elixir is disturbed within Prajapita too. And therefore he is shyam, i.e. black. And this in turn affects the total creation. Thus the creation degrade but there is a limit. Egoistic people cannot continue to degrade Prajapita (Bharat). At some point of time this will begin DESTRUCTION PROCESS. When will destruction process begin? When establishment is completed. That is when Deity souls recognise Prajapita and there is clear understanding of Prajapita in their intellect which no one can shake. And this will retain the natural flow of The Elixir. Prajapita is then Sunder, i.e. beautiful. And then Silence power will win over Science power.
ex-I wrote: and whether in offering food etc, the BKs are "feeding" these spirits just as spiritualists and ancestor worshippers do.

Supreme Soul Shiv has His own Chariot. Shiv is "Abhokta". And His Chariot Prajapita is not in the skies where he needs to be fed by you people through offerings of food. He is in this corporeal world with his own corporeal body.

There is no need for BaapDada to take your offerings. It is Love that is exchanged. But people like you cannot understand Love without sex. Have you never experienced Love of your mother, Father, Brother, Sister, friend, colleagues, etc have you not experienced love of your wife/husband (depending on whether you are male/female) when you are not engaged in sex or not thinking of sex? Think over it.
ex-I wrote: On the other hand, the theory Tantric, Taoist and sex yogis also suggest

Sorry. I am not here to learn or understand tantra or taoism or teaching of sex yogis.
ex-I wrote: Who is willing, BK or PBK, to step forward and grasp the nettle regarding this issue?

I think explanation given above is enough. You may continue digging in sex education if you wish. Love is Eternal.

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Re: Advice to Veerendra Dev Dixit and AIVV members

Post30 Jul 2008

sachkhand wrote: Beware of dogly services rendered by many pseudo Krishnas.

If this is the advice you are giving to Baba Virendra Dev Dixit and members of AIVV, then I would like to know who is rendering dogly services and who is the pseudo Krishna? If you say that Baba Virendra Dev Dixit and PBKs are rendering dogly services and if Baba Virendra Dev Dixit is a pseudo Krishna then how can your above sentence be meant for them. It should be an advice for the non-PBKs. :-?
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Re: Advice to Veerendra Dev Dixit and AIVV members

Post30 Jul 2008

sachkhand wrote:Supreme Soul Shiv has His own Chariot. Shiv is "Abhokta". And His Chariot Prajapita is not in the skies where he needs to be fed by you people through offerings of food. He is in this corporeal world with his own corporeal body.

OK, can we get to the point and identify who that is then?

With regards to Virendra Dev Dixit, I accept arjun's point that a 65 year old with an intense traveling schedule hardly has the time and energy for a bit of the other but I sense that is not a complete answer. Perhaps it was a phase that the early PBK's went through.

sachkhand, this life has taught me to be down to earth and practical. Start by gathering all you can see and touch, and others have seen and touched and then build upon that. The bribes of jewels and golden palaces don't work on me, neither do a guddhi or privileges. These matters are far too important and rewarding in their own self then to be distracted by all that fluff.

So, please, stop flirting and teasing us ... and deliver your goods. Lay it on the table.
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Re: Advice to Veerendra Dev Dixit and AIVV members

Post30 Jul 2008

sachkhand wrote:I actually do not know.

Is there ANYTHING in this matter that you ACTUALLY know? Or is it just what you have deduced from the lectures of Virendra Dev Dixit?

Is it once again a matter of "the thought came to me" of which you posted before?

Where exactly do these ideas come from?


Re: Advice to Veerendra Dev Dixit and AIVV members

Post01 Aug 2008

AUM Shanti.
sachkhand wrote: (on 27 Jul 2008) As the subject of the post says this is friendly advice to Veerendra Dev Dixit and his followers. They better understand what they are doing and correct themselves.
arjun wrote: (on 28 Jul 2008) Can you kindly point out the sentence where you have given an advice? You have just expressed your views on Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit.

I think Arjun has not understood or purposely being blind towards sentences which I have quoted above. I have written that Virendra Dev Dixit and his followers better understand the mistakes they are doing and correct themselves. And in the following paragraphs of my post I have explained in detail what mistakes they are doing. If Virendra Dev Dixit and AIVV members think that so called Shankar (i.e., Virendra Dev Dixit according to the claims made by AIVV members) through his corporeal body is doing right thing (i.e. practicing sex) then surely my post is a waste.
arjun wrote: (on 30 Jul 2008) If you say that Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit and PBKs are rendering dogly services and if Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit is a pseudo Krishna then how can your above sentence be meant for them. It should be an advice for the non-PBKs.

