Arjun, Virendra Dev Dixit & PBKs are Deceivers. Shame on you!

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Arjun, Virendra Dev Dixit & PBKs are Deceivers. Shame on you!

Post06 Jul 2008

AUM Shanti.

The name of this topic may enrage some people. But it is true. Just read this post and you will see how conveniently they lie and fool others. Actually they are not fooling others, but themselves. God forgives those who makes mistakes. But not those who deceive others. There is nothing wrong in accepting our ignorance. Or if you have some feelings and views about GodFather's knowledge which you cannot prove at present, then there is nothing wrong in saying that I cannot prove my views. But lying and being deceitful is criminal.

I am giving you replies given by Arjun in different posts.
arjun wrote:Omshanti. When you say that you have not realized your own part so far whether you are Prajapita or not. Few months ago you said you felt like being Prajapita and now you write that you don't get such thoughts. So, how can you declare others as Silver-Aged Ram? Moreover Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit has not claimed to be Ram himself.
arjun wrote:Omshanti. The draft translation of an extract from VCD* no.809, dated 16.11.07 at TPgudem which deals with the subject of incorporeal and corporeal Ram:
"So, it has been said – ShivBaba also has a name. When is ‘also’ added? (Someone said something) Yes, Shiv name exists anyways, but that is not the name of the body. That never changes. That is the name of the point. When are names coined? Names are based on the bodies, names are based on the tasks (that are performed) and are tasks performed through bodies or does the point perform the tasks by jumping here and there? The tasks are performed only through a body. So, what is the name of that body, in which the point of light Shiv enters to purify the sinful ones? It is not Brahma. He did not purify the sinful ones by narrating knowledge through Brahma.

So, I too have a name. Which name? Purifier of the sinful ones; people sing – Sita Ram. So, is the purifier of the sinful ones One or two? (Someone said – There are two) Are there two? (Someone said – there is only one) Is the incorporeal one called Ram or is the corporeal one also called Ram? It is said – the bestower of true salvation upon everyone is Ram. The bestower of true salvation upon everyone, i.e. Sadguru is one. When that incorporeal Shiv Ram comes from above, in whom does He enter? Does He come in the corporeal Ram or in the incorporeal Ram? In the corporeal. You all are Sitas and I am Father Ram. I do not have any Father. What? Who says this? This is the task of Shiv. Not even Baba. Shiv does not have any Father.

He is the purifier of the sinful ones. But for that a body is required. Even in order to apply the colour of company, what is required? A body is required. All the human beings have become sinful only by coming in the company of bodies. When they got coloured by the company of many, they became sinful and by getting coloured by the company of one highest on high Father everyone gets transformed from sinful ones to pure ones."

Whom is Virendra Dev Dixit pointing at? Is he not claiming himself to be corporeal Ram here? And for what has Arjun provided this as an explanation?

In post: Who is the God of Gita - Krishna, Ram or Shiva Baba? by atma on 13 May 2006
arjun wrote:Omshanti. In the body of Shankar (Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit) the soul of Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit (believed to be the soul of Confluence-Aged Ram/Narayan by PBKs) is Father and the soul of Dada Lekhraj (believed to be the soul of Golden Aged Krishna by PBKs) is the son.

In post: Who is the God of Gita - Krishna, Ram or Shiva Baba? by atma on 13 May 2006 by arjun on 30 Sep 2006,
arjun wrote:Omshanti. Although ShivBaba has said (through Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit) that all the glory is attributable to the incorporeal Father Shiv and not to the souls of Ram (Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit) or Krishna (Lekhraj Kirpalani) ...

In post: Who is Bharat and who are Bharatwasis ?? by shivsena on 04 Apr 2008 by arjun on 27 Apr 2008,
arjun wrote: It is not the soul of Golden Aged Krishna (i.e. the soul of Brahma Baba) but the soul of the Confluence-Aged Krishna (Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit according to me) who has been referred to as Yogeshwar.

