Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post15 Jul 2008

mbbhat wrote:* The thing in this drama is nobody can complaint the other, because everybody is an actor. If we are honest, Baba will give us. You see, even if I am quite satisfied in my life, still I have the guity of not remembering Baba 8 hours per day. I can demand Baba if I love him fully. Otherwise, the birthright has no meaning. Anyhow, I will not take much space here. Thank you for bearing with me.

My point is that without true knowledge how can anyone remember for 8 hours a day and if your are how do you know it is accurate, therefore true knowledge comes first, the rest is just assumption that BKs take as fact.
Baba has said, "Even if you remember just one point of knowledge, your boat (of life) will be saved".

But the point of this education is to become Deity, emperors and empresses of the Golden Age, not, just to be saved, or are the Dadis wanting to just keep that status just for themselves?



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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post16 Jul 2008

arjun wrote:Anyways, do you think this editing and cutting of Murlis is correct?

Dear Arjun soul,

I agree that editing and cutting Murlis are not correct. But, how many in this world is doing his duty sincerly either in lowkik or aloukik? Are you really satisfied and happy in your PBK life at present? Do you think no mistake happens from your side? Everybody is a pursharthi. Baba has also said, those who were NO. 3 and No4 in mala are not present now.

* Please be sure that nobody can do his duty 100% accurate. When you do 100% duty, you will attain karmaateet and leave the body. But of course, everybody should have duty conscious. A king should have higher conscious, a child should have lower conscious. So- mistakes should happen. Only then it is drama.
* The punishments for the same mistake done by a child, ordinary citizen or a President are different. President will get more punishment. Similarly Baba says, if a BK does a mistake, then it is 100 times! So- if a BK Sister in charge or higher position people do a mistake, the mistake will be even more. We all know that.
* Baba cannot give moksha to anybody in drama. He is bound in Drama.
* But when Baba has come and given treasures of knowledge, why should we take stress in that small matter? When it is raining everywhere(plenty of Murli points are available), and I am not able to store all the water given to me(the Murli points which are alredy available), if some water is kept secret or edited or cut, is it correct just to cry for that? Is it correct to come in body-conscious state, fight for that and lose the soul conscious stage?
* In a class, student just thinks of syllabus and teacher. There is no need to bother about any other student. Then why should we think of Prajapita, Brahma, VD who all are students?
* Baba has clearly said- Do not remember anything that you see through these eyes. See the following Murli point.

6-1-2000(3):- ab baap kahate hain- apne ko aatmaa samajhne kee practice daalo to naam, roop, deh, sab bhool jaaye.

“Father now says- Put practice of considering yourself as SOUL, so that NAME, FORM, BODY, everything gets forgotten". Then how can you say that we have to remember VD's body? In 90% of the cases, Murli will say remember just incorporeal. In 10% of the cases, Murli says remember the incorporeal through Sakar. [I think and also have explained that those may be for weak BKs or egoistic BKs] Now which one will you take?

*Sometimes Baba says, keep picture of Lakshmi-Narayan in your pocket, sit in front of Kalpavruksha tree. Sometimes(actually most of the times) Baba says- do not remember any picture. Baba has also said- keep songs and play. They are like sanjeevini. Then Baba has also said- you should go beyond sound. There is no need of sound in Gyan. It is Bhakti.
*For a child, we first give support to hold and walk. So- these pictures, tape, songs, remember niraakaar through saakaar, etc all are supports for weak students. But, without that, one or some cannot proceeed. So- they are needed. But do not get addicted to those!
*In front of Baba, there will be new students. So- Baba will have to repeat the same points.
*Avyakt Murli gives a strong dosage to become Avyakt. It is also guide in distinguishing/discriminating the points in Sakar Murlis.


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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post16 Jul 2008

mbbhat wrote:I agree that editing and cutting Murlis are not correct. But, how many in this world is doing his duty sincerly either in lowkik or aloukik?

OK, let's spell it out for the those in the closet.

Since it is agreed that Murlis are edited or revised (either verb used to indicated the meaning of : "God's" words are changed), then would everyone agree that all the Murli points that have been posted in this forum, in any forum wherever, in any document produced by any Raja Yoga student wherever, is therfore not totally accurate ?

So a class given by Dadi or SS is taken from edited and revised Murlis which she or he studied from. All the sincere lectures that mbbhat have given here, the lectures and books and magazines and programs and exhibitions, etc ... ? So there is NO DEFINITIVE TRUST in any existing Murlis in circulation, only the original ones can claim that status. So is it not surprising that no-one is doing their duty lokik or alokik ? Obvious, the Murlis are not accurate. It's easy to chew on one's own words.

