
Scientific challenges to the beliefs promoted by the Brahma Kumaris so called "World Spiritual University"
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Post29 Jul 2006

Can anyone explain how starlight which is often millions of years old before it reaches our planet can be allowed to carry on and reach us at the beginning of each cycle?

If everything repeats identically each cycle shouldn't the light be returned back to where it was 5000 years ago. Hence wouldn't there be no light actually reaching us here on earth?

just wondering

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Post30 Jul 2006

For example, I got this from the website; Nearest Star Outside Our Galaxy
The LMC became famous in 1987, when a supernova exploded in it, allowing interesting phenomena to be observed. Of course, technically the explosion happened 164,000 years ago, because the LMC is 164,000 light years from us.

If the BK position is that the explosion did not happen 164k years ago, and surely it must be, what were people seeing in 1987? And if it did happen 164k years ago then in x number of Kalpas from now the deities will be dancing in the dark as the sun will have burnt out.
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Post01 Aug 2006

hmmm ... maybe the speed of light is wrong lol. After all, the fossil record and carbon dating was all bunk, wasn't it? oh dear! :roll:
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Post01 Aug 2006

zhuk wrote:hmmm ... maybe the speed of light is wrong lol. After all, the fossil record and carbon dating was all bunk, wasn't it? oh dear! :roll:

I would like to shut up and wait until a BK answers this question ... but I cannot! I cannot expect it. To consider such a thought would shatter their dream.

I remember an otherwise intelligent, personable Christian telling me that the fossils were planted by Satan to fool individuals into not believing The Bible ... Is the BK answer any better?

    Science is "Bhakti".
    Physics is just Maya, an illusion. The product of vicious Yadavas [ - even though India has a fine record in physics, mathematics and astronomy ].
    Neither help you sustain your infatuation with this disincarnate being, so what is the point of thinking of either of them?
"Dadi Janki did not get to where she is to day by understanding cosmology ... and if she can become 'One of the Eight' without doing so why should you?" Ha, ha! Just "Spin The Cycle" and Remember Baba, Bhai.

What is interesting to observe is not the silence from the BK camp which cannot answer these questions. They are cruel to consider asking BKs. But is that part in all of us, all human beings, that is willing to silently accept stuff that it knows is absurd, contrary to logic and common sense, or conflicts with other stuff it also accepts. Or that same part which is susceptible enough to minor peer pressure to take on board such beliefs, teach them to others and play a daily part is sustaining them. An energy sapping internal dissonances that we are prepared to live with. My feeling is that Indians are, due to their cultural and religious heritage, much more willing and able to live with these.

From "the Emperor without any clothes" to hypnosis, to the regular rise of Nazi-like Parties ... my feeling is that it is the same part, an internal liability, that is built in each and every one of us. What is the relationship between that part and the other collective part that will rise up against others, persecute heretics, burn books or whatever? And is not the BK that brings these questions treated like a heretic?

I have never thought this before ... but did you ever meet a BK with a large library? All the books had been burnt out of their minds before they were even bought.

Many years ago, there was an Emperor, who was so excessively fond of new clothes, that he spent all his money in his appearance ...


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Post03 Apr 2008

Iron Age energy and Golden Age energy are worlds apart.

Light from the LMC supernova, which is now calculated at 164,000 light years to reach earth is, I suspect, radiating its (massive) little heart out. Its light directly observable to us during the Golden Age - doing so according to the capabilities and properties of subtle energy.

What are those properties and capabilities? Experience them for yourself! Meditate!

Here's some scientific support for a changing lightspeed.

The possibility that the velocity of light, c, is not a fixed constant is reconsidered by statistical analysis of the historical measurements collected from four sources. Our hypothesis testing of the selected data shows the measured value of the velocity of light has decreased over the past 250 years. Furthermore, the probability of some systematic or experimental problem was found to be low. Brief analysis of constants other than c suggests that those constants which involve atomic phenomena and units of time are also apparently changing. A third set of constants with no obvious dependence on c were analyzed and show no apparent variability with time. A variable velocity of light implies that atomic clocks and dynamical clocks do not run in step---that atomic time has been decreasing with respect to dynamical time.

From this site - Is the Velocity of Light Constant in Time?

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Re: Starlight

Post06 Apr 2008

Whilst it may be accepted that the speed of light changes over time, this in no way solves the problem of the original poster! For example, the light would have to reverse direction and go home! It's velocity would have to become negative! (and all in the blink of an eye). No sorry, no amount of meditating will change that one but a different universe will. (Maybe).
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Re: Starlight

Post06 Apr 2008

celticgyan wrote:For example, the light would have to reverse direction and go home! It's velocity would have to become negative! (and all in the blink of an eye).

Its obvious. The deities do it in their Vimanas.

They fly out into space faster than light, turn around and then reflect the light back to where it came from using the shiny gold reflected surfaces and diamonds of their flying machines. Then once it goes back to where ever it came from, it can start its journey back to earth again as the beginning of a brand new Cycle of Time.

