The Cycle, belief in identical world events every 5000 years

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Post27 Mar 2007

Paul wrote:Perhaps someone reading this and has knowledge of ancient texts or scriptutal reference let us know if these cycles are shown in their experiences too?

The Sanskrit scholar Sri Yukteswar (guru to Yogananda), believed that the current date for the Hindu calendar is in error, and was arrived at, as a result of a lack of political courage on the part of the ruling elite, to formally acknowledge the onset of the new Kaliyug, as the last Copper Age drew to a close. With the effect being, that instead of the calendar being reset to 1/1/1 to reflect the new Kali iaround 700 BC, it continued with the count of the closing Dwapara incrementing to 2401, and has continued to increment until present.

More details here at; Hindu Eras

Or I can recommend his book on the subject "The Holy Science" first published 1894 - still available I think from Amazon
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5,000 Year Cycle big hitch

Post11 Jul 2007

It is said the world will be renewed by atom bombs and natural calamities.

Surely, if the 5,000 repeated Cycle is true, then every sun, moon, planet and atom in the universe will need to be renewed or put back to it's starting point as it was last Kalpa. How would that happen?

Atom bombs and earthquakes on this planet would not reach and effect the whole universe.
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Post11 Jul 2007

Thinking, thinking, thinking ...

I am beginning to wonder if this 5000 Year Cycle thing doesn't belong to a soul group, or soul family; a particular number of human beings who are aligned together for this specific number of years and who energetically need each other in order to progress/evolve/ascend. This number could perhaps total 900,000 souls/beings/people which is the number supposedly needed by the BKs to tip the scales of justice????

My understanding (at present) tells me that we all belong to particular soul groups, or even soul sub groups, and if we have had a certain consciousness or memory or understanding in earlier births, it will remain with us and we would then recognise this as 'truth' when we hear it again. (If so, I rest my case that the BKWSU's teachings are linked to only a memory of something in the distant past and are not universal in nature ...).

If I then (through my life's lessons) join this particular soul group in my seach to be part of my own soul group and hear this 'truth', then it will only be so long until my original soul group's calling comes into play and off I will go from the group I am working with and start to say that all (or only some) what I learnt within that particular group is now untrue ... as it won't make sense to me in the long run ...

So, yes, even the forum members would be part of a soul group or soul sub group.

<All this soul and no song by ABEK in sight ~ Motown please take rebirth!>
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Post11 Jul 2007

Surely, if the 5,000 repeated Cycle is true, then every sun, moon, planet and atom in the universe will need to be renewed or put back to it's starting point as it was last Kalpa. How would that happen?

I agree entirely. What is the official answer? Nah, forget it. Its a waste of time.
paulkershaw wrote:I am beginning to wonder if this 5000 Year Cycle thing doesn't belong to a soul group, or soul family; a particular number of human beings who are aligned together for this specific number of years and who energetically need each other in order to progress/evolve/ascend. This number could perhaps total 900,000 souls/beings/people which is the number supposedly needed by the BKs to tip the scales of justice????

You could even extrapolate that further that this group went through a similar trauma some other place/time and they are still 'stuck in it' or needing to go through an experience to disprove it, e.g. endlessly predicting Destructions that never happen. ... or may be they are just nuts and/or deluded by a subtle "evil".

Personally, at best, I go for the "Monkey Trap Theory", i.e. that some higher beings reckon the only way to improve this particular bunch of humanity is to trick them into becoming better by all sort of contrivances, or monkey traps. (When the monkey reaches into the bottle to grab the sweets but cant escape because its fist holding the sweet cannot pull out of the bottle).

May be that time is already over and the ghost has left the building for only Lekhraj Kirpalani to carry on looking after his creation via Gulzar. But its an interesting point of view you have put.

Similar theories did circulate within the BK Family, e.g. that the BK Cycle did repeat for BKs but that the rest of time ran on after ... and before it. Imagine a straight line with a circle on it at one point. The rest of the world goes on the straight line, the BKs go round and round on The Cycle.

