Is this the end?

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john morgan


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Re: Is this the end?

Post03 May 2008

Hello Sakaash,

Its some days since you arrived here. I've only just noticed your arrival. It would be helpful if you could explain how you came here and how you are feeling now. I can see that you are a kind and intelligent person, I particularly like the way you put your own troubles aside and spoke up in defence of ms orange.

Everyone needs temporary help at sometime and as a recipient of temporary help myself would like to try to pass a little along. Let this be your space where you can work out your own solution, let no one tell you what to think or do. Over to you.

Kindest regards,


ps it is defintely not the end :D


Re: Is this the end?

Post04 May 2008

This was exactly what occured to me the first time i visited this site. But i could stop these thoughts (of what people have written here). I weighed them against the experiences of my Brahmin life and i am still a BK :D. Will always be one.

And, as ms orange says, go back to Yoga, just go deep inside. And yes, you cant edit and rewrite Yoga. To say that BKs are a minority in this site is an understatement, and why? You can see what ms orange had to face.

So you put all your frustration of being part of (once upon a time) onto any BK on this site.


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Re: Is this the end?

Post04 May 2008

hi John,

Thanks for inviting me back ... I thought I'd bow out and let the more experienced users battle it out ... still not quite sure what the battling was about though ... but in answer to your question, I came to this site initially for advice about donating money to the BKs and it ended up being a full blown issue with my doubts in the BKs and ultimately God ... thankfully, I have found sound members of similar mindset and I have been able to ask questions and get up front and positive answers.

As for where I am now, there is a lot I have to work through, but my doubt has waned somewhat since joining this forum and I will continue to make my efforts. I started with the BKs because I wanted to become a better person, did not really care much for a Golden or Silver Age. I just wanted to be certain that I was the best person I could be now, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, to be happy with myself and to help others. I haven't always been this way, actually, I used to have a very, very dark side - I guess the pendulum swings both ways!

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Re: Is this the end?

Post04 May 2008

Hello Sakaash,

Its great to hear that you are feeling much more together. I don't go into the battling very much. What I have gathered though is that ex-I and ms orange are really excellent at rubbing each other up the wrong way. The law of averages states that they must find some common ground soon. :D

For me, faith is a very positive experience, doubt on the other hand can be negative. I'll just say that but add the rider that it seems sensible to keep one's wits alive, which seems to be exactly what you are doing! :)

I am so glad that you have found sensible people of like mind and wish you well. You are a creator, so take your time, make everything clear and create good stuff.

As regards the money issues, in coming here you probably came to the wrong place. The people here are of all types and many are anti-BK. Did you bite off a little more negativity than you could chew? I think the BK guideline for regular students is 10% of income, this is sufficient. For anything more, it is best to think about it carefully. Some have given and needed the money later on, don't let that happen to you. (The BK do not encourage giving more than you can afford).

Good company is very very important, it could be one of the most influential factors in building a good life.

That the storm is over or at least that you are safe in the eye of the storm is for sure.

Take care Sakaash, you can pop back at anytime.

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Re: Is this the end?

Post04 May 2008

life wrote:This was exactly what occured to me the first time i visited this site.


when you first came onto this site you started by dropping the usual unfounded slur against Virendra Dev Dixit that the Vishnu Party and BKWSU put about to discredit the PBKs.

Here are your 4 posts, here and the answers to them.

For the sake of your own integrity ... please show us where you experienced what you are claiming.

Surely, whatever ms orange experiences is the fruit of her own past karma?
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a consumer's point of view

Post06 May 2008

In case this is not the appropriate topic to post, please Admin feel free to move this elsewhere (reasons for leaving Gyan, or other ...).

The BKWSO sells or gives sometimes away partly for free, a product.

