Avakyt Dadiji - Dadi Prakashmani's Death

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Post10 Sep 2007

She further added that Dadi ji has inspired millions of women to become virtuous and become leaders in their respective profession which itself is great achievement.

Millions ... or should that be ... MILLIONS ... may be MULTI-MILLIONS .... Each one individually and independently.

Nice that they got the plug in for the Self Management Leadership course. Good marketing there.
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Mr Green


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Post10 Sep 2007

Birth without sex happens today amongst the animal kingdom ... are they deities??????

Bejeepers, is not all this 100% body conscious ...
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abrahma kumar

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In the beauty of the Palm Court at Alexandra Palace ...

Post11 Sep 2007


This regal programme was arranged in just five days, as a special tribute to Dadi Prakashmani, and everything, everywhere seemed to have the fragrance of Baba’s hand. In the beauty of the Palm Court at Alexandra Palace, domed glass panes up above and towering palm trees and foliage framed the huge foyer where nearly 1,600 BKs from across the UK gathered to commemorate Dadiji with Dadi Janki. The gathering created a powerful and intimate atmosphere, filled with the vibrations of love that all had for our Dadiji.

There was breakfast around the palm trees and a beautiful display of different portraits of Dadiji at different times in her life. Also, a collage of sweet thoughts for Dadiji was steadily added to by everyone throughout the day. Dadi Janki began the morning by reading Murli and sharing class. The scene was like that of a mini Shantivan. Girishbhai was invited by Dadi to sing ‘let the Ganges of love flow’. Everyone also had the great fortune to listen to the sweet words of Dadi Gulzar via phone call, in which she related the scenes of how Dadiji had pulled everyone here today.

Dadi reminded everyone that when we use time in a worthwhile way in this birth then we claim a right to the fortune of the kingdom from the beginning and will remain healthy for many births. Dadi noted that now the world is beginning to recognize us as the people who create wonders and not upheaval. Finishing the Murli she added when one has love for the Murli, then one has love for the one who relates the Murli.

After a break, beautiful images of Dadiji giving love and happiness adorned the screens and her ability to give every soul she came into contact the feeling of belonging was expressed. It was noted that throughtout her wonderful life it was Dadi’s wish that Baba be revealed to all the souls on earth, and a reminder that now our responsibility to continue with this and help bring about the revelation of Shiv Baba all over the world.


Sister Denise shared how Dadi’s broadness of heart and inclusion of all, yet who understood the variations in nature, still made everyone feel part of the family. She never felt the family could get too big and her huge inclusive hug gesture said it all.

Sister Jaymini expressed how in Dadi’s hug she experienced the presence of Sakar Baba, how Dadi’s vision was so vast, and how her love for the Murli was so deep and constant. Sister Maureen shared how Dadi knew her heart so well and took care of her heart – and how Dadi understood everyone so clearly.

Ratanbhai stated that when Dadiji left the five elements welcomed her, and how she knows and we have the secrets of where she is, where she will take rebirth now and throughout The Cycle. She will be the first child of Lakshmi and Narayan and worshipped thoughout The Cycle from the Copper Age. Now it is her and Baba's desire that we follow and become Nimit, Nirmal and Nirman - an instrument, humble and in self-respect . A minutes silence was held for everyone to raise their hands with the determined thought to become like Dadiji.

Brother Anthony of Greece noted that his most important realization in all eternity was when Dadiji said ‘manmanabhav’ to him. The number one virtue he learnt from Dadi was of loyalty and faithfulness, to keep firm the thoughts that purity is my religion.

Sister Suman from Oxford Global Retreat Centre read an eloquent poem that moved the heart strings, sharing her personal experience of Dadiji.

Sister Jayanti then spoke of how she had seen Dadiji conducting Amrit Vela under a full moon, which was such a beautiful scene. She revealed how it was Dadiji who had the vision of London playing the role it does today as International Headquarters and how Dadiji gave the go-ahead for London to be responsible for translating the Murlis into English and thus opening out distribution of the entire Murlis around the world. Dadi understood how to serve the world.

For the 12 days that Dadiji spent in the Subtle Region Sister Jayanti shared how at Amrit Vela going to the Subtle Region she felt her very special presence and now realising how a presence there can pull us too. She concluded by saying that Dadiji’s departure was a powerful signal for us to move forward.

