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abrahma kumar

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Is Supreme Father G-O-D? One word answer please.

Post11 Aug 2007

new knowledge wrote:Sorry my bro abek, we are not interested in the photo of the corporeal form of the Supreme Father. His phisical body works as His Chariot to deliver Shrimat & His body is not a medium through which we should remember Him. That is, remembrance of the Supreme Father (ShivBaba) through His physical body is adulterated form of worship. Also He Himself never gives drishti (vision) through the eyes of His physical body.

Thank you, new knowledge, but that is oblox. Do your references to Supreme Father mean GOD?
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Post11 Aug 2007

new knowledge wrote:Sorry my bro abek, we are not interested in the photo of the corporeal form of the Supreme Father. His phisical body works as His Chariot to deliver Shrimat & His body is not a medium through which we should remember Him.

Then in what way is he remembered?
    A point of Light?
    In a subtle body form?
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Post11 Aug 2007

abrahma Kumar asks a lot of hard hitting but fair questions, 'new knowledge'. Even if you don't like his manner, I am interested in the answers as well.

john, are you say that "Maa" is also "Supreme Soul" a different title than "Supreme Father"? I see her entitle "Supreme Mother". What is special about her role/incarnation?
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Post11 Aug 2007

ex-l wrote:john, are you say that "Maa" is also the Supreme Soul or is "Supreme Soul" a different title than "Supreme Father"?

Yes, I am saying Maa is given the different title "Supreme Soul" and (Dashrath Patel) is the only one with the title "Supreme Father".

sakshi delhi

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spritiual message....

Post11 Aug 2007

Param shanti Sisters and Brother

I apologise to all the members of this thread and to Admin on behalf of Beejroop Bhai. I know him very well, personally, and he is a very good, powerful soul and Brother of our divine family.

He came in Ahemdabad and took the whole worldly knowledge. He has very good experiences which I am sure he would like to share with you all. But he is straight forward. So what he feels he says. You can take this attitude as postive or negative. He just want to convey his message to all and to make aware of TRUTH but I guess he was a bit harsh and strict in his speech.

For me, the reason for leaving this forum and not interacting with you Sisters and Brothers often was only that masses over here are not ready to listen and make fun (taunt) indirectly. I have observed regularly that even if one tries his hearts and feets to make the other to understand or what one is trying to say ... no one is here interested. And if some is interested, then the others interrupt them and curtail them to even listen us.

I am sorry to say but some of hard words spoken by beejroop Bhai to the members were really deserving because they just know how to pull legs of others (I don't want to name the members). But I am sorry for those who unnecessary come into the picture. I, again, apologise to Admin and others if we were hard. But I will say again and again that our moto is to change (transform) the world into supreme elements with the power of meditation not to come into contradictions and argue.

We are here only in search of 108 seed souls who are the responsible souls for the billions and billions of worlds in creation. Since 1996, around 5,000 souls came and went off. We will have all varieties of seeds (souls) - variety of souls representing different religions. Every soul represents his/her individuality with different nature and attitude. So every soul has his/her own perception and intellect. I have never forced nor will do the same in regard of knowledge because the knoweldge cannot be teach by force. It has to be self-realised.

Before ending, I would like to say that if I am not answering the question to your answers don't think we don't have ... your quest starts only with the history of Bapuji (Dashrath Patel). Let me tell you all, Baap (Supreme Father) come only once and this is the time. He never came before in any of the Kalpas but he may do send his children to play different roles (ansh).

You have asked so many questions ... Now can anyone here can answer my questions???

To Administrator: As you asked that whether beejroop Bhai is our member or not? I am informing you that he is our institution's member. Now its your wish to rejoin him as a member or not but I feel you should think again on this because I feel my interaction will be poor (as earlier members of the forum had stated) so beejroop Bhai would be better alternative.

-- sakshi
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Post11 Aug 2007

The forum is dedicated to discussing issues relating to the Brahma Kumaris. It is not an open forum to promote all and any spirituality, even if that spirituality is "The Truth". The Vishnu Party are welcome within this context but this invitation is conditional on that basis. We want to document your history, philosophy and relationship with the Brahma Kumaris; and we hope that you help us in our understanding the Brahma Kumaris and Prajapita Brahma Kumaris from your point of view and experience.

beejroop is welcome to re-join but please recognise the Forum's limitations.