Have followers of Virendra Dev Dixit themselves invented the Advanced Knowledge which they are propagating or is ist given by Virendra Dev Dixit? Why does Arjun get clarification from Virendra Dev Dixit? Are the statements given above by Arjun not approved by Virendra Dev Dixit? When Virendra Dev Dixit has approved his followers to give such statements, does it not mean that Virendra Dev Dixit claims to be Ram? Then why is Virendra Dev Dixit and therefore his followers (including Arjun) deceiveing others? Whom are they fooling? Ithink it is immoral and criminal to cheat people.

In post: Has Veerendra Dev Dixit become Father to a child? by sachkhand on 22 Jun 2008 by arjun on 30 Jun 2008
arjun wrote:Omshanti. I appreciate that you have accepted the above fact. I hope you would continue to be truthful to others in future.

Please see how Arjun wants me to be truthful to others. What is my mistake? I had not accepted my identity. I have corrected my mistake soon after it was brought to my notice. When will Arjun, other PBKs and Virendra Dev Dixit going to correct their mistake? Are they not shameful of what they are doing? And that too being on Godly service ( Arjun always signs as "ogs, Arjun" at the end of his message). Are they doing Godly service or dogly service?
In post: Who is Hiranyakashyapu? Dada Lekharaj or Veerendradev Dixit by arjun on 03 Jan 2008,
arjun wrote:Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit has never said that he is the Supreme Soul, i.e. God. Neither has he accepted openly that he is Prajapita.

In post: Who is the God of Gita - Krishna, Ram or Shiva Baba? by atma on 13 May 2006
arjun wrote:Omshanti. We PBKs believe the Supreme Father Shiv to be giving knowledge and sustenance to the PBKs through the medium of Shankar (or the soul of Prajapita or Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit)...

Just read the lines in bold in the above quotes. Is Arjun and also other PBKs mentally off to propagate something which Virendra Dev Dixit has not approved?

Virendra Dev Dixit and his followers make fun of BKs as dull ones. They call Dada Lekharaj as childish. But see the so called grown ups, Virendra Dev Dixit and his followers. They are fooling themselves and deceiving others. Dada Lekharaj had faith and courage. But Virendra Dev Dixit and his followers neither have faith nor courage. They have crossed The GodFather. Why did Dada Lekharaj leave His body? Because, The Decorum (Maryadas) of that personality did not permit Him to be lawful and merciless. He left His body voluntarily. There are points in the later Murlis which say that Heart attack is the easiest way to die. And so He left His body voluntarily. Although He took rebirth, He has that unconditionally loving nature.

But many took misuse and are taking misuse of His nature. He is Ardhanarishwar. From 1976 they (Male and Female parts of Ardhnarishwar) started fixing the bugs ( mischievous souls) of this Genealogical tree. Amongst which Virendra Dev Dixit is the main bug (Ravan). The progam for the next Kalpa is debugged. Bugs have lost most of their Peace and Bliss. These are the souls who will create peacelessness, hatred and unhappiness in the next Kalpa, because they have spoiled most of their food which was packed for their journey in the next Kalpa. What can The GodFather do? Repentance is the only way left for them.

They can regain something back, but that will be the begged food. No other way. The influence of the begged food will keep them under control of the GodFather throughout the next Kalpa.

Thanks, Sanjeev.
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Re: Arjun, V. D. & PBKs are Deceivers. Shame on you!

Post06 Jul 2008

sanjeev wrote:The name of this topic may enrage some people.

Dear sanjeev,
Omshanti. I think you have made a wrong guess. Quite contrary to your statement, I think it is you who are so enraged at one of my lines about you 'I hope you would continue to be truthful to others in future' (for which I have already given a clarification and sought pardon twice) that you are still pouring out anger at the PBKs despite having already written many posts against us.

Anyways, you are welcome to air your views. As regards your allegation about the PBKs and Baba Virendra Dev Dixit deceiving others I wish to say that all my statements which you have quoted mean the same thing that it is not Baba Virendra Dev Dixit who claims to be the soul of Ram, but it is the PBKs who believe that he is the soul of Confluence-Aged Ram.