Sister Waddy of Miami then conducted a lively interview with Dadi Janki, asking her first about the qualities of trust and faith that Dadiji had.

Dadi Janki said the two qualities put right any fluctuation of the intellect: “If God has faith and trust in me then others will have faith and trust in God”. Dadi Janki also reiterated how Dadiji was welcomed by the 5 elements, and that beforehand she was already the conqueror of the elements and so they all cooperated with her, throughout her ill health. Dadi noted that a sign of those who come into the rosary of 8 is there is no fluctuation at all. Dadiji followed Baba’s Maryadas completely and that is why she became number One. “Dadiji’s departure was a signal for all of us to hurry up; Dadiji is making everyone become alert”.

When asked the difference between the understanding that the 8 jewels have compared to the rosary of 108, Dadi noted that those of the rosary of 108 think a little, those of the 8 don't think – just follow totally.

Sister Waddy concluded by saying that Dadiji was the Grandmother and Dadi Janki the Mother, and what made Dadiji’s passing bearable was that we still have the mother, Dadi Janki. Bhog was then offered to Baba, and special Brahma Bhojan was shared with all.

Thanks was given to the wonder of cooperation that created this beautiful event, including thanks to all the staff at Alexandra Palace and DK promotions. Finally thanks was given to everyone present for increasing the beauty of the gathering.

There was special toli and gifts shared by Sister Jayanti, Sister Waddy and Sister Denise.
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Re: In the beauty of the Palm Court at Alexandra Palace ...

Post11 Sep 2007

Dadi noted that now the world is beginning to recognize us as the people who create wonders and not upheaval ...

Sister Waddy concluded by saying that Dadiji was the Grandmother and Dadi Janki the Mother, and what made Dadiji's passing bearable was that we still have the mother, Dadi Janki ...

There was special toli and gifts shared by Sister Jayanti, Sister Waddy and Sister Denise.

Its interesting to note Waddy's involvement in the the Jayanti correspondence and legal action if she just was in London at the same time. Dare I say that all this "mother/grandmother stuff" is not exactly according to Shrimat ...

So, they reckon, she is going to be the first male child of the first Lakshmi and Narayan!

Surely that means she is going to miss the first 75 years of the Golden Age then!?! And no direct mention of who the first Lakshmi and Narayan are going to be or dates then? Many mysteries to unfold yet.

Is Suman of Oxford THE Suman ex- of Germany or another Suman?


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Post11 Sep 2007

Is Suman of Oxford THE Suman ex- of Germany or another Suman?

She is not the Suman of Germany
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Post11 Sep 2007

What an incredible waste of money.
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Post11 Sep 2007

Mr. Green ... I love your posts !!! 8) ... just what we need: honesty !!
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abrahma kumar

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Japan B.K. family and guest event as a tribute to Dadi-ji

Post14 Sep 2007

Received via the BKWSU mailout:
Japan B.K. family and guest event as a tribute to Dadi-ji

Tokyo - The program was arranged for B.K. family and guest to tribute to Dadi-ji on 9 Sep. It became very special event when Chief adviser, Prof. Nara, Oisca N.G.O which is the part of Ananai-kyo Shinto group (This group invited Dadi-ji 1954 to Japan) came to pay tribute to Dadi-ji.

Prof. Nara gave a speech about Dadi-ji that how Dadi-ji was invited to Japan for a religious congress. He brought the book and read of 50yeas ago which she talked about BK principals. He showed Dadi's photos.

He appreciated that Dadi-ji came to Japan and showed the path of peace. He met Dadi-ji in Mt. Abu 10 year ago. He also said Brahma Kumaris are guiding and showing the path of peace to the world. After that he paid tribute to Dadi-ji by offering flowers. Then Seniors BK and youth shared poems, experiences with Dadi-ji. Jewel of Light video was shown. Brahma Bhojan was shared. Dadi-ji favourite song was sung by Japanese Sister Yuko, which brought very loving feeling for Dadi-ji. Sister Rajni shared that Dadi-ji always gave us belonging feeling to all of us. Let us continue to give to others.

The event ended with song of " Thank you for the inspiration". Over all it was very touching and experience of love. More tribute for Dadi-ji to follow in Kobe for Japanese guests, interfaith pro, Indian community on Sunday.

