BKWSU at the United Nations

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BKWSU at the United Nations

Post02 Nov 2007

Although we have discussed it in passing and cross-referenced to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, I cant find a specific topic discussing the BKWSU at the United Nations.

Here is a partial copy of the BKs own position that might be worth translating and discussing, I am not sure how the UN and other religions who have been working away for 70 years will feel about Baba being the One to be revealed bringing peace. Were not the BKs writing letters to the Military Marshals to suspend Civilian Law and practise scortched earth tactics at the same time as visionaries were dreaming of a United Nations? And what impact do the BKs hope to make so others do not forget them ... aren't we meant to make others remember Baba?

The bit I like is "We support the core purpose of the UN Charter" .. ah, yes, only the core bit ... no mention of Destruction, 6 Billion dead and the Nuclear Holocaust perhaps!?!

Does not the Charter of the United Nations start by say;

    "WE THE PEOPLES OF THE UNITED NATIONS DETERMINED to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind"
and mention something about equality?
Now, I do not mean to undermine the professional skills or personal virtues of the individuals involved but unless the United Nations knows "The Big Picture", is it entirely ethical to use the relationship to benefit the BKWSU with its association? Or, perhaps, do they not want to tell the United Nations "The Big Pictures" because they might have to re-edited again?
BKWSU wrote:
    1. Having a clear vision of the self allows others to have a clear vision of themselves
    2. Igniting hope and power in the individual will bring peace - this will automatically expand into the work of the UN and uplift it.
    3. Sharing how the work we have done has fulfilled and improved the lives of different sectors of society
    4. Baba will be revealed in the world as the One who brings peace, creates one world family and gives new life.
    5. The impact of our presence should be such that those who meet us don't forget us (and we don't forget them).
    6. What we are should be so clear that we are the ones who are identified as the ones giving spiritual guidance and sharing new perspectives and solutions to the world problems.
Vision statement of the BKs at the UN:

    To serve the family of humanity with transparency and integrity based on unifying, universal, spiritual principles a platform for building a better future. We support the core purpose of the UN Charter of upholding the dignity and worth of the human being and the aspiration of sustaining peace and providing spiritual solution to the world's problems.
Strategy: We have something special to offer:

    • to help the UN achieve its agenda, we offer a spiritual approach to its issues
    • we bring lightness, freshness and light
    • we help UN people to keep their vision alive
    • we have real life examples
    • two-tiered approach: top to bottom/bottom to top
    • egs bottom to top: medical, lawyers, youth, business, prison, drug addicts, social/humanitarian
    • collect ideas of how BKs llives have changed in all professions/walks of life
    • silence room
    • focus on special days
    • make press release at BK centre level for local/national media
    the media (not us) inform the UN/public
Awareness and attitude of serving at the UN

    1. soul conscious - we emerge what is latent within
    2. servers - we offer our specialities, give instant donations, support the UN - as living examples
    3. free from worry - with humility and respoect - Baba and Drama make it happen
    4. united soul vision - honour all branches - have transparency, consistency, integrity

    • Have a programme with the UN = BK/UN.
    • Invite 4 or 5 main people from the UN to Madhuban NB. There were be a mega programme in Dehli on 8 October.
    • Work with the Millennium Development Goals in some way.
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Post02 Nov 2007

For those Doubting Thomas's with their watching briefs, here is a copy of the original.
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future world agenda and BK lorry

Post03 Nov 2007

It can be a dirty job. Perhaps it is better to have someone in there along with the global criminals than no one, I presume to pick up the pieces if the pack of cards comes crashing down.

It would be interesting to put side by side, this BK agenda and the true agenda of the likes of the US senate and those who control them, and its vision of the UN, the people and the future world in general.

Of course, it would maybe surprise us, and talk of partial Destruction and a new world to follow where there is peace but they get what falls off the back of the lorry now. :roll: Perhaps souls are really asking - What, if anything, is falling off the back of the BK lorry? Who is driving it? What is in it? etc

I have faith ... 8).


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Re: BKWSU at the United Nations

Post03 Nov 2007

ex-l wrote:... unless the United Nations knows "The Big Picture", is it entirely ethical to use the relationship to benefit the BKWSU with its association?

You are raising a good point here ex-l.

I would say no, it is not entirely ethical. Like in so many other areas of BK "service to the world", although there are plenty good intentions, there is also some other limited stuff mixed with it; some not so pure and satopradhan stuff, some stuff like arrogance, limited name and fame, hidden agenda, making ourselves known ...

It doesn't mean that there won't be fruit but if the seed is infected with some fungus, chances of having a healthy fruit are small.

