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Re: Yin /Yang

Post24 Jul 2007

alladin wrote:This stuff never seemed a priority, in the BKWSU. Usually they just say that Brahma Baba instituted the clever system of putting Sister in front so they can become more assertive, br at the back so they become more humble and conquer ego. This is about it.

In our country, there were 'Brothers' responsible for creating 'BK service' and that once the centres were established, there were obviously 'Sisters' living and eating therein . On they occassion would answer the door to a axe-wielding husband (or two) whose wife had just come home and told him that there was to be more nooky for him because a BK Brother had just told her that it was dirty and sinful and she agreed with it and husband could do what he wanted but that was it for him ...

And where was the said powerful Godly Brother who'd just informed the wifey of this fact? He was ahidin' under the bed whilst the 'sweet sista' would handle the problem at the front door ... Ahhhh - good times indeed.

Wonder who paid for the new doors that had to be replaced?
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Post24 Jul 2007

jannisder wrote:Still we (woman) are a doorway to hell, that upsets me a bit :evil:. Does it say in the Murli that we (woman) are?

No, Lekhraj Kirpalani was quoting the Indian holy men that say that "gateway to hell".

But NOT saying it himself. He said women ... well, BK Sisters ... were the salvation.

"Sisters upfront" was just practical. Its harder for an outsider to get anger and attack a girlie woman; and Brothers argue too much and cause conflicts.
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abrahma kumar

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Sabre rattling at the doorway to hell

Post24 Jul 2007

paulkershaw wrote:
jannisder wrote:Still we (woman) are a doorway to hell, that upsets me a bit. :evil:
Does it say in the Murli that we (woman) are?

Never mind Jan - the Murlis also say the boys are no good too ... its not safe to even speak to a Brother in case his breath smells of garlic and one will be tempted - but, hey, we know what we are! I am sure there's a song we can find that will help us through this ... do you know who Suzi Quattro was/is? She used to scream a song about a devil's gate or something like that? (Where's ABEk when we need him?)

Is this the Devil Gate Drive to which you refer, Paul? Abek was off alluding to Men at Work over in another place :oops: Strange co-incidence that isnt't it?

What about the sword of lust oblox, Paul? Aint it enough to make a Brother wanna go to that butcher's shop that was alongside the BKWSU Inner Space Wembley, London, England and offer-up his sword to the butcher's knife? In my humble opinion the BKWSU was not invented to 'do' relationships and therefore any failure in this regard is not to surprise us much.

I too read those Murli point as ones in which the redemptive nature of the BK female and the upliftment of said female is of primary concern. Similar to the: "One Kumari that uplifts the family for 21 generations" oblox. I always took these as worthy counters to the prevailing Bhakti points about women and gateway to hell etc.

But hold on a minute: Do Adhakumars ever find themselves falling into seeing their non-BK female partners with this 'she-devil' vision anyway? Is it another case of the BKs indoctrinating us subliminally? So that we imbibe the negative female image in spite of the positive intent of the oblox? In other words the only good Sister is a BK Sister?
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doorways to hell

Post24 Jul 2007

Of course BK Sisters are also potentially VERY dangerous. Otherwise what would be the point of making us sit separately? :roll:
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in the night

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right & left

Post27 Jul 2007

... then we could assume that we are in front of we can call a division of "power".
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Re: doorways to hell

Post27 Jul 2007

alladin wrote:Of course BK Sisters are also potentially VERY dangerous. Otherwise what would be the point of making us sit separately? :roll:

Dangerous Sisters are Just what I am looking for, :wink:.


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Post28 Jul 2007

Hey mr green pm me!!! I am really dangerous!!!!

Kiss, Jan.
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female energy

Post28 Jul 2007

Hi , Mr. Green wish you will find such shaktis dangerous Sisters, and have some fun with them! But do you have the guts to handle them or accept them as whole persons??? Quite a challenge, you know? But from your avatar, I am sure nothing will scare you!

Apart from joking, I would like to think more about the word "shakti", which I intentionally used. Many words have been spent in lokik literature and other religions and philosophies about "female energy". BKs are taught to feel and act as genderless.

I feel gender and its specific attributes cannot be denied and such an attitude makes it difficult for women and men to really tap into their potential, and for us all to deal with our specific characteristics. You can see how male/female relationships become stiff and innatural in the BKWSU. Side effects and consequences of these "castrations", are prolonged in time even after exiting the sect. Did anybody notice?

So, I am keen to think that Mr. Green proposals and intentions spring from the pure desire to become fully balanced and satisfied! :wink:.
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Post28 Jul 2007

Of course, Alladin, my intentions are of the purest kind :wink:.

I'll certainly have a good stab at handling them. Joking aside, of course, I would accept them as a whole person ... I am only interested in mutual relations.

How about setting up an ex-BK dating club? We could meet up in our whites and act out all that pent up frustration :lol:.
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mine is tvl department!!

Post28 Jul 2007

Yes, healthy and meaningful dating, and wet saris competition ... sounds good, acting out, very"cathartic"!

But I cannot help much in it, others will, for sure. I already volunteered for the retreat as "alladin travel services", so my flying carpet's busy. Actually, there are seats and tea available. Vacancy! My exiting BK lover is jumping on and off it. As I said it can be a scary ride and at the moment he's off (got some "Maya"?? malignant entities preventing him to share some empowering, healing, unlimited fun??!!).

Wow, what an experience, to keep this thing cruising steadily whilst someone jumps on it and off again with all its weight ... !

Best wishes!
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Post28 Jul 2007

Hey, you got me hot under the collar now.
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in the night

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Post28 Jul 2007

:lol: :lol:

I have a date tonight ... wish she was an ex-BK :cry:.
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Post28 Jul 2007

Oh, in the night, why do you wish so? Do you feel that ex-BKs are exotic, endangered species?

If you asked my on and off partner, he would tell you that we ex-s have to stay clear of each other! Danger and hell ahead, he forecasts. The spell of the BK sect on us forever. (Does anybody know a good exorcist?) Well, that's his personal opinion ... I am no longer gonna try to make him change his mind!
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Post29 Jul 2007

in the night wrote::lol: :lol: I have a date tonight.. wish she was an ex-BK :cry:.

Perhaps there is a small niche for a website serving ex-BK fetishists.

Click here for HUNDREDS of hot ex-BKs!!! Uncensored videos and photos!!! Live ex-BK on ex-BK action!!!
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Post29 Jul 2007

Actually, I was joking with a lokik friend about the possibility to raise funds for Baba's centers through the making of blue movies, some lesbian stuff I had in mind, with a strict pretending to be, Sister, I think she's kinky, underneath ...

Shall we get DJ's blessings for that project?

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