Has Virendra Dev Dixit become Father to a child?

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Re: Has Veerendra Dev Dixit become Father to a child?

Post04 Jul 2008

AUM Shanti.
arjun wrote: Omshanti. It is true that you did not write as anamik after becoming sachkhand, but it is also true that u did not inform us that you were anamik earlier. It is only after Sister bansy's post and after our requests that you accepted the above fact. Anyways, I am sorry if I have hurt your feelings. But I did not ask you or for that sake anyone else on this forum to divulge the personal details. I have already accepted on earlier occasions that Arjun is not my real name, but I do not want to reveal my real identity not because I am afraid but because I do not want to attract any special attention towards myself.

I agree that this is a mistake. But not in this forum. Just read what has been written above. Firstly, my small mistake is pointed out and I am made aware of it (still I accept it), but the writer himself continues to say that he is not here with his true identity and does not expect others to do so. The writer even has justification for it. Nice rules.

Now if I had notified the members that I am the same Anamik, what great difference would it have made? It would just have created many other questions like why I have changed? Then I had to answer that I have to make a statement and therefore I have decided to come up with my true identity. Then someone would have advised me there was no need to rejoin as another member, but could have changed my nickname.

Again I had to ask, how to do it? Another important question would have been raised that I as anamik have previously written a subject "Prajapita will realise himself in 2007" (or somethign like that) and now I have given statement that "I am Prajapita". It was my planned move. Again I had to answer that nothing was planned. I had to justify myself. Even now I may be accused that I used Anamik to predict that Prajapita will be revealed, and I myself have come up as Prajapita as another member. And this was a planned move to bring weightage to my statement.

There would have been many such questions. As I have written earlier, I have rejoined as another member only because I wanted to be with true identity. And I did not inform this to members here because I thought it unnecessary to inform people over here who themselves are with false identity and that by informing it does not make any difference. But, you see point at me for what a grave mistake I have done. (namSiddu bombat) ;)
sachkhand wrote:There is time to know The Leader of Pandavas. If anyone has any doubt, absolutely anything, he/she must get his/her doubt cleared. PBKs claim that Veerendra Dev Dixit is The GodFather or Pandavpati. Saying is different. I challenge all PBKs including Arjun of this forum. If you have absolutely no doubt about Veerendra Dev Dixit being The GodFather, then declare it to the world.
arjun wrote: If you have time you should go through similar letters written by BKs of the early Yagya (including Om Radhe Mama) to world leaders and also its results.

Ridiculous. The writer points out to me why I did not inform the forum when I rejoined the forum with my true identity. [What am I in the eyes of the members of this forum? Just another imposter claiming himself to be Prajapita?] But the writer does not want to inform the world at large that The GodFather (as claimed by the so called PBKs) has rejoined the World Forum with His True identity as Virendra Dev Dixit.

If I have done a mistake by not informing, then the PBKs are doing The gravest mistake. BKs of the early Yagnya (including Om Radhe Mama) did the right thing. They had full faith in Dada Lekharaj as The GodFather and courage to declare it. They did not do it for cheap popularity. They did it because they cared for the ignorant people. Do you PBKs not care or do you think The GodFather has come only for BKs now? Please clarify your true feelings.
arjun wrote: And you also know the result of your own declaration of being Prajapita on this forum and then retracting your statement.

I have retracted the statement because I had said so. As people require proof, I thought it better if proof comes in Avyakt Vanis. It has not come. And as I had said earlier I retracted. But that does not make any difference in who I am. Why should I insist and argue with people? I have given the statement. But people need proof. I cannot provide it. That does not change my part. I know what to do, and I am doing it.
ex-l wrote:It all hinges on the question of who or if any other soul is using his body; so-called Shiva, Ram, Krishna, Lekhraj Kirpalani or otherwise. Whatever comes out in the end, it does not diminish the positive aspects than he has brought to the Brahma Kumari movement nor reduce the negative elements of the Brahma Kumaris that his group has proven.

I do not think that it has brought anything positive to the Brahma Kumari movement nor has it reduced the negative elemets of the Brahma Kumaris. In fact, it has infused negativity in the Brahma Kumari movement and corrupted many Brahma Kumars and Kumaris.

Ravan too has to play his part in the drama. He is playing it. Both Ram and Ravan has to be present in this world with their respective corporeal form. Then only people can be identified as the followers of either Ram or Ravan, i.e. Ram Sampraday and Ravan Sampraday will be proved here.

"Brahma Murari Suraarchit Lingam, Nirmal Bhashit Sushobhit Lingam, Janmajadukh Vinashaka Lingam, Tat Pranamami Sadashiv Lingam ... Dev Muni Pravararchita Lingam, Kamadahan Karunakar Lingam, Ravan Darpa Nivaraka Lingam, Tat Pranamami Sadashiv Lingam ...". Meaning, "I salute You Token of SadaShiv, That Token which is served by Brahma Murari (Krishna) Deities, That Elegant Token which is of viceless speech or expressions, That Token which destroys sorrow of Birth (Life) ... I salute You Token of SadaShiv, That Token which is served excellently by Deities saint (seer), That Token which eliminates prestige (influence) of Ravan (who has power of vices such as sexual power);..." Satguru, Ramata Yogi (Wandering Yogi), is eliminating the influence of Ravan by entering in Ravan Rajya.

If you want this confirmed ask Virendra Dev Dixit, he knows it. Ravan identifies Ram and I have seen the scene of his surrender to Ram in my dream. It is drama. Bansy thinks I am a very serious person, possibly because I used the term serious instead of using important at some places (excuse me I am not well versed in English). But there is no need to be serious as Bansy thinks. It is just drama, and we are playing our respective part. Sangamyug is auspicious where we shed false ego and become soul conscious.

Thanks, Sanjeev.
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Re: Has Veerendra Dev Dixit become Father to a child?

Post04 Jul 2008

Anyways, I am sorry if I have hurt your feelings.

