More Whitewashed History? BK service in the USA movie

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More Whitewashed History? BK service in the USA movie

Post18 Feb 2019

Watch the BKs' exhibit their historical revision sanskar yet again, whitewashing the history of their American evangelism: Planting a Seed of Change​”​ on the occasion of 40 years of Brahma Kumaris service in the USA.

Has America changed in the last 40 years?

Have the BKs had anything to do with it?

Have they acquired lots of nice, expensive properties in upscale areas, despite the world going to end (allegedly) in years 1976, 1986, 1986 to 1996, 2000 or 2012 etc?

Answers: Yes, no, and "of course", it's what the BKs do!!!


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Re: More Whitewashed History: BK service in the USA movie

Post18 Feb 2019

Well, there has been crop failure, year after year. The farmer has become greedy and started using pesticides, resulting in major failures.

That's why the farmer is "Planting the Seeds of Change" again. If your farming techniques are faulty, it is going to result in more failures.

However, this new effort will get more "subsidies", "investments" which the farmer can enjoy.

Nature (God/Supreme Soul) will take care of this farmer in its own ways!
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Pink Panther

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Re: More Whitewashed History: BK service in the USA movie

Post19 Feb 2019

Has America changed in the last 40 years?
Have the BKs had anything to do with it?

I will start with an analogy then make the connection to the quote above. After recently losing a vote in the parliament which now gives doctors more say over those refugees who're detained on remote Pacific islands access medical care on the mainland, our Prime Minister went into fear-mongering mode, saying it would encourage more people smugglers and allow thugs and rapists etc into Australia. Very Trump-esque you may agree.

He then went the Full Trump and said, ”We will now have to take tougher action and the Australian people can trust us to protect our borders. We will stop any boats getting through. And if any do, it is the Opposition’s fault”.

That is, if nothing goes wrong they'll take the credit, if something goes wrong its the Opposition's fault.

I mention this because this is how the BKs operate too. They say they are working to improve the world and also to inspire the Destruction of the old world. Their supposed Yoga power heals, calms and brings peace, but it also invokes the scientists and politicians to bring about Destruction and cleanse the world of the irreparable harm of 7 billion ”body conscious" people.

Like many theists who, if a person is cured of cancer or similar, they'll thank God and everyone for their prayers (that convinced God to change his mind? But they usually forget to mention the doctors, nurses and researchers etc who cured what was once incurable).

It’s a pile of crap from people who should know better.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: More Whitewashed History: BK service in the USA movie

Post19 Feb 2019

I smile at the BK propaganda movie celebrating 40 years of service in the USA; I am happy I am not in the picture, their movie. If I go into much details on the evidence-based history of BK service in the USA, I will lose my anonymity. It not worth it my ego is not bruised by the absence of my name. The service in the USA commenced before 1978 or 1979. BK service in the USA has been a spiritual Vietnam for the organization or may be a spiritual Afghanistan.

The BK service in the USA contributed to my spiritual growth as I journeyed on the pathway in my medical school studies. I am most grateful to them for their love and support. However, placing a spin on the truth and the personal attacks on me psychologically were the writing on the wall for me to move on.
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Re: More Whitewashed History: BK service in the USA movie

Post20 Feb 2019

GuptaRati 6666 wrote:The service in the USA commenced before 1978 or 1979.

You are, of course, correct.

I don't suppose the movie mentions Hansa Raval marriage to Simon, we presume in the first place to defraud US immigration, but that grew into a more full "wordly" relationship.

As is the seed, so is The Tree.

If I remember correctly there were two other British male BKs involved, both of whom have since left BKism, Simon and who was that Hindi speaking Scottish Brother with the dark hair who, infamously, grew beard much to Janki's displeasure? Weren't there other Brothers who started or tried to get expansion going before Simon was flown in?

Nor the time when some minor Sister gained the trust of a local Hindi businessman and a large donation, only for Mohini to fly in, hoover it all up and take it away. The Sister left soon after too.

