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Post03 Jul 2007

BookThis book is written for people who joined high control groups as adults, but people born or raised in such groups may also benefit from reading it. Also included a note to non-cult family members to help them interpret their loved one's experience.
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Post07 Jul 2007

Movie : Billed as a "tribute to the resiliency of childhood and the restorative power of art, Born into Brothels is a portrait of several unforgettable children who live in the red light district of Calcutta, where their mothers work as prostitutes". I wanted to list this as a little wake up call for those investing in the Mythic India we often hear about on the forum. Insight into a world most of us will never see. I should imagine scenes replayed through all major cities in the sub-continent.

A very touching and inspiring documentary about how one woman was able to touch the lives of a group of children, who must surely be born into some of the most hopeless, abusive circumstances on the planet, and helps set them free through their own efforts. There is nothing in the movie that a BK-type should not see and everything that they should. It is set in Calcutta but, funnily enough, most of the women are Hindu, including even one caste Brahmin.

In 2002 Zana created Kids with Cameras, a non-profit organization to empower marginalized children through learning the art of photography.
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Post09 Jul 2007

The Movie: It has a killer line of realisation when a 'deceased' visitor asks Costners character "Is this Heaven?" to which he answers "No; this is Iowa".

The response comes "looks like Heaven too me" and when asked "what or where is Heaven?" he is told "Heaven is a place where dreams come true."


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Post18 Jul 2007

TV Comedy : God has made a bet with the Devil: if one human of the Devil's choosing cannot prove that humanity is decent, God will scrap all of creation and start over. The Devil chooses Detroit car assembly line worker Bob Alman. Now Bob has to live a decent life with no hints from God and constant temptation from the Devil.

A bit like the Simpsons, this is an animated comedy TV series, the lighter side of spirituality.


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Post25 Jul 2007

Movie : Well, what's this movie got to do with spirituality and BKWSU ? Well, here's a song for the BK boys, sung by "just-you-wait" Henry Higgins :
"Why cannot a woman be more like a man?" :
What in all of heaven could've promted her to go,
After such a triumph as the ball?
What could've depressed her;
What could've possessed her?
I cannot understand the wretch at all.

Women are irrational, that's all there is to that!
There heads are full of cotton, hay, and rags!
They're nothing but exasperating, irritating,
vacillating, calculating, agitating,
Maddening and infuriating hags!
[To Pickering]
Pickering, why cannot a woman be more like a man?
Why cannot a woman be more like a man?
Men are so honest, so thoroughly square;
Eternally noble, historic'ly fair;
Who, when you win, will always give your back a pat.
Well, why cannot a woman be like that?
Why does ev'ryone do what the others do?
cannot a woman learn to use her head?
Why do they do ev'rything their mothers do?
Why don't they grow up- well, like their Father instead?
Why cannot a woman take after a man?
Men are so pleasant, so easy to please;
Whenever you are with them, you're always at ease.
Would you be slighted if I did not speak for hours?
Of course not!
Would you be livid if I had a drink or two?
Would you be wounded if I never sent you flowers?
Well, why cannot a woman be like you?
One man in a million may shout a bit.
Now and then there's one with slight defects;
One, perhaps, whose truthfulness you doubt a bit.
But by and large we are a marvelous sex!
Why cannot a woman take after like a man?
Cause men are so friendly, good natured and kind.
A better companion you never will find.
If I were hours late for dinner, would you bellow?
Of course not!
If I forgot your silly birthday, would you fuss?
Would you complain if I took out another fellow?
Well, why cannot a woman be like us?
[To Mrs. Pearce]
Mrs. Pearce, you're a woman...
Why cannot a woman be more like a man?
Men are so decent, such regular chaps.
Ready to help you through any mishaps.
Ready to buck you up whenever you are glum.
Why cannot a woman be a chum?
Why is thinking something women never do?
Why is logic never even tried?
Straight'ning up their hair is all they ever do.
Why don't they straighten up the mess that's inside?
Why cannot a woman behave like a man?
If I was a woman who'd been to a ball,
Been hailed as a princess by one and by all;
Would I start weeping like a bathtub overflowing?
And carry on as if my home were in a tree?
Would I run off and never tell me where I am going?
Why cannot a woman be like me?"

The Pain in Spain falls Mainly on the Jain.
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Post03 Aug 2007

Book : I am just reading an interesting book by anthropologyst/psychologist Professor Dodds: "The Greeks and the Irrational". Anybody interested in both the rational and metaphysics, would appreciate it. Cheers
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Post04 Aug 2007

Book : "THEM" began as a book about different kinds of extremists but after Ronson had got to know some enemies of Western democracy - Islamic fundamentalists, neo-Nazis Ku Klux Klan - he found that they had one belief in common: that a tiny elite, which meets in secret, determines the course of global events. (Of course, the BK family thinks its an even higher elite determining 5,000 years of history ...).