In the lokik world, companies and distributors, try their best to keep their customers and gain their fidelity. If the product's quality decreases or the price goes up, I don't think the client should be hold responsible or called a "traitor". The BKs are fairly good at advertising and selling, but do not excel in fidelization, customer care, post-sale service, quality control and control over its agents. When there's a lot of expansion, subcontracting, offshoring, outsourcing and diversification in the offer, quality suffers, and customers too!

If professional auditors were to screen this organization, I don't know what the result would be. Here we are in front of a multinational company resisting proper independent auditing.

Where does its wealth comes from? The pool of people looking for "spirituality" is huge, although there's competition, but the market is apparently not saturated yet. Cheap labour like China's (and totalitarism and infringement of human rights ! :wink: :roll:), chameleonic skills, capillary distribution network and different, usually inexpensive forms of advertisement often fraudulent.

Any consumer can see this. No need to be a consultant, and it is inappropriate to insult disappointed consumers or try and persuade to go back in jail, those who fought hard to escape from it!!!
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Re: Is this the end?

Post07 May 2008

What gets to me is the brain drainage that's setting in from 'past' teachings and how everyone is waiting for 'The End'!

I am personally working towards "The Beginning". Better feeling for me, no fear arises in that process.


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The Beginning!

Post07 May 2008

The Beginning ... :D.

Bright idea! :idea:
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Re: Is this the end?

Post08 May 2008

Announcement: New Splinter group formed with two members:

    Its called PKNBKP.
Meaning P K's New Beginning Kalpa Party - all welcome, no fees due - just come.
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Re: Is this the end?

Post08 May 2008

Is there room for "Mappy Party" (Mother of All Parties)? We have just split from the NMPP (The No More Parties Party) because it was no fun.

And remember, I read on the BKWSU's Australian forum that soul conscious people DO NOT laugh ... so do not even think about it. Smiling beatifically in a pained fashion at being brought down to the consciousness of the body is as good as you can give.



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Re: Is this the end?

Post19 Jun 2008

The end of what? I think it boils down do we believe that we are souls? If you do then there is no end.

If you don't then a lot of this will not make any sense because we keep thinking we are I. This is where the pain and suffering and attachments comes in.

The question comes up do we really believe or are we worried that there is some form of punishment awaiting us? If the second is the motivator than you are not actually living this great gift of this life.

I can understand the original posters feelings. It can feel very lonely and when you reach out you need to find others who are not going to manipulate your current state. It really is sad and shameful that some are taking advantage of others kind hearts and good intentions.

INMO, these people should be dealt with in a serious manner.
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Re: Is this the end?

Post20 Jun 2008

Hello global.

When you've got a bit of time perhaps you could add a short intro of yourself under a separate thread of the Newcomers forum. Welcome to bkinfo ...
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Re: Is this the end?

Post21 Jun 2008

Hi global, how are you? Nice to meet you. I am also new to this forum. Checking it out.
INMO, these people should be dealt with in a serious manner.

It could be that I am just a bit of an old hippy, but - while i can understand what you said - i feel like this is the seed of so many problems. Everyone feels right and that others are wrong. Rarely do you find the opposite. If we treat everyone with love, absolutely everyone so many problems would finish. This is what i like about Raja Yoga. No matter what, treat yourself and everyone else with love. First lesson, last lesson. Good to see your support for sakaash though. I read the thread too, and i really feel for him. It can be tough. Boy ... what a journey.



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Re: Is this the end?

Post04 Aug 2008

Dear Saakash,

I decided to leave the BKs whilst I was in Madhuban March 1991. I had been contemplating leaving for a few months. I was frightened to say the least. It was when I was with a group on stage observing and listening to BB speaking through Dadi Gulzar and I remember saying to myself at the time that if there was a Supreme Soul then that soul would love me whether I stayed or went. When I got back to UK I left the BKs a few weeks later. It took me time to adjust to new routines. Some days I thought I was mad to leave. And other days when I went to the cinema or made love with my girlfriend I thought I was in bliss. Take the best of your experiences in the BKs and learn from the challenging times you went through. With time you will be fine.


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