As regards Brahma Baba (soul of Dada Lekhraj), whatever ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) says about him, we know the role that was played by him and the respect that he is entitled to. Either on this forum or on the previous forum, I have not shown any deliberate disrespect to him. But even while describing his role in the drama (which includes some of his weaknesses) we have relied upon Murlis and documentary proofs. By writing against the PBKs you may gain sympathy of some souls, but you will not be able to diminish the respect that PBKs have for Brahma Baba or the BKs. Our differences of opinion with the BKs/BKWSU is only on some aspects of knowledge but there is not an iota of hatred for them in the practical life. If you wish to create enmity or sow seeds of hatred between BKs and PBKs you can go ahead. I wish you all the best.

On Godly Service,
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Mr Green


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Re: Arjun, V. D. & PBKs are Deceivers. Shame on you!

Post06 Jul 2008

Sackhand ... give it a rest will you ... chill out already.


Re: Arjun, V. D. & PBKs are Deceivers. Shame on you!

Post06 Jul 2008

sanchive do you want to become Ram or abraham or budha you have a chance. but it is hard work to attain those devoties. I wish i thought i could become one too. but to manage those devoties are pain in the but.

Om Shanti


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Re: Arjun, V. D. & PBKs are Deceivers. Shame on you!

Post07 Jul 2008

Either way they all are deceivers, i mean any cult and their leaders. To bad you keep falling for it.
Sorry but i had to bud in...


Re: Arjun, V. D. & PBKs are Deceivers. Shame on you!

Post07 Jul 2008

AUM Shanti.
arjun wrote:Omshanti. I think you have made a wrong guess. Quite contrary to your statement, I think it is you who are so enraged at one of my lines about you 'I hope you would continue to be truthful to others in future' (for which I have already given a clarification and sought pardon twice)

I really do not expect you to ask me pardon. I feel awkward and embarrassed to humble anyone. It was not my intention while repeateadly quoting what you have written. I wanted to show that everyone expects that others should be Truthful, then is it not our duty to be Truthful ourslves too. Particularly when we are in public life and when something that we propagate and preach is affecting others lives. I am not telling that a public figure does not have his/her private life.

Everybody's privacy should be respected. But in my opinion we should be Truthful with everyone according to the kind of relation others have with us. For example, if a man is an employee, he should be Truthful with his boss. That does mean he should tell all his matters with his wife or children. Or the other way round. What I expect is take responsibility. It has become easy for all to quote some points of Murlis and interpret them according to their interests. If it was just for discussion and understanding, then also it can be accepted. But using your iterpretation of Murli points to preach and propagate your ideas, you need to take responsibility.

The question is do you beleive your own interpretaion or not? If you beleive, then why do you not accept your own interpretations. Virendra Dev Dixit interpreted Murlis in different way from BK's but he does not take responsibility of it. He uses Murlis to portray himself as Prajapita and he himself does not accept it. Why this hypocrisy?
arjun wrote: that you are still pouring out anger at the PBKs despite having already written many posts against us.

I have no personal grudge against Virendra Dev Dixit or you or any PBK, BK or any other faction. I just want the correct knowledge of The GodFather to be available. I care that we should not be misdirected or misused.
arjun wrote: Anyways, you are welcome to air your views. As regards your allegation about the PBKs and Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit deceiving others I wish to say that all my statements which you have quoted mean the same thing that it is not Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit who claims to be the soul of Ram, but it is the PBKs who believe that he is the soul of Confluence-Aged Ram.

I think it is foolish to discuss with you. You are getting protective, prejudiced and obstinate. It will not help in the end. This is the last time I am trying to make you think impartially and judge yourself. You always say that ShivBaba told or clarified through Veerendradev Dixit. My question is how did anyone ever know that ShivBaba is using the body of Virendra Dev Dixit or that ShivBaba is speaking through Virendra Dev Dixit? Who told you? How were you confirmed of this?