Or the centre were one "Sister" had pretty much slept with all of the "Brothers".

I suppose it's a fund raising device, rather than a historical documentary. I wonder how much it cost to make?

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: More Whitewashed History: BK service in the USA movie

Post21 Feb 2019

The story of the USA from my participant observations is like this. Denise was already in Canada, when the largest number of Western BKs visited Mount Abu in the late fall of 1976 and early 1977. Errol was one of the group members from Guyana. He returned to Guyana in the early spring of 1977 and continued in his job as a secondary school mathematics as he awaited the processing of Guyana Government documents for the Guyana Scholarship to pursue veterinary studies in the USA.

In the mid-to late summer he completed a second tour of mandatory training in guerilla warfare in the hinterlands of Guyana. It was during the time when Kumaka Dadi was touring the West, including the Americas and Caribbean. The BK attributed the electrical power failure in NYC in the mid-summer to Kumaka Dadi's thought powers. It seemed Kumaka Dadi thought NYC was too Kaliyugi.

Errol arrived at Tuskegee in August 1977 and in less than a year was instrumental in establishing a Yoga center in Tuskegee. Barbara Moore, a nutritionist and Henry Snelling a execuitive officer at the Tuskegee University Hospital became regular students along with a professor of computer science. Prior to the full establishment of a center in Barbara's newly built home close to Moton Field, classes were held at the Tuskegee University Hospital and Errol's residence. Denise and Chandru visited Tuskegee in the spring of 1978 to assist Errol in service after he had spent a weekend and his spring break assisting in service in San Antonio Texas. Mohini who arrived in NYC in September or October of 1977 established the connections with the United Nations.

Mohini would visit Tuskegee for the first time in the late winter of 1979 after Barbara had visited Mount Abu that same year. Errol spent his summer of 1978 assisting Denise and Chandru with service in San Antonio. He was admitted to Tuskegee University College of Veterinary Medicine in 1978. On his return to Tuskegee after the mid-August of 1978, with the urging of Denise and Chandru, Janki Dadi visited Tuskegee and was granted a VIP welcome by the Mayor of Tuskegee.

It was Errol who with the collaboration of Denise, made the arrangements for Janki Dadi to undergo the psychphysiology testing at the University of Texas Health Sciences Center in San Antonio. It was during such a time Hansa was undergoing divorce proceedings with her husband, who were both officers in the US Army.

When Janki Dadi departed the USA, Denise and Chandru departed San Antonio in the fall of 1978 for San Fran, where they established a center. Robert, Peggy, Mario, Macy, and I think Karen were regular students along with Dr. Harold a psychologist. There were also Per and Murray, and kid Rob, who would less than a year after his return from Mount Abu in 1980 take his own life by jumping from the Golden Gate Bridge. Simon arrived in San Antonio in the early winter of 1979 to take up the slack left by Denise and Chandru.

Errol remained in Tuskegee until his graduation in veterinary medicine in 1984. During his summer holidays he would visit the centers in San Antone and San Fran, especially San Antone and assist in the service. In the summer of 1980 he was granted a visiting studentship to the University of California San Francisco Medical Center where studied experimental and comparative neonatal heart surgery with a professor who was a contemporary of Dr. Christian Barnard.

He once joked that Janki Dadi wanted to create a spiritual wedding between him and Barbara Moore when he visited Mount Abu in the early winter of 1980. Boarding and lodging at the San Fran center he assisted in the service there and returned to Tuskegee to continue his veterinary studies.

I'll continue the other part of the story in another post.
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Re: More Whitewashed History: BK service in the USA movie

Post21 Feb 2019

I remember an Australian Ken passed through on the way to South America but wasn't there a Scotsman, Aiden perhaps who went there first?

I am pretty sure it's on this site somewhere but I've forgotten, so much information has passed through. I may be confusing two characters but wasn't he also a woodworker, or became an editor of a woodworking magazine?

Also, Simon took over a sprout business, did not he? As in alfalfa and mung beans ... but wasn't that started by some other Caucasian male BK?