In Baba's remenbrances
Japan family
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Post14 Sep 2007

Received via the BKWSU mailout:

Global Co-operation House, London 12th September 2007

”This evening is for everyone to experience Dadiji, who is still protecting us as an angel” were the opening remarks by Sister Maureen, co-host of the evening with Robin Ramsay.

In his opening remarks, Robin expressed how Dadiji’s love of life was so huge, her passion for giving so powerful and her spirituality consummate, that we are now gathered here to celebrate this.

Piano notes serene and gentle set-off this beautiful tribute evening with family and friends, including Lilian Carpenter who has been a friend of the BKs since 1974, and friends from the Swami Narayan Mandir and ISKON.

Robin shared how Dadiji was an immensely practical woman who in her 38 years as Administrative Head of the Brahma Kumaris, oversaw the opening of 4,000 centres throughout the world. A meditation centre has opened every 3 days - astonishing and true.

Maureen spoke of, how, when she first met Dadiji, she experienced love, spiritual authority and gentleness.

Sister Jayanti’s tribute started by revealing how she had always thought that Dadiji would be present with us practically until the task of spreading God’s peace to the world had been completed. Yet now she is with us on a subtle level.

At 14, Dadi had a vision of Krishna, the one embodying truth, innocence and beauty. Her Father, an astrologer, was not surprised when Dadiji surrendered to God and the task of upliftment of humanity at the young age of 17.

Sister Jayanti described the last hours of Brahma Baba in his bodily form on the 18th January 1969. How, at evening class, he said ‘Farewell’ (instead of the usual “Good Night” ) and then Dadiji accompanied him to his room. Dadiji experienced Baba’s drishti (spiritual vision), as silently he passed the mantle of leadership to her and the soul then flew away. Dadiji then took up the task of informing the world with words of complete stability, Brahma Baba has reached his state of perfection; nothing is new; drama.

Whenever people pointed to Dadiji as the leader she would point her finger upwards. She was the Server Leader. When asked once how many followers she had, she would refute the idea, saying that Raj Yoga students are all becoming leaders. Her leadership was based on humility. It is this quality that revealed such greatness which came from her very deep understanding of the self, so that she was able to give respect to everyone. She was always available to all, young and old – witnessed in the familiar scene of her greeting everyone in the courtyard of Pandav Bhavan. Her generosity of heart and openness was so big and inclusive she could take in each and everyone.

Sister Jayanti shared how, after Dadij’s departure, the local tribal people of Mount Abu gathered with so much love to pay their respects to Dadiji. Dadi never gave sorrow to anyone; she blessed all and so received blessings from all. With Dadiji we saw the transition of a young girl into an angel: above all limits, able to give love freely and able to keep space for God in her heart. Dadiji guided hundreds of thousands towards God and yet, for her, it was the One above who did it all. Dadiji demonstrated being an angel, and now this is what she is calling all of us to become; this is Dadi's gift to us today.

A short film of Dadiji's life followed tracing her development from her first meeting the Founder at the age of 14 to the world leader she became. The Film ended with a quotation from Dadi, which so beautifully gives the essence of her approach: Give peace, take peace; give love, take love; give happiness, take happiness.

Sister Maureen noted that, when Dadiji came to London in 1977, she remembers her constant smile and how Dadiji stayed beyond any cultural differences, seeing everyone in the same light. She accepted all with love.

The Reverend Marcus Braybrooke, President of the World Congress of Faiths and Co-Chair of the Three Faiths Forum, brought condolences from these organisations and gave a moving tribute – the full version is included below:-

Dadi Prakashmani A Tribute by The Reverend Marcus Braybrook:

It is a privilege to be asked to speak on this special occasion. I bring the good wishes and sympathy of members of the World Congress of Faiths and Three Faiths Forum as well as Mary's and my own. It is a time of sadness at Dadi’s passing but also of celebration for a life that has brought blessing to so many people.

I first met Dadi Prakashmani when Mary and I, with our daughter Rachel, visited Madhuban nearly twenty years ago. Initially, I was in awe of her as Head of the Spiritual University but, when she received us, I was quickly aware of her love and compassion and her ability to see inside us and know what we were thinking and feeling.

