Who are the 'Ex-BKs'? Moment of Reflection

for ex-BKs to discuss matters related to experiences in BKWSU & after leaving.
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Who are the 'Ex-BKs'? Moment of Reflection

Post14 Apr 2008


As Sarah kindly suggested the above topic, I thought I would create a new subject so as not to confuse the two.

Well, for now, I would like to say that the Brahma Kumaris organisation say that the too late board has not gone up yet. There is still time for people to come on board the Noah's Ark of Brahma Kumaris before the 'too late sign' goes up. Come on board the train to become a Brahma Kumar/Kumari now before its too late. (Maybe someone can dig out the exact words from the Murlis or the classes).

I personally would say that an ex-BK may be one who has come off the Noah's Ark of Brahma Kumaris before it's too late or before we got thrown off it by them and drowned. I would say that the too late board has not gone up yet for people to come off the train before it's too late.

My personal experience as a Brahma Kumar/Kumari for over 25 years, well what can I say, I had enough. Enough was enough. I had reached the peaks of their (in particular the Seniors, some junior and some surrendered members) domination, control, lack of communication, lack of understanding, dogma, doctrine, etc.

They used to say that if you have one foot in their world of Brahma Kumaris and one foot in the real world, that you could not survive, that you will struggle etc. They used to say that you if you want to achieve success on their path, the only way would be to have both feet in the world of the Brahma Kumaris. (My only guess is that this is why the idea of detachment was such a fundamental doctrine within the organisation).

I think that in itself may explain that as an ex-BK, at least you can have both feet in the real world without any fear, worry or control. Unfortunately, or should I say fortunately, I personally feel like I am a baby learning to crawl and then learning to walk in the real world. It can be quite a daunting process given that my actual physical age is an adult well into (x) age, but my mental age is still like a child. Confusing or what?

However, I am determined that with self help, psychotherapy as well as other therapies, that my mental and physical age can somewhat be the same if not similar. Although I have to say that sometimes it can be healthy mentally be a child or at least youthful under the right circumstances.

Well, it would be interesting to hear other people's description of what an ex-BK is.

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Re: Who are the 'ex-BK's' Moment of Reflection

Post14 Apr 2008

Hi, Enlightened, thought I would cut and paste my own post on the other thread so as to get the ball rolling so to speak!

Who are the ex-BKs - Moment of reflection.

EX-BKs are real effort makers

EX-BKs are the real seekers of truth

EX-BKs can distinguish fact from fiction

EX-BKs were once dedicated BKs who wanted to know too much

EX-BKs should possibly carry a government health warning (only joking!!! :mrgreen: )

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Re: Who are the 'ex-BK's' Moment of Reflection

Post14 Apr 2008

Any religion that falls for the old "exclusivity/superiority" number has lost it. It might have had the message once, but it has left the building since.

To be an ex-BK is to continue on the journey once again, to leave the stopping off point that has become the BKWSU. Some folks want to invest a whole lot of time, money and energy into making the stopping off point comfortable, including exercises to make it appear valuable by being "tough". So being BK is just sticking at a stopping point. The real journey continues on afterwards; the air's fresh, the light is bright, the skies are broad. There is a lot of hope.
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chal ho, Brothers and Sisters!

Post14 Apr 2008

OK. So, so far we understood that we felt "stuck" and that the BKs were a hindrance to our spiritual progress. All our energy was taken by what Baba calls "trivial matters" created by those in charge: guru worship, politics, hierachies, power games , service aimed to fish for wealthy VIPS ... How can you fly when you are in the shackles of dogmas and crooked dysfunctional systems, or expand your consciousness when you are struggling to survive, shielding yourself from abuses and domination trips? Trying to breath when they choke you. How can you grow when your spiritual leaders put a lid on you?

We became EX when some internal alarm went off and we realized we had to jump off the ship. As long as you think that the BKs are the only one that can take you across the river of poison to the shores of the New Age, with no less than God himself as a boatman, you will have no chance to get anywhere. Maybe you can achieve something careerwise in the organization but that still means being a follower, not a master. Unable to carve your destiny or draw a map of the course you want to take. If I see too many ambiguities and injustice in the way the ship is run, I start suspecting that the officers are just impure human beings and the Captain may not be God. In that case, I'd rather paddle on my own dingy, make some heartfelt offerings to the Gods to propitiate the journey and chal-ho, off we go!!


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Re: Who are the 'ex-BK's' Moment of Reflection

Post15 Apr 2008

the BKs were a hindrance to our spiritual progress

Again, this is why I am trying to not use such phrase because this statement says alladin was a hindrance to our spiritual progress.

alladin, hope you don't mind I chose this example, as I also have succumbed to have used the "The BKs" as a term during my stay in this forum. I think most forum members have. But have found that this is primarily the basis of problems folks are having. And so I have now decided to make use of "The BKs" as my friendly term, so it is so easy after that. And therefore I do not need to justify what "Ex BKs " mean since it is a conflict, and if that exists in oneself, it will always remain so.



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Re: Who are the 'ex-BK's' Moment of Reflection

Post15 Apr 2008

Firstly, Alladin, I could not have put it better myself.