I do believe that the BKs could (and probably are to some extent) bring a positive contribution to the fundamental mission of the UN but how to do that without hiding what we really believe in terms of the true mechanics of world renewal? I don't know about that and I am not aware of any official discussion within the BKs about it.

I do remember an Avyakt Murli in which BapDada was having a long conversation with Nirwair prior to Nirwair going to the UN in NY for something with a name like "The Second UN General Session on Disarmament". It would have been in the early 80s.

Baba told him something about giving the world the good news about peace, sustaining their hope (because we know that ultimately peace will prevail), kind of sharing our faith in a future world of peace but, as far as I remember, he did not mention anything about Destruction.

It would be nice if someone could trace that Murli. It would have been sometime in the summer or maybe September. I was there in NY for a big peace rally at that time and it was before I came to the BKs in 1983, so it would have been 1981 or 1982 I think.
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Post03 Nov 2007

I apologize for placing such a difficult question and thank you for taking it so reasonably. I was touched earlier on by a working document the BKWSO gave to the UN

I was struck by the paper, "METHODS FOR STRENGTHENING PUBLIC CONFIDENCE" that the BKWSU gave to the 7TH GLOBAL FORUM ON REINVENTING GOVERNMENT (BUILDING TRUST IN GOVERNMENT) 26-29 June, 2007. I mentionedbefore, filed just at the same week as the trademarks to support the legal action
BKWSU at the UN wrote:Methods for Strengthening Public Trust and Confidence: Behave responsibly ... Tell the truth ... Remain open to different ideas ... Reconcile legitimate priorities with moral dimensions ... Wield power with compassion ... Listen carefully ... See the legitimacy of the other ... Create trusting relationships

We discussed also how once a Brahma Kumari was confronted outright about Destruction and denied it. I can only imagine the softshoe around the issue, e.g. "it all depends on your level of consciousness" or "Baba has never given a date".

I suppose for me it is all about ethics and I do not give the BK a different ground for ethics than I do non-BKs. Surely BKs should live up to the same ethics as non-BKs, not have some elastic, secret service approach. I mean, what is the problem with Destruction, millions of Christians in the USA, including it is said President Bush and folk in the Army, believe in the same stuff, "End Times".

So, the ethical question to me is, is it right to dupe folks to get in there, or to pick up folks to get them into the BKWSU ... IF ... we have not got our house in order? Are we not just pulling them out of one fire and into another frying pan?

If we look at the above quotation with respect to the Domain name dispute ... what does it say about the BKWSU? Do we really have a "better" world government to the one that they are working on ... or is the BKWSU really learning from the UN about governance rather than going in as the blameless, pure and saving angels? Remember, we have to put this into perspective of the predictions that the BKWSU will take over the India government ... I cant remember if this extended to the United Nations as well. For me, again, it raises that question of where is The Knowledge, power and powerstructures within the BKWSU arising ... is it all "from Baba and the Murli" or a certain mix from worldly experience and study. The kind of worldly experience and study that young BKs are denied or told to shy away from.

Personally, I having the concept of Destruction embedded within one's consciousness would give rise to and allow a different sort of ruthlessness in the thought that "everything here was futile and pointless" ... so little white lies do not matter. Indeed, there is a sort of unofficial "reward system" to encourage them within the organization as sen as "good service" or typical of VIP-type service, e.g. the Power to Give Gyan whilst not being seen to Give Gyan.

I wonder too what proportion of the UN service is used to confirm in the mind of BK followers, and prospective followers, how important the BKWSU and its leaders are? And what is meant by "The United Nations" in the minds of BKs? it is obviously used to give credibility to the BKWSU.

108 Sri Lankan UN troops have just been kicked out of Haiti for engaging in prostitution with underaged girls, earlier this year 700 Peacekeepers in Ivory Coast were suspended, accused of sexual exploitation. No, the UN does not have entirely good press. For many years, probably decades, some within the US Government pretty much saw it as a communist plot through which Russia was attempting to spread its influence to developing nations; whilst the conspiracists see it as a right-wing plot to bring about a one world government ...
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Post03 Nov 2007

bk-tipit wrote:I do remember an Avyakt Murli in which BapDada was having a long conversation with Nirwair prior to Nirwair going to the UN in NY for something with a name like "The Second UN General Session on Disarmament". It would have been in the early 80s.

Baba told him something about giving the world the good news about peace, sustaining their hope (because we know that ultimately peace will prevail), kind of sharing our faith in a future world of peace but, as far as I remember, he did not mention anything about Destruction.

It would be nice if someone could trace that Murli. It would have been sometime in the summer or maybe September. I was there in NY for a big peace rally at that time and it was before I came to the BKs in 1983, so it would have been 1981 or 1982 I think.