I hope you have heard old cassettes of Virendra Dev Dixit In those cassettes Virendra Dev Dixit has categorically said that the same soul of Dada Lekhraj enters the body and plays the part of Adi Dev or Adam. It is said that only pure ones can do service and it is Shiv Bap and the soul of Dada Lekharaj who does service. And that the soul of Virendra Dev Dixit is doing purusharth of Remembering Shiv. Does it mean soul of Virendra Dev Dixit has become completely soul conscious and it never becomes body conscious and never acts through body in bodyconsciousness? If it is so, then what else Purusharth is needed to do? He i.e., Virendra Dev Dixit is already complete. On what basis do you beleive that ShivBaba is telling you that soul of V.D is the soul of Ram?

Has Virendra Dev Dixit ever accepted that ShivBaba speaks through him? Has ShivBaba ever said that He is responsible for Virendra Dev Dixit as it was told by ShivBaba for Dada Lekharaj when Murli was being spoken through Him. Do you think it is right to play tricks with people? Actually, Virendra Dev Dixit does not beleive in anything like The GodFather. He thinks Dada Lekharaj played the trick by saying that Shiv speaks through Him. So Virendra Dev Dixit also wants to play trick. Virendra Dev Dixit beleives in Advaita as "Aham Brahmasmi" and does not beleive in any GodFather. He beleives in Advaita (read the third paragraph from the end of the post ShivBaba in Nutshell in BK Splinter groups). But in practical it is Dvaita (meaning there is The GodFather). Virendra Dev Dixit does not believe in all this and fooling others.

He thinks he can become completely soul conscious by gaining control over his sense organs. For this, he has devised a plan such that women folk will get ready to have sex with him and he goes scott free by telling that it is ShivBaba doing all this. But this will not continue for long. He will have to pay for his sins. Propagagating his ideas and supporting him in his deeds, you are doing it at your own risk. Do you think you know Virendra Dev Dixit better than his ex-wife who was portrayed as Jagadamba. If she was confirmed about Virendra Dev Dixit as ShivBaba, she would never had left him.
arjun wrote: As regards Brahma Baba (soul of Dada Lekhraj), whatever ShivBaba (through Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit) says about him, we know the role that was played by him and the respect that he is entitled to. Either on this forum or on the previous forum, I have not shown any deliberate disrespect to him. But even while describing his role in the drama (which includes some of his weaknesses) we have relied upon Murlis and documentary proofs. By writing against the PBKs you may gain sympathy of some souls, but you will not be able to diminish the respect that PBKs have for Brahma Baba or the BKs.

I am really very very, v, v, v happy to read what you have written. Paticularly those words which are made bold.
arjun wrote: Our differences of opinion with the BKs/BKWSU is only on some aspects of knowledge but there is not an iota of hatred for them in the practical life.

Alas!!!... I wish so so much that it would have been True. I myself have felt very bad about the differences between BKs and PBKs. It has hurt me a lot. Do you know what Virendra Dev Dixit told when I asked him that when will BK's and PBK's unite? You will be taken aback by the answer given by Veerendradev Dixit. Virendra Dev Dixit said that, would ever Bharat and Pakistan unite? I do not want to go into deciding who is compared with Bharat and who is compared with Pakistan. But the important thing is Virendra Dev Dixit compared relation between BKs and PBKs to the relation between India and Pakistan. Everyone knows how the relations are in Government level as well as in citizen's level. And here is a PBK Arjun who is saying there is not an iota of hatred. I do not want to judge feelings of your heart. But considering your statement as an official statement of PBKs is the limit of hypocrisy.
arjun wrote: If you wish to create enmity or sow seeds of hatred between BKs and PBKs you can go ahead. I wish you all the best.

If you are true in your heart while writing that there is no iota of hatred for BK's in your practical life then you should never have wished me all the best for the ugly work you have mentioned.

Hope you will be True to yourself.


Re: Arjun, V. D. & PBKs are Deceivers. Shame on you!

