BK Maureen Goodman

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BK Maureen Goodman

Post13 Jul 2007

Forum members have from time to time mentioned BK Maureen Goodman.

I was wondering about documenting her influence on the Western BKWSU. Was she the first surrendered Western Sister? Being so close geographically, if not spiritually, to Janki and Jayanti Kirpalani has obviously benefited her very well in terms of the status and access she enjoys.

But what I am wonder about is, what did she do, or what quality was there about her, to merit such privilege?

At the moment I can only see a financial one. That is to say, because her husband was a dentist, and they are paid very well, I suppose (but do not know) that he was able to afford to keep her and allow her to work full-time for the organization. Is this how the set up works.

This is not personal. It is a matter of principle. I am following this up as part of a review of the BKWSU from the finanicial point of view, e.g. that is it not necessary spirituality that matters so much but whether or not there is money/status there.

I am wonder how such supports, i.e. husbands of wives, breaks down via tax/donation etc. For example, do they take it as a donation, claim back tax for it and so on? Or is it just a private agreement between individuals?

Anyone have any experience with this Sister? Does she have any authority or "Shrimat Power" yet? Or is she just some sort of courtier-cum-flunky running errands for the Kirpalani Klan?
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Brothers with wallets in the background?

Post14 Jul 2007

ex-l was NOT:
...wondering how such supports, i.e. husbands of wives, breaks down via tax/donation etc. For example, do they (BKWSU) take it as a donation, claim back tax for it and so on? Or is it just a private agreement between individuals?

No, that was forum member Abbey-Kay wot wondered that.
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Post16 Jul 2007

She wasn't the first. There was a Sister who she replaced in London who went to do service in America, cant remember the name ... Mona? Began with an M anyway. And wasn't Denise from that 1st batch too?

They were looking for someone with certain skills to replace that Sister doing a senior Admin role in London. I do not think the financial aspect was the main one. If that was the case she'd be up a creek now as hubbie no longer works ... She herself had a profession before Gyan in health. I cant remember exactly what. Occupational therapist or something? So she wasnt exactly needing to be dependant on him. I know they were both Jewish before and took the course with Sudesh.

Maybe she head hunted them ...

She's Baba's child. But at the same time, I wouldn't seek her out as spiritual company because she gives value to souls entirely on externals, and she has been part of the "shunning" process that goes on with souls who do not toe the line ...
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Post16 Jul 2007

yudhishtira wrote:She wasnt the first. There was a Sister who she replaced in London who went to do service in America.


How much is a dentist's pension worth these days? Being such a surrendered Gyani soul, I'd be interested to know if he cashed in it or kept it going all these years
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Post16 Jul 2007

ex-l wrote:How much is a dentist's pension worth these days? Being such a surrendered Gyani soul, I'd be interested to know if he cashed in it or kept it going all these years

Although it is not in good taste to talk about him due to just his association, you have to remember he is only not working due to cancer and has I am sure received health insurance.

He/they own a huge house in Leeds which is the Leeds centre.

She used to be involved with speech therapy and local council work.

She is entirely dedicated to the BKs and has sort of a good heart, but she is also spineless and not prepared to challenge any status quo.

She worships Dadi in a very unhealthy manner and literally believes anything she says (I've heard Maureen say Dadi is a World Mother, a claim Dadi has made herself many times).

She is also cliquey and closed minded and won't be drawn into discussions she cannot handle.

But she's good on the phone and prepared to work all the hours sent her way.
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Janki Kumaris

Post16 Jul 2007

mr green wrote:She is entirely dedicated to the BKs and has sort of a good heart, but she is also spineless and not prepared to challenge any status quo. She worships Dadi in a very unhealthy manner and literally believes anything she says (I've heard Maureen say Dadi is a World Mother, a claim Dadi has made herself many times).

Who was it called them the JKs ... the "Janki Kumaris"? All respect to the incognito author, I wish I had thought of that one! Yes, I can imagine that sucking up to Janki and bowing, or is that cowering, to Jayanti is the only one to be able to stick around.

