Sadhu Vaswani

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Sadhu Vaswani

Post24 Jun 2007

The BKs described Sadhu Thanwardas Lilaram Vaswani (1879-1966) as, "Mr, T.L. Vaswani who styles himself as a Sadhu ... who lives on public charities", his followers, "a mob" and his actions made, "under cover of being a saint and martyr". Its funny for me to see the conceit of the early BKs living off Lekhraj Kirpalani's wealth, especially considering the open hands they operate now for other people's money and government grants.

Portrayed by the author that wrote in Om Radhe's name as a collaborator of the vicious Anti-Party, he is accused of trying to destroy Om Mandli and particularly Om Nivas, the school, so that he could "take charge" of their girls and take them to his school. He lead the famous 7th of March 1939, march on Om Mandli that ended up in an affray and defiantly threatened "Satyagraha" against the government to achieve his aims.

Known as a great orator, the sadhu was one of the earliest supporters of Gandhi's noncooperation movement, he lobbied the Government of Sind to at first ban Om Mandli and then to set some limitation, e.g. the return of young girls who were being kept at Om Nivas to be returned to their parents and separation of male and female quarters.

Why bring him up again? To paint a picture of Karachi and Hyderabad in the 1930 at the ime of Lekhraj Kirpalani and to debunk some more of the Brahma Kumaris myths about the uniqueness of the BKWSU. Its remarkable to see how the petty squabbling of one tiny community, the accusations and counter accusations could spin out of control and end up mythologised in such a way. But, to me, it is clear to see how similar dynamics and similar mentalities exists and surround the BKWSU even today. Even down to the third party British attempting to put some cool on the situation. Required reading, "Its this Justice?" and "Adi Dev".

The Sadhu Vaswani Mission was started by Sadhu T L Vaswani in 1929, at Hyderabad (Sind). Then called Sakhi Satsang, it was devoted to women's causes. At the time of the Om Mandli, Vaswani was one of the three most famous Indians, at least to the West. He, Mohandas Gandhi and the poet Rabindranath Tagore were amongst the most notable Indians, especially due to the formers involvement with the Indian Independence Movement. Without a doubt, Lekhraj Kirpalani would have known about them and, arguably, have been influenced by them ... perhaps it is worth asking if Vaswani was one of the alleged "12 Gurus". (Although, do we know if there were 12 Gurus, or was that just the BKs aping Christ?) We saw that the Mandli targetted Gandhi during their first VIP campaign.

Vaswani was born in 1879, the year the BKs claim Lekhraj Kirpalani was born. Of course, it turns out Lekhraj Kirpalani was not born then but actually born around 5 years later. What is most interesting about Vaswani, and how I am going to ask you if it was at all possible that Vaswani influenced Lekhraj Kirpalani and the nascent BKWSU, was that he was especially interested in the upliftment of girls and women. By 1909, he was already representing Hinduism at the "World Congress of Religions" in India.

The Father of a devout female disciple of the Sadhu offered a hall where Sadhu Vaswani could hold his satsang (fellowship meetings). In those days it was known as the Sakhi Satsang. In the early days, it was largely composed of women.

"For in an age when the woman's place was considered to be largely confined to the kitchen, Sadhu Vaswani was a visionary who believed that women had a great potential – a great shakti – which could be utilized for the betterment of the society and the nation."

Sadhu Vaswani believed that service and sacrifice were the most vital aspects of the spiritual life. Under his guidance the satsang was a dynamic organization, rendering service to the community of Hyderabad in the Sind. He organized many educational organizations and youth centers for promoting education and inculcation of ethical and spiritual values. Named after their female patron saint, the Mira Movement in Education was started in the year 1933.

The welfare department of Sakhi Satsang opened a shop called Sakhi Stores meant exclusively for women and managed by women too. A truly revolutionary idea for its times, and for the conservative society of Hyderabad-Sind! The shop sold stationary, articles of daily use and swadeshi cloth, and was highly popular among the womenfolk. All profits from Sakhi Stores were spent in the service of the poor and needy. Women were given management and accounting roles.