Dear sanjeev Bhai,

Omshanti. I think you did not note my above line. Kindly read it once again.

OGS, Arjun
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Re: Has Veerendra Dev Dixit become Father to a child?

Post05 Jul 2008

Sanjeev, what is your real identity with relationship to the different groups on this forum; BK, PBK or some other Splinter Party?

What is your dharna as regards to the Maryadas (which ultimately I take to be the defining element of whether one is BK or not)?

You appear to be saying that Virendra Dev Dixit is "The Devil" (Ravan).

What am I grateful to "The Devil" for and what do I see as positive about his influence?

    * for keeping alive a more accurate account of the history of the Yuga which the angels of the BKWSU had buried
    * for keeping alive the record of the existence of original and unedited Murlis which the angels of the BKWSU are defacing
    * for being honest about the anomalies and contradictions of The Knowledge and attempting to resolve them, even if he gets it wrong sometimes
    * for raising the question of whether The Knowledge is metaphorical rather than literal as ignored by the BKWSU
    * for providing the example of a Gandhi alternative to the pomp and show of the BKWSU inline with The Knowledge
    * for showing us the shadow side of the BKWSU by providing them with a mirror to look into, one that the BKWSU leadership showed their true nature towards by attempting to destroy and suppress it rather than look at themselves ... just like they did to this forum
    * for playing a part in the breaking up of the monolithic BKWSU so that in the future more smaller, sustainable and self-determining BK groups can develop

    * for raising the question of the place of sexual intercourse within spiritual growth and creating discussion about it within Indians who appear to have a problem taking about it due to obsolescent social taboos.
There may be a few others but that is all that comes to mind right now. It still does not mean that I am "a believer" though.


Re: Has Veerendra Dev Dixit become Father to a child?

Post06 Jul 2008

OK sanjeev

you show and tell us, how you can be the Ram
what qualities you have other than VD
tell us and explain us, it is you in the scripture
please sell your self with a second or third party, like virendra dev dixit is selling himself( such as arjun for vd)

otherwise you need to keep on yappin and some point i have to ingnore you

Om Shanti


Re: Has Veerendra Dev Dixit become Father to a child?

Post06 Jul 2008

AUM Shanti.
ex-l wrote: Sanjeev, what is your real identity with relationship to the different groups on this forum; BK, PBK or some other Splinter Party?

I hope a new group is formed as "Seekers of Truth" so that I can be of that group.
ex-l wrote: What is your dharna as regards to the Maryadas (which ultimately I take to be the defining element of whether one is BK or not)?

Not BK.
ex-l wrote: You appear to be saying that Veerendra Dev Dixit is "The Devil" (Ravan). What am I grateful to "The Devil" for and what do I see as positive about his influence?

Yes. Now a days we see TV serials about Ravan ( one is being telecasted by name Ravan), where they have tried to glorify him.
ex-l wrote: * for keeping alive a more accurate account of the history of the Yuga which the angels of the BKWSU had buried

Yes, BKWSU has failed in this respect. But Virendra Dev Dixit is just using it as a pretext to put forth his own theory and portray himself as Prajapita, but which he never admits openly.
ex-l wrote: * for keeping alive the record of the existence of original and unedited Murlis which the angels of the BKWSU are defacing

The angels of the BKWSU ( as you have put it) were terrified by the power of Virendra Dev Dixit and so tried to protect themselves in their own way. But I do not support what they did because they must have kept faith in The GodFather for their protection.
ex-l wrote: * for being honest about the anomalies and contradictions of The Knowledge and attempting to resolve them, even if he gets it wrong sometimes

He is deceiving people by double speak. He says something which he does not beleive. If not he would have accepted openly what he preaches.
ex-l wrote: * for raising the question of whether The Knowledge is metaphorical rather than literal as ignored by the BKWSU

It has come in Murli that there is metaphorical meaning for some points. It is not a new thing. But there is difference in applying it.
ex-l wrote: * for providing the example of a Gandhi alternative to the pomp and show of the BKWSU inline with The Knowledge

Dada Lekharaj wanted The Knowledge to be given to all people as early as possible and as effectively as possible. People have become addicted to pomp and show i.e., advertising (in positive sense). There is nothing wrong in advertising if the product is genuine and is not exaggarated. That does not mean money should be wasted.
ex-l wrote: * for showing us the shadow side of the BKWSU by providing them with a mirror to look into, one that the BKWSU leadership showed their true nature towards by attempting to destroy and suppress it rather than look at themselves ... just like they did to this forum

I accept your allegation. BKWSU should better have faith in The GodFather for their protection rather than using such immoral means. BKWSU has better mirror with them and they do not need one more, rather it is Virendra Dev Dixit who needs a mirror to evaluate himslef.
ex-l wrote: * for playing a part in the breaking up of the monolithic BKWSU so that in the future more smaller, sustainable and self-determining BK groups can develop

People were from the beginning free to read and understand Murli according to their intellect. If you consider BKWSU monolithic because they do not like to hear against Brahma Baba then it is not correct on your part to allege. Everyone has right to protect and propagate their faith. Even PBK's and for that matter people of any faith do not like to hear something against their faith. It is said in Murli that when Ravan comes Kingdom is broken into smaller provinces.
ex-l wrote: * for raising the question of the place of sexual intercourse within spiritual growth and creating discussion about it within Indians who appear to have a problem taking about it due to obsolescent social taboos.

You foreigners have misconceptoin about this. Nowhere in the world has there been research on sex and it's effects and sex has never been used and misused, as has been done in this country's history and even now. After all Ravan, the epitome of all vices, is also from the epics of this country. Half knowledge is dangerous.
ex-l wrote:There may be a few others but that is all that comes to mind right now.

You may scratch your head and write as many other points. I will answer if time and money permits.
ex-l wrote:It still does not mean that I am "a believer" though.