Dear Brother,

Omshanti. I quickly browsed through the Avyakt Vani compilations of 1982 & 1983 (Hindi versions, first editions) but could not find any conversation of Avyakt BapDada with Nirwair Bhai, but I found that Avyakt BapDada did speak to Robert Muller (Assistant Secretary General, UNO) after narrating the Avyakt Vani dated 15.2.83 (after the closing ceremony of the World Peace Conference). Avyakt BapDada spoke about Robert Muller again on 18.2.83 while speaking to Sister Gayatri from New York. She had brought the message of one Swing Shelly from New York.

I am not aware if Avyakt BapDada met Robert Muller because of his VIP status, like other Indian VIPs, or whether he had become a BK/semi-BK at that time. But he was all praise for Robert Muller. He told him that he makes good plans but if this spiritual power gets added to his plans then they will start taking shape.

On the same day (i.e. 15.2.83) Avyakt BapDada also met Steve Naraine (Vice President, Guyana) and Aunty (I don't know who is referred to as Aunty, but she too apears to be from Guyana). But as far as I know Steve Naraine went on to become a BK.

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UN Shanti not Om Shanti

Post03 Nov 2007

arjun wrote:Avyakt BapDada spoke about Robert Muller again on 18.2.83 while speaking to Sister Gayatri from New York. She had brought the message of one Swing Shelly from New York. I am not aware if Avyakt BapDada met Robert Muller because of his VIP status, like other Indian VIPs, or whether he had become a BK/semi-BK at that time.

On the same day (i.e. 15.2.83) Avyakt BapDada also met Steve Narain (Vice President, Guyana) and Aunty (I don't know who is referred to as Aunty, but she too apears to be from Guyana).

The deceased Sally Swing Shelley was a director at the Non-Governmental Organization section at the Department of Public Information. An American and a "globalist bureaucrat" who was also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. She was also a radio correspondent at the United Nations for Associated Press Special Assignment and Maryknoll Catholic Radio and founded the Committee on Teaching about the United Nations, (CTAUN).

I do not think Steve Naraine ever became a full BK but is not he and "Aunty" Gayatri's mother and Father?

Yes, Robert Muller went down on one knee to Gulzar (not to propose but because he could not sit down cross legged). He had no awareness he was "Meeting God" (TM) but he was well and truly love bombed by the Sisters and intoxicated by it all. He and Steve's status were certainly key to the BKs climbing the slippery pole. Robert's own website is here, robertmuller.org. He is not such a great fan of the United Nations. He thinks the UN was created "as weak as possible" and needs completely reformed. He is more of a believer in the European Union model becoming a World Union. He is his own man, Catholic and New Agey, not hung up on God or one "school", and a dreamer in the positive sense. He does not believe their will be another World War.

I am sorry to be callous but for all these folks have been milked by the BKWSU (mostly to convince the BK followers in my opinion) are really quite small fry in the real world. I am so sick of the "UN Shanti" mantra. The SS always doted on Muller as everyone speculated that he "must be a Brahmin" but, really, his line was that he had been meditating for years in his own way.

He is a believer in "World or Global Spirituality" and chancellor of the United Nations University for Peace for which he was given a donation from an ex-Japanese militarist of a Million Dollar cheque for a school where children were taught not to make war but defend peace.

One interesting quote Muller used was about how "Religion was used as a cloak for malice". Something we are experiencing right now with the legal dispute. There is a thorough independent article about his spirituality here, Gary Kah on Robert Muller.


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Re: UN Shanti not Om Shanti

Post03 Nov 2007

ex-l wrote:I do not think Steve Narain ever became a full BK but is not he and "Aunty" Gayatri's mother and Father?

Uncle and Aunty, as they are called, are effectively Gayatri's parents and, as far as I know, both are BKs as well as one or two more of their daughters.


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Post03 Nov 2007

BKWSU at the UN wrote:Methods for Strengthening Public Trust and Confidence: Behave responsibly ... Tell the truth ... Remain open to different ideas ... Reconcile legitimate priorities with moral dimensions ... Wield power with compassion ... Listen carefully ... See the legitimacy of the other ... Create trusting relationships

This is very nice and I think they mean it but they don't seem to realize that this is not what they are doing themselves. This is why I am allergic to their preaching mode. They preach something but do something else. And if you dare bringing it to their attention they get all offended and upset.
ex-l wrote:So, the ethical question to me is, is it right to dupe folks to get in there, or to pick up folks to get them into the BKWSU ... IF ... we have not got our house in order? Are we not just pulling them out of one fire and into another frying pan?

In my opinion it is not. I do not remember his exact words but Gandhi used to say that an elevated aim doesn't justify corrupted means to achieve that aim. The very corruption within the means would definitely corrupt the result, thus the pure aim would not be achieved.