Ronson's, author of the chilling "The Men Who Stare at Goats", quests to locate these secret rulers of the world was both hazardous and hilarious. He was chased by men in dark glasses; he was unmasked as a Jew in the middle of a Jihad training camp; he was forced to listen to David Icke expound his theory that the world is controlled by 12-foot lizards; he witnessed international CEOs and politicians participate in a bizarre pagan ritual in the forests of Northern California. He also learned some alarming things about the looking-glass world of 'them' and 'us'. Were the extremists right? Or had he become one of THEM?

Its a gentle, intelligent and entertain introduction into the what the world is really like when the weird get going weirder ... and we include in that the most powerful people and nations on the planet. A good co-reader alongside this, just to show how real it all is, would probably be the much maligned conspiracist/activist Alex Jones.
Jon Ronson wrote:Wheels had already been set in motion. The Canadian hate crimes unit had been alerted. So had the media. The coalition had also written to the former Canadian prime minister, Brian Mulroney, to inform him that David Icke was accusing him of being a reptilian, child-sacrificing paedophile. But so far, to the coalition's bafflement, Mulroney had declined to initiate legal action. Indeed, every individual accused of reptilian paedophilia by David Icke had so far failed to sue, including Bob Hope, George Bush, George Bush Jr, Ted Heath, the Rothschild family, Boxcar Willie, the Queen of England, the Queen Mother, Prince Philip, Kris Kristofferson, Al Gore and the steering committee of the Bilderberg Group.

"Why do you think that is?" David Icke had asked me when I interviewed him about this matter in London. Then he turned to my notepad and thundered, "Come on, Ted Heath! Sue me if you've got nothing to hide! Come on, George Bush! I am ready! Sue me! I am naming names! Come on, Jon? Why are they refusing to sue me?"

There was a silence. "Because they are twelve-foot lizards?" I suggested, smally.

"Yes!" said David. "Exactly!"

Icke has repeated many times the usual "destruction/ascension" theories of the planet which are common in New Agey circles and which also failed on many occasions.
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Post05 Aug 2007

Movie :
    Maya by Digvijay Singh
Based on real-life events, the movie recounts the story of 12-year-old, middle-class girl, a carefree child, who when she begins to menstruate is used in an ancient religious practice. A "marriage" to the goddess Yellama.

The ritual, which Maya doesn't know will take place, is performed at the village temple, whose priests take turns in raping her while her family prepares a grand, celebratory feast outside.

Called Devadasism, it involves the religiously sanctioned consignment of girls to a lifetime of sexual slavery in India, performed by Venkatasani and Jogini cults among others. In some cases it's not priests but the local landlords who carries out the act and different gods are involved. Child abuse with religious sanctions, ritualized rape.

Indian government agencies estimate that anywhere from 5,000 to 15,000 girls, sold for as little as $4 and as young as 9, are dedicated to this practice every year. A large number of sex worker arise from amongst them due to these young girls not having any hope of respectable family after so called deflowering & being concubine of priests in temples. Upper castes wouldn't drink from the same glass as a devadasi, but they make use of her body.

It starkly contrasts the beauty and simplicity of the subjects childhood years; innocent, carefree and casual, with what happened to her next. I think it highlights the limitless fluidity within "Indian" consciousness where so called pious pandits can justify raping young girls by manipulating religion.

Apparently it was not easy to have made. Interestingly, the director was told, "This film might be easier to fund if you put a white character in there, like a journalist travelling through India searching for her soul who chances upon this case and uses it as a way to redeem herself." European Priests were the first to try and to outlaw the tradition. The practice was legal in India until 1988, yet it still continues.

Villagers have the attitude, "somebody has to be dedicated, or the goddess will be angry". I wonder about the context in which the young girls are given to the BKWSU ...
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Post07 Aug 2007

Movie :Interesting breakdown of the almost identical similarity of the Christian myth to numerous other Sun God myths. Debunks Christianity ... The similarities to Horus etc and astronomical evidence are outstanding. Also here.
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Post09 Aug 2007

Book :How the command of the voice effects the sub-conscious mind.

Video stream :BKs are making statues of themselves already!

Website :The Spiritual Competency Resource Center provides access to online resources that enhance the cultural sensitivity of mental health professionals. Spirituality is now accepted as an important component of cultural competence for mental health professionals.
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Post10 Aug 2007

Movie :Something happy and fun at last. Death, transformation and growing up.

Notable for its actorly portayal of "God as an Englishman"* delivering the classic line which should be a comfort to a few around here;
    "I am the Supreme Being, I am not entirely dim."
A little boy, living in his own world of toys and storybooks and starved for attention from his avaricious parents, is in for the ride of his life one night, when six time-traveling dwarves suddenly bust through his wardrobe. Formerly God's servants in the shrubbery department, they have stolen God's master map giving coordinates for holes in time. Now, with little Kevin in tow, the dwarves set off on their grand plan to become thieves, stealing in one time period, escaping through another. In the meantime, lurking in the background is the Evil Genius, God's fallen angel, who has his own dastardly plans, providing he can wrest the map from the dwarves

* the Supreme Being (via Ralph Richardson) is actually of Irish decent.
mr green wrote:Superb film that ...