That's why I have earlier said in some other post that you are wasting time. Time is very,V,V,V,V.... precious. Neither BK's nor PBK's need your support. If you are not interested in knowledge and understanding The GodFather, why waste your time here. Still, by getting attention of Purusharhti Souls you too may be benefittted sooner or later. So you may continue.


Re: Has Veerendra Dev Dixit become Father to a child?

Post06 Jul 2008

jaycdp wrote:OK sanjeev
it is you in the scripture please sell your self with a second or third party, like Veerendra Dev Dixit is selling himself( such as arjun for vd)

I did not understand it, please explain.
jaycdp wrote: otherwise you need to keep on yappin and some point i have to ingnore you

You may ignore if you feel so.
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Re: Has Veerendra Dev Dixit become Father to a child?

Post07 Jul 2008

sanjeev wrote:There is nothing wrong in advertising if the product is genuine and is not exaggerated.

I don't agree. If the product is genuine there is no need for wasting money on advertising it.
People were from the beginning free to read and understand Murli according to their intellect. If you consider BKWSU monolithic because they do not like to hear against Brahma Baba then it is not correct on your part to allege. Everyone has right to protect and propagate their faith.

I think what ex-l wanted to say was monopoly of BKWSU.

Anyways, protection and propagation of their faith does not give BKWSU the right to hide Godly versions from the thirsty seekers for more than 70 years.


Re: Has Veerendra Dev Dixit become Father to a child?

Post08 Jul 2008

AUM Shanti.
arjun wrote:
sachkhand wrote:There is nothing wrong in advertising if the product is genuine and is not exaggerated.

I don't agree. If the product is genuine there is no need for wasting money on advertising it.

Do you not accept accept " sang ka rang " i.e., influence of company ( being accompaned by somebody or something). People are continuously bombarded with worldly sights and sounds. So there is a need to bring to their notice about The Spiritual knowledge given by The GodFather. And as there is short time available, it is to be done effectively. Still there are crores together in India itself who do not even know that GodFather has come and is going to transform this world. Anyway, you PBKs think that The GodFather has come only for BKs. And therefore you advertise only for them and chase them only. You do not care for the masses as you think yourself to be kings. Why would you care for the masses? It is against your prowess.

arjun wrote: protection and propagation of their faith does not give BKWSU the right to hide Godly versions from the thirsty seekers for more than 70 years.

From where did Virendra Dev Dixit get Murlis in 1970's for his research if BKWSU were hiding Godly versions since more than 70 years. When Virendra Dev Dixit started to use Murli's to condemn BKWSU and it's leaders the BKWSU started to hide Godly versions from Virendra Dev Dixit not from everyone. Till 1993 anyone used to get Godly versions. But when terrorism of PBKs spread throughout India and even abroad has the Godly Versions been restricted from free distribution. But even now any common man can go and hear Godly Versions in their centres. But if you go and ask them that I want such and such a Murli because I want to quote it to defame you or condemn you, then surely they will hesitate.

I wish BKWSU should put themselves all the Godly versions for free download on internet. But you see they are not having 100% faith in The GodFather. But when PBKs themselves hesitate to give any information regarding Virendra Dev Dixit's sermons which according to you are GodFather's explantion then how do you expect BKWSU to give their material to you people who are terrifying them. For example, I asked for the VCD* number of the Pune's VCD* which I have referred to in one of my post. The PBK in whose house I used to attend PBK classes at first agreed to search and give me the number. But as I have stopped going to PBK classes since many months back he hesitated to give. Will any PBK give their materials if someone want to use them against Virendra Dev Dixit or to question or condemn PBK knowledge. Be true and fair. If you are not hesitant then please quote Virendra Dev Dixit what he said about my letter in the VCD*. It would not be difficult for you to find that VCD* which was of Pune in 2006. There might be hardly 10 VCD* of Pune in 2006. Hope you will take trouble to find it and give the words of Virendra Dev Dixit regarding my letter.

PBK's are just interested in confusing and defaming BK's, instead of explaining True knowledge. They themselves do not have one single version of explanations as to "Who is Prajapita?". This used to be the main question asked to BK's in earlier days. Virendra Dev Dixit used to say, which is recorded in older casettes, he used to question BK's "apne ko brahmakumar(i) kehete ho to tumhara Brahma kahan hai? ( " You call yourself brahmakumar(i) then where is your Brahma? ).

He used to make fun of BK's. And now we see PBK's who themselves do not know who is Prajapita, Virendra Dev Dixit hesitates to openly accept himself as Prajapita and PBK's are themselves squabbling among themselves and are unable to decide which soul plays the role of Prajapita.

But the funny thing about Virendra Dev Dixit and you PBK's is that you say Virendra Dev Dixit is The GodFather, then why do you need those old printed versions. Virendra Dev Dixit himself says that hearing face to face is first quality, hearing from cassettes is second quality and reading printed matter is third quality. Why do you need them in the first place when The GodFather is with you.

Does your GodFather need to read, then churn and then explain? Is he not ocean of Knowledge? I have heard that The GodFather is Ocean of knowledge.

Your saying that PBK's as thirsty seekers seems absurd to me. ( As per PBK's claim that Virendra Dev Dixit is The GodFather) It is just like sitting beside Patit-Pavani Ganga River and begging for bisleri water bottle. Do you not feel so? Think over it.
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Re: Has Veerendra Dev Dixit become Father to a child?

Post09 Jul 2008

sanjeev wrote:Anyway, you PBKs think that The God Father has come only for BKs. And therefore you advertise only for them and chase them only. You do not care for the masses as you think yourself to be kings. Why would you care for the masses? It is against your prowess.

