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www.USWKB.com or www.OSWKB.com

Post28 Sep 2007

Just as the California State University is diferrent from University of California in the same way,

the USWKB (or OSWKB) is different from BKWSU (or BKWSO)

USWKB stands for University of Spiritual and Wordly Kumaris of Brahma, and

OSWKB stands for Organization of Spiritual and Worldy Kumaris of Brahma.

USWKB (or OSWKB) is an international community dedicated to bringing the truth about the teachings and philosophy BKWSU (or BKWSO).

USWKB has few thousands members worldwide. They are called 'Kumaris of Brahma" (female) or "Kumars of Brahma" (male).

USWKB (or OSWKB) is in the process of obtaining patents and trademarks for its name and work.

(i am supposed to post this under the topic "jokes")
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abrahma kumar

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www.USWKB.com or www.OSWKB.com or www.USoSWKB.com

Post28 Sep 2007

Not so hasty tinydot. You might be onto something?

USoSWKB stands for Save Our Souls Wordly Kumaris of Brahma!

USoSWKB is an international community dedicated to binging the truth about the teachings and philosophy BKWSU (or BKWSO).

USoSWKB has few members worldwide. They are called 'Kumaris of Brahma" (female) or "Kumars of Brahma" (male).

(I am supposed to post this under the topic "jokes")
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Post29 Sep 2007

KBs ... Killer Brahmins.
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abrahma kumar

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Post29 Sep 2007

ex-l wrote:KBs ... Killer Brahmins.

ex-l goes for the jugular. Anyone remember the movie Killer Bees?
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Post29 Sep 2007

Abek and ex-l,

The following words:
    "Kumaris of Brahma"
are being patented and trademarked under my non-profit corporation (OSWKB) in USA. Any use of such word(s) by the competitor(s) are illegal and not in accordance with the law. Therefore, you are given warnings not to use the stated reserved word(s) for your own benefit.

I am the self-elected president, CEO, secretary and treasurer of OSWKB. I have 8 officers running this corporation. They are admistrators not members. There are no legal members of this corporation that is being run by the administrators who are under my direct instruction. The followers of my organisation, i.e. "Kumaris of Brahma" like to call themselves as "members" of this organization. However, they don't know that this corporation has no members. They exists to sustain my non-profit organization through their donations. In return, I offer them teachings to empower them for the rest of their lives. That is how I run this business.
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Post29 Sep 2007

tinydot wrote: That is how I run this business.

And by any chance do you live in and own the center building too? Would it be in your personal name rather than the organization's? As an experience financial analyst in such matters, I suggest it is a good way.

Everyone benefits. Your followers are given benefit by having the experience of contributing to Brahma's work, and you get your personal mortgage paid whilst saving up a retirement fund.

BTW, if you tell them that they will not only benefit for this life but the next 84 too, then you may find they are even more keen to donate and work for free.


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Post29 Sep 2007

Well, better form the first Splinter group as per wheel drama, the word "Godly" is missing, and so The Kumaris of Godly Brahma aka
    The KGB :P.
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abrahma kumar

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www.USWKB.com or www.OSWKB.com or www.USoSWKB.com

Post04 Oct 2007

abrahma Kumar wrote:Not so hasty tinydot. You might be onto something?
USoSWKB stands for Save Our Souls Wordly Kumaris of Brahma!
USoSWKB is an international community dedicated to binging the truth about the teachings and philosophy BKWSU (or BKWSO).
USoSWKB has few members worldwide. They are called 'Kumaris of Brahma" (female) or "Kumars of Brahma" (male). (I am supposed to post this under the topic "jokes")

Lest we be too quick to dismiss this as madness, look what popped up on the forum:
moksha wrote:Ari Sister what is your problem, You want silence or peace?
aishalvova wrote:Silent and peace for everyone and SOS!

... shoud i really post this under the topic "jokes"?



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Post06 Oct 2007

Welcome to BrahmaKumaris.Info Forum.

As a new member, you will receive this message twice. Once you have read it, erase it, write your actual reply and submit.

* Always remember that a discussion form is not just chat but also publishing, the whole world we see whatever you write for a long time. Be light but make it worthwile.

* Please make it easy for others to read your posts by using paragraph breaks and punctuation to split up large blocks of text.

* Please use capitals when writing specific BK terms so that newcomers can understand that they have special meaning, e.g. "Murli" instead of Murli, "Avyakt Vani" instead of Avyakt Vani and so on.

* If you are using an ambiguous term such as "Baba" or "Father" that could refer to more than one individual, please clarify who it is you mean, e.g. Shiva [ through Virendra Dev Dixit or Veerendra Dev Dixit ], Brahma [ Lekhraj Kirpalani or Dada Lekhraj ], Mama [ BK Saraswati ]. Use actual names rather than titles where possible.

If you need help, please ask others or use the Admin forum.




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i like your search

Post06 Oct 2007

Welcome to BrahmaKumaris.Info Forum.

As a new member, you will receive this message twice. Once you have read it, erase it, write your actual reply and submit.

* Always remember that a discussion form is not just chat but also publishing, the whole world we see whatever you write for a long time. Be light but make it worthwile.

* Please make it easy for others to read your posts by using paragraph breaks and punctuation to split up large blocks of text.

* Please use capitals when writing specific BK terms so that newcomers can understand that they have special meaning, e.g. "Murli" instead of Murli, "Avyakt Vani" instead of Avyakt Vani and so on.

* If you are using an ambiguous term such as "Baba" or "Father" that could refer to more than one individual, please clarify who it is you mean, e.g. Shiva [ through Virendra Dev Dixit or Veerendra Dev Dixit ], Brahma [ Lekhraj Kirpalani or Dada Lekhraj ], Mama [ BK Saraswati ]. Use actual names rather than titles where possible.

If you need help, please ask others or use the Admin forum.

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abrahma kumar

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Oh, but for a BrahmaKumaris.info by some other name

Post15 Oct 2007


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