Such a foolish question again by an AIVV member. I thought that advice is given to those people who make mistakes. And as in my opinion Virendra Dev Dixit is doing mistakes and AIVV members are following him I have given an Advice to them (including Virendra Dev Dixit) to understand and correct their mistakes. But this AIVV member thinks that I should give advice to people other than Virendra Dev Dixit and AIVV members. Such a shameful thing.

Surely when people making mistakes are stubborn and does not heed to any advice and continue with their mistakes then it is better to give advice to other people to stay away from them. There is a saying in our language, " dushtara kandu duur haaye" meaning keep distance on seeing evil people.
pilatus wrote: (on 29 Jul 2008) the subsequent "advice" which you give and which, along with your other thread, seems to be a blatant attempt to sling mud at Veerendra Dev Dixit (and Arjun) ...

It is said that there are Two categories of Fools in this world.

    (1) Those who give Advice (and I accept that I have already joined this category.)
    (2) Those who do not heed to an Advice.
Dear Virendra Dev Dixit and AIVV members, as I Love and have concern for The Rudra Gnyaan Yagnya, even though I may be considered as a Fool, still I would again like to give an advice as follows, (a Hindi film song),

    Aey Bhai jara dekh ke chalo,
    Aage hi nahi peeche bhi,
    Daye hi nahi bayein bhi
    Oopar hi naheee neeche bhi.
    Aey Bhai ...
    Kya hai karishma kaisa khilwaad hai, haap haap,
    Jaanwar aadmi se jyaada vafadaar hai, haap haap,
    khata hai kooda bhi, Rahata hai bhooka bhi;
    phir bhi wo Malik (Prj. Brahma) pe karta nahin waar hai.
    Aur insaan ye (Virendra Dev Dixit)
    Maal jiska (Prj. Br.) khata hai,
    Pyaar jisase (Prj. Br.) paata hai,
    Geet jiske (Prj. Br.) gaata hai,
    uske hi seene main BHOONKTA KATAAR hai,
    Maal jiska (Prj. Br.) khata hai,
    Pyaar jisase (Prj. Br.) paata hai,
    Geet jiske (Prj. Br.) gaata hai,
    uske hi seene main BHOONKTA KATAAR hai,
    Kahiye Shrimaan (AIVV members) aapka kya vichaar hai?


Re: Advice to Veerendra Dev Dixit and AIVV members

Post01 Aug 2008

AUM Shanti.
ex-l wrote: (on 30 Jul 2008) The bribes of jewels and golden palaces don't work on me, neither do a guddhi or privileges.

Why are you worried? No one is offering you.
ex-l wrote: (on 30 Jul 2008) So, please, stop flirting and teasing us ... and deliver your goods. Lay it on the table.

I am sorry to know that you considered my concern for you and other ex-BKs in general as flirting and a kind of teasing. Henceforth, I will take care not to show any concern for you in my words. But forgive me this last time. I request you people (ex-BKs) to read the story of Harilal Gandhi, the eldest son of Mahatma Gandha.

Harilal's life was ruined. He lived a very miserable life. And, IMHO, it was because he developed enemity and mistrust towards his Father. He bitterly envied his Father. Harilal could never understand his Father. Harilal was always on the lookout to demean and belittle Mahatma, whenever and wherever possible and in all possible ways. In the end he ruined his life. When Mahatma was assassinated and when lakhs of Indians and many people from over the world came to Mahatma's funeral, Harilal although being the eldest son and having the right to cremate Mahatma, was one among the crowd.

Harilal was struggling in his shabby clothes and with a garland in his hands just to reach the place of cremation. Although few including his youger Brother recognised him even in such a pitiable condition, they were afraid to call him for cremation because they were afraid of him and did not know his intentions of coming. (Because when Harilal went to meet his mother Ba in jail where she was bedridden because of her worry for Harilal, he purposely went to meet her in fully intoxicated (by liquor) condition. Why? Just to belittle and demean Bapu (Mahatma).

Harilal's mother was shocked by Harilal's behaviour and later died due to his worry.) Only Harilal knows why he went to funeral of his Father (Mahatma) for whom he had nothing but bitterness in his heart. I think Harilal had understood his mistake and so he had went their with garland in his hands, but was too late.