I don't know how to react to your statement. You are ready to support the BKWSU who have hidden ShivBaba's versions for more than 70 years but you are hell-bent upon defaming the PBKs who, with their limited human and financial resources have tried to put all their Godly literature, audio and video material on their website for the entire world to see. And you level false allegation that we don't care for the masses!!!!!!
From where did Virendra Dev Dixit get Murlis in 1970's for his research if BKWSU were hiding Godly versions since more than 70 years. When Virendra Dev Dixit started to use Murli's to condemn BKWSU and it's leaders the BKWSU started to hide Godly versions from Virendra Dev Dixit not from everyone. Till 1993 anyone used to get Godly versions. But when terrorism of PBKs spread throughout India and even abroad has the Godly Versions been restricted from free distribution. But even now any common man can go and hear Godly Versions in their centres. But if you go and ask them that I want such and such a Murli because I want to quote it to defame you or condemn you, then surely they will hesitate.

Baba Virendra Dev Dixit did get the Murlis in 1970s for his research but he got it from BK Vedanti when the main center incharge had gone to Madhuban. Had the main incharge been present in the center she would not have mustered courage to give him the Murlis.

You have the time and energy to label PBKs as terrorists, but you do not have time to go through this forum where a large number of BKs all over the world have posted their requests for supply of Murlis. Had the Murlis been freely available even to the BKs, there would not have been a need for them to post their requests nor would there have been a need for the PBKs to post the extracts of BK Murlis on this forum daily. Even the scanned Hindi Sakar Murlis uploaded on this forum are from non-BK sources.

But when PBKs themselves hesitate to give any information regarding Virendra Dev Dixit's sermons which according to you are GodFather's explantion then how do you expect BKWSU to give their material to you people who are terrifying them. For example, I asked for the VCD* number of the Pune's VCD* which I have referred to in one of my post. The PBK in whose house I used to attend PBK classes at first agreed to search and give me the number. But as I have stopped going to PBK classes since many months back he hesitated to give. Will any PBK give their materials if someone want to use them against Virendra Dev Dixit or to question or condemn PBK knowledge.If you are not hesitant then please quote Virendra Dev Dixit what he said about my letter in the VCD*. It would not be difficult for you to find that VCD* which was of Pune in 2006. There might be hardly 10 VCD* of Pune in 2006. Hope you will take trouble to find it and give the words of Virendra Dev Dixit regarding my letter.

It has been written several times on this forum that all the Godly literature, audio and video material available with AIVV has been made public through their website http://www.PBKs.info and you still say that 'PBKs are hesitant to give any information about VD's sermons'. You have time to write pages upon pages against the PBKs, but you don't have time to go through their website where all the above material is uploaded. When you don't have time to think before making false allegations, do you think others will spend their precious time to do research on your statements couched in disrespect for fellow human beings? Anyways, if you have any specific questions to be conveyed to ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) you can post them on this forum and I will pass on the same to him.

He used to make fun of BK's. And now we see PBK's who themselves do not know who is Prajapita, Virendra Dev Dixit hesitates to openly accept himself as Prajapita and PBK's are themselves squabbling among themselves and are unable to decide which soul plays the role of Prajapita.

We have written umpteen number of times that he hasn't so far and will not accept that he is Prajapita or ShivBaba's corporeal medium. But we have no objection if you declare yourself as Prajapita or Dada Lekhraj's next corporeal birth.
But the funny thing about Virendra Dev Dixit and you PBK's is that you say Virendra Dev Dixit is The GodFather, then why do you need those old printed versions. Virendra Dev Dixit himself says that hearing face to face is first quality, hearing from cassettes is second quality and reading printed matter is third quality. Why do you need them in the first place when The God Father is with you.

We need those printed versions of BK Murlis because the BKs don't believe in anything else. Most of the statements of the advanced knowledge are based on the versions of ShivBaba spoken through Brahma Baba. But if we present the advanced knowledge to the BKs without the Murli proofs they don't believe it. Even the BKs use the Hindu scriptures and pictures to prove their knowledge to the world. So, where is the harm in PBKs quoting the BK Murlis. In fact you yourself have quoted so many Murli points in the Commonroom section without giving any inference. Where is the need for you to quote Murlis if you have 100% faith in GodFather being with you and Dada Lekhraj having taken rebirth. Do you think Dadi Janaki will believe you if you say Dada Lekhraj has taken rebirth in 1969?
Does your GodFather need to read, then churn and then explain? Is he not ocean of Knowledge? I have heard that The GodFather is Ocean of knowledge.

If the BK Murlis were self-contained, there would not have been any need for ShivBaba through Brahma Baba to repeatedly say that 'these matters are very deep, incognito, secret, matters to be understood, etc.etc.' in the Murlis. It is these unsolved puzzles of knowledge that the God Father is trying to unravel through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit.
Your saying that PBK's as thirsty seekers seems absurd to me. ( As per PBK's claim that Virendra Dev Dixit is The GodFather) It is just like sitting beside Patit-Pavani Ganga River and begging for bisleri water bottle. Do you not feel so? Think over it.

I think this once again proves that you write without even properly reading others' statements. I did not mention PBKs as thirsty seekers, but the BKs who have sent their requests to the Admin of this forum in large numbers. I think you will not spare time to read through this forum despite several requests. So, here is the link:
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Re: Has Veerendra Dev Dixit become Father to a child?

Post10 Jul 2008

If you are not hesitant then please quote Virendra Dev Dixit what he said about my letter in the VCD*. It would not be difficult for you to find that VCD* which was of Pune in 2006. There might be hardly 10 VCD* of Pune in 2006. Hope you will take trouble to find it and give the words of Virendra Dev Dixit regarding my letter.

Omshanti. I have checked up the soft copy of the list of Disc.CDs available with me and found the following Disc.CDs recorded at Pune in the latter half of the year 2006:

    Disc.CD No.128, dated 24.6.06
    Disc.CD No.142, dated 22.7.06
    Disc.CD No.155, dated 17.8.06
    Disc.CD No.164, dated 28.8.06
    Disc.CD No.173, dated 23.9.06
There might be some more Disc.CDs recorded at Pune in the first half of 2006. If I get the list I would inform you. Meanwhile you can check up if these CDs have been uploaded on the site http://www.PBKs.info or not. If they have been uploaded you can go through the same to find out in which CD you have asked the question and the relevant time. I don't have time to listen to each of the above CDs to locate your particular question. So, I cannot help you any further.


