Accurate remembrance

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Post21 Sep 2007

When i first get to know about the Father i fist felt that i have found something - i have mentioned elsewhere that it was as if the heart flied and suddenly it cried as it is described - "My Baba".

When i was meeting him personally, inside there was a voice - be it emerging naturally and spontaneously or due to self-suggestion that - this is the creator of heaven - that was bringing very happy feelings - and he is my Father. Why nothing? One feels some familiarity with his Father. And also the feeling that there is some gain from him.

At that time and after going back i was left with the feeling that i like to help him. Also i have a feeling that i have a teacher and also a guru. So I am student. It is said that student life is the best. Also my salvation is taking place. Are there better feelings than these.

Before i met him a Brother related me his experiences that when he looks at you you feel full and feel that you would do everything for him and that appeared to be so. Also as another Brother has described there is the feeling that "I am very untruthful".

Regarding the cutting of sins i can relate an experience of another Brother that is connected with a song - from the beginnings of the Murli - from the path of bakti - "We are so impure and despite this you ... accepts us ... make us yours ... or allows us near ... something like this ... you are so innocent God i just cannot understand you".



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Post21 Sep 2007

ex-l wrote:So, nothing basically? Its quite different from all the visions and experiences stuff that goes on at the BKs then.

Did PBKs ever experience them? What do they make of the so-called bodiless or Avyakt/Subtle Region experiences? Purely visions related to Bhakti?

Just a short post here ...

Visions are purely Bhaktimarg. Nothing is gained through them. Did Meera (who was intensely devoted to Shri Krishna) reach Vaikunth or Swarg? Her intense Bhakti only gifted her the visions of Shri Krishna but not the inheritance of swarg. Visions only give temporary happiness. In Gyan marg, there is no importance for visions. In Gyan marg, the visions occur on the basis of Gyan ... Through the third eye of knowledge one can understand or see the form of Vishnu. In contrast to Bhaktimarg visions, one does not have to close the eyes in Gyan marg. Things are vividly visible on the basis of Gyan but the eyes are still open. Visions are meant for them who cannot understand on the basis of Gyan.
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Post18 Oct 2007

Is it accurate remembrance to play music? Does the mother plays music when she remembers her child? We are said to aim to become introverted, if we are to listen to music where will the attention go?

Is it accurate remembrance to listen to commentary? The one who comments is bound to become extroverted so has to become the one who listens. We are said to sit in silence.
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Post18 Oct 2007

I kind of agree, although sometimes I ejoyed commentaries and music (and incense!).

It seems that these external supports have become very popular and grown exponentially. I mean, not by themselves :wink:, somebody is making them and selling them. Marketing and sales. People become addict to them.

So it is a business and it's a tendency towards extroversion, perfectly in line with the other symptoms of BKWSU derailment from the original teachings. Even in the Sakar Murli I read today- 14 07 07 -
"The Father gives you a warning: children, do not forget the days of this childhood. You must remember one ShivBaba. You must not keep a photograph of any guru, etc ..."

The message is very clear and possibly hasn't been edited, simply because, functioning all the time on double standards, BKs can always claim that by "gurus", what Shiva Baba means are the traditional Bhakti marg gurus or even New Age ones but BB, SS alive or deceased, are not gurus.

So, I think that we received such a good training in not asking "why" and rocking the boat, and we don't want to be seen as trouble makers. So we avoid asking explanations about any obvious inconsistency.

Maybe it'd be interesting to share some experiences about introvertedness/extrovertedness. It makes sense to me - and I experienced it - that a human soul can recharge its batteries by tapping into the Almighty's positive and infinite energy. So, who, once again like in all religions, has an interest in diverting our focus from the source to humans and objects of devotion, whilst denying to be doing that?
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Post20 Oct 2007

If the Supreme Soul is a soul that is non-physical and never has a body, then he is the perfect introvert. We cannot reach him by any means of a physical tools, sounds or actions through the body like uttering a name, dancing, clapping etc. The mind is subtle. Maybe inside also an uttering can take place with no effect. For our rememberance it is said, we should leave body-consciousness, consider ourselves to be souls and then wherever the soul, is the supreme souls is near.

By the way, why are inititials SS used for "Senior Sister" rather than "Supreme Soul". I have been confused few times. Maybe there is an unlimited meaning to it?
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Post20 Oct 2007

andrey wrote:By the way, why are inititials SS used for "Senior Sister" rather than "Supreme Soul". I have been confused few times. Maybe there is an unlimited meaning to it?

The shorcut for Supreme Soul Shiva is Supreme Soul Shiva, Senior Sisters are the SS. The unlimited meaning is "Schutzstaffel". It is German for the elite "Protective Squadron".
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Post23 Oct 2007

So an "S" is no less than a "P". Could we introduce SSSS - Supreme Soul Shiva through Shankar?

In the Murli it is said that, "the more you remember me, the more i remember you". There was a clarification that - is this not partial, then the explanation is that it is about the Father that is the human Father - he is partial the more one does his service the more he remembers him. As for the Supreme Soul Shiva, it is said in the clarification that, "i don't need to remember anyone personally. You are the lover. I am the beloved". This is likely to be, because remembrance (of human beings) causes us to fall. If Supreme Soul also starts remembering human beings, maybe He would also fall. Maybe his speciality is that he doesn't remember anyone, that's why he does not fall. Or maybe he remembers only his one child. What do you think?

It is also said that, e.g. a Father remembers his son in the office. We definitely need a basis for remembrance, eg. a place. That's why in the Murli it is said that, "if you remember, the body of Brahma will surely come in the mind".