Really, we - never mind they - should have written all this down and documented it.

For me it's evidence that it's *NOT* god they are dealing with because surely if it *WAS* god, someone would hae thought and cared about it all enough to document the history of his works ... rather than covering them up, revising and whitewashing them later.

I've still to watch the BKs versions but I bet it is shameless.

I wonder if Rick and Sandy (?) in Tampa are still involved? I think the BKs got property off him.

I think there was another young, attractive American woman, wife of one of the original British BKs called Derek, who, once the BKs split them up, went back to the USA. They were hooked in Findhorn, the New Age centre in the North of Scotland. She'll go back to the mid-1970s.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: More Whitewashed History: BK service in the USA movie

Post21 Feb 2019


Yes. After Mohini, visited Alabama in the spring of 1979, Ken visited Alabama in the late spring. He was on his way to Brazil after dealing with the infighting in Australia. Jim Joker also visited Alabama in the summer of 1979. Aiden spent lots of time at the NYC Center in Queens, where he worked as a carpenter. Errol met him there in the late fall of 1979 as Errol was on his way to Mount Abu, via NYC.

Simon was involved in a sprouting business as he pursued lokik studies at the University of Texas at San Antonio. Errol with his intellectual radicalism, encouraged Simon to pursue academic studies as a counter to any abandonment by the BK system.

Rick and Sandy came into BKism in 1983, they also visited Tuskegee with Jayanti. I do remember the big retreat on Rick's property in Tampa when Kumaka Dadi landed by helicopter in the early fall or end of the summer of 1984.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: More Whitewashed History: BK service in the USA movie

Post21 Feb 2019

Many of the BK top brass and senior officers would visit Tuskegee, especially during the years when Errol pursued his pre-veteriinary and veterinary studies. He had established a good relationship with the power structure in Tuskegee academia and the municipal government and he was a veterinary student working with Barbara Moore. Barbara had left her husband to become a raj yogi and Errol shared the stigma placed on her by the conservative Tuskegee community as he pursued his veterinary studies.

He did, however had backers in the power structure of Tuskegee University. The name Walcott has a legacy in Tuskegee, and one of the streets on campus is named Walcott St in honor of a distant relative who was on the faculty of Tuskegee. Tuskegee also served as the base for the BKs to contact prominent blacks; for example Coretta Scot King.

Coincidentally, Errol's internship in companion animal medicine was pursued at a hospital in Atlanta, Georgia, where the clientele included all the powerful blacks in Atlanta, including the Youngs, Andrew Young, and the Kings, Martin Luther King's family.

Errol did meet Kera in Atlanta. She got in BKism before 1984 or in 1984, there was a platonic relationship between Errol and Kera. I think her mom was an artist and her dad was a famous diabetologist, who made his transition many years ago and had done post-graduate medical studies with Dr. Best the co-discovered of insulin, who shared the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine with Dr. Fredrick Banting.

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Re: More Whitewashed History: BK service in the USA movie

Post21 Feb 2019

As the mid-1980s approached, there was a territorial battle between Mohini in the North East, Hansa in the South West, and Denise and Chandru on the West Coast. There was an effort to push Simon out of his priesthood status, but he had a trade and was pursuing academic studies.

Errol remained down South, assisting Barbara and working behind the scenes, especially in San Antone.

Hansa was to some extent his mentor and role model until the relationship ended when he was forced to return to Guyana in 1986 and complete his contractual obligations for the Guyana Scholarship. I think his personal code of ethics and his ethos precluded him from marrying an American lady to obtain a green card, become an American citizen, and remain serviceable to the BK cause in the USA.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: More Whitewashed History: BK service in the USA movie

Post21 Feb 2019

There was a Brother in San Antonio, Dr. Keith Frakoff Hendricks, an army veterinarian who became a BK. There were also judges who were regular students at the San Antonio center. There was also a beautiful Sister, Christina another, Sara, who later became a doctor.