Re: Has Veerendra Dev Dixit become Father to a child?

Post13 Jul 2008

AUM Shanti.

I was busy and therefore late to answer. On reading all replies over here, and reading some of other posts on the forum, I feel most are here just to defame BK's. They have no concerns for The Rudra GnyanYagnya established by The GodFather. The charges they have against BK's of BKWSU are, according to my perception,

    1) BKs are hiding the actual history of The Yagnya and the original documents.
    2) BKs are not interested in churning Murli points and dissuade others too from doing it.
    3) BKs are not willingly giving the versions of The GodFather to the seekers.
    4) BKs on certain occasions even edited the Murli points to suit them.
    5) BKs are more interested in increasing membership of the institution, and are not interested in giving True Knowledge of The GodFather.
    6) BKs are misusing the donations given by the children of The GodFather. And even persuade to make donations.
    7) BKs are interested in influencing political leaders and rich people and celebrities world over.
I too once had thought similiarly. I too was enraged by all these things. But now, after being in the PBKs since from 1993 to about 2007, I think I need to think twice before charging them with such allegations.

I think the first six allegations i.e., from 1 to 6 are not correct untill Dada Lekharaj was alive. The sixth allegation ( except of rich people) can be applied to Dada Lekharaj, because He sent letters to many important people all over the world.

Dada Lekharaj tried to inform all, through the world leaders that The Divine Duty of The GodFather has begun. Everyone were invited to take knowledge and propagate it. The GodFather was at the service of children. But most people were busy in their worldly business. The people of the world irrespective of race, religion, caste, creed, occupation, social status, etc., etc., were invited to take knowledge of The GodFather. But only few gave attention to and followed The GodFather. They surenderred their body, mind and wealth to the cause of The GodFather.

Till 1969 I think nobody cared for The versions of The GodFather, and nobody asked Him about the history of The Yagnya and the original documents. Well, children did not ask. But the people of this world also did not care to have it documented. They were busy documenting and propagating what X political leader says or what Y celebrity wears or how much z company earn, etc., etc., The GodFather warned that the versions are important, but nobody cared.

There were two reasons for negligence. Children, who had faith in The GodFather never cared because they thought that The GodFather will be with them in The same corporeal body of Dada Lekharaj till the end. And therefore they did not feel it necessary to record and store the versions. And other people of this world never recognised The GodFather and thought that the old man ( Dada Lekharaj) was crazy.

I do not want to support BKs for the mistakes they are doing. I am not spokesperson of BK's or staunch supporter of BKs. I am just trying to explain their situation and their viewpoint as per my understanding. They just want to spread the word that The GodFather has come to this world and it is Time to return. Need of the hour is shed body-consciousness and again become soulconsious. Re-emerge our true deity sanskaras (resolves). They are providing Godly versions daily to all Godly students worldwide. Anyone can go there and study.

All are welcome unless they do not cause unnecessary trouble and confusion amongst the fellow human beings because they accept that they themselves are not capable of giving satisfactory explanation to all Godly versions. But still they have faith in them. Anyone can study and gain insight of Godly versions. But kindly do not disrupt Rudra Gnyaan Yagnya by giving hotch-potch explanation without any responsibilty and by trying to propagate your half knowledge. Because half knowledge is dangerous.
arjun wrote: You are ready to support the BKWSU who have hidden ShivBaba's versions for more than 70 years....

Now after demise of Dada Lekhraj, BKs of BKWSU suddenly realised that how important were the versions of The GodFather to smoothly run their institution. They restored the possible documents and versions of The GodFather. But, still they were not aware of importance of The Knowledge in the versions of The GodFather. Because they did not feel that they have lost connection with The GodFather. Because they were getting directions from Avyakt Bap - Dada. They never lost faith in The Avyakt Bap - Dada. When BK's of BKWSU have someone to take their care, to nurture and give directions to them, they did not feel it important to worry about the Murli points.

But people were invited to take The Knowledge given by The GodFather. They advertised and tried various means and ways to reach the masses and give them the message of The GodFather. There was no restrictions for giving Murli to anyone. Anyone could get Murli. And then came Virendra Dev Dixit to BK knowledge. He had come to Ahmedabad for studying in the university. It is said that he was not given Murlis. I think it must have been so, because Virendra Dev Dixit questioned the BKs a lot and they could not give answers to those questions. My question is that why should Virendra Dev Dixit try to pressurise BKs to answer even after they were not capable of? He could have got the Murlis and studied them privately instead of going questioning and confusing all other students.

Whatever be the case, as I cannot prove what happened between BK's and Virendra Dev Dixit But according to PBKs themselves, Virendra Dev Dixit got Murlis for his research through Sister Vedanti. Remember that she too is a BK. With the help of the Murli's Virendra Dev Dixit completed his Phd, and I think the subject of his Phd in Philosophy was about The first human (Mool Purush in Hindi) of the creation or we may say about Adi Dev ( Arjun may correct me if I am wrong). Then Virendra Dev Dixit has submitted his Phd thesis, but it is said that untill now he is not awarded Phd. I think Virendra Dev Dixit has got original copies of many old Murlis even now, although they might not have been given directly from BK surrendered Sisters.
arjun wrote: I did not mention PBKs as thirsty seekers, but the BKs who have sent their requests to the Admin of this forum in large numbers.

Virendra Dev Dixit has been regularly reading and explaining Murlis atlest since 1988. I think he has not missed it or if he missed then too it may not be many times. So untill now it will be more than 20 years, i.e. from 1988 to 2008. Now if we consider that Virendra Dev Dixit takes 3 days to complete explaining one Murli, then too Virendra Dev Dixit has explained Murlis of more than six years. And I think Virendra Dev Dixit has not repeated any Murli while explaining. That means Virendra Dev Dixit already has Murlis of 6 years. i.e., 6 multiplied by 365 = 2190 Murlis. Shivsena also has said that he has Murlis of many years. If Virendra Dev Dixit asks to give copies of those Murlis then Shivsena will not disregard Virendra Dev Dixit's words.