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Post11 Aug 2007

Movie :A true Indian story about justice set in UK. How many cases like this in India ?
Unable to bear the brutality and repeated rapes, a battered Punjabi housewife and mother of two, Kiranjit Ahluwalia (Aishwarya Rai) sets fire to her abusive and alcoholic husband, Deepak Ahluwalia (Naveen Andrews), unintentionally killing him. Charged with murder, her case comes to the notice of a group of South Asian social workers running an under funded organization called the Southall Black Sisters.

After being sentenced to life imprisonment, she befriends her cellmate, a caucasian woman named Veronica Scott (Miranda Richardson), who teaches her English. Veronica is also friends with several girls in the prison and stands up for Kiranjit against the local prison bully. One day when Kiranjit stands up against the bully for herself, Veronica realises what a good person Kiranjit is and enlists her step-brother, Edward Foster (Robbie Coltrane), a highly respected Queen's Counsel, to aide in Kiranjit's appeal. Edward, in turn, realizes Kiranjit's importance to his Sister and the importance of her case. His Sister's request has additional meaning given that Veronica would not let him help her with her own appeal due to their on off relationship since childhood.

Before Kiranjit's appeal hearing the Southall Black Sisters bring her plight to the attention of the media by organizing rallies to gather public support for her freedom. She is ultimately freed by the judicial system in a landmark case called "Regina vs. Ahluwalia", redefining the word PROVOCATION in cases of battered women. (She was reconvicted from murder to manslaughter; however, the judge took in to account the 3 years and 4 months served already and made that her sentence). She is reunited with her children and subsequently given an award by the Prime Minister's wife for her crusade against domestic violence. (The award is not shown on the film although it is accredited at the end).


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Post12 Aug 2007

Movie :
Family Comedies Bruce who complains about God too often is given almighty powers to teach him how difficult it is to run the world.
God: Bruce, you have a divine spark. You have a gift for bringing joy and laughter to the world. I know, I created you.
Bruce: Quit bragging.

followed by
God contacts Congressman Evan and tells him to build an ark in preparation for a great flood.
God: How do we change the world?
Evan Baxter: One single act of random kindness at a time. ark=ARK

In both, Oscar winning black actor Morgan Freeman IS God and wears white :).


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Post12 Aug 2007

Movie : Family Comedy dealing with Existentialism and connnections. Modern film on a tough topic, made light.
Albert Markovski (Schwartzman) is a young man who heads the local chapter of an environmental group, the "Open Spaces Coalition". Hoping to find the answer to what would seem to be an absurd coincidence in his life, he contacts two existential detectives, Bernard and Vivian Jaffe (Hoffman and Tomlin). These detectives offer Albert their optimistic brand of existentialism — they name it universal interconnectivity (this has some tenets of romantic or even transcendentalist philosophies) — and spy on him, ostensibly to help him solve the coincidence. Brad Stand (Law) is a shallow power executive at Huckabees, a chain of stores akin to Wal-Mart or Target. He infiltrates Open Spaces and charismatically displaces Albert as the leader. Dawn Campbell (Watts) is Brad's live-in girlfriend and the face and voice of Huckabees; she appears in all of the store's commercials.

Bernard and Vivian introduce Albert to Tommy Corn (Wahlberg), an obsessively anti-petroleum firefighter. Tommy is assigned to Albert as his Other. Tommy ends up abandoning and undermining the Jaffes by introducing Albert to Caterine Vauban (Huppert), a former student of the Jaffes who espouses a seemingly opposing nihilistic/absurdist philosophy.

She teaches them to disconnect their inner beings from their daily lives and their problems, to synthesize a non-thinking state of "pure being". Being lifted from their troubles, they wish to keep that feeling forever, yet she tells them that it is inevitable to be drawn back to the human drama, and to understand that the core truth of that drama is misery and meaninglessness. In Brad's further attempts to undercut Albert, he and Dawn also meet and are influenced by Bernard and Vivian.

Albert attains enlightenment when he synthesizes the two opposing outlooks of the Jaffes and Vauban to realize the cosmic truth of everything. By way of sympathy, Albert understands that he and Brad are no different, that everything really is inextricably connected, but that these connections necessarily arise from the often senselessly painful reality of human existence.
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The spooky mystical experiences of Philip K. Dick

Post15 Aug 2007

alladin wrote:Wah, Joel! And thanks!! And BTW, synchronicity! Was talking with a Forum friend about comics and how BKs fill the bubbles with many stories and no evidence today, and here you come!! Far geographically but we are all so close!!!

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