Personally, I think the practicality of the effects of the collective madness are more important to address.


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Post11 Jul 2007

Anyone with the first Murli point, or to that matter in any Murli, that states this 5000 year figure ?

Funny such a question slips past during the BK induction course.
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Post11 Jul 2007

bansy wrote:Anyone with the first Murli point, or to that matter in any Murli, that states this 5000 year figure?

It already existed in the "Divine Decrees" of 1943, perhaps also late 30s. I will check. (See link). So, if Shiva was not talking in his own name then, where did the idea come from?
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Discussion: The Cycle

Post10 Aug 2007

The Cycle can’t exist because we are all part of a computer simulation.

Ancestor Simulation. Is reality an illusion?.
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Re: Discussion: The Cycle

Post10 Aug 2007

bro neo wrote:The Cycle can’t exist because we are all part of a computer simulation. Ancestor Simulation. Is reality an illusion?.

No, it is History that is an illusion.
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just an illusion

Post10 Aug 2007

Do you like this one? Shall we dance?
Just An Illusion by Imagination

Searching for a destiny that's mine there's another place another time. Touching many hearts along the way yeah hoping that I'll never have to say: It's just an illusion - illusion - illusion.

Follow your emotions anywhere is it really magic in the air? Never let your feelings get you down. Open up your eyes and look around. It's just an illusion - illusion - illusion.

Could it be that it's just an illusion putting me back in all this confusion? Could it be that it's just an illusion now??

Could it be a picture in my mind? Never sure exactly what I'll find. Only in my dreams I turn you on. Here for just a moment then you're gone. It's just an illusion - illusion - illusion.
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Post10 Aug 2007

Its is a joke at best.
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Re: Discussion: The Cycle

Post11 Aug 2007

bro neo wrote:The Cycle can’t exist because we are all part of a computer simulation. Ancestor Simulation. Is reality an illusion?.

Actually, I have been thinking about this and about to start a topic to equate an event "E" in spacetime coordinates (x,y,z,t) which we perceive as real, as a function only of our internal awareness (sort of Leibniz theory of Monads).

But this article Neo posted takes it to a level where it is possible for me think that this could be happening. If this is the case, the more the BK Cycle can stand the test of reasoning. But there is no reason to believe in this theory.

Imagine, tomorrow ... those gods outside the Matrix would just reset the program and we start again from Golden Age.

What then is the reality outside the Matrix? A reality with 4 dimensions in space and time?

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Post11 Aug 2007

Please go to the thread 'mathematics of Gyan' in commonroom for mathematical interpretation of cyclic drama.



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5000 year cycle

Post18 Aug 2007

What about this 5000 year cycle garbage? How could you swallow that? Whenever i questioned that the woman gave the same answer first have to understand The Cycle before you can understand that.

Anybody here actually believe this nonesense and if so please give me your explanation.
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Post18 Aug 2007

Hey Jakeyboy, just take a bit of time to read through the posts on the site and you will see that many don't many do, many have, many haven't.

Personally, I was never comfortable with it. When I used to teach the lesson of The Cycle I always tried to omit the dates and times and would only elaborate if pressed.
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Post18 Aug 2007

One good point that was made on this forum. I never thought about it when I was in Gyan.

It is that there are many stars and galaxy more than 5,000 light years away. So they must existed more than 5,000 years ago ... or the BKWSU has to come up with some explanation of how God can re-wind light to have it back in the same place for the start of the Golden Age.

I am waiting to hear that that there were no stars, no planets and no cosmos at all until Brahma Baba had sex and started of the Copper Age 2,500 years ago. You see, the Golden Age was always Springtime and daylight. It must have been a great orgasm and one huge, big ejaculation to deliver the universe as we know it ... AND give birth to the dinosaurs.

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