We were greatly honoured that Dadi Prakashmani attended the Interfaith Gathering Sarva Dharma Sammelana at Bangalore in 1993 which was the Year of Inter-religious Understanding and Co-operation which was launched here at Global Co-operation House and marked the centenary of the World Parliament of Religions.

On my most recent visit, although she was very unwell, Dadi graciously found time and strength to see me and communicate her deep love – and, of course, to give me a present. On a previous visit with a group, she talked with us for some time. She asked me what I thought about reincarnation. I said I believed that all people are on a journey towards God and are at different stages. I do not know whether after death we continue that journey in other worlds or by revisiting this world. Those who are far advanced on that journey, like Jesus, radiate the light of the Divine and become transparent to their inner spiritual beauty.

They thereby encourage us on our journey and assure us that our destiny is to be changed into the likeness of God and to rediscover our true spiritual joy.

Dadi Prakashmani was one such pure soul. It has been an inspiration and a blessing to have known her. May we make her happy by our love and the purity of our lives.

Sangeeta Assommul, an international entrepreneur, heads the Marigold Group (a chain of fashion stores), who has known the Brahma Kumaris for many years and is helpful in many of our projects. Sangeeta met Dadiji once, just recently, and spoke the following words about her experience:

Tribute by Sangeeta Assommul

My tribute to Dadiji will be very different from anyone else’s, because she was unwell at the time. When I went into the room in Madhuban, I did not quite know what to expect; I was meeting the Head of this organisation and I felt strangely inadequate and quite overwhelmed. As I walked into the room, she was sitting on her chair. I was introduced to her and was waiting for her to say something. I did not know what to expect. She took my hand and met my eyes with hers. In that silence she overwhelmed me with so much mercy, so much forgiveness, and she said to me - without saying anything. It is the past; it is finished; don’t go there. Just be in the now’.

Suddenly I felt like I was a child in the arms of the mother, who sees her newborn baby for the first time, and gazes into the child’s eyes. Suddenly there was this love; I felt completely blessed and loved and so, so full. In these few minutes was the lesson of: Let the past go; be in the now; take this love, take all this energy, this gift; this is your birthright; this is your inheritance You have come and this is for you. I kept thinking: what is next? One more thing: Don’t look back, left, nor right, your aim is ahead of you.

Just like the acrobat on the tightrope, the minute you look back you fall, look left and right, you lose your concentration. If you look forward and have that aim, then you just go ahead.’ That was my one moment with Dadi. It probably lasted just four minutes but that was the four minutes that changed my life… Thank you Dadi.

BK Jonathan from Sheffield played a light and resonant piano piece, composed especially for this event, for Dadiji.

Robin reminded everyone that five years after Dadi Prakashmani took on the leadership of the organization in 1974, Dadi Janki came to London and, in 1977, Dadiji came to see her here. Dadi Janki, accompanied by Sister Denise, one of the original students from London and translating this evening, then took the stage:-

Dadi Janki’s words:

She is my Dadi and it is Dadi who has invited all of us here today… In the Sindhi language Dadi refers to an elder Sister or a grandmother. Dadi was young, yet she became everyone’s grandmother and great-great grandmother, who gave love and nothing else - never seeing defects, only qualities, and giving love in which there were only blessings.

Just as the founding Father, she saw herself as the "nimit", the instrument who gets the work done, with no claim to anything. No matter what job it was, there was never a burden. When there is a burden, we feel disturbed and tired and then not able to be respectful in relations; we start being critical. Dadi made sure nothing like this could occur.

Instead, many souls experienced empowerment through her. Dadi showed everyone how to become good.

Brahma Baba had showed us how to transform ourselves from one thing to something different in life, to have honesty, divinity and humility. For when there is truth and purity then humility naturally works and when there is humility there develops a depth to a person and feelings of goodwill can make things happen. Brahma Baba handed over to Dadiji, she was one who could bring so much truth and purity into the family.

Dadi demonstrated to us the principles of pure food for the body and study to develop our minds. She demonstrated to us that whatever one defines as our purpose so we make effort to fulfil this purpose. Brahma Baba gave us the meaning of what it is to be a Brahmin (one with spiritual awakening) one who is full of purity and truthfulness and who wishes to uplift all. Baba’s tapasya (intense meditation) was such that he made his mind only remember One and his spiritual service was such that he made himself so pure that everyone else would be inspired to do the same.