OK, I'll spell it out again for those who think they left the closet.

Even with the existing Murlis in circulation, there is a lot of good stuff in them. So most are happy with these inaccurate versions. Their aim is not to be complete. But deep down, inside that corner of that point of light of yours will remain in the dark, will not brighten until the originals are provided. And those who do the hiding of the original Murlis are not worldly lighthouses but cowardly coalmines.

Admin : I think the first letter of the word m urli should be automated into lower case and not upper case, because only the original ones can have the honour of upper case, for the reasons cited above. Just a suggestion. When someone asks you did you read the m urli, then you have to ask "which edition" :oops:.



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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post16 Jul 2008


    You mention often Baba say's this? Who is Baba to you?
    Another interesting point is why was Dadi Janki's messages being given more than Murli Points?
    So where is God now according to you?
    Who do you think is narrating the Avyakt Vanis?
I appreciate your conviction but be careful this may come back to bite you.



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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post16 Jul 2008

john wrote:You should ask them for an account of the history of the Yagya.

Dear John soul,

I will try these. But it will be very slow.
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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post16 Jul 2008

Make that an ACCURATE account of the history, ask for an explanation of who and why they covered so much up ... and, especially, who, how and when Shiva was introduced by 20 years after it all started. Can we not honestly say that such a revelation must surely have cause considerable unpheaval at the time.

Probably folks leaving in disagreement too. I think they were sworn to secrecy about it.
paulkershaw wrote:Given the dicussions of late, and all the realisations, I'd say that many are being taught to have 'accurate remembrance' of something or someone that is being projected into their awareness and is only a hologram of memory ...

A very subtle and interest point, paul, and one that I guess there is a proper title for in psychology. I do not know it.

To your question, I would add the distinction between individual's spending 8 hours a day "remembering", or being in "soul/god-consciousness" and individuals spending 8 hours a day convincing themselves that there were in "soul" or "god-consciousness". I felt this when I read mmbhat's Amrit Vela practise of going jogging and "remembering to be soul-conscious" and wondered how the hell one could practising soul-conscious whilst bobbing up and down.

My feeling is that there is a whole lot more just external behavioral conformity going on (a point made in the Murlis), an equal amount of "remembering to remember" but not actually remembering. And an equal amount of fear to discuss it all openly, i.e. to admit that few to no one are having any experience and those that do are not at all sure how or why.

Given that this is the absolute crux of the BK matter ... I would say its one great big unholy and unanswered mess.



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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post16 Jul 2008

bansy wrote:in any document produced by any Raja Yoga student wherever, is therfore not totally accurate ? So a class given by Dadi or SS is taken from edited and revised Murlis which she or he studied from. All the sincere lectures that mbbhat have given here, the lectures and books and magazines and programs and exhibitions, etc?

Dear Bansy soul,

1) A person needs mango not a mango fruit. If one does not wish to eat mango (seed= ShivaBaba), what is the necessity of knowing about Mango tree (full knowledge, Yagya history, drama, etc)? Baba has clearly said, "Some say, God is almighty. He can do anything. He can bring back a dead body into alive. But I am Purifier. People call me, Oh Purifier, come, purify us". So if one has no determination to love Baba, demanding perfection of Murli is foolishness.

* Baba has also said, knowledge is of one second. Just consider yourself as soul and remember me. FINISH! *BUT that is a high dose. Because none can climb steep mountain in the straight path. People will take side paths to reduce slope and walk. Please remember that it is immaterial how you walk. If the top is clearly visible to you, even if somebody stands in your way, you can take deviation and proceed. If you complain the person, you are halting!

* Advertisement, magazines all are for new people, for service.

* One can complain if Murli points are twisted such that the meanings become opposite. But just by eliminating some points and keeping the other points as it is is not an obstacle. You can other Murli points and practice.

* Some points are twisted. Eg: If in the original Murli, it is written as 500 crores, these editing people make it 550, 600, etc. That is not realy correct. I also feel bad [Another thing:- Even PBKs now have started saying 700 crores! From which Murli? They get excuses by saying that those are their ADVANCE POINTS!]. But honestly speaking even these changes will/should not affect us in loving Baba.

*Actually, DJ's classes are not at all required. But-

* STRANGE things I have seen is some BK students like/wish/admire Dadi Janki's class more than Murlis. [One reason may be Murli has English, Hindi, Sindhi words and Baba jumps from one topic to another suddenly which some may not like]. When there is demand, Sisters might have given extra priority. Not only that the literature dept. might be interesting in sale of the extra copies! But one should not bother about wht these BKs or Sisters do (because after 7 days course, everybody is made sure that there is nothing greater than Murli. There after it is responsiblity of EVERY INDIVIDUAL to give it highest value).