Still why are PBKs begging for Murli's? If PBKs are really interested in quenching the thirst of BKs who have requested to upload Murlis on this forum, I request Virendra Dev Dixit through arjun, to upload scanned copies of those about 2190 Murlis he possess and also those Murlis which Shivsena possess. PBKs are just shedding crocodile tears and want to defame BKs. They are not really interested in churning and understanding Murli points.
arjun wrote: If the BK Murlis were self-contained, there would not have been any need for ShivBaba through Brahma Baba to repeatedly say that 'these matters are very deep, incognito, secret, matters to be understood, etc.etc.' in the Murlis. It is these unsolved puzzles of knowledge that the God Father is trying to unravel through Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit.

That is the reason for my new thread " Explanation Required " in the commonroom. But I was amazed to see your reply and one another reply.
arjun wrote:Omshanti. How can one respond to your first post until you give your own interpretation of those Murli points? Only when you tell us who is Ram and Ravan according to you that others would be able to give their views, that too if they feel like expressing their views.

If Virendra Dev Dixit and you PBKs are really interested in unravelling unsolved puzzles to the students of Godly Knowledge, then why such an answer to my post where I have posted Murli points that are really very deep, incognito, secret, matters to be understood, etc. etc. ( as you have mentioned). And below I quote what Jaycdp has replied to that post " Explanation Required".

In post: Explanation Required. on page 1, by jaycdp on 04 Jul 2008
jaycdp wrote: Sanjeev you need to patient. Some times you may have to wait for one or two life times to get one answer .

I am once again giving Murli points of the post "Explanation Required" below and few other Murli points. I hope you and Virendra Dev Dixit will unravel the unsolved puzzles of knowledge without waiting for anyone to give their views. Virendra Dev Dixit never waited for anyone's views in 1970's when he went door to door of the BK's and claimed to have unravelled the unsolved puzzles.

Important Murli points:

    Murli dt. 8.1.95 (Murli Khand 1 pg. 243): Father is definitely highest authority and then that Prajapita Brahma also stands highest authority. This Dada is biggest (or greatest or highest) authority. Shiv and Prajapita Brahma. Souls are children of ShivBaba and then in corporeal we Brothers and Sisters all are children of Prajapita Brahma. This is great great grandfather of all.
    Murli dt. 19.12.01 (Murli Khand 1 pg. 211): (People) Sing that You (i.e., God) (are) Mother-Father we Your children ... so ( God) Himself entering this one gives knowledge to you. (These) Talks ( or points) need so much understanding. Prajapita Brahma is also called as Father. Then where is Mother? Father sits and tells you that this is Prajapita as well as Mother. I am Father of all souls.
    Myself is solely called as GodFather.
    Murli dt. 13.6.01 (Muli Khand pg. 397): Otherwise how much biography of ShivBaba needs to be written. Now you children tell - We know the biography of GodFather Supreme Soul ( Parampita Paramatma). Father sits and tells - What I do in Bhaktimarg. ( I i.e., GodFather Supreme Soul) Do insurance in Bhaktimarg also. People do charity and good deeds for the sake of God, is not it?
    Murli dt. 18.3.99 (Murli Khand 1 pg. 190): I take all along with Me. Then send you. Then My part is complete. No part for half of the Kalpa. Then again in Bhaktimarg part begins. This Drama is also readymade (Yah bhi drama bana hua hai.).
    Murli dt. 11-6-72, page 1: All know life story of Supreme Soul, that too not of one life, there is biography of ShivBaba of how many lives, you know. (Sabhi jaanate hain paramatma ki jeevan kahani, so bhi ek janm ki nahi, ShivBaba ke kitne kitne janmoon ki biography hai, tumko maloom hai.)
    Murli dt. 12.10.02 (Murli Khand pg. 316): Here all three are combined. This is not written in any scriptures ( Shastras) that, only That is The lap of Father, Teacher and Preceptor (Guru). Father has asked "Does ShivBaba has Father?" Says yes. O.K., ShivBaba has Teacher? Has Preceptor (Guru)? No. Only gets Mother - Father. This is secret calculation ( or rule or method).
    Murli dt. 27.7.73, page 3: Father takes support of the body of Brahma only. He has to come in Bharat alone.
    Murli dt. 21.1.69, page 2: As ( or That which) Brahma's body is Mukarrar (appointed or fixed) then Murli is through his body, is it not? And the service done through Sandeshis (messages through trance) for some time those messages cannot be called as Murli. ( In Hindi: Jo Brahma ka tan Mukarrar hai to Murli Uske tan dwara hai na, aur sandeshiyon dwara thode samay ke liye jo service karte hain unko Murli nahin kaha jayega.)
    Murli dt. 3.9.74 page 1: From Paramdham Baba comes in Bharat alone. Just who is to be called as Bharat?
    Murli dt. of this point is not written, but I have taken down these Murli points from the registers given in Kampil: "Bharat has been completely maligned. ... So many queens were there. Took them away. Stole butter. There were so many children. Actually this is all story (or biography) of Prajapita Brahma. He (i.e., Prajapita Brahma) is replaced by Krishna."
    Murli dt. 29.6.71: Soul of Shree Krishna is blamed in Kaliyug. And they have applied it in Satyug. (In Hindi: Shree Krishna ki Atma par Kaliyug main kalank lagate hain. Aur unhoone Satyug main lagaya hai.)
    Avyakt Vani 30.6.74: Brahma's part is recorded ( Noondha) in the duty of etablishnment (sthapana) till the end. Untill the duty of establishment is not complete. Till then part of the soul, who is the medium, is not going to end. Untill then he cannot enact another part. The part of Jagatpita ( World Father) of completing the creation of the new world is recorded in the drama. The praise of creation of all races of humanity is for Brahma only - Great Great GandFather. For this (he) is praised. Only stage, place and condition (or speed) has changed. But part of Brahma is still the same.
    Murli dt. 26.2.89 page 2&3: Brahma is also called as Adam. Great Great GrandFather. Shiv is solely called Father. Sijara ( I do not know it's meaning in English might be garland) of humans begins with Brahma. That's why He is called Great Great GrandFather.
    Murli dt. 13.5.73 page 1: Baba's Karmateet (beyond bindings of action) stage happens then you children's stage will also happen ... But this karmateet stage will come in the end.
    Murli dt. 29.1.78 page 2: If children attain karmateet stage then knowledge will end. War will begin. I too will go completing my duty of making viceless. Establishing Deity Religion, this is My part.
    Murli dt. 12.1.74 : Themselves will say this is war of Mahabharat. Surely, God will also be there. But, who is (He)? This the miserable people do not know. Definitely are children of Dhrutrashtra, blind.
    Murli dt. 18.1.72 page 2: Fight of Maya will end thereafter. When Mahabharat fight begins. When parts will unfold.
    Murli dt. 21.3.73 page 1: Bhagwat with Gita, and Gita is then connected with Mahabharat fight.
    Murli dt. 25.6.85 page 2: Knowledge is better than dhyan (trance). Remembrance is better than knowledge.
    Murli dt. 28.7.76 page 3: If complete knowledge is not understood in intellect then not able to do Yoga.
    Murli dt. 9.5.71 page 2: O.K. Supreme Soul whom you remember, what is that thing? You say Is of the nature of Boundless Light. But Is not like that, remembering Boundless Light becomes wrong. Rememberance needs to be accurate, is not it? Only by rumour work (Yoga) is useless. Need to know accurately.
    WHO IS Ravan?
    Murli dt. 22.3.99 (Murli Khand pg.109): You are standing at Sangamyug (Confluence Age) and for people it is Kaliyug. Is how much terrible darkness. (People)Keep on falling. Someone must also be the medium (or cause). He is Ravan.
    WHO IS Ram?
    Murli dt. 6.2.76: Prajapita Brahma who is called Ram. He is called Great Great GrandFather. Becomes Prajapita in Human world.
    ( In Hindi: Prajapita Brahma jisko Ram kaha jata hai. Unko Great Great GrandFather kaha jata hai. Manushya srushti main Prajapita hua.)
    Murli dt. 2.3.78 page 2: Now you souls follow according to the Shrimat of Ram ShivBaba.
    Murli dt. 4.9.73 page 3: Everyone's Sadgatidata (Bestower of True Divine state) is Ram alone. (People) Sing Patit-Pavan (Purifier) Ram then why do you make others Guru (Preceptor). Father liberates from these (i.e. gurus). Separates from the chains of gurus.
In post: Has Veerendra Dev Dixit become Father to a child? page 5, by arjun on 09 Jul 2008
arjun wrote: And you level false allegation that we don't care for the masses!!!!!!