It is not just a case of Mahatma Gandhi and of Harilal. Whenever anyone develop enemity for any person who is true and really good in his heart and who is in service of people, then slowly he/she unknowingly start to envy not only that person but also those good qualities. And this in turn ruins one's life.

Also I request you to have control over your tone (read words in red), by this you will loose your credibility. I am not a weak person who will run away by your unnecessary arrogant ways of writing. Keep this in mind hereafter.
john wrote: (on 31 Jul 2008) Is there ANYTHING in this matter that you ACTUALLY know? Or is it just what you have deduced from the lectures of Veerendra Dev Dixit?

What do you expect me to know further. Do you think Virendra Dev Dixit used to call us to show us how he had sex? Or do you expect any female follower of Virendra Dev Dixit to tell us that she had intercourse with V.D? In his lectures Virendra Dev Dixit, always stresses that this act should be secretive. Will any female follower tell Truth about this? If Virendra Dev Dixit actually does not practice sex as said by him in his VCD* then who is this Shankar's personality who is practicing this and of whom Virendra Dev Dixit often speaks of in his lectures? Virendra Dev Dixit and AIVV members have to be clear and definite in what they are saying. Do you not think so?

Virendra Dev Dixit says that follow Brahma Baba in action but follow Father's directions. May I know from AIVV members whom do they take directions from? Is it not Virendra Dev Dixit? But Virendra Dev Dixit never fails to remind his followers that they should just follow Father's directions but should not follow his actions. He says not to follow Shankar in actions. Now my question to AIVV members is that who is that personality from whom they take directions but are warned not to follow him in actions? And why is it that they are warned?
john wrote: (on 31 Jul 2008) Is it once again a matter of "the thought came to me" of which you posted before? Where exactly do these ideas come from?

Do not try to mix up things. Many active members have tried this trick on me. First YOU answer me. Do all the members on this forum just write facts and only facts? Do they not raise their doubts about something and do they they not share their feelings and experiences about something and do they not write about their churning of Mulis even though they are not 100% confident about it's Truth. Have you never done one of the above things?

So why are you mixing up two very different issues? Do not be prejudiced and please try to be fair in assessing other's posts. Good luck.
sachkhand wrote: Supreme Soul Shiv has His own Chariot. Shiv is "Abhokta". And His Chariot Prajapita is not in the skies where he needs to be fed by you people through offerings of food. He is in this corporeal world with his own corporeal body.
ex-l wrote:(On 30 Jul 2008) OK, can we get to the point and identify who that is then?

I am doing Purusharth for that in my own way. If Virendra Dev Dixit or AIVV members know about it without any doubt then ask them. As BKs do not believe in this they cannot answer. When I will be 100% sure about answer to this question I will DECLARE it to the world. It does not matter Who is He? I have faith that He is present now in this world and that I will recognise and understand That Personality in near future. Anyway it is my personal thing.

Everyone has to do his /her Purusharth. It is said in Murli that, Baap main nischay buddhi hona maasi ka ghar nahi hai. It means that it is not that easy (as it is in getting something in one's Aunty's house) to have undoubting faith in Father. IMO here Father refers to The Combination of The Corporeal Father Prajapita and The GodFather Shiv.

Best of luck for you in seeking Father, that too if you wish to seek.
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Re: Advice to Veerendra Dev Dixit and AIVV members

Post01 Aug 2008

sachkhand wrote:Also I request you to have control over your tone (read words in red), by this you will loose your credibility.

sachkhand wrote:who is that personality from whom they take directions but are warned not to follow him in actions? And why is it that they are warned?

We obtain directions from Shiv through Shankar (Baba Virendra Dev Dixit).

We do not follow Shankar because as per the Murlis spoken by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba Shankar's role is unique in this drama. We are asked not to follow him in actions because it said so in the Murlis. And it is not just in the Murlis. Since the Copper Age, it is believed in the Eastern Culture that disciples should follow the directions of the Guru and they should not follow him in his actions. The founders of all major religions have also used this technique while establishing their religions. But everyone cannot have the same level of faith and hence souls like you may prefer to raise objections to the actions of the gurus. This is also beneficial in the drama. I appreciate your courage, but you should apply to yourself the above advice (marked in bold letters) that you have given to ex-l.

If you want further details on this you can listen to the audio cassettes which were recorded while ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) was clarifying the first book published by the newly established Vishnu Party in the late 1990s.
On Godly Service,
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Re: Advice to Veerendra Dev Dixit and AIVV members

Post02 Aug 2008

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