We have to recognize that and figure out a way to truly be of service to the world whilst being honest about our beliefs. But who has the courage and humility to do that in the leadership of the BKWSU? Maybe it is the one step of courage we need to get multifold steps of help from the Father!
ex-l wrote:108 Sri Lankan UN troops have just been kicked out of Haiti for engaging in prostitution with underaged girls, earlier this year 700 Peacekeepers in Ivory Coast were suspended, accused of sexual exploitation.

If we would at least do that much with the children's abusers on our premises ...


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Post03 Nov 2007

arjun wrote:Omshanti. I quickly browsed through the Avyakt Vani compilations of 1982 & 1983 (Hindi versions, first editions) but could not find any conversation of Avyakt BapDada with Nirwair Bhain

If I have time I'll try to do some research to find out the date of that special UN session on disarmament. I think it was in 1981 but the Avyakt Murli I was talking about may not be in the yearly Avyakt Murlis booklets available in Madhuban. It was read as a revised Avyakt Murli during a Sunday class, a decade ago.

Thanks for looking up for it!
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Post03 Nov 2007

bkti-pit wrote:If I have time I'll try to do some research to find out the date of that special UN session on disarmament.

"The Second Special Session of the General Assembly Devoted to Disarmament" was held at UN headquarters from 7 June to 10 July 1982.

A little bit of a paradox really for the BKs to go. I also just noticed that Steve Naraine was one of the individuals "interviewed" by Brahma Kumaris prior to composing the paper I referred to.

This is also interesting because this is a "service yukti" I have noticed elsewhere, where the BKs go in to "do service" of IPs and VIPs by "asking for an interview". Personally, I would interpret this as a sort of "service by stealth", e.g. India I have seen businessmen etc being given toli, rakhi, invitation to the center etc. It is very flattering of the non-BK and it allows the BKs to use them as their mouthpiece. There is no mention Naraine is also a BK on their paper.
BKUN wrote:In preparing this talking paper, we consulted with a group of thinking partners who have served in government positions. The ideas in this paper derive from our interviews with Ambassador Chowdhury (Bangladesh), Congressman Dennis Kucinich (USA), Robin Ludwig (USA), Juan Carlos Murillo (Mexico), Jay Naidoo (South Africa), Steve Naraine (Guyana), Victor Perton (Australia), and Cassan Uteem (Mauritius).

The population of Guyana is 769,000 and the country is slightly smaller than Idaho.


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Post03 Nov 2007

ex-l wrote: There is no mention Naraine is also a BK on their paper.

As far as I know, Jay Naidoo from South Africa is also a BK (or was at some point in time). Maybe it doesn't look good in those type of papers to show that those type of people actually are BKs. It's all about PR, is not it?

Thanks also for finding the dates of that UN session on disarmament. I may have kept a copy of that Murli since it is a favorite topic of mine. I'll look for it sometime within the next week and will post the relevant extracts here if I find it.
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Post05 Nov 2007

At last 'talk about someone' session I had, not long back, - it was mentioned that Jay Naidoo was still very much part of the South African BK setup. I knew him well in earlier days ...
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Post05 Nov 2007


Thanks to everyone for the further information.

I remember reading in the same book that Guyana was the seed/instrument for BK service in America. Dr. Hansa Rawal's article in Gyanamrit magazine suggested that she was the seed for BK service in US. So, does that mean that she was given the message by someone from Guyana?



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Post06 Nov 2007

I don't know Hansa's story but let me tell you what I know about the beginning of service in America. Anyone who knows better can correct me.

Denise and Chandru went to Toronto in the early 70s. They stayed there for a few months but it did not take off. They then went on a tour of the USA which ended on the West coast. Eventually Chandru settled in San Francisco and Denise in LA.

Sister Mohini also went to America in the early 70s and I believe this was before Chandru and Denise. She first went to Halifax but it did not take off there either. Did she went to London from there or directly to Guyana? I don't know, but as far as I know it is in Guyana that the service in America really took off.

Sister Jayanti was invited for some kind of Hindi religious conference by a local Pandit, or someone of that sort, and it was a hit. Arrangements had been made for her to stay at the Naraine's. She stayed over and Sister Mohini joined her. I do not know how long Sister Mohini was there but it is from Guyana that she then went to New York. Many BKs from Guyana left the country because of deteriorating political and economic conditions, and many ended up in New York where they have been pillars for the service there. The same applies for the service in Toronto. The service of the whole Carribeans started from Guyana. Uncle, Auntie and many of their family members now live in the Toronto area.

It would be unfair not to mention a Brother named Ramesh who from the early days supported financially centers in America. I don't know his country of origin.

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