I think the problem is, and this is the issue that I wanted to raise via this example, that merely on the basis of one's ubiquitousness in a white sari, one's language, one's opinions, one's mannerism become accepted as a kind of norm or "acceptable behavior". If that influence is only determined because of financial support rather than actual spiritual status, then it is open to being a corruption of the real principles.

But I dare say all religions at all times have had to make comprises on financial grounds. Like the mother of leading BK ... wives ... kept daughters have all been available purely because of others (often non-BK) financial support.

Maureen's husband has been off sick for a long time, hasn't he? Is he taking a holiday from work to do extra service and rack up good karma in case he dies? Its a wonder he does not get in touch with Dr Hansa Raval so that he can be cured ... if it is true that she said 90% of cancer was psychosomatic and curable via Raja Yoga. But that is just another typically ambiguous element of Gyani life, is not. Good for external PR but not applied internally ...
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Post16 Jul 2007

Old souls have a lot of karma with the body ... Many BKs, more than we think, have cancer.

It'd be interesting to see how stress and other negative emotions we develop whilst associating with the sect and accumulate on the field of service, so to say, contribute to the eruption of such disease. I apologize for being caustic these days, but really it's possible that what was supposed to be "a cure for all" miraculous tecnique (Raja Yoga), once twisted around in the hands of wicked or ignorant self calling human gurus - let alone the spooks, it's complicated enough!! - or misinterpreted, can become a source of illnesses. Primarily, because BKs do not really live a balanced life, follow crazy timetables, swallow a lot of s***, repress emotions, so ... no wonder.



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Post17 Jul 2007

During my first time in Madhuban I met a Sister from Latin America. She had been in Gyan since a few months, like myself. Shortly before she became a BK she found out she had cancer and only 3-4 months left to live. She became a vegetarian, she started meditation and following Shrimat.

After 3 months of BK life the doctors discovered that her cancer had suddendly "disappeared". She was in Gyan for many years, it must have been around 15-17 years. Then she left. I am not aware of the reasons though. I do not know how and why but after a while the cancer returned and last year in Madhuban someone told me that she had died.

I always thought that if we believe in a Supreme Benevolent and NON-VIOLENT Father, the root-cause of sicknesses can only be connected to our karma and past/present negative actions.

Of course, when we are in great pain it may be hard to accept it and we prefer to blame others (in our case the BK) destiny or even GOD for that.

One more thing.

Mental sicknesses, depression etc. follow the same rule.

In these days I am analyzing myself and my situation a lot with the honest aim of finding a solution and I am seeing that accepting the responsibility for those of my actions that contribuetd to the present situation, is helping me.

A friendly hug.

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once a zombie, it's not your responsability

Post17 Jul 2007

In case someone else misunderstood the provocative tone of my previous post: in fact, I am still convinced that our karma, lifestyle, environment etc ... are behind illnesses.

I believe in psychosomatic and that our state of mind can influence our body conditions, make us ill and heal us, according to our capacity to do so (this BK may also define as "Yoga power". So it is numberwise and none have attained a stage of perfection. This is why Baba says, do take medications etc ...). I am also convinced that, ultimately, it is up to us if in any situation we want to take in any sorrow from other humans or situations. Or at least I wish we all had that capacity to do so.

However, what I meant is that with the typical BK attitude of pushing forward at all cost, to the point of collapsing, you can see how many BKs become sick and fall asleep throughout meditation. The lifestyle in which one has - at least in the West - to combine lokik responsabilities - jobs - as well as service, BK timetable (we often speak about sleep deprivation, I can imagine this also has a geat impact on health!), is not promoting well being. One can strain himself, under or overeat, undersleep etc ..., for a while, believing that Baba will give unlimited support. At some point, we have to pay a toll to the body.

There's the illusion that being Yogi, we will protected and will be OK no matter what. But even for Seniors, Yoga power hasn't produced miracles in all cases. So, what I mean is the body needs to be taken care of. What interests me is to see how wrong ideas are promoted into the organizations, thoe that lead followers to neglect the body and overestimate the positive effect of other Yogis activities (disciplines, service).