Post07 Jul 2008

AUM Shanti.
mr green wrote: Sackhand.....give it a rest will you.....chill out already

Do you feel I am enjoying all this? NO. Just few more days. I think I have put everything in the Forum which I felt about The GodFather and other related things. It is my respnsibility to answer the replies. If not it would be hit and run case. I will answer only for few more days. Then it would be a long Good-bye.

jaycdp wrote: sanchive do you want to become Ram or Abraham or Buddha you have a chance. but it is hard work to attain those devotees. I wish i thought i could become one too. but to manage those devotees are pain in the but.

Sorry, I want to become "I" and then everything follows that has to follow. Why take pain to become anything else. One of my friend, ex-BK and ex-PBK and ex-Vishnu Party, jokingly said that now a days spirituality too has become a business. And that he would help me to build a spiritual business empire like business empires of these days. Then I had told him a story that I had heard. When I read your wish, I remembered that story from Ramayan. I would like to tell it here.

When Shree Ram came back from forest and was ruling Ayodhya as King there was custom that anyone would come if has a complaint of any kind to a particular place outside the Ram's palace. Once Ram was in the palace with his younger Brother Lakshman, When Ram asked Lakshman to go and see at the particular place whether anyone has come to ask for Justice. Lakshman went and came back and said that no one is there. Again Ram sent Lakshman to see. Again Lakshman came and and said that there is no one. On enquiry Lakshman said a dog is standing there. Ram asked to bring that dog in the court. The dog was brought in the court and proceedings began ( Do not ask me how did the dog tell, it is just a story). Dog complained that it was sleeping on the roadside and a trader passing by hit it badly and that it was injured. The trader who had hit the dog was summoned. Trader accepted his fault. Then judgment was passed that the dog itself should decide about the punishment for the trader.

Dog told that the trader should be made mathadheesh i.e., head of a religious institution. Everyone were surprised hearing the punishment given by the dog. People talked that the dog was foolish. A common trader was raised to the higher status of mathadheesh as a punishment.

Later when court was over Ram asked to bring the dog. Ram asked the dog what was the reason for such punishment for the trader. Dog said that it too was a human being in it's previous birth, and was a mathadheesh. He was respected by all, and his math ( the religious institution) had lots of lands and wealth. The math used to receive good public donations. And that he too was a good sadhak (seeker of Truth). But as days passed, he got flattered by the respect he used to receive and he became greedy of the wealth of which he was a trustee. As days passed he started misusing his power and wealth of the math. So, after death he, the mathadheesh, had to take rebirth as a dog. The dog said that now, if it had asked for physical punishment for the trader who had hit it, then that would have been very little. But by making the trader a mathadheesh ( head of a religious institution), the trader will surely misuse the power and wealth which he suddenly got. And as a result he will be born as a dog in his next birth. And then many passersby would hit that dog (the trader) all it's life.

So, what did you learn from this?

I learnt that never accept anything for which we are not eligible or suitable, and think thousands of times when you think of becoming trustee to public wealth and power.
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Re: Arjun, V. D. & PBKs are Deceivers. Shame on you!

Post07 Jul 2008

sanjeev wrote:Do you know what Virendra Dev Dixit told when I asked him that when will BK's and PBK's unite? You will be taken aback by the answer given by Veerendradev Dixit. Virendra Dev Dixit said that, would ever Bharat and Pakistan unite? I do not want to go into deciding who is compared with Bharat and who is compared with Pakistan. But the important thing is Virendra Dev Dixit compared relation between BK's and PBK's to the relation between India and Pakistan.

I don't know whether your statement is false or true, but I know that ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) has talked hundreds of times about the unity of BKs and PBKs in the form of vijaymala and rudramala in the clarification Murlis and discussion classes.

As regards your doubt about the feelings of PBKs/Baba Virendra Dev Dixit towards the BKs, I think I have related a personal experience long ago. Once a PBK gitapathshala received an anonymous letter from a BK that was full of abuses in Hindi for Baba Virendra Dev Dixit and PBKs. I personally asked Baba Virendra Dev Dixit whether I should send a reply to the BKWSU on that letter. He said there was no need for it. I was surprised that he was ready to forgive and forget so easily.