Vaswani Mission talk of a "Parpati Malkani" doing the accounts, we have a "Parpati Malani" as part of the Om Mandli. We also have a Wasvani on the management committee ... I wonder? I need the help of an expert in local names.

The activities and departments of the Sakhi Satsang grew rapidly. More and more women came forward to offer their services in the noble cause. Women gave of their time and effort freely, generously and in the true spirit of love. In so doing, it is said that they found a new meaning in their own lives.

On 4th June, 1933, The Mira School for girls was inaugurated in rented premises. The school was the cornerstone of the Mira Movement in Education. It was the vision of Sadhu Vaswani to create a school for girls, based on the ideals of new education.

A number of men who were inspired by the master begged him to permit them to join his satsang. The Master graciously consented and the satsang and its activities were thrown open to all. Sakhi satsang now became the Brotherhood Association. Sadhu Vaswani's service programs in social, educational, cultural and humanitarian aspects greatly benefited the province of Sind. His activities grew and flourished until Partition forced the Sindhis to leave their beloved motherland and migrate to India.

Incidentally, poet Tagore was active in Calcutta, where Lekhraj Kirpalani lived and worked, and set out to "free villages from the shackles of helplessness and ignorance" by "vitalizing knowledge". The first of which in 1921 was called "the Abode of Peace".

By 1939, the children who were residing at Om Mandli are recorded by the Minister for Law and Order as "unwilling to go back to their parents or recognise them for that purpose" and The Daily Gazette notes that, "parents and husbands felt aggrieved by the influences of the Om Mandli". Nothing new there then! Drama, excitement and embarrassment over, the works of the Sadhu Vaswani Mission continue today along a traditional Hindu lines.
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Post24 Jun 2007

Interesting that you bring all this out. Very scholarly. You know the BKs better than many BKs!
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Post24 Jun 2007

Easy on the flattery Brother Joel Bhai ... officially its all defamation according the BKWSU.
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Post25 Jul 2007

"Jaisey Kripalani kul, Vasvani kul hota hai, vaisey is samay tumhara hai Ishwariya kul. Tum ho unki aulaad, jo sachhey Brahman hain, jinhonay pavitrata kee pratigya kee hai." (Brahmakumariyon dwara prakaashit revised Sakar Murli, dinaank 27.06.07, pg 2)

“Just as there is the Kripalani clan, the Vasvani clan, similarly this is your Godly clan. You are His children, who are the true Brahmins, who have taken a vow of purity.” (Revised Sakar Murli dated 27.06.07, pg 2 published by BKs)
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Post25 Jul 2007

Its always to know that Lekhraj Kirpalani reads my Murlis on a regular basis ... its a shame the rest of the BKWSU doesn't. His son has taken over the family business I think.

Just goes to show that if you tune in you pick all this stuff up, even without direct access to the secret doctrine of the BKs.
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Post07 Sep 2007

"Jaisey Sadhu Vasvani pehley teacher tha, peechey sadhu banaa. Gareebon kee seva kee. Abhi unkay paas kitney laakhon rupaye aatey hain. Manushya samajhtey hain jaisey aur ashram hain, vaisey yah bhi ashram hai. Parantu tum samajhtey ho yahaan Baap aatey hee Brahma kay tan may hain." (Brahmakumariyon dwara prakaashit revised Sakar Murli, dinaank 06.07.07, pg 3)

“For example, Sadhu Vasvani was initially a teacher. Later on, he became a saint. He served the poor. Now they get so many lakhs of rupees. People think - just as there are other ashrams, this is also a similar ashram. But you understand that the Father comes only in the body of Brahma.” (Revised Sakar Murli dated 06.07.07, pg 3 published by BKs, narrated by ShivBaba through Brahma Baba and translated by a PBK)

The above Murli quote shows that although Sadhu Vaswani and his followers created a lot of obstacles in the way of Om Mandali, ShivBaba (through Brahma Baba) did not express any animosity or grudge towards Sadhu Vaswani in the Murlis.


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