I feel that PBKs do not care for The Masses because they never try to approach and give the introduction of The GodFather (Virendra Dev Dixit as per their claim) to the common people.Just by putting in the website is not enough. As the PBK's themselves say that one to one service is essential. But PBKs themselves mostly never approach common man to give introduction of The GodFather. They have even printed course books. But have not seen doing service as BK's of BKWSU do. Even on their literature (I do not know presently what they do but earlier which I have seen) PBK's have written that it is only for Brahmakuar(i)'s. The contrast between Lekhraj Kirpalani and Virendra Dev Dixit is that Lekhraj Kirpalani accepted Himself to be Brahma's soul and that GodFather Shiv uses His body to give Godly knowledge. But Virendra Dev Dixit neither accepts himself to be Prajapita's soul nor does Virendra Dev Dixit accepts that GodFather Shiv uses his body to give knowledge. Then on what basis are the PBK's and AIVV propagting and preaching knowledge?

And the contrast between BKWSU and AIVV is that BKWSU approaches common man, the masses, and give them the message of The GodFather. Even AIVV has the right to spread the GodFatherly knowledge. But PBKs never approach common man or the masses. They in a way try to hunt disgruntled BKs.

In post: Has Veerendra Dev Dixit become Father to a child? page 5, by arjun on 09 Jul 2008
arjun wrote: We need those printed versions of BK Murlis because the BKs don't believe in anything else.

People of this world do not need literature, there is lots and lots of literature about The GodFather in this world. What the masses need is The GodFather. His Love. His Love is The Proof. He does not need literature to prove Himself. He gives His introduction Himself and also The True Gita knowledge. If you want to convince BK's using Murli points just show them these two following Murli points. It is enough.

    Murli dt. 6-2-85, page 2: " Baap khud aakar bachoonko apna parichay dete hain. " ( In English: Father Himself comes and gives His self introduction.)
    Murli dt. 27-5-85, page 2: " Prajapita Brahma kaun hai. Yah sab Baap baith samjhate hai. " ( In English: Who is Prajapita Brahma. All this Father sits and explains. )
    Even in BhagwadGeeta of Bhaktimarg, Bhagwaan says to Arjun, when Arjun was confused about what to do. Bhagwan says, " Sarva Dharmaan Parityaj, Mameekam Sharanam Vraj" meaning Renounce all Religions ( that are confusing) and take shelter in Me Alone. I think this is The Knowledge. It is never possible to prove The GodFather using scriptures and science. The GodFather Himself is The Proof. But your so called GodFather ( Virendra Dev Dixit) never accepts, Virendra Dev Dixit himself doubts The Knowledge given through him.
In post: Has Veerendra Dev Dixit become Father to a child? page 5, by arjun on 09 Jul 2008
arjun wrote: you are hell-bent upon defaming the PBKs who, with their limited human and financial resources have tried to put all their Godly literature, audio and video material on their website for the entire world to see.