I really do not expect you to ask me pardon. I feel awkward and embarrassed to humble anyone. It was not my intention while repeatedly quoting what you have written....
...I have no personal grudge against Virendra Dev Dixit or you or any PBK, BK or any other faction.

If you really mean what you have written, you would not have started a separate thread to defame individuals and groups like this despite having written a lot against them in the PBK section.

I had sought pardon only to end the matter peacefully. I had just written two lines when you accepted that you were anamik earlier and now sachkhand. In the first line I appreciated your sincerity (although you admitted the truth after a very long period on this forum only after being pointed out by others) and in the second line I suggested you to be truthful in future. Since the second line hurt you, I sought pardon once. Since that did not satisfy you and since you continued to write against me, I sought pardon for the second time. But even that did not satisfy you and you started a full fledged thread to defame Baba Virendra Dev Dixit, me and other PBKs. And even in this thread you do not want to put a full stop and wish to continue deriving your own inferences from my words. If that gives you happiness, you can continue.

I leave it to the readers to decide whether I have committed any crime by appreciating your sincerity, by suggesting you to be truthful and by repeatedly seeking pardon from you for having written these two lines.

Hope you will be True to yourself.

Thanks for your kind advice.

But by making the trader a mathadheesh ( head of a religious institution), the trader will surely misuse the power and wealth which he suddenly got. And as a result he will be born as a dog in his next birth. And then many passersby would hit that dog (the trader) all it's life.

In India and I am sure in all other countries there is a tradition of a happy conclusion to stories and drawing of a moral out of it. But the story that you quoted teaches revenge/vengeance. Instead of reforming the trader in the same birth, the dog wanted the trader to commit some more sins in the next birth and suffer many folds punishment for the same throughout his life. Baba does not teach us such feelings. He says 'badla na lo badal ke dikhao' (do not take revenge; set an example by changing yourself).

I will answer only for few more days. Then it would be a long Good-bye.

But you just said you don't want to be a hit and run case. I hope you will continue sharing ideas with us at least till the new body of the soul of Dada Lekhraj's gets revealed as contemplated by you.
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Re: Arjun, V. D. & PBKs are Deceivers. Shame on you!

Post08 Jul 2008

sachkhand wrote:AUM Shanti.
mr green wrote: Sackhand.....give it a rest will you.....chill out already

Do you feel I am enjoying all this? NO. Just few more days. I think I have put everything in the Forum which I felt about The GodFather and other related things. It is my respnsibility to answer the replies. If not it would be hit and run case. I will answer only for few more days. Then it would be a long Good-bye.

your faith has filled you with arrogance and resentment, classic fundamentalism, my friend many of us have been there already, you don't know the truth and nor does anyone else
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Re: Arjun, V. D. & PBKs are Deceivers. Shame on you!

Post08 Jul 2008

Yet another classic from mr green ... The sheer arrogance of being in the BK world.

So truly said.

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Re: Arjun, V. D. & PBKs are Deceivers. Shame on you!

Post08 Jul 2008

The only Deceiver I note in this thread is the one who has posted it. It's a personal attack on people based on ignorance and denial and shows the asbolute low intellectual ability of the poster to understand the complexities of the human race in general, showing immature anger, inappropriate comments and reactionary statements that have no place or time nor decency.

Whilst personal opinions are also of interest, threads like this simply highlight this individuals lack of conscious awareness and shows a selfish and invalid approach that only deceives himself. But its entertaining on some miniscule level. ho hum. :|


Re: Arjun, V. D. & PBKs are Deceivers. Shame on you!

Post10 Jul 2008

AUM Shanti.
arjun wrote: I leave it to the readers to decide whether I have committed any crime by appreciating your sincerity, by suggesting you to be truthful and by repeatedly seeking pardon from you for having written these two lines.