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Post24 Oct 2007

andrey wrote:In the Murli it is said that, "the more you remember me, the more I remember you". There was a clarification that - is this not partial, then the explanation is that it is about the Father that is the human Father - he is partial the more one does his service the more he remembers him. As for the Supreme Soul Shiva, it is said in the clarification that, "I don't need to remember anyone personally. You are the lover. I am the beloved". This is likely to be, because remembrance (of human beings) causes us to fall. If Supreme Soul also starts remembering human beings, maybe He would also fall. Maybe his speciality is that he doesn't remember anyone, that's why he does not fall. Or maybe he remembers only his one child. What do you think?

I like this idea of the human Father vs the Supreme Soul Shiva and that Shiva doesn't remember anyone.
andrey wrote:It is also said that, e.g. a Father remembers his son in the office. We definitely need a basis for remembrance, eg. a place. That's why in the Murli it is said that, "if you remember, the body of Brahma will surely come in the mind".

When I remember my lokik daughter, it doesn't matter to me where she is and I don't usually even remember her face; I just have feelings of love for her and I remember the experiences I had with her, her feelings for me ...

When I remember Shiv Baba, I do not usually remember him in any form, not even as a point of light. I simply have feelings of love and gratitude for him. I remember the experiences I had with him, the benefit I took from him. I just enjoy his company, feel his love, have a conversation if I feel like to, fill myself with his love, truth, purity, light and might.

I have no explanation how it works but it does feel good and it does help me to see the truth and align my life with it. It helps me to hear my inner voice. It helps me to see the good in others. It helps me in so many other ways.
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Avyakt Sustenance through remembrance

Post24 Oct 2007

Hi, bk-Pitt. I also experience remembrance in a way similar to yours. It's nice to stay in the Great Spirit's energy, is not it? Do our feelings need any material proof, substantiation or are they self evident ... and that's enough for us? Like Rita Marley sang, "Who feels it knows it".

I am at the moment not interested in investigating in what percentage this could be self suggestion or a real subtle relationship. Many little miracles, synchronicity, inspirations, and improvement in my stage - if not in practical issues! - make me contented enough by fulfilling my needs for company and power, making the association to any sect or religious group superfluous. Baba speaks a lot about Avyakt sustenance but the BKs constantly interfere with that. One typical way is that of pressuring students to, as soon as possible, get involved in service (creating your fortune! :wink:) neglecting self-service and Yoga that are the arrows and keys to successful service.

They claim to teach us to "connect to the Supreme Source of energy" but we all know by experience that the emphasis is not on that and that the interference of human gurus, SS with all the paraphernalia, pics, etc, is omnipresent. How do we allow our energy to be diverted, hijacked from the link soul-Supreme Soul, introvertedness and empowerment, to the frentic running around of programs, meetings, you name it? Extrovertedness and wearing oneself out? Maybe we want to be "accepted". We want to please God and look good in the eyes of his human self-appointed emissaries?

Even on a plane, safety instructions about wearing the oxygen mask etc, are to serve the self first, otherwise we will not be able to attend others.

What I would suggest to any young BK is to ponder on what Baba means when he talks about balance between self-service and world-service. When he says that any service causing a drop in our stage is useless. Or when he states that only centers free from Maya and obstacles, are bringing benefit.

What br. Andrey said:
"I don't need to remember anyone personally."

sounds to me like Universal, very elevated love. What else can you expect from the Great Healer, Mighthouse and Lighthouse, if not the spreading of love, power and good vibes? :wink:

Should we try and emulate him?
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Post03 Nov 2007

On the path of devotion people speak affectionately about God. They imagine him, love him with deep devotion, surrender to him etc, etc. Still we say they do not know him.


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Post09 Dec 2007

From this morning's Murli (December 08 2007):

Only the one Father is the Ocean of Knowledge. He is showing you the absolute right path: Children, now remember me and your sins will be absolved. You mustn't remember any bodlly beings. Let your intellect's Yoga remain up above. Don't think that because Baba is here your intellect should also remain here. Although Baba is here you still have to connect your intellect's Yoga up there in the land of peace.
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remember me

Post09 Dec 2007

Interestingly enough, BKs and PBKs remember Shiva in some form of Chariot, and though they claim that the Chariot is not god! ... but then, well ... that's where god is located at the moment ... and so ... the face of someone or the other appears! But then comes the Vishnu Party and claims that god is to be remembered as incorporeal ... sounds more subtle!! :?

But how about not remembering god at all?.. we may be too pre-disposed to our own ideas of god ... a religious form of god ... then all the fear and doubts come into the body.

I rather allow my mind to quietly enter into a more real sense of peace, power, love and all them goood vibes!!.. more like becoming in touch with our real self!.. isn´t that what god is??... a selfless ocean of love and peace ... sort of a total trust in the light, god, or the original self. And then, if we act in accordance with the positive laws ... then, "god" is there anyways (was it karma Yoga?) ...

No need for any ritualistic meditation already ... the light is way too powerful when you look towards it. I feel that when my mind is in this state, then the contrast with today's darkness is totally clear.
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Post09 Dec 2007

in the night wrote:But how about not remembering god at all? ... we may be too pre-disposed to our own ideas of god ... a religious form of god ... then all the fear and doubts come into the body.

That would of course happen for 2500 years, as per BK/PBK philosophy, but even in this Confluence Age, at the end of it, as per ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) every soul will be satisfied with its own role/part and become soul conscious.



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Post06 Jan 2008

Dear All,

We are still not clear about the accurate method of remembrance. And subject of remembrance is the most important subject because only through remembrance our sins of past 63 births can be wiped off and we can become completely pure or 16 celestial degrees complete.

Since it is true that we become what we remember, it is very important that remembrance should be based on true knowledge and not blind faith. Only if we understand knowledge completely, we can learn understand what is accurate remebrance.


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Post06 Jan 2008

Then it can also be said there is easily much blind faith in knowledge too. Now that is easy to remember. :P

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