Where are you all going???

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Re: Where are you all going???

Post12 Jul 2008

Dear Newlife soul,

This is drama. In a drama any act may be present. There is no space for confusion. But this is real drama. Hence there is fruit for every action. But very few realize this, that too number-wise.

I am a BK and I can understand your thinkings. But Drama is very powerful. Just see the drama and enjoy. If anybody listens to you without ego, respond fully. Otherwise, just respond to the issue. Do not act personally. Otherwise, you will be influenced and after sometime, you will think- my time has become wasted!

You see:- When a patient is brought into operation theatre, even though he develops some fear, he thinks positively. He just thinks of his well being. He thinks of his condition AFTER the operation. Similarly, we should think what will happen after any incidence? We should not get stuck anywhere. Keep on moving. That is- swadarshanachakradhaari stage.

*When change from hell to heaven occurs, the operation will be the largest. So- these changes are NORMAL. More powerful you are, you will feel very very light.
*I am not saying that you are heavy, but suggesting not to get confused even for a moment and trying to improve enthusiasm.
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chai bhai


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Re: Where are you all going???

Post12 Jul 2008

dear Brother mmbhat,
warmest greetings. i am also a BK and understand your enthusiasm, but as well as the Gyan it would be good to hear your personal experience. this forum is a good place to share real life stories and personal experiences. we are all very familiar with the Gyan on this site because whatever one calls himself or herself (BK, PBK, ex-BK, greenbk, pinkbk, howsyourfatherbk, abk, nobk, ohbk, whatbk or anything in between) we have all lived with the philosophy at some point, for a substantial part of our lives.
i would like to hear your personal story of spiritual efforts, learnings, challenges etc. that would be very nice.
i hope you agree. if you don't, of course you are free to write as you like. however, i am afraid i will just have to use the scroll button!
with kind regards,
Brother chai

john morgan


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Re: Where are you all going???

Post12 Jul 2008

Hello ex-I,

You've got me wondering how much training Taoists receive.

It can often be useful to pass on peace to others by other than sensory means. I've been in many situations where if I had been much more peaceful the outcome would have been too. Identity in the context of thought creation is also a useful study. At the heart of the BK these topics have been mastered. Can we learn from other people? I think so, even if its just in the realm of possibilities.

You said that Bap Dada does not want followers, what you said is true. Time and time again he encourages towards the firm faith that one is a Golden Aged soul. Just one experience of that is sufficient for a Gyani to be on autopilot towards a far more elevated life. If the experience has not yet been experienced the firm faith that it will be is very useful and proper effort should be made. Doubt is a no no here and best left alone. Gyani's were masters of the world, masters of themselves.

In every thought there is a secret communication. Each thought holds the qualities of its creator. Whilst most are mesmerised by matter Gyani's have the opportunity of exploring much more of The Cycle than the common man. I see The Knowledge as a blueprint, all neat and tidy with footnotes, explanations diagrams etc. What Gyani's are studying is consciousness.

Possibly the pathless way is pathless when one becomes the path. I know little about Taoism, the flexibility pliability and non resistance aspects of it seem very good to me. Undoubtedly it is highly creative. What can be spoken is not the eternal Tao, the limitation here is our mode of communication - words!

Many of the BK are full time. Full time BK are trained uniformly. I recall Didi saying to me "all these Sisters are the same." It does not mean that Gyan is uniform, it means that the teaching is given uniformly. The structure in each centre is the same and the content of each class on any given day is very similar. Newlife values his physical proximity to the centre and the company, others are less constrained. There is a value in proximity, as one tuning fork resonates another hums nearby etc. If individuality means that one can do whatever one chooses then we are all individuals. Gyan aims to reveal our "higher self" whose range of creative possibilities by far exceeds that of the "lower self."

In a sense consciousness cannot be structured but we give knowledge a structure according to our consciousness. In this way for me the void becomes workable, perhaps one day I'll drop knowledge altogether but for now its a very useful tool. Messy though my experiments in consciousness may be, they are for me, what Gyan is all about. As formerly seemingly solid aspects of oneself become more fluid Gyan is an excellent means of thought control and sanskara modification.

From what I can see or understand there is a natural spiritual heirarchy according to attainment. This applies not just to the BK but planet wide. I know what Gyan says, still there are some remarkable people out there. practically every discipline says "forget everything else you have learned and listen to me" So we make our choice and hopefully follow it and hopefully progress. Some manifest as beings of light radiating ecstatic energies to the world and others explore other worlds of their choosing. How many think they have attained everything but are deluded I don't know, though the deluded cap may fit my head.

There is a lot of pain out there, many are the ways of dealing with it but still many arrive at BK doors because so far nothing else has worked for them. From penniless beggar to multi millionaire deity is the claim. Mmm..quite remarkable. Never mind the BK or other organisations my point was "what can we do and what are we doing to reduce the suffering of those less fortunate than ourselves?"


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Re: Where are you all going???