Sanskars clash but efforts should be made to limit the damage this causes. Passionate, uninhibited debate is encouraged but please consider which communication need to be made in public, and documented, and which communication is best made off forum via personal messages.

In short, the forum is not VishnuParty.Info. The forum is BrahmaKumaris.Info. If the Vishnu Party wishes to continue it has to accept a naming standard that any reader can understand and respond to Admin requests when made.
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Re: spritiual message....

Post11 Aug 2007

sakshi Delhi wrote: because I feel my interaction will be poor (as earlier members of the forum had stated) so beejroop Bhai would be better alternative.

Sakshi Delhi

Is it possible for you to find someone less aggressive and prone to outbursts?

Please don't get the wrong idea of this forum. There are lots of serious members who want to find out the truth and true knowledge. Yet even so, all will not agree with everything you say, so there may be need for further clarity from the Vishnu Party.

I hope you can see genuine questions are coming through to help build a better understanding of what the Vishnu Party is about and in what way it relates the the BKs and PBKs.
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abrahma kumar

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is Sakar Supreme Father GOD?

Post11 Aug 2007

new knowledge wrote:At the very first phase of evolution of the Kalpa Tree(s), the Supreme Father was in his corporeal stage. Then like any other soul, He also passes through casual, subtle & corporeal stages. Thanks.

sakshi Delhi can you confirm that i would be incorrect in understanding Vishnu Party teachings in the way that new_world mistakenly typed (see quote above).
I am referring specifically to the phrase "the Supreme Father in his corporeal stage".

Also sakshi Delhi, what can you tell us about the Vishnu Party explanation of "corporeal stage"?

sakshi Delhi, is Sakar Supreme Father GOD?

thank you
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Post11 Aug 2007

He did correct it and he said meant to type incorporeal. He is typing on a mobile phone. I believe him.

It is a bit of a mind bender but they seem to say that, yes. Dashrath Patel is God ... or at least the only bit of God we will see in a physical body. I will look forward to further clarification on this and what is his incorporeal form from which we all emerged.

... And any inbetween forms, e.g. does Dashrath Patel make an appearance at the BK's Dharam Raj or in the BK's Subtle Regions.
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abrahma kumar

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No, i do not think that it is corporeal revisionism

Post11 Aug 2007

Yes ex-l, i saw that correction. Still hope that Sakshi Delhi can put it on the record herself that it is not Vishnu Party teachings. Thanks.

new knowledge

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Post12 Aug 2007

Thanks all of you Brothers ex-l, John & abek. Special thanks to abek for hard hittings. I've no any problem with his manners. I think his hits would test Vishnu Party knowledge. Abek the Supreme Father is G-O-D who has incarnated as a corporeal form of Bapuji (Dashrath Patel). But due to the limitations of the corporeal body it is not possible for Him to express Himself as 'the Ocean of knowledge, mercy, peace, bliss & happiness etc in His corporeal body. Bro abek how can you expect to store data of 4.7GB in a small floppy disk of just 1.44MB capacity?

And He will not die, but He will convert His corporeal body of 5 elements - earth, water, fire, air & sky into the divine subtle body of 3 Supreme elements - Supreme fire, Supreme air & Supreme sky & then into the causal body & finally He will regain His original & final complete incorporeal stage. This is analogous to the conversion of a 1.44MB floppy disk into a 250MB zip disk, then into a 700MB CD & then into a 4.7GB DVD. Just as a floppy disk cannot access 4.7GB data, like the same way the corporeal body of the Supreme Father cannot access 'the Ocean of knowledge, mercy etc in Him. But if we are possible to convert a floppy disk into zip disk then into CD & finally hnto a DVD, we can access more & more data, so that when it will be completely converted into DVD, it would be possible to access 4.7GB data. Similarly as the corporeal body of the Supreme Father will be transfered into subtle body, then casual body & finally into complete incorporeal stage; more & more identity of the Supreme Father as 'the Ocean of knowledge ... etc' will be emerged step by step.