I just gave you an example of what happened with me. Well, if you are claiming that you have no objection in putting your literature on your website for the entire world to see and if you are already doing it then it is fine. I take my words of allegation regarding this point. Henceforth I will first consult such matters with you through personal message and know your official view and then post my views.

In post: Has Veerendra Dev Dixit become Father to a child? page 5, by arjun on 09 Jul 2008
arjun wrote: You have time to write pages upon pages against the PBKs ...

I am not interested in writing and wasting my time. I had asked one question about Virendra Dev Dixit's personal life as it is very important. There was no need by anyone on this forum for criticising me. Just a simple but confident "Yes" or "No" to my question fom any PBK would have been sufficient to wind up the thread. To remind you of it, I still have not got any reply from you about my querry.

I myself received an answer on sending second email to a1spritual@sify.com that they are not in contact with Virendra Dev Dixit and that they will answer me after contacting Virendra Dev Dixit I think I personally emailed to aispiritual@sify.com on 26th June and today it is 13th July, already more than 15 days. I think it is unbeleivable that Virendra Dev Dixit remains out of contact for important inner circle PBKs who has responsibility to answer emails.

Regarding the thread of my allegation as Deceivers, I cannot allege you without any proof, and so I had to quote many things. In post: Has Veerendra Dev Dixit become Father to a child? page 5, by arjun on 09 Jul 2008,
arjun wrote: We have written umpteen number of times that he hasn't so far and will not accept that he is Prajapita or ShivBaba's corporeal medium.

And still you justify that you have right to lie and deceive others. Very childish answer from you.

In post: Has Veerendra Dev Dixit become Father to a child? page 5, by arjun on 09 Jul 2008
arjun wrote: When you don't have time to think before making false allegations, do you think others will spend their precious time to do research on your statements couched in disrespect for fellow human beings?

The only so called false allegation I have made is referring my personal experience in PBK class. I have experienced stranger like looks and unwelcome looks from many PBK's particularly Sisters and other female PBK's when I started to raise questions on the basis of Murli points and explantion given by Virendra Dev Dixit I have not remarked on your behaviour. I asked you to quote Virendra Dev Dixit with respect to my letter.

I have seen you quoting Virendra Dev Dixit very often whenever anything came up with the explanation given by Virendra Dev Dixit But you thought it unnecessary to quote Virendra Dev Dixit regarding answer to my letter. And so I asked you whether you are being hesitant to quote it. Yes, my replies were couched, and you know the reason. I have mentioned it. I want you and PBK's in general or Virendra Dev Dixit to come with a satisfactory answer to the question I have raised. Because it is affecting The Rudra Gnyaana Yagnya and many people's life. I have made allegation based on your conduct. And I called you shameless because you are justifying your irresponsible ways.

In Post: Has Veerendra Dev Dixit become Father to a child? by arjun on 09 Jul 2008,
arjun wrote: you yourself have quoted so many Murli points in the Commonroom section without giving any inference. Where is the need for you to quote Murlis if you have 100% faith in GodFather being with you and Dada Lekhraj having taken rebirth. Do you think Dadi Janaki will believe you if you say Dada Lekhraj has taken rebirth in 1969?

I have quoted without given inference because you think Virendra Dev Dixit as the Supreme Teacher's part and as you are His (ShivBaba's) student I have asked PBK's including you to answer consulting Virendra Dev Dixit if required. I have already written about this above. There is no need to quote for me. It is for you, but I am not bent upon proving it. I had some Murli points and I quoted, I am not pressurising anyone to give Murlis. I need none to beleive me.

In post: Has Veerendra Dev Dixit become Father to a child? page 5, by arjun on 09 Jul 2008
arjun wrote: But we have no objection if you declare yourself as Prajapita or Dada Lekhraj's next corporeal birth.

I have not asked your permission for it. And do not need your assent.


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Re: Has Veerendra Dev Dixit become Father to a child?

Post13 Jul 2008

So who has the Murlis and can they put them on this website ? Man, must have asked this 2 years ago when the forum started. How much simpler a question does it need to be ? :D
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Re: Has Veerendra Dev Dixit become Father to a child?

Post14 Jul 2008

sachkhand wrote:If PBK's are really interested in quenching the thirst of BK's who have requested to upload Murlis on this forum, I request Virendra Dev Dixit through arjun, to upload scanned copies of those about 2190 Murlis he possess and also those Murlis which Shivsena possess. PBK's are just shedding crocodile tears and want to defame BK's. They are not really interested in churning and understanding Murli points.

For your kind information the scanned Hindi Murlis (about four months stock) uploaded on this site has been made available by the PBKs. Scanning and uploading of the remaining Murlis is under process and subject to the permission of the Admins of this site which in turn is dependant on the space available on this site.
It is very easy to criticize someone without knowing the truth, especially when one becomes a GodFather.


Re: Has Veerendra Dev Dixit become Father to a child?

Post14 Jul 2008

AUM Shanti.
arjun wrote: For your kind information the scanned Hindi Murlis (about four months stock) uploaded on this site has been made available by the PBKs. Scanning and uploading of the remaining Murlis is under process and subject to the permission of the Admins of this site which in turn is dependant on the space available on this site.

Then why are you making hue and cry about it. And there is no meaning in blaming BKWSU for this, when you have huge stock of Murlis but are not able to upload it. It is your problem. Why defame BKs?
arjun wrote: It is very easy to criticize someone without knowing the truth, especially when one becomes a GodFather.

Now you have gone to the level of pulling legs. It happens when someone shows our fault.

Hope the Admins of this site allows you to upload Murlis and you will have lots of space for that. And thirsty BKs are quenched. I am ready to upload Murlis I have. Please inform me how many pages can be uploaded. And what is the procedure. I will get Murlis scanned and will upload.

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Re: Has Veerendra Dev Dixit become Father to a child?

Post14 Jul 2008

sachkhand wrote:I am ready to upload Murlis I have. Please inform me how many pages can be uploaded. And what is the procedure. I will get Murlis scanned and will upload.

You can contact the Admins. in this regard.

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