Post12 Jul 2008

what can we do and what are we doing to reduce the suffering of those less fortunate than ourselves?"

Forget the lectures and theory, just go out and do the best you can from the bottom of your heart. Even if you make mistakes, you will always be forgiven. So stop procastinating and do it.

john morgan


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Re: Where are you all going???

Post12 Jul 2008

Agreed Bansy, just one snag, who does the forgiving?


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Re: Where are you all going???

Post12 Jul 2008

who does the forgiving?

The mirror.



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Re: Where are you all going???

Post13 Jul 2008

Dear chai-bhai,

Who are you? Soul or body? If you are soul, you should tell about soul story. The story of 84 births! That is Murli and your progress in Brahmin life! Baba says- forget body and bodily religions.

    *I have shared many things about my personal life. I think you have not gone through.
    *Your every step should uplift yourelf or others. Else it is waste. Baba says- do not waste even a single second.
    *Son shows Father is the slogan!
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Mr Green


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Re: Where are you all going???

Post13 Jul 2008

mbbhat wrote:I am a BK and I can understand your thinkings. But Drama is very powerful. Just see the drama and enjoy. If anybody listens to you without ego, respond fully. Otherwise, just respond to the issue. Do not act personally. Otherwise, you will be influenced and after sometime, you will think- my time has become wasted!

What you don't understand mbhat is that ex BKs also understand such thinking. Just because we excercise free will now and choose not to think the same way anymore, does not mean we cannot recall the many years of our lives spent in such thinking. This aspect seems to be incomprehensible with the BK mind set. It was the same for me.

I, too, truly believed everyone was just on holiday and would return one day. Such is the power of wanting to believe we have knowledge, but ... maybe you will be fortunate enough to find your own path again, maybe not ... I wish you well.



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Re: Where are you all going???

Post14 Jul 2008

It is quite startling when I think back to that time when I was completely empty and felt a million miles away from any form of turning inside and feeling any kind of peace. I had been away from Baba for 13 years or so but the amazing thing was I felt very worthless but at the same time there was the really nice experience of being side by side humility ...

When I actually read many of the posts on this forum from BKs (including my own post ), it seems like pistons in an engine one rises, another falls. I remember I had been back with Baba for 2 months and my dog, the love of my life, had to be put down and I really didn’t feel much sorrow because I was setting him free but also I really did love him. The piston of attachment had gone down but the piston of arrogance or ego or pious ness comes up. I really do understand that it is a very high path but seeing the amount of arrogance we as BKs have (including myself ... so much myself), makes me feel that as we shut one window another one opens

I know I will probably get a few personal emails from BKs saying, "just see the self Brother", but when I read a lot of posts from BKs, including my own, I think yuk how arrogant some of us are. I have asked other yogis for direction at times and some, not all by any means have spoken in such a carefree but uncaring manner I think ... no wonder few listen. On the other hand, there are some that have got it right ... so apologies to all for any ego I have shown, and congratulations to those who have learned how to master it.

Actually in the time I have been in Raja Yoga, I have only seen 2 who have achieved that mastery ... anyone who removes it BK or non-Bk deserves to have an inheritance of the whole cosmos.

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Re: Where are you all going???

Post14 Jul 2008

Hello New Newlife

Whilst appreciating your last post, I'd also like to say that there's often too much division amongst people about who's right and who's wrong and who's got the 'truth'. Many people seem to be stuck on this and it creates ego because it creates labels. A label removes individuality.

At the end of the day, each person on this forum is certainly working from their Inner Self, in many powerfilled ways and I recognise this forum as place for people to discover this for themselves. I like Bansy's thought of "jump right in there and work from the heart" - after all if we don't have a heart, we have nothing.



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Re: Where are you all going???

Post14 Jul 2008

Hi paul,

Do you not think that the only way to be free from all these labels would be to be our true selves, depending of course what each one feels that to be. After all does the term ex BK not create labels just as much as BK would.

Regards ... New life
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Mr Green


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Re: Where are you all going???

Post15 Jul 2008

newlife wrote:Do you not think that the only way to be free from all these labels would be to be our true selves, depending of course what each one feels that to be. After all does the term ex BK not create labels just as much as BK would.

The only way to be your true self is to have the humility to accept that you, as is everyone else, are not perfect. Then you might let go of the fortune thing, used for mind control.
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Re: Where are you all going???

Post15 Jul 2008

newlife wrote:After all does the term ex BK not create labels just as much as BK would.

There has been quite a bit of forum discussion on this matter of labels and forum 'names', you'll find it in earlier postings.



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Re: Where are you all going???

Post16 Jul 2008

mr green wrote:What you don't understand mbhat is ... I wish you well.

Dear Green soul,

both Sorry and thanks.
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Re: Where are you all going???

Post16 Jul 2008

In order to maintain subject matter, we're going no-where here. It's quite easy to see why. Where is abrahmakumar these days?

We desperately need someone to sing a song and not blow their flute.

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