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secrets in the drama

Post15 Dec 2007

From the BKWSU point of view, the teachings, as has been touched upon, advise the student to churn, which in itself suggests something about The Knowledge and information that is on offer, or lack of. So we must dig deeper if we want to know the deeper aspects, in "BK" land at least.

Is there something about "the truth" that would put people off that it cannot be printed with the rest of the teachings? Would it not be better saying nothing than spawning fairy stories?

And what is wrong with being a dinosaur anyway? Is it not an insult to the species to hide and even lie about things as they do in schools, TV etc constantly. Once a lie is started, it has to be sustained there after. That is not to say that all, if any, BKWSU Seniors know any more than the rest of us. :?:

We used to be told that "there are secrets in the drama".

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Post15 Dec 2007

Om Shanti,

What do you mean with "put people off"? And are you yourself a dinosaur that you feel offended? :P. So I like to meet you! But only in case if you are a vegetarian which I suppose, because you are a BK ... To write fairy tales is an amusing thing, no? It's up to the children who hear them to judge what is true and what not ...

You mention 'schools', so you include Baba's School, I presume?

Yes, there are a lot of secrets in the drama!
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Post15 Dec 2007

When we seek knowledge, we don't want to hear fairy tales. It is an insult to the soul. Fairy tales are fine, they have their place in life. As do dinosaurs.

Schools? Any school is there to give accurate knowledge.
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Post15 Dec 2007

peter de wrote:You wrote: "was not" ... do you mean there was no mini-Destruction then? What you call "active folklore" is seemingly accepted by the institutions since you can find these ideas in BK books if I am not mistaken ...

Sorry, might have been a typo. I will have a look at it later. I meant that I do not remember it being in the Murli or teachers training manual properly but I that I do remember it being spread around the bhavans. As you know, there is a fair bit of gossip and a few make noble attempts to patch up The Knowledge to fit with reality.

So a degree, I consider that the leadership allow the followers a certain amount of intellectual freedom as long as business is good, or new students and money is coming in. I suspect the that original leadership did not have any knowledge of things like dinosaurs existing and would have accepted if Lekhraj Kirpalani had told them the moon was made of cheese. And even if it was not, then they would have just turned on their heels and said, "Baba was testing us ...".
sparkal wrote:When we seek knowledge, we don't want to hear fairy tales. It is an insult to the soul. Fairy tales are fine, they have their place in life. As do dinosaurs.

You are right. Its an insult to fairies to call the BKWSU dinosaur theories 'fairy stories'. Fairy stories have much more meaning and significance.

Its a fabulous stretch of logic to say, "carbon dating produces anomalous results, therefore the world is 5,000 years folks" and, yet, the Godhead has never said anything to refute that The Cycle is a clockwork 5,000 years to the second, each and every time.

I did meet a Christian once that argued that dinosaur bones were the invention of the devil placed to deceive humanity away from the Biblical truth and guide them instead to the Satanic Darwin. It makes as good an argument as any, surely?
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Post15 Dec 2007

I understand the importance of asking questions and wanting answers that make some sense. However, let me share that inconsistencies put me off from the start, and now I developed a natural and total disinterest in finding out about dinosaur bones etc ... and this makes me feel great. Liberation!

Maybe all the second class fairy tales of BKSWO, are meant to create innumerable waste thoughts and instability and uncertainty in souls, to weaken the intellect to such a point that either one has to "surrender" and stop questioning, or leave Gyan! :wink:. But if you put it this way to some "teacher" or SS, I can guess that they will suggest you to have more Yoga, so that your mind will open up and you will be able to grasp some metaphysical truth that ugly body-consciousness prevents you from attaining.
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Post16 Dec 2007

alladin wrote:Maybe all the second class fairy tales of BKSWO, are meant to create innumerable waste thoughts and instability and uncertainty in souls, to weaken the intellect to such a point that either one has to "surrender" and stop questioning, or leave Gyan!

I think you have got in it one alladin.

Its a psychic filter to filter out those that would be a challenge to the authority of the individuals and guiding spirits because of their intelligence or free thinking.

Of course, the mere fact that you considered such an option proves that you are not having enough Yoga ... and are dangerously independent!!!

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