Secondly, Bansy, this is the problem with labels really. I just cannot identify myself as an 'EX BK', but it was the only identity from the list that was most appropriate. I think most people who leave the BKs would rather be known as anything other than in association with the BK label i.e Citizen of the Universe - that would suit me more than ex-BK. ex-BK still suggests that I have a link with my BK past. When I was a BK, I realise now that actually I was not a BK at all - thus the problems I had fitting in. I bet most people on this site who post as BK, pro-BK, ex-BK actually have a lot in common. I wish I could get rid of the ex-BK title - it still suggests that BK is in there somewhere. I do understand the point behind your thread and it certainly got people thinking. That is what I do like about this forum. You can just cast a question out into the river and before you know it, four or five of us fish have already bitten! Long may it continue.

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Re: Who are the 'ex-BK's' Moment of Reflection

Post15 Apr 2008

Like sarah, I've simply taken something recently written elsewhere and changed the lead-in:

The ex-BKs are somewhere between a loosely knit community and a bunch of strong-minded individuals. We aim to come together with mutual respect and understanding, sharing some very uplifting and some very painful experiences. We're each seeking to find, express and follow our own compass by listening to and sharing with others on their own journeys through life ...

Lots of love and best wishes,
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Re: Who are the 'ex-BK's' Moment of Reflection

Post15 Apr 2008

We're just people lucky enough to have broken the spell.
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Re: Who are the 'ex-BK's' Moment of Reflection

Post15 Apr 2008

mr green wrote:we're just people lucky enough to have broken the spell

That's a fantastic description Mr :mrgreen: How do you do it? You really have a great art of being essenceful and yet meaningful. Well done!!

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Re: Who are the 'Ex-BKs' Moment of Reflection

Post17 Apr 2008

Om Shanti

I, my point of view the "ex-BK" are people who are not suitable for this religious perception of this unique world. They have been driven by self cherishing virtues. Probably if they got higher position as a leading Sister or Brother, it would be no problem at all and they can still be there. As it has spoken out they had utterly identified themselves as BK followers than as a soul. Their karma to find enlightenment to somewhere else. But it not a shame or a sin that they left.

The invisible BK spiritual part or basement of their further spiritual development, will always be in their soul as part of their positive character.

The positive meditative experience could not disappear so easy.
Om Shanti
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Re: Who are the 'Ex-BKs' Moment of Reflection

Post18 Apr 2008

Hello ermine,

As you're new to the forum, I am not going to jump all over you and your comments, but don't be surprised if other ex-BKs do so, as some of what you said may offend some of our Brothers and Sisters. However, I do think you're close to spot on when you say it is
ermine wrote:Their karma to find enlightenment to somewhere else

Whatever karma is?

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Re: Who are the 'Ex-BKs' Moment of Reflection

Post18 Apr 2008

pilatus wrote:As you're new to the forum, I am not going to jump all over you and your comments

It is highly appreciated (a quality expected from a 'BK').
but don't be surprised if other ex-BKs do so, as some of what you said may offend some of our Brothers and Sisters

I am sure ermine would be able to take the comments, if any, from the ex-BKs on his statement with the same spirit with which he made it.

With regards,
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Re: Who are the 'Ex-BKs' Moment of Reflection

Post25 Apr 2008

Ex-bks say there is control and domination in the BK and so they like to be free, but this control is visible to those who stay too. It is just because they (xBKs) don’t see benefit there that they cannot tolerate. Those who stay tolerate for some reason.

Practices become wrong if persons, time, situations are not observed and the result is sorrow.

It is said we should not eat to much or too less etc., but it is better less then more. Better eat less then overeat. Better sleep less then oversleep.

Why are BKs to blame if they are only law executors? Why is not The Knowledge to blame, the giver of knowledge? Yes, if some things are made up from someone then these bring wrong result, but maybe if we follow the Murli there will be benefit.

Our desire and aim is to change, so to leave also means to change, isn’t it? Everyone likes that there is some change for good in his life. He makes some big changes for he need some important events in his life. But it is also very adventurous. One follows for many years, then he leaves.

It is also the problem when the BK center moves away from whatever it is initially meant to be and becomes a place for show, a shop, a dating place, a place to exercise control etc.

If we take The Knowledge then we cannot know it at once. As in a wordly science there is the need to accept certain conceptions or theory as true and this last for some time until something else becomes true. This way we move. We don’t move in one go. So there is no surprise also here that knowledge also changes and gets refined.
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Re: Who are the 'Ex-BKs' Moment of Reflection

Post25 Apr 2008

andrey wrote:It is just because they (ex-BKs) don’t see benefit there, that they cannot tolerate.

Could that be the only reason, Andrey? Perhaps The Knowledge is pack of lies and mental delusions, so why should anyone give their life or be subject to it?

They say, "only time will tell". Well, time has shown that a considerable part of what the BKWSU promotes is utterly false, fabricated and corrupted, and that the leadership has invested themselves in hiding this from their followers and the general public. So why should anyone engage with it and them? Should we not discuss this openly?

I think your comments are fair but this topic was raised by an ex-BK for the ex-BK forum. I think you will find it hard to find sympathy for the BKWSU, especially from one that has lost so much of a normal life to the great hungry ghost.
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Re: Who are the 'Ex-BKs' Moment of Reflection

Post25 Apr 2008

Perhaps The Knowledge are lies, but perhaps not. Then how are those who knew and did not do anything, or despite of knowing, neglected standing?

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