* We are RajaYogis. King of self. Why should we get influenced by these BK students, teachers? If I quote Murli points, it would be better. There is lot of work. Bye, thanks
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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post16 Jul 2008


Because the current Supreme Mango Seed (SMS) is not growing mango trees never mind mango fruit (MF) ... more like 'monkey puzzle' trees' (MPT) and nuts (NUTS).

Please see serious questions above.



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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post16 Jul 2008

global wrote:1) often Baba say's this? Who is Baba to you?
2) Another interesting point is why was Dadi Janki's messages being given more than Murli Points?
3) So where is God now according to you?
4) Who do you think is narrating the Avyakt Vanis?
5) I appreciate your conviction but be careful this may come back to bite you.

Dear global soul,

1) I have said before that for me- Baba, Shiva, ShivaBaba are same.
2) Already replied to this
3) Where God is immaterial to me since Baba has already said- Remember me in Paramdham. He can be anywhere else. He can be Subtle Region with Brahma Baba and I do not say that God should be present with Brahma Baba all the time. He may go even to Parmadham and come back, anything. But I think, most of the time, both are combined even physically.
4) As for my belief it is BapDada both come together. But in some few cases, just BB had come. If you see the Murlis of 1969, you can get it. But since even Sakar Murlis clearly say that- "I am responsible for this (B/B). You consider that it is Shiva speaking even if Brahma gives directions". *So when the purusharthi Brahma was given that status, why cannot we consider the Avyakt Murli versions equal to bhagavaanuvaach?

One thing strikes me is, this is a variety drama. God makes us god and godesses (deities), worshipworthy. So a few human souls get the highest seat**. The souls which attain high state are capable of expalining knowledge in more detail. Some points of DJ's class are good. They may be definitely helpful to others. I guess, as days pass, more and more BKs will be able to deliver honest speeches. The reason is, a Father becomes happy when his children stand on their feet. So when BKs become capable of explaining knowledge (I am not saying about the present BKs), Baba's task will be complete. But be happy that you are not influenced by her(or any human being). Then only you can reach ShivaBaba

** Real highest souls will be declared at the end. Do not think that I am considering Dadi Janki as next to Brahma or Mama.
ex-l wrote:Why? Because the current Supreme Mango Seed (SMS) is not growing

Dear ex-l soul,

I will explain in different way. If a girl does not love a boy, she has no right in the boy's property. She becomes half-partner after becoming wife (developing strong relation) Similarly, if a soul does not love Shiva, it has no right on the property (Murli).
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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post16 Jul 2008

A person needs mango not a mango fruit.......

Oh for Gods' sake. Please spare me from this endless cr#p. Go eat 3 of your wonderful mangos but make sure they have a high fibre content and wait a few hours ... wouldya?

It would give us all a break from this lengthy pointless drivel. WHAT IS YOUR POINT?
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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post16 Jul 2008

Its impossible ... trying to get him to the point is like trying to handle a long snake covered in Vaseline. And the problem is, he is neither properly in nor properly out.

I think it is pointless attempting engaging with a BK if they do not follow the principles, attempting to convince themselves by using their blunt instrument on you.

But let us see if he comes back with any answers about the history etc ... I doubt it. He will get no where with the leadership. He is just their canon fodder until his faith burns out.



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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post16 Jul 2008

Dear ex-l soul,
My aim is to become or help anybody to become soul-conscious (90% effort). And 10% effort will be put in knowing Yagya history or other things.
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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post16 Jul 2008

Disordered and Dysfunctional to say the least. Inner Dimension Is Overly Traumatised spells = ... ? Mbbhat Always Neatly Goofs On-time spells.... Mango ---- > last year we had bunches of bananas now we've got mangos. So if anyone refer to "Fruit" again I am gonna take it personally. :| Mbbhat lets rather chat about cucumbers shall we or do you not like the feel?



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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post16 Jul 2008

Dear Paulkershaw soul,
I am not very good in English and have not fully understood by your jokes/comments. Anyhow, thanks for you
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Re: Accurate Yaad (Accurate Remembrance)

Post16 Jul 2008

For point of reference everyone: I am not going there with an answer to him. Its just way too open for me to do so and really there's no need. So I'll resist and remain fruitful in my spiritual endeavours ... :D.

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