Being a new BK ...

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Being a new BK ...

Post10 Sep 2007

I started the seven courses a week ago, and already felt alienated from the rules and "schooling/guidance" yet given in a gently tone and manner.

Although amiable and based on value teaching, I stumbled upon their intense desire to remodeled what their call our "soul/point of light" and cornered it in a remote "control room" so to speak.

I am a French citizen (soon to become a US's), living alone in San Francisco. For years I circled many times around the BK Mansion on Hayes and Baker, before committing myself by opening their door. Sister Kioko is the most charming person I ever met in my long run. The first lesson was spirituel, albeit condescending with a clear avoidance at giving me direct and straightforward answers to my questions.

One thing which starts to bother me is the constant use of Indian words, why not "I am peace" instead of "Om Shanti", Father in lieu of "Baba" etc? About genderless entity after all? Raja Yoga is the king of all. Fine. Sister Jayanti explains why and how to handle negativity within. I quote: "Raja Yoga goes beyond all type of Yoga, it is the balance of Yogas - Yoga though renunciation? Renouncing is a negative thought. Celibacy, chastity? God told us to ... etc? This is purely cynical and a negative evil thing to profess.

How can a non-physical energy be able to discern white from black, good from bad? Why calling it a point of light, why in the center of the forehead? Whom said so? Like with most Indian/Asian religious/philosophical groups, I keep as well, noticing a deeply, troubling business like caste. Where and how do they get financial support, how is it spread-out? Yes, way too many questions ...

And why do we Westerners have this urging need for Asian and/or Indian religious philosophies? About discovering something which will be really from within us. Meditation has been used before Asian and Indian Cultures became a fade.

I need some help and insights.

I am peace and love :D.

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Post10 Sep 2007

The information they give you should be drawn from Murlis, which are said to be the word of God Father Shiva.

In them (Murlis), it is explained, what and where the Soul is. Any deviation from this would be called manmat, or just the opinion of the person teaching you, as opposed to Shrimat which is Shiva's own correct instructions.

Others on the forum have got better insights into the financing of the BK organisation, both PR and behind the scenes versions.
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Re: Being a new BK ...

Post11 Sep 2007

Welcome to the forum adoribus. Hope you stay with us.
adoribus wrote:Where and how do they get financial support, how is it spread-out? Yes, way too many questions ...

From donations (money, in-kind [like food, appliances, etc], real estate properties) of working/retired members/non-members, rich VIPs, income generated running seminars/workshop, interests from bank accounts, etc.
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Post11 Sep 2007

Hi adoribus ... you pick an interesting time to arrive as the BKs have just started legal action to try and shut us down!!! But you have found the right place. We will give you straight answers, and questions to raise with your teachers. Fire away.

Really, we are not that wild but folks here will let you know how things are, no holes barred, and how to protect yourself if you chose to go onwards on this path. There is good and we can help you save yourself from the worst of the bad. You will be propelled right into the deepest aspects of 'The Knowledge'; the anomolies, the revisions, a few controversies the "orthodox church" want to cover over. Some of the contributors have been teachers and center-dwellers and so they can give you the inside view.

Recently I just read that the BK appears to have trust funds and investment in India which was news to me. Some government act let them off paying taxes on it. In India, the BKs are known to be a rich religion with many middle class followers but that does not stop them pressing on poorer BKs to give donations to increase their good karma and get a high status in the "forthcoming Golden Age".

If you asked me where does the money comes from, I would say "the Hindi Temple economy". By that I mean, in the main, it is supported by the Hindis who have a religious trait, or supersitition, of giving money to the local temple to "purify it or their karma". Instead of it going to the temples, it now goes to the BKs. Each center is essentially meant to be self-supporting, although sometimes money is moved about on an ad hoc basis, especially, in one case, big donations to main center control. To add to the list above, for the Hindis, I would also add gifts of gold/jewellery as well.

One of the issue we have dicussed here is "who pays for the mortgage on the center". They generally get a follower to take a mortgage out in the follower's own name and then the follower pays for it directly or from donations of others. This can cause problems if that follower then leaves, or wants to "surrender" (give up work) ... which they do ... and the financial load is dumped onto someone else. We know examples of this.

Yes, you have stumbled onto the soft sell of the BKWSU. Keep your intuitions alive and trust in them. Its a shame because there is good in there, or the experience, but you are right, very quickly the controlling aspects are introduced. Indeed, it is very likely that they are not telling you the whole of The Knowledge at this point. Have you got the the 5,000 year Cycle of time and the dinosaurs existing 2,500 years ago yet?