Baba demonstrated all this to us in the spiritual family and we saw too in Mama how a person could have such depth and love from the heart that everyone would call her Mother. Dadi did such that everyone would call her Dadi, even though she was young. Now we are being inspired by all three.

Dadi went on to explain three different types of people: the Brahmin, the warrior and the business person and encouraged all to become the Brahmin, who has an attitude of being an instrument, keeps a good aim and fills the self with values. Then there will be total freedom to serve and make effort for ourselves, resulting in good relations with each other.

A lot of people want freedom but, what will we do with it when we get it? True freedom is to reach the highest possible state of being and to have the feeling that no-one can hold me back. Dadiji was the accurate example of this.

Dadiji would always say to give blessings to all. Dadi Janki watched carefully what Brahma Baba, Dadi Prakashmani and Mama did to give everyone internal happiness. Dadi’s specialty was always to stay in self-respect and to give regard and respect to everyone. All of us are now learning this, so then, what shall we do?

Our practice is to come so close to God, to fill ourselves with so much love and happiness that this inspires others. We need to be careful not to have any negative thoughts in the mind, as this is harmful and causes disturbance. Through this practice we are going to change, the world is going to change but we are not going to defame anyone. We should never worry about trying to change another person, as the greatest achievement is to create transformation within ourselves; this will inspire others.

Dadi Prakashmani became so sweet through such patience. Through peace and patience everything becomes good. So freedom means: no disturbance inside. I am not careless but I am carefree.

Sister Veronica led the audience into a meditation:

Dadiji’s transcendental invokes me; invites me to turn around; to turn inside out, to cast off this known costume of concerns to trade it for a costume of light; she reminds me. Try it on, it is yours ... it has your name on it and like me you will grow into it ... And, as her deep dark eyes hold mine, see myself reflected in them as light ... and when she sees ... that I have begun to accept ... even her costume of light fades to be absorbed by the Supreme Light ... the source of light ... and now ... in front of that One ... I hear the subtle message ... This is who you are ... my child ... an angel of light ... become that and help to fill that space that has been left on the earth by Dadi, our Jewel of Light ... and I say; "Yes".

Wrapping up the celebration Robin quoted Dadiji’s inspiring words:

God is remembered as The Purifier and this is His task to change the impure to pure once again. This is the task in which we are all engaged. Because the world belongs to the physical dimension it has to be physical human beings who will be part of this process of transformation and will help in this task and this is why we have the slogan when we change, we change the world and this is the task we all have to be engaged in together at this moment.

Yoga means union with God, the Father. It brings about detachment from the body and the experience of one’s own eternity. Everyone needs to be able to take this experience from God and take the power that is available from the Supreme because through that power one is able to conquer negativity. Each one is influenced by a certain amount of negativity at this moment. The practice of Yoga or union with the Supreme gives us the power to change this.

Only a powerful soul can offer love; only a powerful soul can afford to be humble; if our souls are weak then we become selfish; if our souls become empty then we take; but if our souls are filled with love we automatically give to all. And that is our true nature.

Sister Maureen gave thanks to all and emphasized that everyone came because of God’s love and Dadiji’s love. Sister Maureen especially thanked Sister Jayanti and Dadi Janki, two very special guardians of our family in London and over the whole world. Dadi Janki was one who encouraged me to go close to Dadi Prakashmani, to learn and take inspiration from her. When the Dadis are together, there is an incredible unity and they are such an example to all of us of how human relations can be so special in this life. It the world can have just a little of this love, it would be a very different place.

Toli (sweet) and a specially printed tribute to Dadiji’s life were then shared by Dadi Janki.
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Post14 Sep 2007

Sister Maureen doesn't know the meaning of love in my opinion.
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Post14 Sep 2007

Two questions,
abrahma Kumar wrote:Sister Jayanti described the last hours of Brahma Baba in his bodily form on the 18th January 1969.

Was Jayanti there or is this just the legendary version? Has she even mentioned the circumstances of the founding of the World Renewal Trust in 16th January 1969?

This is freaky as hell ... we wont bother asking the PBKs if it is inline with Shrimat.
Sister Veronica led the audience into a meditation:

Dadiji's transcendental invokes me; invites me to turn around; to turn inside out,
to cast off this known costume of concerns to trade it for a costume of light; she reminds me. Try it on, it is yours ... it has your name on it ...