The BK American top brass, thought it was the end of Errol's spiritual quest as an intellectual radical when he returned to Guyana and resided at the center in Georgetown for less than a month. He was expected to be a poster boy for the BKs in Guyana, locking up his intellectual radicalism to please BK Kamud, an anti-intellectual and hypocrite.

Errol's relatives, many of whom had not seen him in almost a decade, invited him to relocate to his parents' residence, where he and his Brother a physician and pathologist would establish a joint clinical practice. Gone were the days, a decade previous, when on rainy days he would attend morning and afternoon classes at the center in Georgetown. Appointed the Veterinary Officer for the Georgetown Zoo, his work in veterinary medicine soon attracted national and international attention.

In one instance, his investigation of the thallium poisoning epidemic at the zoo contributed to saving the lives of animals and humans in Guyana. It was, however, a challenge to the BK name brand in Guyana, who were supportive of the regime of the United States backed Peoples' National Congress.

In 1990, upon his immigration to the USA, he was initially invited by Hansa to San Antone and after a week banished by the orders of Janki, who based her decision of fabricated information about his service activities by Mohini and Kamud. He returned to NYC, refusing to be part of the BK Raja Yoga center, was involved in general practice veterinary medicine for less than a year and was accepted to Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine in 1991. At Tulane he specialized in toxicology and also met his twin flame a lady from the Carolinas, who is a Buddhist and did Peace Corp work in the Congo.

I knew Errol from his days of National Service in Guyana, undergoing military training in the Guyana jungles and when he was a sixth form student, grade 13 student at St. Stanislaus College in Guyana. We became good friends when he would visit the University of Guyana on weekends in his final years at St. Stanislaus College. At the time I was a Chemistry student at UG considering the options of a PhD or MD after my undergraduate studies.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: More Whitewashed History: BK service in the USA movie

Post22 Feb 2019

The center in San Antonio was supported by the Gujrat and Sindhi community in Texas, especially by the one Sindhi family, who were in the jewellery business. There was always the tug of war between the center in charge and the families supporting the center. By the mid-1980's the persons managing the San Anton center were Hansa and Simon. I only vaguely remember a Hindi speaking British Brother in the USA. There was Wadi, who was the BK managing the center in Tampa. I knew many of the BK personalities because I would attend some of their public functions and some were personal friends.

The British BK couple with an interest in American service were, I think Maureen and her husband. Maureen, was the lady who seemed to be imitating Jayanti and thought her Margret Thatcher vocalizations would impress the American folks.
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Pink Panther

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Re: More Whitewashed History: BK service in the USA movie

Post22 Feb 2019

ex-l wrote:I remember an Australian Ken passed through on the way to South America but wasn't there a Scotsman, Aiden perhaps who went there first?

I am pretty sure it's on this site somewhere but I've forgotten, so much information has passed through. I may be confusing two characters but wasn't he also a woodworker, or became an editor of a woodworking magazine?

Also, Simon took over a sprout business, did not he? As in alfalfa and mung beans ... but wasn't that started by some other Caucasian male BK?

Aidan was not a scotsman he was from, I think Worcestershire. He went over to NY a few times. Yes, I remember Simon starting a sprout business. I think a few guys in London also took it up for a while, or was it Ian in Edinburgh who later died in a car crash due to fatigue?

I think Stuart Hepburn, a Scotsman, went to the Americas, maybe to help start stuff in Mexico? The guy who was Mexican who invited BKs over was from a high up family. He met BKs in Edinburgh when I was there one year for the arts festival. Stuart started Edinburgh centre but was unceremoniously thrown out of his own residence in the centre because he has testes and a penis.
Really, we - never mind they - should have written all this down and documented it.

Hey, the world was about to end (again). What was the point?
I do remember the big retreat on Rick's property in Tampa when Kumaka Dadi landed by helicopter in the early fall or end of the summer of 1984

Recently we had a politician have to resign because she used a helicopter to go where a car or bus could have taken her, the scandal was over wasting taxpayers money.