There is the question, "Which 7 Day Course did you have?". They have kind of watered it down a bit but there is a more complete version here if you want to read a teacher training manual.

You will find a lot of diametrically opposing paradoxes within the BK message. I am still trying to analyse this approach and why they do it but the whole Indianess of it is very pronounced. The deeper you get in, the more you will realise it. They say it is not a religion, not Hinduism, it has nothing to do with traditional Raja Yoga or any other Yoga school ... but in many's experience, they will end up teaching how to be a Hindu and all about it ... allegedly in order to get the Hinduism out of you once again!!!

Have they told you that God enters into their medium and speaks directly to them yet or the End of the World?
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abrahma kumar

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Welcome to the Forum, adoribus

Post11 Sep 2007

Welcome to the Forum, adoribus.
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Re: Being a new BK ...

Post11 Sep 2007

adoribus wrote:I need some help and insights.

Then you have come to the right place. Welcome. :D



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Thank you all...Merci a tous!

Post11 Sep 2007

Et bien! So much B.S.!! I mean, when any religious "leader" starts to "hear" messages from A God, this should be a red light to all!

Promoting an unconditionally different lifestyle which has nothing to do with the philosophy taught? Enriching themselves through Karma ideology, thorny Indian caste hierarchy system thorough the world, etc, etc? I would like also to understand about the constant use of Indian words for everything. Fine in India, why not using our mother's tongue elsewhere?

Last Saturday, I have been invited to celebrate the passing of a "senior" Sister. I could not help but feel uneasy when I saw this older Sister sitting on comfortable armchair, while "the helper" passing sweets was crouching on the floor ... I wondered about Karma then.

It is my fourth course, bless the neophyte ... I do believe in a soul (I prefer source of energy) but it is without form, light, or within a specific location. This is too human to think about darkness as bad and Evil, opposing the shinning good white light. There is no such thing.

I have a strange gift; I am able to feel people's energy. When walking in a crowd, I can be overwhelmed with a trail of love, hate, sadness, happiness, or whatever the passing individual may have left behind. I always whished to learn how to shield myself from its negative side (it has been one of my main motive on joining BK).

Any religious philosophy should be free of rules, never to promote an unabridged change of life. Letting a newcomer find his own peace and love within a totally accepting community. I am, and will keep searching for a place to open a real peacefully loving center for anyone wishing to spread positive love and peace, searching for true positivism.
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Post11 Sep 2007

Hi welcome, hope the site is useful for you.
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Post11 Sep 2007

Welcome to this loving, supportive, honest, open and friendly group of people ... like you, we had our questions too, so relax and enjoy the forum !!! :lol:


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Post12 Sep 2007

Hi Adoribus

Whether you are new or an old timer in BKworld, there are many issues that will come up common to us all, and some that are personal to us all. The BKWSU has its good points but also plays down its weak points. This forum enables individuals to express openly how they feel.

So welcome.
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Poor Adoribus

Post09 Jan 2008

Here goes the saying another one bites the dust ...

Sister Kioko is better off playing the flute for special programs rather than taking classes ... And all of you great guides you have now scared the **it of this poor Brother who will never visit 401 Baker Street.

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Re: Poor Adoribus

Post09 Jan 2008

yogi108 wrote:Here goes the saying another one bites the dust ... Sister Kioko is better off playing the flute for special programs rather than taking classses ... And all of you great guides you have now scared the **it of this poor Brother who will never visit 401 baker street

If you are speaking of Adoribus, I think we can trust that he has his own mind to decide. The influence of our comments here, whatever your personal opinion of them, can hardly compare with the direct experiences of his own that he begins to narrate above.



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Post09 Jan 2008

Well, I do not take classes anymore, but will visit from time to time to meditate on my own.

No one scared the s ... out of me, I will just look somewhere else for help on meditation. As for Kioko, she is a wonderful person, perhaps too naive.

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Post10 Jan 2008

How did you get on with "shielding" your clairsentience, adoribus? (empathic intuitive feeling)
    What did you pick up from your time with the BKs? Ditto the Shiva soul?
For me, I think the BKs should label what they do something else rather than "meditation". I feel it is a little misleading. Of course, it is designed to drag people in through the front door ... but the practise really is more than that.

Meditation might be part of it, like hypnosis, but it goes much further than that. And that they are introducing an initiation into a relationship with a channelling being, without letting folks know in advance, I think it is a little unethical.

If it stopped at the starring at candle of the wall bit, that would be fine. That would be meditation. Plugging into Shiva ... that is more.

With interest, thanks.

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