As I have already written in another reply to someone, I am not here to get a character certificate from members of this forum. I am not writing to please someone or to avenge someone. I am just putting up my true feelings.

arjun wrote: I had sought pardon only to end the matter peacefully. I had just written two lines when you accepted that you were anamik earlier and now sachkhand. In the first line I appreciated your sincerity (although you admitted the truth after a very long period on this forum only after being pointed out by others) and in the second line I suggested you to be truthful in future.

Just read what you written in the brackets which are made bold. Why did you write it again? I think it was unnecessary. But still you have written it just to point out to me that I became sincere only when demanded to be so. I was hurt alittle bit but am not at all upset about it. I just wanted to show you a mirror, in which you, other PBKs and Virendra Dev Dixit could see their face. Just see how you feel, when an ordinary person is not truthful ( although I do not accept the alegation you have made against me and I have aleady given explanation to it).

Just think how others feel when Virendra Dev Dixit preaches and propagates the idea that he is the soul of corporeal Ram and he is the actual Prajapita, but he never accepts it openly. Is he not a lier and a cheat? What do you call such a person? Do you suggest that Virendra Dev Dixit's soul left that body and only Shiv and Dada Lekharaj's soul are using the body of Virendra Dev Dixit If Virendra Dev Dixit's soul is still present in that body why does he not reply as to whether he is the soul of corporeal Ram and the actual Prajapita? Just think, when Bansy pointed out that Anamik and sachkhand might be the same person, and if I had not answered to it, what would have been the responses of all the members who are actively participating in the discussion. In my case, it is nothing important, as it makes no difference and does not affect anyone's life. But still you are particular in pointing out that I am not sincere and admitted the truth only when asked for. Even now you have mentioned it.

Now I am asking Virendra Dev Dixit whether he is actual Prajapita? You may send my question to Virendra Dev Dixit and get answer and you let us know his answer. I, myself will also personally send the question to Virendra Dev Dixit through email. Let us see how truthful is Virendra Dev Dixit? Because he made such a hue and cry in the early days of the so called Advance Party regarding the question of Prajapita that he used to make fun of BK's and used to tell his followers to ask the BKs that if BK's call themselves children of Brahma (i.e., Brahmakumar/i ) then where is their Brahma. Now I too ask the same question to you and all PBKs.

1) Where is your Prajapita? Who is he?
2) Is he a coward? why does he not accept what is said through him?
3) If Virendra Dev Dixit beleives that ShivBaba himself has said through him that he ( Virendra Dev Dixit) is the actual Prajapita then why is he hesitant to accept it? Is he doubtful about The Knowledge given through him?
If you or other PBKs or Virendra Dev Dixit does not clarify and give answers to my above questions, then why should you all be not called as Deceivers?
arjun wrote: If you really mean what you have written, you would not have started a separate thread to defame individuals and groups like this despite having written a lot against them in the PBK section. started a full fledged thread to defame Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit, me and other PBKs. And even in this thread you do not want to put a full stop and wish to continue deriving your own inferences from my words.

I started this thread to awaken your conscience. I purposely used harsh words and even written "Shame on you". But instead of becoming shameful, you are bent upon pointing out my so called mistake and shamelessly justifying your cheating business. I again say it is shame on you and all PBKs who are propagating ideas of a person which he himself does not approve. And is it that you have clear understanding? No. You PBKs are openly squabbling in a Public Forum on The Basic Question, " Who Is Prajapita? " You people do not know about your Father ( Prajapita) and you all call yourself Prajapita Brahmakumar/i. Is it that your so called Father Virendra Dev Dixit accepts that he is Prajapita? NO.

Just compare condition of so called PBK's with actual children who do not know who is their Father, but are still advertising that an ex-person is their Father and at the same time squabbling amongst themselves to decide who is their real Father, and the ex-person who always indirectly hints himself to be their Father but never comes forward and declare himself to be The Father of those poor children. I cannot blame the children, but it is the Father who is shameless, who says indirectly to be the Father and propagates the idea, but never comes forward. Such a shameless being.
sachkhand wrote: Do you know what Virendra Dev Dixit told when I asked him that when will BK's and PBK's unite? You will be taken aback by the answer given by Veerendradev Dixit. Virendra Dev Dixit said that, would ever Bharat and Pakistan unite? I do not want to go into deciding who is compared with Bharat and who is compared with Pakistan. But the important thing is Virendra Dev Dixit compared relation between BK's and PBK's to the relation between India and Pakistan.
arjun wrote: I don't know whether your statement is false or true, ...