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Post16 Sep 2007

”This evening is for everyone to experience Dadiji, who is still protecting us as an angel”

I thought she was sucking her thumb in the jail of a womb.
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Dadi Janki's class (Om Shanti Bhawan) Madhuban, 25/09/07

Post26 Sep 2007

A month has passed since Dadiji became Avyakt. She has made our hearts so true. She taught us how to be merged in Baba's love. She has shown us what service of the Yagya is and what great fortune there is in doing service. There is so much income in studying Baba's knowledge. Dadiji has taken on the Avyakt form in order to bring about transformation in all of us.

The power of sustenance works in our lives from our spiritual childhood until the last moments. Today as Baba mentioned in the Murli we have the powerful realisation of who I am. Baba frees us from body consciousness. No human can make us understand what the soul is. The more we pay attention to ourselves, the greater are the realisations. Baba has taught the mind how to be stable and peaceful. With a peaceful mind and a true heart I am able to take strength from Baba and end all other waste thoughts.

No soul can claim to be complete yet. For that I need to become clean, true and honest. Realisations are making the soul clean. The power of the truth of knowledge is being imbibed in the soul. Let me experience the power and love of all relationships with Baba.

I churn knowledge with understanding and have learned to forget everything else. My role in the play is ending. I have the thought of returning home. I have finished all matters and I am close to home. Dadiji served the Yagya so much and now it is the time for her and us to return home. She has taken on the Avyakt form and is pulling us to do the same. It is our fortune that in the Confluence Age Baba has made us the instruments for service. Keep the awareness of being instruments and not have the feeling that I have done so much.

Dadi means to be light, have elevated thoughts, words, deeds, inspire others and do the right thing. Dadi brought into action whatever she saw Baba do. In the world they talk about being happy and how difficult it is to make others happy. But our aim is to be happy ourselves and have the bhavna to make others happy also. Let me serve to help others be content.

The soul is the truth, it is clean and pure. Let me experience that for myself. The soul is drawing in the power of God's love. Let me remember how I the soul came from my home and how I will return. The body will remain here but before I leave the body, let me live with the consciousness that these are the final moments of this last birth. I have to return home in the same pure form I came in, so have I reached that stage?

If you ask Baba what your stage is like, he will tell you to ask yourself. The answers are in the Murli. Even if we are in a gathering, Baba speaks to us personally. There are only a few who have the consciousness that Baba has come for me and is speaking to me personally.

Baba doesn't need a body at any other time in The Cycle. It is only now that he comes into a body and into sound in order to take us you to nirvana. Do I have the pull to go to the land beyond sound? Our ears are listening but I have reached a stage where I don't speak anything except Baba's words? Do I experience the peace of the land of peace?

These are very simple things. Don't make simple things difficult. To make something simple is the sign of a wise intellect. This was Dadiji's speciality: Remain peaceful and everything will happen. Don't be helpless in front of your old habits. Keep yourself free.
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Post26 Sep 2007

abrahma Kumar wrote:Sister Jayanti described the last hours of Brahma Baba in his bodily form on the 18th January 1969. How, at evening class, he said 'Farewell' (instead of the usual "Good Night" ) and then Dadiji accompanied him to his room. Dadiji experienced Baba’s drishti (spiritual vision), as silently he passed the mantle of leadership to her and the soul then flew away. Dadiji then took up the task of informing the world with words of complete stability, Brahma Baba has reached his state of perfection; nothing is new; drama.

So Brahma Baba handed over the mantle of leadership to her 'silently' ... hmmmmmmm.
She told everyone Brahma Baba had reached his stage of perfection ... hmmmmmmm.

Do they like just make it up as they go along?
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Post26 Sep 2007

john wrote:Do they like just make it up as they go along?

When my very religious grandma died, it was a big gathering in the family. She had many children and many grandchildren including in-laws.

In the ritual mass, relatives, friends, in-laws and guests were present. The priest said in the sermon, that my grandma's soul had gone to heaven due to her faith and religious efforts. EVERY ONE CRIED IN HAPPINESS, I even saw my dad (son-in-law of my grandma) crying.

I bet this priest was making this up to please the followers who made a good paid donation to arrange for this mass/ritual. And on top of that, the basket was passed to further collect money from those invited guests and friends. Nice religious business though.

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