But behind these general considerations, what interests me is the fact that for sure anyone, as a new student, accepts with enthusiasm anything that's presented as "the right and only way to do things". We seek for approval. We want to be dedicated, renounce many - sometimes reasonable - things and surrender, and hardly anybody in the organistion will tell us, "Hey, take it easy, look after yourself, don't overdo!".

In this organisation, young people are stimulated to set aside other activities and aspirations and "give their bones". Elderly ones, well, they may as well die on the battlefield as long as they do good karma 'til the last breath. It's a "milking the cow", "squeezing the lemon" in a rather merciless way.

Adhikari, I totally understand and agree that "blaming others" and making up excuses is a wrong attitude that does not help us get out of our quicksands. What I mean is something on a different level, let me call that "conditioning". We've been and are volunteers in God's service, with higher ranks setting pace and rules and example. Brainwashing starts and continues when we are vulnerable. At that time there's no common sense or "our responsability" in the picture. We become adults but stop being in charge. So, when turned into Zombies, the "it's up to us" concept cannot be applied and the only question left is "does this organisation condition people's minds on a deep level for whatever purpose, or not"? I am starting to believe so.

I appreciate the "meaning well" of most BKs. I don't think it's naivety or foolishness. It was wholehearted commitment, and I am a bit afraid that our availability in name of God has been misused. I suspected that for many years, but it's only thanks to the Forum that I am given a chance to look a this possibility as objective. Thanks to the contribution of others who have had similar experiences.
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avoiding extremes

Post17 Jul 2007

Currently, it has become quite popular in the BK arena, to talk about "taking destiny into your hands". Dear conference man Mike George, has expanded a lot on this topic. Nothing wrong with that. There's benefit in becoming masters and having it all "under control", keeping the mind clean and light.

But I also deem that we should watch out for the risk of thinking, " It's all my fault, I am a sinner" type of idea which makes us feel really low. That's not helpful either. There's also some good effect in staring to "absolve" oneself, with the assistance of our Discrimination Power.

p.s. for Admin: please move this post to anywhere in case, it does not fit anymore in the original topic!!!! Thanks
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Post17 Jul 2007

I agree that mindset does affect our health directly, and you could call this idea 'karma'.

But I don't believe in karma as a concept in itself, as it doesn't add up. I cannot be bothered to discuss it either, heheheeh.
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Post18 Jul 2007

adikarisoul wrote: In these days I am analyzing myself and my situation a lot with the honest aim of finding a solution and I am seeing that accepting the responsibility for those of my actions that contribuetd to the present situation, is helping me.

Congratulations for taking responsability! Thats the first step to freedom. Blaming people/organisations for my state of mind is the first step to powerlessness, victimitus and trapping the self in bitterness and anger. :wink:
Brainwashing starts and continues when we are vulnerable. At that time there's no common sense or "our responsability" in the picture. We become adults but stop being in charge. So, when turned into Zombies, the "it's up to us" concept cannot be applied and the only question left is "does this organisation condition people's minds on a deep level for whatever purpose, or not"? I am starting to believe so.

I am tempted to say "bullsh**" here but that wouldnt be terribly spiritual. You always have the power of choice alladin. When you stepped over the threshold of the centre you could have said to yourself "wierdos" and never gone back. You can say about a child being thrashed or abused that they do not have conscious choice, but all of us whove been "in" made a choice to go in and stay in. "Brainwashing" is as much a cop out for personal responsibility as "hypnosis" is. Its much more convenient to place the responsibility for your actions on somone else's influence than take responsibility that you chose to believe those things because that suited you at the time.
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Post18 Jul 2007

yudhishtira wrote:Congratulations for taking responsability! Thats the first step to freedom.

Does that include responsibility to your Brothers and Sisters?

Do BKs pay Lip service to really wanting to help others.
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Post18 Jul 2007

Am I responsible for what you think and feel John? Believe me, I am not saying this to get the BKs off the hook!! But I do feel that the way to self empowerment is through taking personal responsability. Then the power is in my hands ... I am not waiting for others to change before I can feel OK.