This only works right at the beginning of the Golden Age when things are only 100% pure because only then are the vimanas fast enough. This has been proven by Advanced Knowledge and there is a Murli point so must be true. They deities don't even have to hold their breaths in outer space because ... they are flying faster than light and so therefore their bodies do not even exist. And on the way back, they remove the American flag and Lunar Rover (moon buggy) from off the surface of the moon and propel them into the sun where all evidence is destroyed.

Everything settled now? I do not know. I am still wondering about the quotes from the Om Mandli days that suggest the universe does not exist after I go to sleep at night.

[hoax alert ... false bodily guru giving manmat ... do not believe ... alert ... do not believe ... ]
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Re: Starlight

Post06 Apr 2008

I don't know about the starlight, but we believe that the moon as being a part of the earth falls on the earth again and mixes with it and does not exist in the Golden Age and Silver Age.
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Re: Starlight

Post06 Apr 2008

Is that an orthodox PBK belief regarding the physical universe (sun and moon) rather than just a metaphorical statement?

If so, it must be quite an upheaval when the moon detaches itself and heads off into orbit again come the Copper Age? Or is it just gradual ... a whole heap of dust kicked up by 'something' and heading out to space. This is a new piece of knowledge for us.

New topic please ... "PBK theory of confluence between the SIlver and Copper Ages"
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Re: Starlight

Post08 Apr 2008

How ironic that a simple directly observable disproof of the 5000 Kalpa was in front of us every night.

And how ironic that this disproof was, of all things - light.

We just didnt see it.
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Re: Starlight

Post09 Apr 2008

ex-l wrote:If so, it must be quite an upheaval when the moon detaches itself and heads off into orbit again come the Copper Age? Or is it just gradual ... a whole heap of dust kicked up by 'something' and heading out to space. This is a new piece of knowledge for us.

I don't know whether the attachment/detachment of Moon with/from Earth takes place every 5000 years or not but I definitely read an article in the 'Times of India' a couple of months ago wherein this subject was discussed. When ShivBaba (through Baba Virendra Dev Dixit) mentioned this point in the clarification Murlis/discussions, I was initially baffled, but the newspaper article made me think again. May be someone can search the google to get more info on this subject.
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Re: Starlight

Post09 Apr 2008

So what does God say about the creation of the Moon?
Science wrote:There are four main theories about the creation of the moon, although only one is generally considered to give an accurate description of what actually occurred.

The first theory states that the moon was created the same way the planets were - through the coalescing of gas and dust during the solar system's formation.
The second theory says that the moon is a captured asteroid.
The third theory says that when the Earth was first formed it was spinning so rapidly that it split in two; this is often referred to the "fission" theory*.

The fourth theory is the one that most scientists currently believe is correct. It states that when the Earth was quite young, a Mars -sized planet crashed into it. The planet crashed with such speed that it was completely destroyed, and almost destroyed the Earth. The planet was coming in with such force that when it was destroyed, the molten iron in its core continued to travel through Earth, to eventually be included it its core. This explains why the Moon has very little iron. The crash, comically dubbed the "Big Splash," sent tons of rock and debris into orbit. These fragments eventually coalesced to form the Moon. The tidal and rotational forces in play also account for why the moon's day is exactly the same as it's "year."
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Re: Starlight

Post10 Apr 2008

The moon is made of cheese and light comes from a switch.
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Re: Starlight

Post10 Apr 2008

mr green wrote:the moon is made of cheese and light comes from a switch

Ay ay ay Mr Green, You made me fall of my chair in laughter again ... :lol: :lol: :lol: your comments are so funny ... you say very little but what you say touches people's hearts. Well, it touches my heart at least.
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Re: Starlight

Post16 Feb 2009

I was reminded of this thread on saturday when i took one of my sons to the planetarium. His attention was caught by the rather startling news that the sun is going to die - how do you explain that to a 5 year old? "It's OK son we'll all be dead by then"?? A Japanese tourist heard him questioning me and turned with a grin on her face to hear my answer. I smiled at him and said, "It's actually fine, and this nice lady is going to explain why. And if even she cannot, I think we should get ice-creams". Thankfully he was happy to be distracted by the ice- cream. :-)

I, meanwhile, was prodded by the information that this particular cluster of stars sent light to our planet and this light was over 200 million years old. Even allowing for possible variences in the speed of light - something I thought was impossible but, hey, what do I know, light surely couldnt vary enough that 200million year old light could actually only be 5000 years old. It strikes me that any light which is more than 5000 years old really does actually prove that there is no identically repeating cycle. Anyway, I kind of think we have already established this as a result of the requirement that the light would actually have to be capable of reversing its path and then re-reversing back in the original direction towards us every 5000 years. But what insterested me was is there are any other solid proofs that this or that part of The Knowledge is logically or empircally impossible?

It is considered bad taste to try to disprove a religion, but I do not actually think the notion of a identically repeating cycle is itself a religious idea. I think it is a statement entirely about the empirical world and does not, nor should not, be treated as " sacred" just because the people asserting it think they are holy.

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