Imagine if BK Seniors resigned when they wasted donors money? There’d be few left.
BK Kamud, an anti-intellectual and hypocrite.

Again, there’d be few who aren’t. Almost a tautology.
[Errol] was initially invited by Hansa to San Antonio and after a week banished by the orders of Janki, who based her decision of fabricated information about his service activities by Mohini and Kamud.

I have had my own experience of exactly that. Not banished but serious reprimand based on fabrications by a mid-level semi-senior (zone in charge in India). Won't bore you with details, just to say that my side of the story received no validation.

I later had another experience which shook me emotionally when a project I was in charge of and had spent many working hours on was taken over, and without any consultation, explanation or anything, delegated to another person who was a friend but who was told not to talk to me about it and it was altered completely, to a definitely inferior standard. I was shaken mainly by what was a serious betrayal of trust by people whom I had felt close to. I think the ”time out” state I went into for a few months after that would be called clinical depression.

I think it was my turning point, although I did not leave identifying as a BK for quite a few years.
The British BK couple with an interest in American service were, I think Maureen and her husband. Maureen, was the lady who seemed to be imitating Jayanti and thought her Margaret Thatcher vocalizations would impress the American folks.

I could also share a few telling things about Maureen. Yes, you describe her well.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: More Whitewashed History: BK service in the USA movie

Post22 Feb 2019

Pink and Ex-I,

Thank you for your responses.

The great irony or paradox of 40 years of BK service in America has been the service done by ex-BKs who put aside BKism, donated their saris or white pajamas, and performed acts of philanthropy while evolving in positive ways.

These are not individuals living in hell as the BKs wish them to be. These are individuals who crawled out of the gutter, cleaned up themselves, and walked another walk and talked another talk, and danced to another type of music, not the music of the BKs.
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Re: More Whitewashed History: BK service in the USA movie

Post22 Feb 2019

Pink Panther wrote:Aidan was not a scotsman he was from, I think Worcestershire ... I think Stuart Hepburn, a Scotsman, went to the Americas, maybe to help start stuff in Mexico?

Thanks. Yes, that's is who I am thinking about. But much worse than testes, he actually 'grew a beard' which I think was part of his final downfall.

We used to joke about it in the past. I don't know what Janki Kirpalani had against men in beards but it came up time and time again. Perhaps, along with all the rest of her unresolved psychologies, her ex-husband had a beard?

I don't know ... even as a BK, I would never have expected to get the truth out of her about such things ... anything in fact.

I remember Ian in Scotland had a sprout business in Scotland. I don't know if he ever went to the USA but he died in Scotland too. Terrible car accident.
Maureen, was the lady who seemed to be imitating Jayanti and thought her Margaret Thatcher vocalizations would impress the American folks.

Poor Maureen, what a nervous road wreck herself. Watching and listening to her used to be a charity on behalf of the audience.

Perhaps the yugya's first "kept women" in the West whose position was based almost entirely on her BK dentist husband David Goodman's ability to financially support her, a centre, and BK service.

You see here the BKs modus operandi where,
    a) Money always comes first, and
    b) Where stopping couples from breeding and having a family frees up huge financial and time resources, that the Brahma Kumaris can then feed off.
But, it's worth remember that Maureen Goodman was only 21, and newly wed, when she was hooked in 1976.

As a Jewess, I am going to guess she had very little really life experience outside of BKism (I am going to guess here that her family background was protective, and already separated from general British society).

It's off topic for here, however, given her central role in BK British service and the development of BKism in the West, I'd say it was fair to document and analyse more. Topic, here. As she says her family married in Calcutta, I am wondering if they were Baghdadi Jews (interesting site about Jewish Calcutta). Her features would suggest so.

I don't see any immediate intersections between them and BKism, or the Sindhis in Calcutta, but I imagine the coincidence of connection was part of what pulled her in.

Back to the USA ... unfortunately, I never visited the BKs there.

How and when did the UNO connection happen?

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