This issue goes back way beyond the BKs for me, to my parents, and applies to every aspect of life. I cooperated with the BK system at the time that I did because I GOT SOMETHING OUT OF IT, whether it was; approval, not having to take personal responsibility because of following Seniors, not having to create a direct relationship with God or whatever it was. Until I recognize that, its impossible to heal fully. This is not my idea, see any number of personal development and counselling theories for the same concept.

That does not mean to say that people and organisations shouldn't be held to be responsible for THEIR actions, which is why we still need to flag up areas where any organisations or representatives are crossing the line. Nor does it mean I am to blame; I was doing the best I could at the time and I accept that.
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blaming the self for trusting a cheat???

Post18 Jul 2007

Hi, Yudhishthira, please don't get me wrong! In my vision, Taking responsibility doesn't exclude thinking, "Why should we let the BKWSU get away with it" saying, "well, it's my fault, I was a fool, I should have known better?". Or do we regard them as "untouchable"?

About finding out which beliefs + disciplines in the BKWSU we went along with out of our own convenience and subconscious desire to hold on to our dysfunctions, I started digging in my self and humbly posted a draft list of them in the "what's pulling me away" topic of the newcomers forum. In case we haven't gathered enough evidence about mind control, hypnosis, etc through the experiences shared on the Forum, it is always possible to pose relevant questions to professionals, such as psychologist and so on, who are more qualified than me for sure, to get some clarification about mental conditioning, plagiarism, and the rest. Whenever I took the time to do that, I got answers that confirm my impressions.

Human laws condemn and sentence swindlers, self-calling esoteric "consultants", magicians and clairvoyants, who lure and manipulate people - conscious and adult - nonetheless cheated and entitled to ... compensation!!!

Yes, I did think there was something weird and sect-like about those sari clad Sisters. I am sorry to say that, in case it was u who admitted enjoying wearing saris, or was someone else on the Forum :roll: ? But too many Westerners it looks weird, and since years, in many countries it is considered a highly "disserviceable" attire and forbidden. Especially where some "defamation" or accusation of BK being a sect has already caused damage and bad publicity.

However, I found something attractive in the teachings and in the atmosphere and vibe, in SOME of the centers, at least. I don't regret participating to the activities of the BKs, I feel I took benefit. I don't think I wasted 20 + years of my life. I haven't, so far, perceived much victimism or "blaming the organization for my failures + shortcomings" by Forum posters. I picked up more the general feeling that the BKWSU presents itself for what it is not, breaking - so to say - promises.

If we had perfect discrimination power, if we had been in total good shape, if our heart had been less open thereby vulnerable to listen to something new and let it resonate with our -imperfect - gut feelings, we wouldn't have been "seekers" to start with. A seeker necessarily lowers the guard, otherwise how can he find and learn? As it is said in Zen, we have to empty our cup first, before receiving something new! So, in most cases, our defences were down, when we walked through that Raja Yoga door.

What's wrong with saying that someone might have taken advantage of our stage? And maybe many of us were not even totally f***ed up or unhappy, or wanted to be "fixed", we were just curious and eager to improve. Why should one mistrust a "spiritual" organization, that charges no money for courses and seems squeaky clean? Talking about "responsibility", reading Jim Brady on "A few questions for 'teachers' of the 7 day course ", has been a powerful "eye opener". I need more of those everyday.

Whenever a merchant sells something, goods or ideas, he can be honest or he can be a rip-off. I can buy a nice piece of cloth and be told it's silk and pay the price for it, be assured that it will not shrink and colours will not run, but often, it is only after washing it at home that I will have the chance to realize that I've been had and it was just a good copy sold by an expert liar. If we don't want to take the article back for a refund and prefer avoiding arguments, all we can do is shunning that shop, and warn our friends not to go there either.

People who have the sanskar of being sincere, are usually gullible and the BKWSU is really investing in making itself marketable and presentable to an increasingly wide audience.

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