I do not expect PBKs like you to trust anyone. When you are not hesitant to openly cheat people it is but natural that you will not trust others, because you think others too to be same as you.
quote="sachkhand"] But by making the trader a mathadheesh (head of a religious institution), the trader will surely misuse the power and wealth which he suddenly got. And as a result he will be born as a dog in his next birth. And then many passersby would hit that dog (the trader) all it's life. [/quote]
arjun wrote:In India and I am sure in all other countries there is a tradition of a happy conclusion to stories and drawing of a moral out of it. But the story that you quoted teaches revenge/vengeance. Instead of reforming the trader in the same birth, the dog wanted the trader to commit some more sins in the next birth and suffer many folds punishment for the same throughout his life. Baba does not teach us such feelings. He says 'badla na lo badal ke dikhao' (do not take revenge; set an example by changing yourself).

I think you are acting too smart. Please understand that no one here is coming to help you in the end and there character certificates will be of no use in the end. Please stop showing off. A sleeping person can be awakened, but a person who pretends to be asleep cannot be awakened. You know my intention of quoting the story, but you want to belittle me and show how mean I am. If you have put yourself in the place of the dog and thought about the morality of the story then it is your fault. I had placed myself in the position of the trader and wanted to explain to jaycdp that how difficult it is to be a trustee of other's wealth and powers. Please read carefully why I have quoted the story. And regarding the story, I have not cooked up the story. I have heard it in a program telecasted on an Indian TV channel, probably AAstha or Zee Jagaran.
sachkhand wrote: I will answer only for few more days. Then it would be a long Good-bye.
arjun wrote: But you just said you don't want to be a hit and run case. I hope you will continue sharing ideas with us at least till the new body of the soul of Dada Lekhraj's gets revealed as contemplated by you.

Regarding Dada Lekharaj's next birth's identification, there is no need to squabble without anyone knowing about it exactly. I think I will know about it exactly by january 2009. I hope I will write in this forum about the result of my research regarding it.

You are right, I do not want to allege someone and run away. That is the reason I am answering almost all replies and comments to my posts and my replies. But are you intending to continue this for months together? I have been straight forward in my posts. I think a week is enough time to put your opposition and/or discontent to my posts. I will answer them.
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Re: Arjun, V. D. & PBKs are Deceivers. Shame on you!

Post10 Jul 2008

But are you intending to continue this for months together?

Dear Brother,
Omshanti and thanks for your kind words. I have already replied to all the points raised in your last post. And therefore I don't feel the necessity to reply further. You can draw any conclusion from this.
On Godly Service,
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Re: Arjun, V. D. & PBKs are Deceivers. Shame on you!

Post10 Jul 2008

Really sackhand!
Read what you write before you post. YOU list yourself as "Not Sure" in your affiliation but you have plenty to say about others, who are sure of their role. For some-one who is "Not Sure' you certainly come across as someone who is very sure of themselves and their truth, unfortunately your 'truth' is a little malaligned, immature and overtly aggressive. Who gave you the right to "wake up anyone's conscience"? Arjun is correct in not needing to answer you further, your posts border on the abusive side and I would recommend that you take more care with your current approach.
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Re: Arjun, Veerendra Dev Dixit & PBKs are Deceivers. Shame on yo

Post10 Jul 2008

Sachkhand ... which splinter group are you part of?

I notice that in one post it is written to refer to yourself in third person.

Is more than one person writing as sachkhand?

You appear to be introducing "The GodFather" as a new spiritual leader within the Brahma Kumari movement, born after 1969. You thought it was yourself.

As much as I am grateful to know about new splinter groups, is this Vishnu Party or Krishna Party stuff? Any opinions welcome.


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