To deliver Shrimat, He has incarnated as a corporeal being, then how to remember Him? - bro John, I'll creat a separated thread to discuss about this within the BKWSU context. Again the Supreme Soul (Maa) is also emerged through the Supreme Father. But this is not our discussion topic. Here it would be better to discuss only one topic at a time. Now we are discussing about the corporeal form of the Supreme Father. Let's continue this topic. I'll discuss about the name Vishnu Party & other issues after completion of the current discussion topic. And I will be aware about BKWSU context of the forum. I respect Admin & forum members.
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Post12 Aug 2007

I will be honest, I think that the Vishnu Party has strayed a little far away from BK Gyan for me. The Vishnu Party would say BK Gyan comes no where near complete Vishnu Party understanding. I am not sure if the Vishnu Party is being genuine in using such terms as "ShivaBaba", that is to suggest "Shiva" is the name of God, or just using as a title to grab BKs and PBKs.

I am really only interested in documenting the historical aspect of the development of the BKWSU, to PBK, to Vishnu Party; the history and relationships between the three which we have summarized into, perhaps, just two or three sentences. It is fairly obvious that there are strained relationships between the Vishnu Party and PBK due to past actions.

As far as Dashrath Patel and the BKWSU, from what little I have read, I am left wondering if he was ever "in" on an intellectual basis. And, yes, I would agree that to be "in" the BKWSU on an intellectual basis requires a degree of dumbing down and deny knowledge, wisdom and understanding. It strikes me the BKWSU was originally a religion for some quite simple souls.

Even if you are to say to me, "This is god and enlightenment and I can be a seed soul", I would say, "Sorry. Not interested. Not my path". Right now, I have one clear path a head of me in this aspect, to shine light into all the dark, crazy corners of the BKWSU and, hopefully, make it a more honest, more genuinely beneficial and less dangerous organization.

Is there anyone in the Vishnu Party that is willing to talk about the past or document Mr Patel's experience with and vision of the BKWSU?
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abrahma kumar

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Let's stick to the history of the Sakar Supreme Father Party

Post12 Aug 2007

new knowledge wrote:Thanks all of you Brothers ex-l, John & abek. Special thanks to abek for hard hittings. I've no any problem with his manners. I think his hits would test Vishnu Party knowledge.

Thank you new knowledge.

Well folks, as abeekay reads it, ex-l's comments constitute the good sense reply to new knowledge's reply. Thank you ex-l. Here is my non-sense.

New knowledge, you said:
Abek the Supreme Father is G-O-D

right on track ... but immediately after you give us:
who has incarnated as a corporeal form of Bapuji (Dashrath Patel)

new knowledge, that what you just said is oblox and thereafter much of what you say is oblox.
    new knowledge, Due to the limitations of whose body?
    new knowledge, who is the He, that has incarnated?
This stuff does nothing for me on spiritual level. Basically we have another example of the : Supreme Father is G-O-D who has incarnated as a corporeal form of - some human on the planet - Bapuji (Dashrath Patel), this time. ex-l ended
ex-l wrote:Is there anyone in the Vishnu Party that is willing to talk about the past or document Mr Patel's experience with and vision of the BKWSU?

abeekay ends:
Is there anyone in the Sakar Supreme Father Party that is willing to talk about the past or document Mr Patel's experience with and vision of the BKWSU

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Post12 Aug 2007

I'd also like to ask you, new knowledge, why did you leave the BKWSU and PBK and what attracts you to the Vishnu Party? Is it just the attraction of "knowing", recognition of God in the form of Dashrath Patel, being spiritual without having to follow BKWSU disciplines? Do the BK elements make you feel comfortable?

The answer I would not be satisfied with would be "The Knowledge", I mean more on a personal level.
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Post12 Aug 2007

ex-l wrote:I will be honest, I think that the Vishnu Party has strayed a little far away from BK Gyan for me. The Vishnu Party would say BK Gyan comes no where near complete Vishnu Party understanding. I am not sure if the Vishnu Party is being genuine in using such terms as "ShivaBaba", that is to suggest "Shiva" is the name of God, or just using as a title to grab BKs and PBKs.

I agree. There are many aspects of The Knowledge of Vishnu Party which go on to prove that they have strayed completely from the BK/PBK knowledge. For example the duration of Kalpa (millions of years instead of 5000 years), calling Shri Dashrath Patel as the Supreme Father, origin of the Universe including souls from the incorporeal Supreme Father millions of years ago, transformation of the physical body into subtle body and then ultimately into incorporeal soul, etc. whereas they have retained most of the BK/PBK terminology, which only suggests that they are searching for their 108 souls basically from among the BKs/PBKs.

It would be interesting to know their answers to my querries raised in this thread some days ago.

It would also be interesting to know if they believed God to be omnipresent like most religions believe and whether human souls take rebirth as other species also.


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